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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1936)
WORLD IN REVIEW (By Frank Marshall Davis) Two Leaders To Jail Prison doors yawned for two Negroes, both leaders, both as sociated with the gambling racket. From San Antonio went 66-yoar-old Charles Bell inger, black mayor of the Texas city, to Leavenworth to serve 18 months for bilking the fed eral government on his income derived from policy. In New York 58-year-old Casper ITol stein, philanthropist and big Elk, now said to be broke, drew a three year sentence for his affiliation with the numbers game. Certain professional holy people may look down upon Bellinger and Holstein and con sider both men as sores upon society. The truth is that these twain havta been of far more material benefit to their race by their philanthropies and the Texans political power in his tome city, than several boat loads of contemporary saints whit daily battle gambling and contribute nothing except their names to the census taker ev «ry ton years. This country might as well accept gambling as a normal human pastime, ft came with evolution from the lower an maLs. As long as society makes possession of money a virtue, people will want much for little and will seek it, whether legal gambling on the stock market and at horse races or illegal gambling at policy stations. Recognition by our own gov-‘ -eminent of this trait, as it is •done abroad where state lot teries are held, would do much toward ending the racketeer As is is, few people profit ex cept white gangsters who have practically taken policy away from the Negroes and those 'DuskytiUnrieans who make a liv ing as writers. Rut a uaation which attempt ed prohibition cannot be expect ed to act with sufficient intell igence to legalize gambling for the average man. Logician Mussolini Benito Mossolini says he want Ethiopia because Italy is overpopulated and the African empire can take enre of his sur plus citisens. You may remem ber that II Duee has a heavy tax on bachelors and orders husband and wives to repro duce early and often. A queer bit of reasoning, this. Equally queer is Italy's of ficial statement that 884 fas cists and 775 native black sold iers are her sole casualties since war started, constrasted with her newspaper blasts against Great Britain last week for "selling the Ethiopians guns and ammunition with which to snuff out in wholesale numblers the lives of Italian troops." If only 1,619 black and white Italians have been killed, it would indicate Eng land is II Duce’s best ally by furnishing foulty weapons that won’t shoot where they are pointed when in the hands of Ethiopians, perhaps the world's best marksmen. Somebody in Rome needs to learn first-grade logic. State's Rights According to the American Association of Social Workers, change from direct rel|eif to WPA jobs by the U. S. has caused “shocking suffering.” This organization insinuates that the federal government is to blame for hardships because many states and towns have not raised money to provide direct relief to unemployables or new applicants for the dole. The situation is obviously of tremendous importance to Ne groes who have been the worst victims of hard times. But it '£oznet back to the Supreme, YWC ASupports Scottsboro Defense New York, Feb. 26, (ANP) Sup port of the Scottsboro Defense Committee and its work has been pledged by the National Board of the Young Women’s Christian As ! sociation. A letter received from Mrs. Frederic M- Paist, president (of the Y W C A-, has informed the 'committee that the attention of all local Y. W. C. A. organizations will be called to the case and their support urged. The letter, address er to Dr. Allan Knight Chalmers, chairman of the Scottsboro De fense Committee, states in part: “The National Board at its meet ing on Feb- 6th, 1936, voted to call totheattention of all local associa tions the significance of the Scottsboro case in relation to its national convention action ‘to sup port the efforts to assure to Ne groes protection in the exercise of their basic civil rights.”’ The S ottsboro Joint Defense is under the active control of the Methodist Federation for Social Service, the National Association for tho Advancement of Colored People, the International Labor Defense, tfyo league flor indus trial Democracy, the Church Lea gue for Industrial Deny*: racy, (Episcopal), -and the American Civil Liberties Union. The Nation al Urban league is among the sponsoring organizations Court and state’s rights. The New Deal’s alphabet agencies have received the axe each time one has been brought be fore the nation's highest trib unal, largely on the ground that state's rights were being violated—thus producing the strange phenomenon of a part being declared more important then the whole. Viery well, we have state’s rights. We have them so strong that many of Roosevelt’s plans —some good, some had—for bringing back prosperity have been knocked in the head and killed. Let the statics relinquish these all-important rights and Washington can have a free hand to Imttlc unemployment and poverty. The supreme court because it champions statin’s rights, would probably call the Costigan-Wagner auti-lynehing bill unconstitutional ns well as any other national measure aimed to benefit the Negro. The supreme court, you remember, made its infamous Drcd Scott decision to preserve the sover ignity of individual common wealths. Dixie Up North Census figure® just released in Washington on the nativity of Negroes in large northern cit ies provide a surprise. Only a smaM percentage of Amer-Nie groes now resident in either