The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 22, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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SOCIAL C „ „ ; „ + , r CLUBS
-1 & i<:
ay i
Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor
February 9th, the cold weath-:
er did not keep the children
from Sunday school. Nineteen
were present at the opening. The
Beginners class won the cash
prize by reporting the largest
amount of money over fifty
cents. Mrs. Bessie King is the
teacher of this class.
On February 12, Mrs. Viola
Wilhite sponsored a Valentine
social for the Elementary div
ision at the home of Mrs. Bessie
King. Mrs. Warwick and Mrs.
Mamie McIntosh assisted. Mrs.
Irene. Oliver, Miss Katherine
Wheat and Lincoln Spencer won |
February 16—Another record
breaker for the Sunday school.
At the 9:00 a. m. opening there
were five classes present. Mrs.
I. M. Oliver is the Superintend ,
The. pastor delivered two in
spiring messages. The morning
subject was “Growing in
Grace’'; the evening services
were very interesting and help
ful—we were reminded to “Do
unto others as we would have
them do unto us.” Revs. Mark
Marion and J. C. Crowder were
visitors at the morning service.
Mrs. E. .Johnpon was soloist.
The choir is rendering appro
priate music. Mrs. McGuire is
Mrs. Viola Wilhite entertain
ed the Pastor’s Aid at her home.
2211 Grant street, February 11,
wtih a two course luncheon.
Mrs. Florence Triplet enter
tained the Pick-Up club, Feb.
18, at 2631 Parker street. Eigh
teen were present. Mrs. M. Mc
Intosh is president.
Rev. E. E. Wilhite, assistant
Pastor, was indisposed for a
The contributions of all aux
iliaries and clubs have been
100 percent during this cold
Visitors and strangers are al
ways welcomed.
Watch for the date of the
grandest affair of the season to
be given at the YWCA.
Mrs. Arthur B. McCaw left
Omaha, February 12th, for Mar
shall, Texas, where Bhe was call
ed because of the illness of her
mother, Mrs. Oeo. Oallowav
and grandmother, Mrs. Sarah
Thompson. She reports her
mother’s condition as improved,
but that no hopes is entertained
for her grandmother’s recov
Before returning home, Mrs.
McCaw will visit with relatives
at San Antonia and bT Worth,
Miss Leona Hayes (Davis').
2G12 Burdette, died February
17th, after a sickness of six
months duration.
Miss Hayes was born in Om
aha, August 21st, 1918. Had
she lived, sho would have fin
ished at Tech High school in
March 1926.
The deceased had made her
home since infancy with her
great aunt, Mrs. Leona Davis.
To mourn her passing are her
father, Mrs. Oeorge Hayes- Dos
Moines, Iowa, Mrs. Leona Davis,
great aunt, other relatives and
a host of friends.
Shaw University’s
Enrollment Is 348
Raleight, Feb. 20— (AND)—
Three hundred and forty-eight
students were enrolled in the
College Department of Shaw
University for the second sem
ester which opened here Tues
day, according to an announce
ment made by Dr. ('. Stuart
Nelson, president of the Uni
I versity.
“This figure*' said Dr. Nel
son, “represents an increase
of 21 percent over the enroll
ment for the second semester
of last year. I
Canned salmon has been an un
obtrusive staple for years—con
tent to do its excellent service for
family dinners quietly whenever
called from its place on the pan
; try shelf. But now, this familiar
sea-food emerges as a real celeb
rity in its owr. right. It even has
a “Week" all it* own—for Febru
ary 28 to Marci. 7 this year, is
, Salmon Week, and many a cook
and budding chef will be turning
to some interesting new salmon
1 dishea to enliven everyday menus,
1 and increase their own reputations.
The official Salmon Week dish
—far from being a haughty and
1 expensive affair — is one of the
simplest and least expensive of all
main dishes. It is particularly de
lightful for service during the
Lenten season, when most meal
planners are including fish main
dishes in several menus each week.
The Salmon Week dish is a cas- 1
serole which should come to the
table piping hot. Delicious enough
to appeal to the most particular
family appetites, it is planned to
please the strictest family budget.
