The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 22, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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qp4 EUEDRE ••
&/ Afiee' WULACE- —
NOTE—Your question printed free in this column. For private
reply send 25c and (self addressed stamped envelope for my New
Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three
questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and correct address.
Address Abbe’ Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
L- C- T—I can’t find out who
my husband is going to see and
where he goes. Will you please tell
me ?
Ans.—Nonsense—Your husband
doesn.t go to see any woman as
you imagine at times. He merely
SLIPS OUT and catches the bus
to go to town to get out from un
der your thumb nail for a few
A. L- K.—What would you advise
me to do about my future?
Ans-—Start making plans for a
change of location in about a year
from now and I would advise you
to move to a larger city. The thing
for you to do is GO IN BUSI
NESS for yourself.
M. E. T—Do you think I will
Col. Julian Ejected
From The National
Negro Congress
Chicago, Pch. 20—(ANT*)—
Colonel Hubert Pauntleroy Jul
ian was given the proverbial
“bum’s rush” when he appear
ed at the Saturday morning ses
sion of the National Negro
Congress at the armory. The
erstwhile “Black Eagle of the
Ethiopian Aviation Corps’’, who
has gained the hatred of scores
of those attending the Congress
by his reported anti-Ethiopian
utterances- was forcibly eject
ed from the convention hnll and
was saved from bodily harm by
the police and Captain Charles
Udell Turpin, adjutant of the
Branded A Traitor
Colonel Julian, rumor hns it,
had been warned by some of
the delegates, but not the of
ficials that he was a “persona
non grata’’ at the Congress
and that it was dangerous for
•him to attend another session.
Just as the morning session wns
about to be called to order, the
Colonel put in his appearance,
sartorially perfect ns usual and
be-monocled and was wending
his way to the press table in
response to the request of one
of the reporters, when A. L. Sol
linger, past commander of the
Association of War Veterans
mounted the platform and yell
ed “Julian, the traitor is here.
Let’s throw him out.*'
At this more than a score
made a rash for the Colonel,
who with his fame bravado at
tempted to remonstrate with
his attackers. Hearing the melee
Captain Turpin, who was in his
office rushed into the conven
tion hall with a group of police
men and threatened to have the
building cleared if the attack
was not stopped. This quieted
things down and Colonel Jul
ian was escorted to the Adjut
ant's office from whence he was
escorted by the police a few
minutes later- out of the arm
Efforts to contact Colonel
Julian at his hotel proved un
successful due to the fact that
he was not at the hostelry, but
he was not at the afternoon ses
sion. Since being here be has
been active around the Con
gress headquarters and sat on
the platform at the opening
^Ask for a 1936
Ladies Birthday
1 Tb« nearut dro#*lrt y® be
Clad to c»»o you on# of tbau
popular almanac# 11 F*° *“*
Uk lor It before FREE!
they are all gone- r
be able to finish my education?
Ans—By the time school opens
again you will be able to re-enter
college- Your father will receive
enough financial aid to see you
through college without much dif
M. L- W.—I don't have much
success with the boys and I would
like for you to tell me why?
An—Your mother is so strict
on you that the boys are afraid to
|eome to your house However you
should be glad that she is looking
out for you She wants you to be
suro that you don’t make another
mistake like you did in your first
A. H—I want to know If my
husband has another woman that
he is keeping up?
Ana—The letter your husband
received was from a friend who
wanted him to loan her some mon
ey to get her out of a tight. Can't
you see that your husband is not
making enough money to support
I you and sonveono else too?
J. C- H,—I would like to know
if I am going to get my job back?
Ans.—You can hardly expect to
got your job back after being DIS
CHARGED, and even if you did,
you would feel rather uncomfort
able working there again. This
camp as a rule doesn’t accept any
one after they have been dis
M- L. A—i have a buiness of
my own but during the past year
it has been dull. What would you
advise about it
Ans—There is too much compe
tition in the HAIR DRESSING
BUSINESS. You’ll have to meet
pricesaa well as try to do better
work and improve this business.
M. T-—Do you think I will
ever get my things together again?
| Ans—Certainly you will. Just
as soon as you are ready for them,
your husba"d will be more than
glad to get rid of them. The Int
er part of Mancih it seems that you
will move to an apartment, and
will get all of your things together
C. W—Do you think what I have
in mind can be corrected in five
Ana.—With quite a bit of coach
ing there will be some chance for
you to overcome this predicament
I suggest that you send for one of
my Astrology Readings and I shall
be glad to give you advice in re
gards to this matter privately. Be
sure to enclose your full name,
address and correct birth date.
