The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 22, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5
SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH It seems that this severe cold weather has not had much effect on the attendance of the faithful officer and members of the Sun day Sehdbl, Church and BYPU. The majority of the officers are present each Sunday to execute their duties. Rev. M- B. Bilbrew, the pastor, brought to the congregation the following, messages—morning text thew 11:28-30. All of the messages that are delivered by Rev. Bil brew are filled with inspiration and divine enlightenment. Those who desire are welcome tc come and worship with us Johnny Roisebaugh, Reporter The following is a special pro gram that will be rendered by the Salem Baptist Sunday School un der t.he auspices of the Sunday School, on Sunday, Feb- 23, at 3:00 p. m. “Creation” Rev. McCery, Miss A. Thomas, captain. “Justice Manifested” Rev. Camp bell, Mrs. E- Smith, captain “Birth of Jesus” Rev. Wesley, Miss H. Parish, captain. “Ransom” Rev. Green, Mrs. Can non, captain Mrs. L. Harris, captain. “Mysteries Revealed” Rev. Cald well, R. Alexander, captain. “Our Lord’s Return” Rev. Pru itt. C. Singleton, captain. “Glorification of the Church” Rev. Thornton, Mrs. Wilhite, cap tain “Restoration” Rev. Clayton, Mrfi. Sims, captain. Wo asking all who will to cm1 a and hear the speakers. Join with us in making this program a success. J. L- Reagans, Supt. , Mm A- D Turner, Chairman PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH The Pilgrim Baptist church was in high Sunday for the King. Sunday school was well attended. We were blessed with one of God’s chosen ones, Rev. G. Ellington Stevenson- A. B., Pastor of Calvary Baptist church, Coffeyvilie, Kansas, who spoke to us out of God's word and his own heart. His text, taken from Romans 10-9; his subject, “The Vine Insur ance.” This great sermon fed our very souls. You who were not present missed your bless ing. BYPU was well attended. All of us enjoyed the wonderful program rendered by Group 3. For evening services, Rev. Stevenson was on the job again. The evening lesson was taken from the 92 Psalms, 12th verse; subject “Jehova’a Plantation”. We are still thanking God for this great blessing. Rev. Stevenson will be with us throughout the week, and will preach for us again Sun day, Feb. 23rd. Come and wor ship with us and get your bless ing. GET GOING i ■ ——— ---1 First Suburbanite—Are you mak ing a garden? Sectmd Suburbanite—That’* what I call lr. My wife and daughter call it merely mussing up the yard. Deception “Do you permit yourself to de ceive the public?” "No," said Senator Sorghum. “The public has learned all kinds of tricks. I'm doing pretty vreli to keep it from deceiving me.” Supplying a Want Tourist—What dot* a small town like this want with a great big hoi pital? Native—This road has more auto mobile traffic than any other In the country.—Path tinder Magazine. - WILLING WORKERS The Willing Workers met at the home of Mrs. Bessie King, 1846 N. 22nd street- Thursday, Feb. 13th, at 8:00 p. m. Accorling to custom, dainty refreshments were served pre ceding the meeting. Despite inclenent weather the house was filled to capacity. The second Thursday in each month the club has a Bible les son taught by the Instructor, the Rev. E. E. Wilhite, assist ant pastor of Pleasant Green. The subject of the lesson taught was “Jesus Helps a Doubter.” Rev. Wilhite, being well in formed, beautifully taught and illustrated the lesson. Every one present gleamed some val uable information. Rev. Wil hite, helped each one to under stand that “Belief will over come doubht’’. We desire all who will to study with us our lesson for March 12, subject “Faith’’, Ilcb. 11 chapter. Don’t fail to be present on that date to hear this lesson taught by our very able instructor. willing woncers next meet ing will be an entertainment, A George and Martha Washing ton supper will be served for the small amount of ten cents. You are cordially invited to socialize with us Thursday, Feb. 20. at the home of Mrs. Lottie Keys, 2217 N. 25th street The chairman of Ways and Means committee, Mrs. Herbert Milton is planning a “Penny A Day’’ rally for the month of March. Watch The Guide for the exact date. The most out-standing event to be given during the month of March is the “Feast in the Wilderness’’ March 19th. We are hoping this will be a grand affair and asking all our friends to participate in this event. The Willing Workers are out for a church Pleasant Green hopes to build in the near future on the southwest comer of 27th and Franklin streets. The lots for the building have been purchas ed and the Willing Workers are doing their bit to put the pro ject over. The club is growing rapidly under the leadership of its most worthy president Mrs. Viola Wilhite, who is doing her best to make it one of the best in the middle west. Two new members were added to the club. One visitor was present.. We are pleased to have visitors each meeting. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Lottie Keys whose birthday was Feb. 14th, and Mrs. Agnes Hawkins whose birthday was Feb. 12th, were presented lovely gifts. The pre sentation was made by Mrs. King. Everyone present wished them many more happy birth days. We expect our members each Thursday evening and welcome all visitors. The- Willing Work ers desire all members and friends to be present Thursday, Feb. 20th at 2217 N. 25th street, at 8:00 p. m. and enjoy the lovely Washington supper. A .delightful evening is promised I for all who will attend. Mrs. Benola Pearl, Reporter. Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor. POSTPONED The banquet to be given by ,the Benevolence for Christian , Widows at the Y. W. C. A., on !Feb. 27th, has been postponed, pickets remain good for the date which will be announced .later in The Omaha Guide, i Watch for the announcement. Mrs. A. D. Turner, Pros. Mrs. Edna Burley- Rep. LINCOLN NEWS The capital city is still in the throes of sub-zero weather. We are painfully wondering how long it will continue—at pres ent. there seems to be no relief in sight. I suppose, generally speaking, we Lincolnites are faring as well, perhaps a little better, than our people in most cities, for the majority has work of some kind. Rev. Nicks, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist church, had usual ser vices Sunday morning, All ev ening services are cancelled un til a change of weather takes place. Rev. C. A. Long, pastor of the AME church, had a doz en in attendance Sunday morn ing, a portion of that number was children. He. too, has can celled evening services pending warmer weather. Willard R. Shepard, who has been making his home in Lin coln for he past six months, died Thursday morning, follow ing a severe attack of pneu monia. His remains were ship ped to Sedalia, Mo., his former home, lie is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mabel Shepard; his mother, Mrs. Mary Stewart; a sister, Mrs. Carrie Mason and two sons, Cornelius and Ray mond. Mrs. Julia McLemore, Mrs. Robert Johnson’s mother is very sick. Her daughter and friends are giving her the best of at tention. Mrs. McLemore is a native of Tennessee. Mrs. Lolita Allen- of Tripplet, Mo., has returned to her home after a month’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Arlevia Beck, 912 S street. Lovejoy Crawford, who is connected with the Library De partment of the State House, is growing in favor wtih the heads of his department. Mr. Craw ford recently changed his local headquarters from W. B. Colley to Mr. Cleveland Walker, 1929 U street He will soon be a Lincolnite. — The writer was to have visit ed in Omaha Sunday, but act ing upon the advice of his Om aha friend, who informed him in a "special delivery’’ that the weather was very, very cold there and street car service was poor, he governed himself ac cordingly. Urban League Institute On Monday afternoon, at the beginning of the Institute- M. T. Woods, Executive Secretary and Clyde Malone, Director of the Institute, explained that the purpose and aim of the of the two weeks’ session, was to im prove the social, economical, mental and physical conditions ,of the people, young and old, in 'the community, in order that ,thcy might be able to serve their community more efficient ly in the future. The Institute will continue through next week. I - 1 Urban League Dr. O. L. Weatherly, Pr|« dent of the Urban i 4*£u#/>fc still confined to his honftr. Dr. Weatherly suffered a fall sev eral weeks ago. Our sincere wishes are that he may soon be able to take over active duties. Rev. Burckhardt- 1st Vice, thinks things go better when Dr. Weatherly is at the head. The National Urban League announces its annual competi tive examinations for Fellow ship in Social Work for Negro students. Applicants must be graduates of, or candidates for graduation, accredited schools. Those passing this examination will receive tuition and monthly stipends, which will be valued at approximately $1,000 for the school year. The National Urban League will furnish you with blanks. You should send for them at once. Mrs. Pearl Chrisman and Mrs, Ruth McWilliams will be heard over KFOR next Tuesday, at 8:00 p. m. Don't miss hearing them. I promised you, some time ago, that I would give you a synopsis of the annual report made by Secretary M. T. Weeds, competent secretary of the Lin coln Urban League. It was ad dressed “The Annual Report for 1935 to the Members of the Lincoln Council of Social Agen cies, Members of the Lincoln Community Chest and Members of the National Urban League. “This is the third report made since the