Although Salmon Week serves
to introduce the salmon-macaroni i
casserole to American tables, it is
fully capable of Bpeaking for it
self and of playing many a re
peat engagement during the
montha to come.
One package elbow macaroni cooked
in salted water until tender. Skin, bon*
and break Into pieeea 1 pound canned
salmon. Mix with 1 teaspoon 1
beaten egg, 1 green pepper cot Into
small atrip* and 2 eupa thin white eauce.
MU lightly with macaroni, poor into
baking dieh, dot top with butter and
bake in a moderate oven, ill* F about
26 minetoa. Serves six.
Duke Ellington and His Band
By Miss Trubbl Watters ;
Miss Watters, a member of the
Niles Domestic Bureau has kind
ly consented to assist in the ad
justment of the love and domestic
problems for readers of this: pa
per. Answers given through this
column ai« free. For pi i -ate and
detailed answers, send addressed
stamfied envelop and 20c, Ans
wers in this column are liurte 1
to readers of this paper. Address
Miss Trubbl Waders, lira: 15, Om
aha Guide, 2418 Grant Street,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dost Miss Watters: I am a young
married man and until recently I
and my wife iiavo been very happy.
Lately m.y moth*r-inriaw*3 bus
band died and she has moved in
with us. She has made life very
disagreeable for us since she has
been here. It. is hand for me to
put her out a:; she ha i no where
to go and yet I feel that if she
stays she will wreck both of our
lives- What wvrnld you suggest?—
Anawer—You should be just »s
considerate of your wife's mother
as you would be of your own. Al
though it is often concluded that
in-laws are problems when it be
comes necessary to live with them,
yet it wouid not be very human
to throw them out when there is no
place for them to go. You pwrhspe
will find yourself in a similar po
sition some day. Try again to win
tlui friendship and confidence of
your in-law and if you do you will
find hor a help instead of a hi -
Yet, n mother-in-law who in
vades the sanctity of a young
couple’s home should refrain
from undue interference into
the family affairs. Women who
has been active, and still ha o
many youthful years ahead,
must be occupied with some
thing to keep them busy. As a
means toward this end, why not
endeavor to get her interested
in some form of club and social
activity. Then, she will'not have
so much time to bother about
the manner in which your house
hold is run.
Detr Miss Watters: — A few
years ago I went with a fellow
whom I loved very much and I
thought at the time that he was
also very much in love with me.
He jilted me and for two ye rs I
knew nothing of his w-hereabouts.
Recently J met him at a party, he
was there and so was I. New Miss
Watters, this boy has begged me
since having seen me again to
start going with him again as he
says he still loves me and can ex
pluin why he never wrote me and
left as he did- He seems changed
and different and says he has nev
er loved anyone but me and never
will. Shall I trust him again?—
A. J.
Answer—His actions have been
questionable to say the leat. Don’t
take him too seriously on the
strength of what he says. Although
there is apparently no harm in go
ing to parties with him if you are
both in the habit of going to them
Dear Miss Watters:....I met a
boy recently, who I like very much,
ho says he likes me, and tells nn
he is sincere but I am afraid his
expresion completely gives hi;,:.
r Should I bt lieve what he
tells mo or should J forgot him?
I have had so many disappoint
ments until 1 am almost afraid to
believe or trust anyone any more-,
it seems- What shall I do?—I? M
Answer—Of course you cannot
.«• Yo:vt to believe everything c.'iy
body te Us you- fcu- h a trusting
: utjp. would n.'t take long to cre
pto a series of disillusions- I,eain
Hony-thin*’ about the character and
habits of the boys whom you asso
ciate with before taking any of
thorn too seriously.
Dear Mins Watters—I am writ
ing you for some advice. My prob
lem Li this: I am very much in
love with a boy, but he is insanely
jealous of me. He even gets angry
if I talk to another boy. As I have
said Irfifore, l am very m|uch in love
with him and he is with me, ami
is continually begging me to mar
ry him- What shall I do? Shall I
marry this fellow, knowing he is
jealous or shall I try to give him
up? It will be very hard as I love
him so mnich- —Doubtful
Answer -My dear young lady:
My advice tc you is to forget
about this boy entirely- A jealous
person makes life vpry miserable,
not only for you, but for himself,
and for others- Jf this boy is in
sanely jealous, a you say, it is bet
ter you know it now and avoid
trouble, than to marry him and
make your home life for you and
your family miserable- You may
be very much in love with him
row, but time heals all things and
it would be far better to lot time
heal a broken heert than to have
pm unpleasant situation existing
during the rest of your life.
