The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 08, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    Fight Union of
Negro and White
Little Rock, Ark., Feb., 5—
Organized 18 months ago to
safeguard tenants' rights under
the now defunct AAA, the
Southern Tenant Farmer’s Un
ion is causing grave concern
to white planters throughout
thus state because for the first
time they are seeing poor white
and Negro sharecroppers unit
ed to improve their economic
So serious is the concern of
rich planters that evictions,
beatings, summary trials and
other repressive measures are
used against th's union. It has
evoked an interest which prev
ious governmental investiga
tions on the Sharecroppers'i
plight failed to arouse. liand
owncrs, realizing its potential j
strength, envision it as an
agency wfhieh may cause “up-j
risings” and “rueial strife.”
Organizers of the union have
patiently fostered the doctrine
that a common battle must be
waged by white and Negro
labor to improve the economic
status of both and that both arc
in the same fnancial boat.
Members arc told to forget
their prejudice and work to
gether in harmony. And fori
the first time this policy is be-!
ing felt on a large scale in,
Dixie, although previously
there, have been soluted in-,
stances of unions of skilled,
trades in urban centers. '
In three counties where the
union is strongest with a mem-,
bership of fi,0(X) divided almost
equally between the races, both
groups arc working together inj
extreme friendship in their
common fight aguinst what
1hey consider unfair practices
by landowners. This organiza-,
tion was allowed to get a foot
hold because planters took the
position at first that it was one
of those fly-by-11'ght moves
that wouldn’t last. Now, how
ever, they break up meetings
and frankly declare they wilI
not have union members on
their plantations.
in uru»-r 10 ruruuui me union,
a WackJ'st has hoeu prepared
and issued secretly to planters.
Union membership is sufficient
ground for eviction and and
tenants evicted for that cause
find' it almost impossible to get
placed at another.
A wholesale eviction which
took place recently near Earle
has caused union officials to
appeal to Washington for a
probe and Gov. Fulrell has al
ready sent state investigators
to the scene. The trouble was
caused by the wholesale evic
tion of almost UX) persons,
half of them women and child
ren, from the 540 acre farm
of C. IT. Dibble. The tenants
were driven out by deputy
sheriffs mid left on a snowy
road with their possessions pil
ed beskk* them. The union got
five tents, aided the women in
getting to homes of friends in a
nearby town and established an
eviction camp still maintained
by the men.
At a meeting near Earle held
later, deputies drove both the
Negro and white audience away
and ran a Nashville socialist
scheduled to speak there out of
town. Two Negroes were shot
and slightly wounded. Pour
others were sentenced by a
justice of the peace to one year
terms for rioting and another
wias held to the grand jury
charged with assault with in*
tent to kill.
When Dibble was questioned
as to the eviction and his atti
tude toward the union, he gave
an answer typical of the Dixie
planter. “A Negro is just like
a saddle horse," he said. “It’s
only good business to take care
of him, but he’s a dependent,
Boston Medic
Back Home
November. His wife arrived
Janaury 8. She was bom in
Berlin 21 years ago of Austrian
parentage and was private sec
retary to a prominent lawyer!
when sha became acquainted
with the young medical stu
dent. Mrs. Patrick was educat
ed in Austian and Berman
fairly fluently. She has blue
eyes, cherry lips and reddish
schools and speaks English
brow'n hair, and already has
made herself at home on these
Dr. Patrick was born in Uox
Imry and graduated from How
ard >n 1930, At Berlin he spec
ialized in surgery and internal j
disease's. Six feet tall and
weighing 190 pounds, the phy
sician played football at Bos
ton Latin School and took up
wrestling at Harvard. He *.’* a
member of the Omega Psi Phi
Frederick D.
Wiginsrton Dies
(Continuad From Page 1)
lot at Forest Lawn cemetery.
The immediate relatives sur
viving tin* deceased include his
daughter, Mrs. Constance
Wright; a son Nathan Wesley
Wigington; two grandchildren,
Miss Frederieka May Ilall and
Mi'dred Anne Wigington, all of
Chicago; four sisters, Mrs. A.
L. Bell, Sheridan, Mrs. Jean
Shute, Washington, I). C., Mrs.
Birdie Julia Washington, Chic
ago, Mrs. Hazel R. Butler, St.
Paul; three brothers, Frank B.
and Clarence Wesley, both of
St. Paul; Paul Preston, Walk
er, Minn.; an mint, Mrs. Agnes
L. Butler, Omaha; five nieces,
Mrs. Mi'dred Wigington Bo
hanoti, Minneapolis, Minn., M»ss
Muriel Elizabeth Wigington.
Los Angeles, Mrs. Mercedes
Wilson, Sheridan, Mrs. Estella
Thomas, Chicago, mid Miss Vir
ginia Bell, Sheridan; one nep
hew, Alfred Wesley Shute, So.