Harlem or Chicago were born in the north, but of course these are not the people one meets. Your acquaintances saw the light of day in Michigan or Ohio or Maine. From the number of people who tell you they were born in Pennsylvania or Massachusetts, either could pass for the 49th state. Your urban dwvdler who has been north long enough to change his ways may know some people from Mississippi or Alamaba. but he has met them only since they left Dexie. No doubt these statistics will go a long way toward clearing up what becomes of the Georg ian or Tennesseean who leaves his home state. Although the people you Phiiadelphans know have never been south, still you can rest assured that migrating Negroes have not disappeared like the Lsot Tribes of Israel and many of them are hiding somewhere in your city. Tubbs Shop of Beauty Culture 1712 N. 25th St. All kinds of Beauty Work done by experienced and Licensed Operators. Shampoo and PresB ..75c Marcel .....50c Try oar -Hot Oil Treatment. Stimulates and grows hair. Call W'B 2243 for an oppointsnent KELLY MILLER SAYS THE ALL-NEGRO CONFERENCE OnFeb. 11th 1924, I called the Conference, to meet in Chicago. I here reprint extracts from this call. I Object of the Conference "There are already innumerable organizations in the racial field operating separately and several ly. Each is efficient in its sphere, but no one of them, nor yet all of them combined, can claim to be sufficient as concerns thegeneral welfare of the race They are all aiming at the same objective, with out correlation, unity of plan or harmony of proceedure. Nor does any existing organization deal with the whole problem of racial life and relationship. Each is con cerned with some special feature rather than with the problem as a whole- The religious, political, ed ucational, industrial, economic and social features are but emanation* and specific emergences from a common racial background. The Negro Sanhedrin hopes to reduce all of these social fractions to a common denominator. The whole is greater than any of its parts, and equal to the sum of all its parts. The Negro Sanhedrin does not propose to interfere with any existing organization or to usurp its functions. In a nutshell, its ob ject is to make for understanding and unity. It hopes to reach an un derstanding of the problems as a whole and to promote harmoniza —tion of effort of existing agen cies to secure the desired end The All-Race Conference must con sider the state of the race, I am almost persuaded to say, the uni ted state of the race " The Nature of the Problem ‘The Negro question is a prob lem of psychology The white race in America has a certain more or less fixed and definite attitude concerning the place and sphere of the Negro in the general scheme.A raco consciousness will necessar ily arise under compulsion of exter nal circumstances. Purposive intel ligence must be brought to bear to give it orderliness and direction. To inquire into the origin of race prejudice or to seek the limit with in which it is modifiable, would in deed furnish a theme of interest ing and curious speculation- But we do know that it is a pressing, present, persistent fact which con ditions the entire scheme of the Negro’s life and relationship- Race statesmanship requires that we ! study to understand the operation of this controlling influence, to withstand as far as we may its hurtful effect, and to stand the re sidue that may not be withstood It cannot be conceded for a moment that the race hasn’t sufficient wis dom to formulate its own jjhiloso phy and to state its own case- This must be done in terms that are so comprehensive, so clear and pre cise that the race will be compel-1 led to accept and the world to take 1 notice. So far, the Negro has not undertaken, in any serious way, to forumlato a declaration of prin-, ciples for his own guidance The white man has spoken for him and told him what he thinks he ought to do. We have followed the lead- • mg strings of material charity and intellectual philanthropy. But the time has now come when the Ne- I gro must think and speak for him- , self in terms of his own under standing of his own conditions, ilf j he is not now prepared to use his own brains and his own tongue to think out and express the policy for his own intimate guidance, his helplessness is indeed pitiable. The white man at his best has been generous and kind. He has spoken for us when our tongues were tied but now our tongues have been loosed and our intellectual ener gies released. The white man at — H5L? WftiiT MAl.E-rEMAl.E-'iX-HM A MONTH NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY All kind* kf GOOD JOBS CRACTISALLY EVERY - WHERE. Writ* fully, •iKleilni Sf> •' S.rvlc. D«yt. 2-tt-L-4S. 145 W. 45th St.. No» Vtrh._ his beat can no longer apeak for us within the circumscribed area to which his prejudice confines us. Any group that is devoid of en lightened self-expression is doom ed" A Working Motto 'Our situation demands a just balance between courage and cau tion, ambition and restraint, re sourcefulness ind good sense. There are many temperaments and dispositions. Some are timid, some are temerarious; some are radical, some restrained, some hasty, some hesitant. Many men of many minds must be adjusted to a common point of view. Guizot, in his his toryof Civilization, has admirably expressed the situation thus; ‘‘We continually oscillate be tween an inclination to complain without sufficient cause and to be too easily satisfied. We have an extreme susceptibility of mind, and in the movements of our im agination; yet when we come to practical life, when struggle, when sacrifice, when