MnJ. I/anox Riley Lolir, formerly
general manager of the Century of
Progress expedition, Chicago, was
elected president of the National
Ilroadiastlng company, succeeding
Merlin H. Ayleswortli, who asked
to be relieved of his duties.
No cnntnloupe cau be ton big for
It* consumer; but the grapefruit
can reach a limit In satiation.
Two thirds of those who use ata
list!;** In an argument don't care
whether they are bona fide or not
Next to knowing bow to «lrrw
up n iaw fur the welfare of the
i people Is having the courage to
| .u la
I fVWi-VV.. «'W.V -'-V.VWWVW.
Personals ^
' •- mvm'AWM’AWA’J
I C. Duffy, 2518 Patrick Ave..
received a ielegrnm Monday ev
ening informing him that his
grandmother* Mrs. Adeline Duf
fy, of Alexandria, La., had died.
Mrs. Clara .Jones, 2407 N. 28
Ave. who was injured some time
ago, is now improving.
Mrs. Nora Graham, 2620
Miami street, who has been ill
is recovering.
Mrs. Mary Jones, 2730 Cald
well, remians the same.
cFiisrao Gnus
Mrs. Geneva Garland was
hostess to the elub members on
cFbruary 5th. Meadames Gar
land and Stouter won prizes.
Mrs. Tva Dizou became a mem
Mrs. Fannie lice, Pres.
Mrs. Amy Ousley, See.
Safety Conference
More than throe 'hundred of
ficials and employes of public util
ities and large industries from Ne
braska, Missouri and Iowa, are ex
pected to attend tho ninth annual
convention of the Employes Safe
ty Conference to be held in Omaha
next Saturday under the auspices
of the Nebraska Electric Associa
tion. Convention sessions will be
held at the Fontenelle Hotel.
Causes, responsibility and meth
ods of prevemting accidents will
bo discussed by those who have
been especially trained in safety
work ns well as by employes who
will contribute suggestions from
the field of actual expauenee.
Ono of the features of the pro
gram will be an address by Roy
Page, vice president and general
manager of the Nebraska Power
Company, on safety work from an
executive’s point of view.
Tho methods and equipment us
ed for testing the fitness of driv
ers by those companies who have
large motor fleets will be discus
sed by O. P- Stickney of the Ne
braska Power C-o., while Dr John
Holst of Omaha, will describe the
tests to which drivers should be
At the afternoon sessions awards
will be made for the best company
safety records.
Fritz Bernstein of Grand Is
land, chairman of the state safety
committee of the American Le
gion, will preside at all sessions.
The Trojan Girls arc still do
ing big things. Their meeting
opened on Tuesday. Feb. 11,
with an almost perfect attend
ance. We will inform the public
about our Shirley Temple Re
vue, which will he of a later
A man's Intuition Is as shrewd as
a woman's, but be disregards It
i _
It Is hotter to have good looks
; that wear off than those that wish
I Off.
The Jolly Seven club met on
Feb. 9th, with Miss Pearl Wig
gins, 4826 S. 26th street,, as
hpstess. A large number of vis
itors were present and a lovely
time was had by all.
The club will meet Feb. 16th
at the home of Mrs. Mobile
Johnson who will be hostess and
on Feb. 23rd at the home of
Miss Ilenrettia Smith. 2506 N
street. Visitors welcome.
Miss Pearl Wiggins- Pres.
Miss Susan Stennis. Secy.
The Priscilla Needle Craft
club met Thursday, Feb. 13 with
Mrs. Jas. Peoples, 2517 N. 28th
Ave. Election of officers was
held, resulting as follows:
Mrs. Howard McDaniels,
Mrs. Wm. Moore, Vice-Prcs
Mrs. Jas. Peoples, Secretary.
