The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 29, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores
Italy is rejoicing over her “vic
tory” on the northern front in Eth
iopia but close observers have
noted her setback in the south.
Amaldo Cortesi, writi ngshr eta
New York Times from Rome, just
near Makale, said: “Today’s offi
cial war bulletin contains the first
admission of a setback that the
Italian staff has made since the
beginning of the last African cam
paign. It states that on Feb. 10 an
Italian garrison of sixty Dubats
(native troops) at Curati, des
cribed as an observation post in the
south, was attacked by consider
able Ethiopian forces and over
whelmed after a strenuous resist
It is noticeable that Italy read
ily issues statements of "victor
ies” when the Roman populace be
gins to grow restless of the
“snail’s pace” of II Duce’s legions
in Ethiopia. For that reason, news
of an overwhelmig Ethiopian de
feat cannot be fully credited, for
only a week ago Italian high offi
cials themselves were admitting
the northern commander, Bodag
lio, was “ill” and might be “called
Negroes throughout America
and the colored peoples throughout
the world, need not fear for Eth
iopia’s cause Her mountains and
deserts and the will to be free of
her inhabitants have combined to
make that the oldest and largest
free country in Africa.
In order to arm Negroes for re
buttal in arguments on Recontruc
tion, Calvin’s Newspaper Service
asked George S- Schuyler, the not
ed journalist and critic, to men
tion five points which he considers
the most important answers by
DuBois in “Black Reconstruction”
to detractors of the record in that
epoch- Mr. Schuyler’s answers fol
1. That Negroes did not fight
for their freedom: i. e-, that the
whites fought for it- That is con
clusively refuted.
2. That Negroes controlled the
legislatures of the South during
Reconstruction. This is also dis
proved from the records.
3 That Negro legislators were
were illiterate but -it has been
shown that many were better ed
ucated than most of the whites,
and most of the illiterates were
very intelligent men who saw the
issues clearly.
4. That the newly emancipated
Negroes were incapable of self
government. The record reveals
that the Negroes were no more or
no less capable than the surround
ing whites- Certainly they spon
sored and supported more advan
ced legislation than the planters
and their satellites did in the ante
bellum legislatures.
6. That Reconstruction “ruined”
the South- It is proven that it was
slavery and cotton culture direct
ed by a lazy, profligate and ig
norant ruling class that started
the South on the downhill road. In
the main, the finances of the var
ious Reconstruction States were
in as good shape as they were in
1860, considering that public
buildings had to be rebuilt and re
paired, and public schools and rail
roads had to be constructed.
Mr. Schuyler closes with these
words: “These exploded canards
have been used for half a century
by the Negro’s traducers as an ex
cuse for denying him his citizen
ship and human rights. By demol
ishing them once and for all, Du
Bois does the Negro race a tre
menduous favor for which it can
not thank him sufficiently ”
Perhaps inspired by the near
by Institute for Social Research of
University of North Carolina, the
North Carolina Mutual Insurance
search and Review Department
The first publication from this de
partment was “The Negro’s Ad
venture in the Field of Life Insur
ance,” by William Jesse Kennedy,
jr-, Secretary of this, the world’s
largest Negro business enterprise.
The second release from this
Department reviewed “The Negro’s
Achievements in Business,” taking
up "Individual Businesses”, "Life
Insurance Corporations,” “Banks,”
“Fire Insurance Company,”
“Bonding and Casualty Business”
“Building A Loan Associations,”
“Transportation Corporation,"
Maufacturing Corporations,”
and “Other Lines of Manufactur
I Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Northside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding
Between Merchantsand Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations
Lynching Resolution
Favorably Reported
Resolution for Investigation Of
Lynching! Favorably Re
ported By Committee
Washington, Feb. 20—The
Van Nuys resolution for a sen
atorial investigation of lynch
ings since the filibuster last
May on the Costigan-Wagner
anti-Lynching bill in the Senate
has been favorably reported out
by the committee on the Judic
iary, with provision for $7,500
for the expenses of the investi
gation. The resolution now goes
to the Senate Committee on
Audit and Control of Expenses
to determine whether the
amount recommended by the
Committee on the Judiciary
shall be reduced.
All branches of the National
Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People and all
friends, and the press, are be
ing urged to send resolutions,
telegrams and communications
to the Senate Committee on
Audit and Control, to prevent
any reduction in tht amount re
commended by the compitte on
the Judiciary. No effective sen
atorial investigation can be
conducted without finances and
any sum below the $7,500 re
commended by the committee
would not be sufficient to per
mit the investigating commit
tee to do more than make a ges
The resolution provides that
the Senate committee on the Ju
diciary shall “investigate (1)
the facts and circumstances
surrounding the lynchings
which have occurred in the Un
ited States since May 1, 1935,
; (2) the relation of such lynch
ings to other crimes and to the
maintenance of law and order,
and (3) the action- if any, taken
by the responsible public auth
orities to prevent such lynch
ings and to punish the persons
guilty of committing such
Support is rolling up Denim
the resolution and the Costigau
Wagner bill from all sections
of the country. The American
Civil Liberties fjnion has form
ally endorsed the investigation.
From San Jose, Calif., the scene
of the lynching of Thurmond
and Holmes in 1933, white kid
nappers and slayers, comes a
contribution from a leading
citizen, who writes: “With
flaming shame and indignation
I send my small gift with fer
vent wish that it might be a
thousand times more."
Copies of the Van Nuys res
olution (Senate Resolution 211,
74th Congress, 2nd Session)
may be obtained from the Sen
ate Document Room, United
States Capitol, Washington, D.