V- R—My huabftrui brought a
box home and I want to k"ow what
was in it and who it was for?
Ana.— Don’t let your curiosity
run away with you, for you will
find out on your BIRTHDAY what
is in it. Your husband bought you
a little surprise remembrance but
he won’t let you see it until the
26th of March.
D- B.—Should I continue my
friendship with this boy? Will his
parents object to him going with
A ns.—You should tell this boy
that you have been married before
If you’ll play fair and square with
him and will always be o* the level
with him, his parents would have
no reason to object to your friend
What Right Wing
Delegates Think
Of The Congress
Chicago, Feb. 20—(ANP) *
Here are a few sentiments re
garding the National Negro
Congress as expressed by a
number of the more conserva
tive leaders, some of them gov
ernmental job holder.s The re
markable interest which the
gathering developed and the en
thusiasm of the assembled dele
gates was reflected during the
brief interviews which I gath
Mr. Lester B. Urangcr, ivew
York, Director of the workers
bureau of the National Urban
League and Vice-Chairman of
the greater New York Sponsor
ing Committee commented:
“The committees of the Nation
al Negro Congress have done a
wonderful job in getting the
crowd to Chicago. I think that
‘the danger of failure will lie in
various opposing group who
will spend more time in fight
ing to get a point across than
educating the delegates to a
point of view which they really
understand and support.
; Mr. William C. llastie, As
istant solicitor, Department of
Interior and Professor of Law',
Howard University said. “The
National Negro Congress is the
most significant gathering ever
witnessed and has more poten
tialities for eo-ordinativc ac
tion than any effort ever at
tempted heretofore.
Dr. Ralph Bunehe, Washing
ton, D. C.; head of the Depart
ment of Political Science of
Howard University commented:
“The National Negro Congress
is a great thing, primarily im-!
portant because it is a move
ment towards establishing in
terest in mass action which will
help the Negro in working out
his problems. The only hope of
the Negro is to organize and
use his numbers in mass pres
sure. *
Atty. Thurman L. Dodson,
Washington. D. C.; President of
the Washington Bar Associa
tion, said: “If this Congress
can organize Negroes from var
ious groups of our country, us
hetrogenious as they uro, ami
work out a minimum program
Help Kidneys
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National Utnut C OiUf IN)
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I Herman’s Market
24TH and LAKE STS. WE 5444 jj
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Zaphiro Tells Of
Ethiopia; Abys
sinians Are Negroes
Chicago, Feb. 20— (ANP)—
Answering charges that Ethiop
ians were not Negroes by ask
ing “what man can be born and
bred in Africa and be anything
'but a colored man,'’ Lij Tas
faye- young Ethiopian diplomat,
i enlightened delegatee to the Na
tional Negro congress about his
native laud at the opening ses
sion Friday night.
Zaphiro told of the size of his
nation, of Emperor Iiaile Selas
sie wjxom he termed a “great
humanitarian'’ and of the dif
ficulties experienced in break
ing away from tradition and
upon which all Negroes can
unite the Congress can and will
be a success.’’
Joseph H. P. Evans, Wash
ington, D. C.; Rural resettle
ment administration, stated:
“Any movement which tends to
focus the attention of govern
mental agencies of the pro
blems, ideals and aspirations of
tho Negroes, should challenge
tho interest and support of
those who are working for the
larger programs of National
Not all the notables are men
of course. Here are the names
of some of the prominent wo
men delegates whom I met.
Mrs. Layle Lane, New York,
member of the Teacher’s Union,
Miss Augusta Savage. New
York, prominent Sculptress;
Mrs. Rosa Rayside, New York,
Organizer of Domestic Work
ers’ Union; Miss Elizabeth Scott
New York, Secretary of Amer
ican Youth Congress.
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'modernizing the country, par
icularly with the 20 year pro
gram of freeing all (he coun
try’s slaves. He spoke of the
| courage of the soldiers in fac
ing well-equipped Italy with
their own poor weapons.
“This war is not unlike the
American War of Indepen
dence, ’’ Zaphiro asserted. “Eth
iopia is fighting for the right
to life, liberty and pursuit of
happines and will succeed in
retaining her freedom if she
gets fair treatment by Europe
and the support of all peoples.’’
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VJONB are those agonising
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What is Lois’ beauty secret? Just
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HAIR coloring