The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 29, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7
IN THE REALM OF ...SPOR T S... Joe Louis Goes To < Watch Golden Gloves Detroit, Mich., Feb. 19—Joe Louis is getting fat and likes it. The young Negro heavy weight. here to visit his mother and attend the Detroit Golden Gloves boxing tournament, said Wednesday he is enjoying his vacation from the ring by “just catching up on my chicken eat ing”. “I’m six or seven pounds over my fighting weight right now,” Louis said. “I want to be about 215 pounds when I start train ing April 15 for my fight some time next June with Max Schmeling. ’ ’ Louis, announcing he will train near Bangor, Me., said he is adding to weight intention ally. lie anticipates no trouble taking off the excess poundage. “I’m doing nothing much right, now but eating and sleep ing’,* he said. “The rest won’t do me any harm, and once I start training I won’t have any trouble getting my timing and footwork right again. Joe said he couldn’t resist attending the Golden Gloves show, the: kind in which he got hia start in 1933. The following year he won the national ama teur title. Then he started aj professional career in which the! score now stands, 27 fights, 23 knockouts, four decisions, all in Joe's favor. — World Hernl HE WHIPPED TWO MEN IN SAME NIGHT Jn these days of boxers who fight only when the century plant is in bloom, this yam about Oscar Ran kin, the red-hcaded sepia middle weight title contender seems like a fairy tale to be classed with gaso line at 10 cents a gallon and eggs at a nickel a dozen. I merely quote Larry Morrison, Rankin’s manager who swears his boy fought two men in two feature bouts in the same ring on the same night. As the story goes, a few months ago in Detroit, Rankin was to show his stuff on a card featuring four 10 rounders The Californian stop ped his white opponent, Manuel Vittorio, in the initial frame and was in his dressing room taking a shower when the promoter came and asked him to go on. in the fi nal bout. He was to substitute for Tom Patrick, who had been booked but who failed to arrive. Rankin's opponent was Leo Kel ley,, 175 pound deacon of a cullud church in Detroit, who was found attending services and hustled to the arena where he agreed to meet his lighter foe. Rankin gave away ten pounds and won what Morris son swears was a sizzling decis ion. J don’t vouch for this. The tale has merely started going around and round and it comes out here. NEW SPORTING EVENT PLACE OPENED On Monday, March 2nd, Mr. Fred Myers, formerly at the Horse man Recreational Parlor, at 2115 Famam St, will open a first-class, np-to-date Sporting Event Parlor at 2314 N. 24 St-, in the old Jen sen building, with all colored em ployees. Mr. Myers is well known in the sporting world, having lived in Omaha practically all hi life. For years he was a very close asso ciate of the late Jack Broomfield. He is highly spoken of by all who have formed his acquaintance To an Omaha Guide representa tive ho states that he comes to his new location not as a stranger, but to his friends; and that he expects to conduct a first-class, respectable Sporting Events Place of business. Ladies are invited, and will receive courteous treat ment Mr. Meyrs wll have direct wires to all parts of the sporting world. He is coming into this neighbor hood, Mr. Myers states, to be a part of this community, and ex pects to spend his money with the merchants of the neighborhood He invites all North Omahans to pay his new place of business a visit |ODDS AND EN8 Jack Kearns has out his letter heads for his newly acquired box ing property, Lorenzo Pack, and the Foxy One is already stirring up a possible Pack-Joe Louis match. Printed in the upper corner of the envelope in bold, black type is the following: “Reward $10,000 for any promoter who can deliver Joe Louis’ body, alive in a 24-foot ring for Lorenzo Pack’s.” Heywood Storey, the "Black Shadow” whom you niay remem ber as Golden Gloves and national amateur champion of the welter weights, back in 1930-1931, is thinking of retiring at 26 from professional middleweight ranks. IHe’s tied up with a manager who hasn’t got him a fight in a year. If Storey can’t break the contract, he’ll quit Wonder what Joe Lillard thinks of the ousting of Doc Spears from the Wisconsn U- coaching job. If memory serves me right, Lillard went with Spear to Oregon a few years ago to play football—and Joe was so good they practically wrecked the entire Pacific coast conference, to throw in charges of professionalism and got Lillard out of college football Poland’s Anti Semitic Drive, Nazi Style; — Spreading from the Corridor and other districts bordering on Ger- j many, a nation-wide