organization of the Lincoln Urban League through the genius of M. T. Woods, Trago McWilliams, Dr. A. Weatherly and a few other en terprising colored and white citizens of Lincoln. The League has striven to maintain the standard which its originators set up as a goal. The object of the organization is to teach and thereby prepare Negroes to handle their own situations; to help them adjust themselves to their environments and the con ditions they are forced to face. Programs of health, housing, employment and recreation are promoted. An effort is made to coordinate exist in" • and establish a permanent coun cil for improving relations be tween the races. The Urban League is Lincoln’s only perm anent agency dealing primarily and exclusively with the social and economic aspect of race re lationship. As such, it serves as a coordinating body or clear ing house for the interracial activities of many other social welfare or religious organiza tions. Through the channel of the Federal Emergency Bureau of Employment, there have been employed a staff of competent persons, who are selected be cause of their special abilities in the field of Industrial rela tion, recreated on communtiy improvement and social service. The League, however, is not a relief agency, but serves the self-supporting as well as the dependent groups. Its activities permeate over the face of Ur ban life, such as employment, home anl community, self-devel opment, civil rights and duties. The Urban League of Lincoln is affiliated with, and a member of, the Local Council of the So cial Agencies, the Community Chest and of the National Ur ban League, which has branches in forty-eight urban areas throughout the nation.” (This report will be contin ued in next week’s paper.) The Negro citizens of Lincoln as a whole joined Rev. C. A. Long, officers and members of the AME church in lamenting the great African Metho dist church’s loss of Hen ry Blanton Parks from the bish opric. This Senior Bishop gave twemty-«ight years of untiring VfPlfcM ^be bishopric. The punier fiPFved under him as a piffllor. Bhd loved him as a bish op who was able to discriminate between a man annointed of God to preach the gospel and those who were using the pulpit for merchandising purposes. We extend our sympathy for the loss of this great man, not only to the remaining Bishopric and church followers, but to that faithful wife, who has shared with him these years of joy and sorrow. Since written words are feeble substitutes to convey to them our heartfelt sympathies, we commend them to the God of all the universe, Who, alone* is able in this hour of grief to give consolation. What’s The Truth About Mississippi Relief Situation (Continued From Page 1) known to have been the biggest sufferers from the depression and contribute far more than their proportional share to re lief rolls elsewhere with their population figure of more than 50 percent. They have receiv ed less than whites per ease, Ne groes averaging $7.09 during June of 1935 ns compared with $11.13 for whites during that mouth. Despite the high percentage of illiteracy in that sfate, it was revealed officially through the WPA that only 24 percent ergency education, program are of the teachers employed on om Negroes who draw only 17 per cent of the salaries paid. Thirty-seven per cent of the adult students are Negroes. 'When the last complete relief census was taken in 1933, less than 10 per cent of darker Miss issippians were getting relief and this number has declined steadily since then, statistics show. “New Deal" Lambasted According to a prominent Negro leader of that state, whose name is withheld for ob vious reasons, the race has not fared nearly so well as the fed eral government declares. He lias given the Associated Negro Press a summary of discrimin atory practices and relief in equalities as uncovered by him self and others. His findings follow : “Although there are more Negroes in Mississippi than white people and they are many times more in need of relief measures than whites, due to white employers giving all worthwhile employment to white people- the Negroes havp gotten only about $1 out of every $15 that has been spent in this sate for relief from the Federal Treasury. It is estimat ed that it cost the Government about $5 for every dollar that was paid Negroes, due to high salaried over-supply of bureau crats. The nearest approach that Negroes in Mississippi have made toward staffdom has been two or three case workers and a few eNgro visiting nurses for Negro sick, under the ERA, all others wielded a pick, shovel or hoe, except the women who also were worked on public works here for relief up until about 18 or 20 months ago, when they received 50 cents per day at that time, and for a long time thereafter the relief money paid Negro women for three days per week