The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 22, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores
“Arms Flowing into Ethiopia
Despite Bans,” reads a headline in
the New York Herald Tribune- The
dispatch is from Linton Wells, who
writes from Djibouti, French So
maliland, that he saw a U- S
freighter unload “trucks, tractors
and ‘sundries’ for Ethiopia
Perhaps knowledge that Ethio
pia is pouring modem bullets into
his black-shirt troops inspired Mus
solini’s latest wail, in which he
blames others and not himself for
the prospect of a new war in Eu
And perhaps the modem arms
which have reached Ethiopia had
some bearing on the prophesy re
cently made in the New York
Times, and signed by six Italians,
which suggested that Italy’s pres
ent predicament is due to the mail
ed fist of II Duce, and that she
could go forward without him
“We, the undersigned,” write the
six Italians, “always regarded the
Fascist rule as inimical to the real
welfare of the Italian people and
to the peace of the world. Now
that the Italian people is confronted
with the most dreadful ordeal,
and that many of those who were
the accomplices of Mussolini’s
ask: ‘what next?’ we answer: ‘It
aly.’ We trust in the vitality, mor
al sanity and common sense of the
Italian people.
“There was an Italy before Mus
solini- There will be an Italy after
Mussolini—a free Jtaly within the
commonwealth of nations ”
And we might add that in the
commonwealth of nations will still
be free Ethiopia, because she got
guns in time
Prof. Charles S. Johnson, dis
tinguihed sociologist, writes an in- i
te resting and thought-provoking
article in the current Opportunity,
entitled “The Education of the Ne
gro Child”. Mr. Johnson professes
his faith as follows: “The educa
tion of the Negro child should be
realistic. He should be aware not
merely of his environment, and his
role,in it, but of the natural his
tory of his relationship to his cul
ture- He should know how to ap
praise the principles of the edu
cation by which it is expected his ,
life will be shaped. He should
know the present 1 irritations of his '
environment and why it is limited
It is a familiar experience in the
secondary schools and colleges to
encounter student who, by virtue
of the urge of ambitious parents,
have reached the college level oro
ly to be overwhelmed when the
educational philosophy fails them, i
and without knowing why. Only a ,
A wise education for this group
would provide for them, freely, a
sympathetic knowledge of their i
own intimate social world and a
realistic knowledge of that broad- |
er universe in which they must
make satisfactory adjustment for
differed problemshrdluetaoicmfwy
Prof. Johnson has attacked a
difficult problem, on which parents
prefer to think with their hearts
rather than their heads. It is al
most too much to have to admit
limitations at the start and plan
for them. One prefers to hope the
limitations will recede or disappear
and plau for the ideal.
Dr. M- O- Bousfield, medical di
rector of a large insurance com
pany, has sent to Calvin’s News
paper Service his views on health
conservation programs of life in
surance companies operating
among Negroes. Dr. Bousfield’s j
own company (of Chicago), for the
past ten years, “has offered to its 1
policy holders the services of the
Life Extension Institute for a per
iodic examination by that organi
zation at the expense of the Com
Dr- Bousfield says further, “for
the past several years, I have at
tempted to interest the National
Negro Insurance Association in!
this matter as an Association pro
ject.” The report states that the
Associatin'1 has not yet adopted
the proposition, which is that an
appropriation of $500 or $1000 be
made for a health conservation
program for policy holders.
German housewives are being
taught how to cook fish by in
structors who are traveling
about the country with a motor
truck eontainnig ten electric
Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Nor thside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding
Between Merchantsand Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations
Ethel Waters Denies
She Forced Eleanor
Powell From Play
Josephine Baker Involved In
Alleged “Feud” With
Fannie Brice
New York, Feb. 12— (ANP)
—Displaying messages of denial
sent by both herself and Elean
or Powll, white tap dancing
sensation, Ethel Waters this
week told the Associated Negro
Press that her reported attitude
of snubs and criticism toward
Miss Powell had not forced the
latter out of the Broadway hit
show, “At Home Abroad.”
Charges that Miss Waters’
attitude had influenced other
members of the cast to so em
barrass the white star that she
collapsed and withdrew from
the revue were printed by Edna
Ferguson, a reporter for the
New York Daily News. Immed
iately on the story's appear
ance, Miss Powell sent a tele
gram to Miss Waters declaring
the article absolutely untrue
and a wire to the News demand
ing a retraction. Miss Waters
has also made several requests
for correction, she states, but
thus far they have been com
pletely ignored.
Meanwhile Josephine Baker,
now appearing on Broadway in
the new “Ziegfeld Follies’" is
being accused of causing the
withdrawal of Fannie Brice, due'
to either illness or anger, and
the temporary closing down of'
the revue. According to thej
story, there has been a feud be
tween the white star and Miss
Baker over prominence in the
In the telegram sent to Miss
Waters as soon as the New's
article appeared, Miss Powell
“My dear Ethel: No state
emnt nor article such as the
malicious one that appeared in
today’s Daily News could pos
sibly express a greater untruth
or misstatement of facts. Your
riendship, cooperation and help
is something I have always ap
preciated and I will be happy
to get back to work as quickly
as the doctors permit which I
hope will be in a few days.