terror against Jews is raging in Poland- Inflanv-1 matory anti-Semctic literature printed in Germany, is smuggled j into Poland and the Jew-baiting newspaper Warta 1s being sold on' the streets by Polish Nasi Party members wearing swastika arm bands. Anti-Jewish outbreaks in the universities and secondary schools are frequent and violent. In the Universities of Warsaw and Posen, “ghetto" classes have been established and Jewish students are frequently! beaten. In the Pol ytechnic School at Lwow, a Jewish , student died as a result of a beat ing received in a school riot- In the Polish Y.MO A.’s, the -introduc-1 tion of an official “Aryan Para graph,” prohibits Jews from enter ing or using the club rooms, or recreation halls, etc., and no Jew is allowed to participate in, any of the organization’s activities. In the market places Jewish tradespeople are terrorized and robbed; and in Przytik and in the vicinity of Lodz (hearquarters of the Polish Nazi Party) an active campaign is being carried on to make it almost impossible for Jews to obtain food and other nec essities. Throughout Poland, Jew ish homes, synagogues and stores have been bombed and set on fire, and an increasingly large num ber of Jewish shops have been forced to close because of boy cotts, plundering raids and open terror. Son Succeeds Father As Head Of Business Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 26, (AN P) J. H. Lewis succeeded his fa ther, A. L- Lewis, as president of the Afro-American Life Insurance Company here Thursday when the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the million dollar corpora tion was held- here. Young Lewis, by his promotion now bears the distinction of being the youngest executive head of a big corpora tion in the South Under the direction of A. L Lewis, who is now the chairman of the board of directors, the Af ro-American Life Insurance Com pany lias grown from a local in situation to one of national im portance and one which boasts of having survived during the depres sion. Through the manner in which the business has been conducted the corporation has gained the con fidence of the policyholders as well as the stockholders. _ Cleveland AF of L Endorses Scottsboro Cleveland, O-, Feb- 26, (ANP) The united Scottsboro Defense Committee received the endorse ment of organized labor when the Cleveland Federation of Labor vot ed at its membership meeting to issue credentials to the committee to visit local unions to solicit their support North Carvlinians Boycott Store Negro Clerks Are Reinstated In Durham Durham, N. C., Feb. 27— (ANP)—Using their buying power as the weapon local cit izens here were successful in having two dismissed Negro clerks in the Kroeger grocery store m the Hayti section, rein stated, after several hours of picketing. The Negro clerks Monday were discharged and replaced by white men. When the report of the action of the Kroeger management, was circulated a mass meeting was called by cit izens in the section and a com mittee appointed to call upon the manager, who was request ed to reinstate the men. When he refused pickets were station ed bearing signs urging Ne groes not to buy from the store. Following the advice of the pickets every prospective cus tomer passed up the Kroeger store and tine patronage is al most one hundred percent Ne gro. Seeing his sales practical ly stopped the manager called tho pickets in the store and ad vised them that he had recalled the Negro clerks and that they would be put to work as soon as they arrived. This was done and the boycott was lifted. Encouraged by the success of this movement, the citizens com mittee moved to the A. & P. Store and the Pender store, two other chain stores in the district and demanded that Negroes be employed threatening to boy cott the stores if the demands were not met. Managers of both stores told the committee that they would take the matter up with the main office and report their decisions Thursday. Order To Segregate Teachers Withdrawn New York, Feb. 26, (ANP) The Board at Education has rescinded an order that would have segre gated all Negro teachers on the Adult Education Project, WPA, which work it is sponsoring. Withdrawal of the order follow ed wide-spread protest by the Pro ject's Delegates Council, an affil iate of the City Projects Council. The CPC is composed of 6,000 Ne gro and white WPA workers. Straighten Your Hair At Home Our newest product turns the most stubborn kinky hair into soft lustrous straight hair. Applied at home in a few seconds. Costs but a few eente. Write for free offer. CHEMCO PRODUCTS, 115 Har borview Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. Legislator Outlines Program For Race Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 