was $1.80, and they did not get that often. That was the pay for a long time af ter President Roosevelt had an nounced his $19 per month as a minimum wage in the south, and $55 as a minimum wage in the north. Highways Boycott Labor “The Mississippi Highway Commission which has spent many millions of dollars of Fed eral Government money in Miss issippi within the last few years and is now about to begin the spending of about $20,000,000 more of Federal money in this state on public highways build ing is said to boycott all Ne gro labor in their department. “But the Negroes of Jackson. Mississippi, have the greatest grienvanee of all at this time. They say the federal govern ment has agreed to give Jack son $447,000 free for public school buildings if Jackson will put up $563,000 for the same purpose, thereby making a mil lion dollars for public school (buildings in this city. Jackson has floated a $553,000 bond is sue and raised its part of the anti, and now, although the A PENSION TO LIVE NOT TO STARVE EDITORIAL By Sam Klaver, Editor. Candidate for Legislature 6th District. Revision of the old age pension law enacted by the state, so as to place it upon a permanent basis, was shown to be nee essary this week when the announcement was made that aged people would not get more than $18 a month on the average from both state and federal funds. Unfortunately most of these old people were led to believe that the old age pensions would amount to $30 a month cf which $15 would be paid by the state and $15 by the federal govern* ment This lias not worked out as anticipated. The pension payments should be large enough so that, when paid, they will be large enough to render other aid to these old people necessary and give the aged men and women vet only protection from hunger and privation, but real security and in dependence. If this is done Douglas county’s home fer aged and indig ent persons could be either closed or made self-supporting and the taxpayers saved a considerable sum of money every year. Either an actual saving could be put into effect or if essary the annual cost of the dearview home could be applied as this county's share of the old age pension tax. Candidates who seek a place in the next, legislature, die first one-house legislature to meet, should be placed on record on this question of an adequate old age pension. Social security for the aged is no longer a theory. It has come to stay in this state and. cov.itry and it should be ap proached from the viewpoint that is a permanent poic^. "ihe problem cannot be solved in. any other way. Negroes constitute one half the population of Jackson, and al though the Negroes have only five school buildings where the1 whites have about 13 school buildings, one of which is worth i ' j more than all five Negro bni’d-j ings combined- yet the pi in as announced by the city applies! all this million dollars for white j school buildings except about ' $(>0,000 which will be used for, Negro buildings. School Salary Discrirrinuation “The Mississippi Negroes al-1 so say that several million dol lars have been sent to Miss issippi within the last year to help pay teachers’ salaries but instead of this money having been applied equally among all teachers, black and white alike, it has been paid on the old us ual way of paying a white teacher about four times as much as a Negro teacher is paid for the same grade of work. | Many complaints have been made about this matter but without results. “But the most amusing story of the relief situation is that about two thirds of the adult illiteracy schools of Mississippi are taught by Mississippi white men and women, and especial ly white women, nnd that white people are paid to take charge of Negro play grounds, in some places in this state, notwith standing the fact that, there arc thousands of unemployed Ne gro teachers here. But where white "teach" these adult schools, especially white wo men, the attendance is practic ally nil« many of them having been closed because of the fact that the Negroes will not at tend under a white teachers, and especially do the Negro men fail to attend school un der these circumstances." CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kind sym pathy, cards, flowers, tele prams, letters and service ren dered at the death of our be loved father. Alfred Jones, Jr. Donald Jones Mrs. Irene Reed Miss Ethel Jones Miss Ruth Jones Miss Florence Jones Genuine HOOVR I I New Bag, Belt, Cord, and Ball-bearing Beating and Sweeping Brush Guaranteed for 0«£ YKR These Hoover Specials are rebuilt right at the Hoover factory by skilled experts who carefully and completely replace all worn* out parts with genuine Hoover parts. That’s why Hoover Specials are guaranteed for one full year to give such marvelous clean* inf service. Sold on Easy Terms NEBRASKA POWER CO.