Sincerely, Eleanor Powell.”
In the communication to
Miss Ferguson of the News, the
dancing sensation declared her
association with “At Home
Abroad'' had been very agree
able and if she had been dis
satisfied she would not have
stayed with the show five
months. Miss Powell avowed
her friendship for both Miss
Waters and Beatrice Lillie and
stated both had given her their
utmost cooperation. A denial
was asked in order to save need
less embarrassment to all con
Miss Waters also told the re
porter that the entire story was
false and asked for a correction.
Thus far the News has not pub
lished any of these letters or
a correction.
Weeds in lawns can be killed
with a new pistol when a point
heated to more than 500 de
grees by electricity is pressed
against them and a trigger pull
Help your glands
by using DR. HOL
cial gland medic
cines. No. 1 for men
No. 2 for women.
You have tried the
rest, now try the best I he Doctor s
own prescription. Don’t be satis
fied until you have tried VIGOR.
Feel young at 70. Price $1.00;
postage extra
4304 S. Parkway Dept. AB—4
Clarinda, Iowa, News
The Second Baptist Sunday
School gave an entertainment at
1 church on Wednesday evening,
.February 5, under the chairman
! ship of Miss Louise Nash. The re
freshments were chili, hamburger
and ice cream
Mrs- William Walker is under
the weather with a cold- She is
somewhat better at this writing.
Mrs. Albert Cason is still under
a doctor’s care, but is slightly im
proving. Mr. Cason is suffering
from a light cold and a sore
Mr. Charles Oldham, Sr., is ill at
hig home on East Grant Street
He was getting around fairly well
until he took a backset: it is re
ported that he is some better
Mr. Albert Stewart, /of near
Hawleyville, is also on the sick
Lawrence and Roy Stewart of
Omaha were guests in the Law
rence Beard home on Eeat Stuart
Street They returned home Thurs
’ray evening, Feb. 6. The boys are
nephews of Albert Stewart
Miss Maxine Baker n>ade a busi
ness trip to Omaha and Council
Bluffs Ttyirsday, Ffib. 6th. She
returned home the next evening.
The Mission Society of the Sec
ond Baptist Church met at the
home of Mrs. Clifton Washington
on Feb. 6th, at 2:30 p. m- Mrs.
William Walker, president
Mrs. Ad die Able was hostess to
the Women’s Mite Missionary So
ciety of St- Jacob’s A.M.E- at her
home on 10th and Stuart Streets,
on Monday afternoon, Feb. 10. A
lovely program was presented by
Mrs Celeste Wiggins, Mistress of
The ladies enjoyed a delicious
two course luncheon served by the
hostess and assitant, her daughter,
Miss Emma Able, and granddaugh
ter, Glenna Oldham.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Lawrence
Miss Lorinda Pemberton is on
the sick list and here’s hoping that
she can take part in the declara
tory contest, which is to be held
on Monday, Feb- 17th. Miss Pem
berton is entering the Dramatics
Mrs. Mary Headley was a din
ner guest in the home of Mrs. Eliz
abeth Jones on Monday evening,
Feb. 10th
Mrs. Campbell, who has been
having considerable trouble with
her feet, is now able to get about.
Little Bettye Baker missed a day
of school last Friday because of
Kenneth and Marilyn Griggs are
Feel full of pep and possess t.ho
slender form you crave—you can’t
if you listen to gossipera.
To take off excess fat go light on
fatty meats, butter, cream and sug
ary sweets — eat more fruit and
vegetables and take a half teaspoon
ful of Kruschen Salts In a glass of
hot water every morning to elimi
nate excess waste.
Mrs. Blma Verllle of Havre do
Grace, Md., writes: "I took off 20
lbs—my clothes fit me fine now.”
No drastic cathartics—no consti
pation—but blissful dally bowel ac
tion when you take your little daily
dose of Kruschen.
■gr i
/UHI We have discovered the
PIJBI w»y t° dream anything
you wish and have it
come true. If you wish to have
success with your dreams answer
this ad at once. If not, don't write.
Free details. Daggett Pub. Co.,
3430 Rhodes Ave, Chicago, 111.
Thousands of men and women
wonder why backache bothers
them —why they have to visit the
bathroom often at night—why
flow is scanty and sometimes
smarts and burns.
Any one of these symptoms
means that your kidneys and blad
der need attention now before
these minor symptoms develop in
to serious trouble.
To flush out waste poisons and
acid from kidneys, soothe your ir
ritated bladder and put healthy
activity into them, get a 35-cent|
package of GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Capsules and take as directed.