26, (C) In a special statement to Calvin’s Newspaper Service, Hon. Charles W. Anderson, Jr., newly elected representative in the Kentucky Legislature from the 58th Dis trict, Jefferson County, (Louis ville), has outlined his program for the race in his state. He says in part: “My first bill introduced in the Kentucky Legislature was House Bill 148, which provides that the state pay the tnition of students compelled to pursue professional and graduate education at insti tutions outside the state “My second bill was to create tho office of a Third Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney for the City of Louisville- My purpose for drafting this kind of bill was to open the avenue for the future possible appointment of a Negro “My third bill relates to both races. It provides that any teach er having taught school for five years within the state may marry and retain her job. “A fourth bill provides for the state to pay the expenses neces sary in the defense of persons charged with felonies, who are un able to employ counsel. A Pau per’s bill, and especially helpful to our race "My whole program concerns legislation where necessary to cre ate or open avenues of employ ment for our race; to give us bet ter opportunities and abolish dis crimination in the employment of our race on state projects- Like wise, I arn interested in progres sive legislation irrespective of race or those matters which will aid the progress of Kentucky." A Bmby For Yen? ft yao ar« denied the b)*e«h»r of a baby od yew owa asd yearn f«r a baby's am ami a Wf'i mla, do ad |N a* kope. dwrt write im to Mr*. IfM drod Owoos, Dopt Sllfl Haaaa BWp., Kami CMp, Mo., aad dko vffl MD m Mott a staple how* method that Mpad kar odteo h» lag doatad flor II yoaaa. Masy oth er* mw ttk km kalped hiam their BraaTVsIte oow sod tey for tW* Beware Coughs from common colds, That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulslon. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul slon, which goes right to the 6eat of the trouble to aid nature tc soothe and heal the Inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your i druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund youi money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle c st Creomulslon right now. (Adv.) Now and dllforont won der-working hair droaalnn pomade and SKIN BRIGHT ENING FACE POWDER. Writ* for large 'rial also* fro* and aetata’ proportion. Loots lloart L»h.^ n.»t Moaipbt*. Tonn«ora Dopt. kj-l-® Florida Gives Race New School Build* ings This Year Ta.''sliassee, Fla , Feb. 26, (C) D. 1 Williams, State Agent of tho T- "artment of Public Instruc tion i *srida, W. S. Cawthon, superfr' jodent, in a special state ment Calvin’s Newspaper Ser vice says: “There will be several hundred thousand dollars worth of buildings constructed for Negroes in Florida this year. We cannot give definite reports on this con struction until the year will have closed On the interracial angle of edu cation in Florida, Mr. Wiliams told Calvin’s Service: “White peo ple are continually becoming more generous in their attitude towards Negroes. The change of attitude is like the growing of a plant,—it is imperceptible at the time the change is taking place- However, a perspective of the situation in Florida for the past decade shows an amaaing growth." This is the third state to give an optimistic report on education al conditions in the South in re sponse to the Calvin query. The first was Kentucky and the sec ond North Carolina BACKACHE Flash Klndeya of WuU Matter, Poison* and Add and Stop Getting Up Nighta. When Tour kidneys ars clogged and your bladder is irritated and passage scant and often smarts and burnn you need Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules a fine harmlem stimulant and diuretic that always works and costs but 85 cents at any modern drag store. It’s one good, safe way to put healthy activity into kidneys and bladder—you’ll sleep sound the whole night thru. But be sore and get GOLD MEDAL—right from Haarlem in Holland—yon are assured of results. Other symptoms of weak kid ney and irritated bladder are backache, puffy eyes, leg cramp, moist palnv horning or scanty passage. IT PAYS TO LOOK VM MAYO’S BA1MB 8S0P Ladies’ and Children’* Work A Opeaiahr. 