C., or from the NAACP* 69
Fifth Avenue, New York. The
resolutions and messages should
bo addressed to Senator Fred
erick Van Nuys, or to the chair
man of the Senate Committee on
Audit and Control of Expenses,
urging prompt and favorable
ing” Under Cosmetics, for in
stance, the work of Mme- Walker,
Poro, Apex, Hi-Ja, Hiwaiian is re
viewed- Under “Transportation”
the rise of the Safe Bus, Inc-, of
Winston-Salem, N- C., is detailed
B«vt NT4
(By frrden H. Duane)
Sour Cream Cookies — One
cup butter or other shortening,
two cups brown sugar, two
eggs, one cup sour cream or one
cup evaporated milk, one table
spoon vinegar, three table
spoons preserves, four cups
sifted flour, one teaspoon bak
ing soda, one teaspoon baking
powder, one half teaspoon nut
meg. Cream shortening, sugar
and eggs together until light
and fluffy. Add sour cream and
preserves. Sift dry ingredients
into first mixture and mix thor
oughly. Drop by tablespoons on
greased cookie sheets threp
inches apart. Bake fifteen min
utes in hot even. Makes four
dozen large cookies.
Peanut Cookies—Two table
spoons fat, one cup sugar, two
eggs, well beaten, two cups
flour, two teaspoons baking
.powder, one half teaspoon salt,
one fourth cup milk, one cup
chopped peanuts, one half tea
spoon lemon juice, onie fourth
teaspoon peanut halves. Grad
ually stir the sugar into the
creamed fat in a bowl; add the
well beaten eggs. Mix flour.
Stir in the chopped peanuts
and lemon juice. Drop the
dough from a teaspoon upon a
greased cookie sheet, two inch
es apart. Place a peanut half
on top of each. Bake in a mod
erately hot oven until brown.
Remove and cool. Makes two
dozen cookies.
Oatmeal Macaroons — One
tablespoon melted shortening,
one cup sugar, two eggs, two
and one half cups rolled oats,
two tablespoons baking pow
der, three fourths teaspoon sait,
one teaspoon vanilla extract.
Mix sugar with shortening; add
tggs one at a time, beating in
well. Add rolled oats, baking
powder, salt and vanilla ex
tract. Mix well. Drop on greas
ed tins about one half teaspoon
to ©ach macaroon. Allow space
to spread. Bake in moderate
oven about ten minutes. Makes
three dozen.
Coffee and Molasses Wafers
—Three fourths cup shortening,
one fourth cup sugar, one fourth
cup malasses, one fourth cup
strong coffee, one half teaspoon
baking powder, one fourth tea
spoon soda, one fourth teaspoon
ginger, one fourth teaspoon
cloves, two cups flour. Cream
shortening. Add sugar gradual
Feel full of pep and possess the
lender form you crave—you can’t
f you listen to gossipers.
To take off excess fat go light on
i\tty meats, butter, cream and sug
try irweets — eat more fruit and
sgetabloa and take a half teaspoon
ul of Kruschcn Salts In a glass of
it water every morning to elirnl
-,to excess waste.
. Iib. Fima Verlile of Havre dr
race, Md., writes: “1 too* otT 2C
ft.—my clothe* fit me fine now.”
Do drastic cathartics—no const!
.utilon—but blissful daily bowel a*
■ton when you take your little dallj
done of Kxuacbaa.
___ ....__- —,u» d\ ,t * i*«^ M a
ymw wtek fas kavs
success wifck y—r drnasas aaswwv
this *4 at mm. It asi, AmI writs.
mm aZtum ***aLZ?m3*'
NAACP Branches
Fight Navy
Color Bar
New York, Feb- 26, (ANP) The
fight against discrim|ination in the
United States Navy is being vigor
ously pushed by the Chicago branch
and the Mobile, Alabama, branch
of the N-A.A-C.P-, in conjunction
with pressure from the National
Office here. Present indications are
that the Army and Navy will re
ceive unusually large appropria
tions from Congress, in view of
the unsettled state of world af
fairs. The National Office of the
N.AA-C-P- has been vigorously
pressing for a reorganization of
the 9th and 10th cavalry and the
24th infantry and a lifting of the
color bar in all branches of the
Army and Navy. So far favorable
results have ben attained, but Wal
ter White, Secretary of the N-A-A.
C-P-, announced that the fight will
ly, beating in well. Mix togeth
er molasses and coffee and add
to first mixture. Sift together
all dry ingredients and add. Use
more flour if necessary to make
dough right consiBtentcy to roll.
Roll out thin on floured board
and cut with small cookie cut
ter. Bake on greased pans in
moderate oven about ten min
uses. Makes three dozen wafers.
Sweetheart Cookies—Cream
three quarters cup salt free
shortening. Gradually add one
half cup sugar and the yolk of
one egg. Add one and one half
cups flour and kneed. Chill
dough several hours. Form in
tiny balls. Place on greased
baking pan. Make a dent in the
center of each one. Fill the hol
low with tart jam. Bake in mod
erate oven till a very light
brown. When cool roll in pow
dered sugar.
Send for the leaflet of twelve
new cookie receipes. Cookies
for thje children. Cookies for
your bridge party. Cookies to
j munch during the day. Address
, your request to Arden II. Duane
[Associated Negro Press, 3507
.South Parkway, Chicago, 111.
.Inclose 3e stamp.
M»—»N Biases Id Oil Guaranteed to
•top AM Pain and Borepoe* ami
Banish ©ffsoatra Won
In an appfi
eatim net the
No no trouble; you Just ap
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Help Kidneys
continue without let-up until the
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Help your gland*
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No. 2 for women.
You have tried the
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fied until yon have tried VIGOR.
Feel young at 70. Price $1.00;
postage extra
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