This harmless, tried and true
medicine always works, you'll feel
better in a few days, as the su
premely effective diuretic and kid
ney stimulant drives excess uric
acid from the body which is often
tho aggravation of joint agony,
sciatica and neuritis. But be sure
and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules—the original and
genuine—right from Haarlem in
Holland. All good things are imi
ill with colds.
Duane Beard has been ill for
three days. Tuesday was the first
day he was allowed out of bed.
Rev. and Mrs. Copeland and the
Lawrence Beards had a waffle sup
per together Thursday evening.
The "Diana Sisters”, Miss Ver
leon and Carolyn Lewis, gave a
special tap dance number at the
school dance Wednesday evening,
Feb. 12. A qvartette of boys also j
was featured on the program The j
personnel: Vernon Baker I, Don
ald McNeal, Harold Nash and Al
bert Brown- Miss Liska Moss sang
a solo. Music for the numbers was
furnished by Celeste Wiggins.
The Cardinal Quintet of Clar
inda High School, the flashiest
and the trickiest cage team of
Southwestern Iowa, is preparing for
the snappiest game of the season
when they meet the Creighton
Prep Five at Omaha on Feb. 22
We are proud to say that three
of the first team are colored boys.
Captain Bob Franklin, flashy for
ward, is one of the leading point
makers in the Hnwkeye Six Con
ference. Vernon Baker I, another
forward, who is outstanding in his
dribbling and his basket shooting
Harold Nash, rangy center, good
under-basket man, over 6 foot and
4 inches, is one of the main cogs
in the Clarinda line-up.
Albert Brown, a first team sub,
is starting his first year on the
Clarinda teanv He will prove to be
a valuable forward on next year’s
Be sure to see these three col
ored “hot shots’’ in action.
Moone’c Emerald Oil Guaranteed ta
Stop All Pain and Soreness and
Baniah Offensive Odors
In just one minute after an appli
cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the
surprise of your life. Your tired,
tender, smarting, burning feet will 1
literally jump for joy.
No fuss, no trouble; you just ap
ply a few drops of the oil over the
surface of the foot night and morn
ing, or when occasion requires. Just
a little and rub it in. It’s simply
wonderful the way it ends ail foot
misery, while for fest that sweat
and give off an offensive odor,
there’s nothing better in the
Moone’s Emerald Oil is
guaranteed to end your foot
I troubles or money back.
■—=!!—S? -1
1 guarantee to help you get • new tt»rt up
life. No cue beyond hope. Stop worrw.
fag! Write roe today Information FRLEI
M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergm
Dept. 0. G.
Help Kidneys
— If poorly fuaetloniiyr Kidney a and
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lip Nights, Nervouanesa. Rheumatic
• Pains. Stiffness, Burning. Smarting,
Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed
Doctor'* RrcscriptionCyitnxtSisa-tex)
„ —Must fix you up or money
&. Li tjiTQX back. GulyfS/ »t druggists.
Maka Today Tour Lucky
Oay Juat nund your numa and addraaa and
aat matte I '■<•** I-ct* and Moot*
"toldan charm ' pock* Ufa*. and bit "«
aaarla' .roo«altloo Write Kayatoua Lab.,
Dept 5-R-9 M»irnihla. 'r^nn.
horua lanwl OalWai Flm lu-Oaa Wa*
Draaatao la Hi* warU ; If yoa Uaaaa't aaa4
Raima. *om t fan «a try Hi* Tlrulawiy
Sail WO Weria ruM Oallara'
li’H Vli' Huaa aaupan arlth avary ar>
r RBVKV Aar ! OonuHhlnc lira Wrlta
laaaiaOlataly far <ui piutmaHloal Kryatuaa
La*.. Mraiahla Teas . lfa*l __
Dept 9-R-12
A Beautiful free gift to any
reader of this paper. Juat send
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40 East Broadway,
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*T »«r oaierer—18 shades to
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eell er permanent waves.
Go to any Beaton Drug Store
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If you hare Btubbom, torturing
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SEND NO MONEY—just name
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Write to Ulgo Co., 125 Wirthman
my skin I
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And now you, too, can have the joy of a
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Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi
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TEST ^’et Nadinola today at any toi
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TJiP w m *n y
™wemen are
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tired out with peri
odic weakness and
pain? They should
know that Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Tab
lets relieve peri
odic pains ana dis
comfort. Small size only 2 5 cents.
«* vfrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville,
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lets helped pay periods sod built me
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Whiten SkinThis
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I’ To quickly whiten, lighten and
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Palmer's Skin Whitener Oint
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Special Whitening SoapFref
Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment
A free trial of DR. FRED Palmer’s products awaits you. Just sand
your name, address and 3c for postage charges today to DR. FREL
Palmer’s laboratories, Dept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia. A valuable and
aseful WEEK-END-KIT will be sent to you without further charge.
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Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we will give a Free Start
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N-N-F. Ex. a.__