2432 Lake Stnot Two of S. C Quad Ruplets Die Charleston, S. 0., Feb. 27— Two of the quadruplets born to & Negro couple here died early Friday when they failed to re spond to incubator treatment. The four babies were born Thursday in a hovel near Charleston and rushed to a hospital by Dr. Leon Banov, county health officer. The quadruplets, which arrived un der the ministrations of a mid wife, were not weighed but their combined weight was est imated at 12 pounds. Manhood Supping? Moke This Test at Our Risk To Restore Lost Youthful towers What! NapcpT Look am tar the (rirla will call you Old k«r' If you're not careful. F re tty torn you1 II hare to take a rock in a chair with tin* eld woman I why let life tUp through your Heart re... and why be whipped! Any »mn er vtiaait, toe. a tio ran'ten key life rhowld trr a doctor'a hi tohlc a trr ng th Preact- ptlnn No. 1M»«W mm*mt rwted poorer pflla that hare been need ao »unwfowj by then aamtetoreetre» n^.'iral\» dy eV>r* Men end we,pen over forty need T*. r ee. tpthm V> | TO It portftnn Ik* M«*4. eVwrtofU* fw.ijon* xnmi now on up *nd mak* ymi prn* iaturr»y nM, *nd MMUtm ku. TN* aUHDf t* healthy wtfvttf In «**• w«*k f mi’ll feel Ilk* • tOT-mr-nkf. 5lH* TOfTO* *• ** plf««J Iwt da tklaas. Almtotstj harmlaaa N. data Mall tw mpteTKiaw rt»h« tewa <*"• sills ataor risk. Band aa monar J"»> drp«alt II Ik. ,lua paataca. an to 11 ml Bawl aadte plate arappar "a!!J2l!L 9—HPSr TODAY! Cham lota Mm Co., .Tt. | siJKStt-wswrMirpi^sS! i If I am aat aatwtad aHk motto, aad yaa MO ra- , fadar lank mum , .. .-—-.- | | ADDBSM--— ■ — { ^CfTT__ Hadleoma people ell owr / the world hew gone eraajr J about new Roreen Hnlrdreee- A oil, grower end etrelghtener Al#l~ IN iwe n'^^. Write for neents' proposlll*»» Bit! ■* and r^cflv** frw Rownllalf' 1res«ln*. Wn»g Men's I>re*»> »BctmW» I II In*. Msgle Iw-roee. rare I’owOrr. all fr-r Ju»t »-n1 Keystone I.ab . l>-pt. H H. M- niphle. Tens. FAST, EASY Hem# Method Brings Quick Results-Rcad Howl WHETHER your complexion is light or dark, whether your i kin is rough and uk’v ©r smooth and clear, you, too, will ftnd Dr. FI tD Palmer a Skin Wliitcner Oint ment help** make the akin lovelyl and helps K EEI* it lovely. If yon want to clear your akin of ordi nary surface pimples, make if noticeably lighter, smoot her and softer fur more beautiful, then MAKE THIS CONVINCING TEST...DO THIS TODAY Follow the advice ot the doctor 1. stupe end screes ■fere, popular hpoeewivtw eJtd woi irutjT girls wow any "gotthe 2fic l>r. FHlBDPalmer’sBkin WhitcnAr from yout drug store todayAll you do la spree# . lit tie of this delight ft. I creamy ointment t> eer o«T skin each night Leave it un while you sleep, ao It can do its gyset end ■■ ■ jjMUW^mmswaaa glorious tuu Isn't 1 . l*l,i ■ J. 1 that on easy \*ny to a lot-f'v rk n’ N-«m. *e '’**&*§$WS No fuss. spread it (&f Ifjfh . i j ffij IPWI on with your Anger tiro — Insut aiwr. * on I fen.ine PK, FRED •A I.MKK'3 SKIN W HI TEN UR 01NT MtaINT. Be sore—end never oae substitute. A wonderful gift awalte you! F«t.dfe for rnvfsae end peeking e^dtre com pie u m-umiaf |lr IKH) Fiuroer’e Week Rtxi Kit will b* sent to you ai<e > lately free. Just tend your MMh, address and I* io ml m mmi uwuranR. wn r ni. atumia. i gg«BWj|'d _ rtr * na IjtXttL lntorpn-'aUoiM. S«n«l UKfc/\Pl top of Hr. F>«(li’a> mt'ii rrr *» ns ton »’>rl lOo for iiontots*, etn. utitin Kiiicriujuiiuu..«:uwiA.u. Dept. 891 DampWash BeauOtfuftr walked nd returned just damp c*«a*h to IRON. tfisiiaiBt bundle 48e launders* and buy gleaners Edhelm & Sherman 3401 Nerth 24th St We 6056 Here's Yetir Big Ounce to Make Hoick Monty-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWK Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 309 Products. Ifs Easy! Bayou need Money? Do you w*ah for the gr»>d things flat Mogft' yo.^1 buy to make you happy? Then becoms a SWKT GfOhOlA BR®WN Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere uAflENi S taT.rrEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Drawee Pomade. Hak Strength. 9kkl Brightener, Bleasli Craam. Fact Powd r, Perfamos, XX) Products. You «mt need any eKoerienca. Work in Spare l ime or lull Tins*. We show you how to make up to $4fi.8C a week or up to ti6.CS in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Sand No f'jr&yl Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FS*EX SAMPLES of fk»!i Dressing, Fac# Powder ;«nd Special Offer to AGiiiN VS. Oce. t wait. Mai! the CO* «FOK PiO *Vl Valsnor Frodtic+s Co. uWr 52'.8 U>cb&tf GiSft HDw iMBUiiiililtf oHMHi . ! LJALM<-* PRODUCTS CO. r>.pt.647 i UK Certain Cron Aw., Chicngo, III. I want W> make Oi’lcK Memy. Pluuue *ead me Prae -uu| .1 jj and r^chdOSer u>A(ti,tfc n*ht away. Nmm. Aid, A,. --- m £>ty .. .SMf DO YOU KNOW WHY ■ - - There’s Often More Bast at the Oltica Than a? Km r _ ; .«u bu^pj ?<n __ I THft VXlPP | ^ \ w*tcm rH« J jjENNfu' I I’n. COM V in rjifK"4 If mj nartO 1 fo«> , i ™e- (C57«qi ,‘j r h?-' I '*Ar*t*> V l i c . - — — v Cfllstag the Family- T»»«t-|>oetfyofmo>»ow-tmnoh«s><>o.__ ^ ■ - ._ foo ACQvMMMt PotrP'i oP nono« vov) i «M<V 0EAT I ei*we op**ewt-’ _ —_ C vretx\ HOrtE o' j; \ -too a. bosimgss 1 |j<o o hosks thvhCS-J t <1 ^-F-^ | n'T-'.* tit .* .t.r. * _ .