Mrs. Luther McVay, Ass’t.
Mrs. Simon Harrold, Treas
A delicious two course lunch-:
eon was served by the hostess.1
The Autumn Leaf club had a
Widow's Mite party at the home
of Mrs. Ivory Barge on Mon
day night. A delightful repast
was enjoyed. Some thirty mem
bers were present to enjoy the
excellent program arranged by!
Mrs. E. E. White, chairman of
the program committee. Rev. 0.
R. Caldwell, who was visiting
the club, rendered a solo. Vis
itors are always welcome.
Mrs. Estella Watters, Pres, i
Mrs. Ida Austin, Secretary
Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor
The/ Friendly 16 Fridge club
met at the home of J. Davis,
2118 N. 29 street, Monday even
ing, Feb. 17. Although the
weather was cold, we had the
best meeting of the year. Three j
changes of bridge were played.
Messrs. Chas. Faster and «T. |
Phillips won high scores. A dc-'
licious luncheon was really en- J
joyed by all. Wilbur Penn was
a guest of the evening. Lloyd
Gray will entertain the club at
his home, 2716 Corby street,
Feb. 24th.
Massie Avant, Pres. |
Members of Alpha Eta, the lo
cal chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi,
national fraternity, were entertain
ed by the Pledge Club with a for
mal stag party, held Feb. 12, at
the hom<e of Pledge Bryant.
Officers and members of the lo
cal chapter are: Gaitha Pegg,
Polemarch; Weldon Solomon, Vice
Polemarch; Ralph Adams, Keeper
of the Records; Stanley L- Madi
son, Exchequer; Jesse Hutten,
Strategus. Chas. F. Davis, Vice
Strategus; Marcellus Richie, His
torian;—other members are: Ar
thur McCaw, John Adams, jr.,
John Pegg. Craig Morris, Ray L.
Williams, Milton E Johnson and
Duke Overton.
All members attended the Stag.
The general Concensus of opinion
among them is that they are great
ly indebted to the pledges for such
an extravagant affair.
The Pledge members are Julian
McPherson, Lloyd Lee, Willis
Gray, Russell Bryant and J- Dil
lard Crawford.
Gaitha Pegg, Polemarch
Marcellus Richie, Historian
The South Omaha Negro Wo
men’s Civic Club met at the home
of Mrs- Edward Wright, South
33rd Street, Tuesday afternoon- A
delightful luncheon was sn-ved by
the hostess, covers having been
laid for eleven.
Mr- Squires, Secretary of the
Urban League, gave a splendid
talk on “Possibilities.”
Those present were Mesdames
Allen E. Wright, -G- Curtis, M
Green, E- Grissard, A- Morrow,
A Alston, C- Davis, G- Stewart,
C. M- Farmer and Mr- Squires.
The next meeting will be held
Feb. 24th, at the residence of Mrs.
C- M Farmer.
The Em anon Dramatic club
met Monday, Feb. 17, 1936. The
social affair that was planned
for Feb. 21* has been postponed
to March 6th.
The names of all members
were put in the records, and
are as follows. Jean Terrell,
Bobby Whiteside, Milton Moore,
Morris McGee, Virginia Gor
don, Etta Allison, Martha Hall,
Barbara Grimmett, Winifred
Wildiams, Herman Stevens
Wardell Turner, Florthine Ren
frow, Mary Dobard, Ella Mae
Walker, Thomas Riggs and nat
tie Northington.
Mason Devereaua^ Reporter
Mr. Arthur Williams, 2808 Ohio
Street, is at home with a sprained
._^_ - »
Todd Duncan (Pergy) and Anne Wiggins Brown (Bess)
satrs of the Theatre Guild’fe latest latest presentation of George
Gershmin’s “Porgy and Bess” that the closed a most successful
engagement at the Alvin Theatre, New York. The vehicle with
a cast of 125* most of which are colored artists opened at the
Forrest Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. The production will go on
a road tour. Some of the cities to be visited are Detroit, Cleve
land. Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Washington, Baltimore,
St. Paul, Pittsburgh and Denver. The Chicago engagement will
be at the Erlanger Theatre in mid-February.—NNF