efforts, are re quired for the attainment of our object we sink into lassitude and inactivity. Let us not be invaded by ether of these vices. Let us es timate fairly what our ability, our knowledge, our power enable us to do; and let us attempt nothing that we cannot lawfully, justly and prudently—with proper respect for the principles uon which our social Bystem, our c vilization is based, attain." Guizot has uttered bhe apropri ate word, which applies with pe culiar pertinence to our racial sit uation. The universal formula fits the requirements of our special case, If we build upon such a found ation we shall rear a structure that cannot be shaken down.” The Necessity for the Sanhedrin “The time is out of joint Racial portents are ominous. The rising tide of color threatens to engulf the world. The World War has left the world upset. The wavering bal ance of human relationships has been shaken out of its normal equilibration. The qgencies upon which we are accustomed to rely are functioning but feebly towords racial adjustment. The religious, political, economic and education al machinery as at present opera tive, does not seem to effect a sat isfactory adjustment of the var ious races and nations of mankind. Within the next half generation there will be a tremenduous change in the scheme of race adjustment in the United States. The quickened conscience of the nation will not consent to go on living forever on the basis of a lie- The relation of the Negro will become more firm ly established on a basis of equal ity, or will settle into a status of frankly declared inferiority. Which it shall be, will depend upon the Negro hinyielf. The time is ripe for treatment- Instant action is demanded, hesitancy is dangerous Delay may prove fatal. As I look back upon this pros pectus, I am well pleased with the basis of race statesmanship there in laid down. There was all but a universal response to the call-1 There were, of course, a few self opinionated scoffers who derided the idea of the Sanhedrin for the same reason Gen. Grant used to allege for Charles Sumner’s dis belief in the Bible—he did not write it ” Kelly Miller TO AILING WOMEN If you suffer with bearing down paina headaches. dizziness, backaches, ovar ian pains, pains In abdomen, whites, painful or Irregular periods accept a FREE trial of the famous Mrs. Sum. iners' Homo Treatment which accord. Ing to reports received has brought Joyous new health to thousands simil arly afflicted. Just send your name and address Your package win bo sent post-paid ABSOLUTELY FREE. 8end today. SUMMERS MEDICAL 4*0., Dept. NTG. SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Niuim . St. or H. F D.. City .. State . Rl'R WB ,Hm to! <dtft.r«nt woa _ Rr-workln, tcit drool nr jom.a. ud JKIW URIOHT RMINO TAOl FOWDBIL Luo trim] dkM fra. Writ. Ducky Hart IJ&untoriM. toot. — JlwnpttU. Tcunata Dept. Q 115 EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS L. S. Hines, Manager PHONE WE 1029 CLASSIFIED ADS APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment, WE 6421. For economic and comfort of liv ing ry DIXON APTS. AT 7436. Agents Wanted AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na New York. NEGRO D0LLS j NEGRO~ PIC TURES, Wholesale; Retail; Write, National Co., 163 W. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 264 W. 135th St., New York. ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished Rooms for rent. Web. 3454. Furnished Rooms for rent. 2725 Charles Street. Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St. Cuming Hotel. WE 4835. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE 8ERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 2420 % Cuming Street. MAKE $10 daily Belling Negro dolls, pictures. Natioual Co., 165 W. 126th St, New York City. PROBATE NOTICE Atty. Ray L. Williams, Room 200, Tuchman Bldg., 24th St. at Lake In the Matter of the Estate of George W. Gill, Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Doug las County, Nebraska, at the Coun ty Court Room, in said County, on the 13th day of April, 1936, and on the 13th day of June , 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M-, each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are al lowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 13th day of March, 1936. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 2-22-3t County Judge HELP Wanted MAUE-FEMAIJJ—130-fiM A MONTH Prr iMtltvtlwn. Nnillih. tit . Emrywhrr* NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY All ktMll #» SOOO JOBS PRACTICALLY EVERY WHERE-_ Write MO. JMlulai iteat, te SOiarf Scharf "Bureau “ "Dept." 229 A46 New York N. Y. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St. Amazing secret of power revealed; In 24 hours free your self of evil condi tions-be a leader successful in love, business, soci ety. Be boss-control husband, wife or sweetheart. SEND NO MONEY. Just write and say “I want the FREE Book of Power.” Suppy Uni ted. Act now if you want miracu lous result DAGGETT PUBLISHING CO. 3340 Rhodes Ave Chicago, III. MR. DEALER HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A COUPLE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR SALE C. F. Read estate must be closed at once. The following described property is for sale, either Beperately or in a lump sum. Make your offer. Lots 1 and 2 in block 15, Orchard HUI addition, at 4006 and 4008 Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses. I he south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat rick s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street. Lots five and six in block one, in Paddock Place, vacant property, at the northeast corner of 15th and Burdette. Lot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, in Arm strong s addition, at 913, 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are three one-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six rooms. This property is not new, but all rentable property at a fair rent al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it. Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680 before .» p m., and after 5 p. m., call WE. 1750, located at 1016 Oma ha National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Nebraska. OLDEST EUROPEAN DISCOVERY AGAINST STOMACH TROUBLES AND RHEUMATISM ACCLAIMED BEST BY LATEST TESTS Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all types, such asconstipution, indigestion, gas, nad sour stomach which arc <he basic factors of such maladies as high blood jwcsstmv^jhplimatism, periodic headaches, pimples on face and body, pains in the hack, liver, kidney and bladder disorder. EX HAUSTION, los of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy by Nature- This mar velous product grows on the highest mountain peak, where it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun to aid humanity in distress. It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonderfully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a day, liot or cold. A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS HERB TEA try it at once and convince yourself. Jf not satis fai tory money refuded to you. Also in tablet fora. Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. Oneweek treatment $1.00 Six Weeks treatment $5.00 In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. Lio - Pharmacy, Dept 9602 1180 Second Ave., N. Y. City, N. Y. Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ .for which please send me. treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERR TEA. NAME ...... ADDRESS ....... CITY...... STATE..... 1 -26—4-18 LEGAL NOTICE The T. H. Maenner Co, a Real Estate Company, was indebted on December 31, 1935, to the extent of $139,365-23, including Mortga ges payable, as well as all current indebtedness T. H- Maenner For T. H. Maenner Co. Kidneys Must Clean Out Acids The only way your body can clean out Acid® and poisonous waste® from your blood Is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid ney lubes or niters, but beware of cheap, dm stlc. Irritating drugs. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nlghte, Nervous ness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circle® Under Lyes. Dizziness. Kheumatic Pains, Acid ity. Burning. Smarting or Itching, don't take chances. Gel the Doctor’s guaran teed prescription celled Cyatex (Siss Tox). Works fast, safe and auro. In 48 hours It must bring new vitality, and Is guaranteed to fix you up In one week or money back on return of empty package. Cystcx costs only 9c a day at druggists and the guarantee protect;* you. All Kinds of Poultry WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dressed Free while yon wait Strictly Fresh Eggs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE CO. 1616 N. 24th WE 4737 HELP WANTED Men-Women — $50-$180 a Month For Institutions, Hospitals, etc,— Everywhere NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY * All knds of good Jobs practically every where* Write fully enclosing stamp, to Scharf Bureau, Dept 1-4-A-46, 145 W. 45th St, New York. •H« MOMMY MAGIC IMCEMSI lm *vn*r u4 ton naitol CM ton aUk Mtoj, too. JM.anl jwor aun aa4 iHm far nan manta' propoattlan. rm aufka. Wrtta tpriek. Ka/ataaa Lak., — ™- Dept. I3-R-2 Dept. l-R-7 New Kind Incurance Policy Sent Free Buy no insurance policy until you see thhe new contract sent for 10 days FREE inspection by Na tional Benefit Protective Associa 10 days FREE inspection by Na tion, 206 Hall Building, Kansas City, Mo. It pay8 $300.00 on nat ural or accidental death; costs only 50c a month. Age limit 2 to 50. Persons 61 to 66 and entire families also covered at amazing ly low rates. SEND NO MONEY! Simply send name and age of all persons to be covered together with beneficiary’s name and rela tionship. When certificate arrives for FREE inspection you will be more than pleased. No obligations —FREE offer limited—write to day. Sensational NewDiscovery GROW HAIR in Thrill Quick Stages fed Stage Or No Cost At last, here la a statllng secret discov ery that actually will grow hair In seven days or It doesn’t cost you a penny! Mr. John son’s Brilliantlne Hair {Grower, ns this amaz ftng fast working secret Is called. Is different than anything else you have ever used. Ugly, short, kinky hair turns into long. straight, thick, glossy hair that everyone envies and admires Mr. John son’s Hair Grower must do the work to your de light or it costs noth ing. Rend coupon for quick action. MAKE THIS CON VINCING TEST Send no money. Just mall the coupon below right now. When your package of Mr. John son’s Brtlltantine Hair Grower arrives, deposit with postman only )1. plua postage charges ahd then If you are not ahaolutely amaxod with how long, how thick, how straight and how beautiful your hair Is getting we want to pay back your deposit. Teat Mr. Johnson’s Brilliantlne Hair Grow er at oar risk. Mail coupon today and have hair more beautiful and luxuriant than you ever dreamed possible. Bend Today. Mr Johnson’s Company, 207 N. Michigan Ave.. Dept. 80. Chicago, 111. Pond me the Mr. Johnson's Brllllan tine Hair Grower, r will give postman only $1, plus postage. 1 can return the unused Hair Grower In T days and get my deposit without Question. Name ..... Address (or P. O. Boa) .. City .Mate ..