Carolina; brother-in-law and
Mater-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
is, Omaha and a number of
Girl* Again
"1 read In a book that Apollo wat
chasing a nymph and she turned
into a tree."
“lie was lucky. The one Put
chasing always turns Into a jewelry
shop or a restaurant."—Pearson’!
Literary Light
"She says her husband Is a liter
ary light”
“Yes, but he ean’t hold a candle
to her when It comes to sputtering/
—Philadelphia Bulletin.
Geneological Surrey
Curious—1 wish I could find out
how many relatives 1 have.
Cynic—Why that's the easiest
thing In the world—just buy a sum
mer cottage.
Might Prove Interesting
Mother—Do you want to hear i
story about a good little girl?
Daughter—Maybe—What was she
good at?
und when he gets the idea that
he’s the equal of white people
—well, that makes him danger
ous, I’ve got nothing against
the union unless it interferes
hy business. And the union
sure made the Negroes around
tny place worthless.”
Evicted' tenants declared they
were ready to stand by the un
ion until the end. Negroes make
much of the fact that whites
arc working with and sticking
by them. In other places, secret
meetings are held-in lonely cab
ins. The organization is being
perfected and is growing
stronger week by week despite
attempts to break it up which
seem actually to foster its
growth. It has set the entire
South thinking ebout a problem
existing here since the Civil
War. This union of two races
is considered everywhere as
amounting to a social phenom
enon south of the Mason and
Dixon line.
Dr. Dibble To Suc
ceed Colonel Ward
Will Head Famous Veteran’s
Washington, Feb. 6 (ANP)—Dr.
Eugene H. Dibble is to be the new
manager of the United States Vet
erans’ Facility located at Tuske
gee, Alabama, officials of the Vet
erans Administration announced
here Thursday. The 43-year-old
physician succeeds the veteran Col.
Joseph H. Ward, who has been
dismissed from the service under
a cloud this week, after heading
the hospital since July 1924. Dr.
Dibble is at present the medical
director of the John A. Andrew
Memorial hospital, located at Tusk
egee Institute, a position which he
has held since 1924. He at one
time served at the VeteranS’ hospi
tal as chief of the surgical section.
Dr. Dibble has built up an en
viable reputation as a hospital ex
ecutive at Tuskegee. To him is
given the credit for the develop
ment of the annual John A. An
drew clinic which has grown to be
one of the most important medic
al organizations in the country.
Physicians from every section of
the country make pilgrimages to
Tuskegee each spring to attend
the demonstrations of the clinical
association of which he is the sec
retary-treasurer. Dr. Dibble is
married, his wife being the for
mer Helen Taylor, daughter of Dr.
R. R. Taylor, for many years, vice
principal of Tuskegee Instiute.
They have four children.
The new hospital manager is a
graduate of Atlanta universiy, of
the Class of 1916, and of the How
ard Medical School, 1919. He came
to Washington Monday at the in
vitation of General Hines, Veter
ans’ Administrator and was of
fered the post. In the city at the
same time on orders from the bur
eau, was Colonel Ward, deposed
chieftain, as well as the chief
guard and the chief dietician of the
Institution, both of whom were
dismissed on charges of malfeas
ance, as were four other subordi
Whatever fears which might
have existed that the cloud creat
ed by the dismissal of the eight
in a change of race insofar as the
leadership of the institution was
concerned, were allayed by Dr.
Dibble’s pronjpt appointment. It
is understood that Veterans’ Ad
ministration Officials had assur
ed Dr. R. R. Moton and President
F. D Patterson of Tuskegee Insti
tute, that the personel would re
main colored
Dr. Dibble assumed his new
post February 1st.
Fake Fingerprint*
Fingerprints of different people,
as we know, are uever the same.
Hut It Is possible for a crook to
Imitate a genuine fingerprint so
that the suspicion of the police can
be diverted, says I'earsou's Weekly.
How this can be done has been
shown by Dr. Harold ('iinimlns of
the Tulaue university of medicine,
Chicago. Taking an original gen
uine fingerprint, he had It engraved,
and made a three dimensional nega
tive lu wax. Then ho took a cast
In gelatin from the negative and
stuck the gelntin on a dummy finger, j
Twelve of the 32 prints he made ‘
with the dummy Unger were de
dared by fingerprint experts to be
genuine. Though tills proportion Is
not very grout, the United States
authorities believe it is snlfident to
allow criminals many opportunities
to put the police on false trails.
Free Delivery JA 1189
1612 N. 24 th Street
WtlNQ r* wen
Un trial itm free. Writ* Uic*» Heart
lAbormtortee, Dept. Memphle. Tenneeee.
Dept Q 115
Is there any way to elode pro
grams of entertainment meant foi
morons only?
Nearly all men look kindly on »
do* asleep In the middle of the side
Worries ti e yon out by the end
of a long day as muck as physical
Women are pleased with a hand
some man, but they don't want hiss
to think he Is one.
One of the cbuntis of elsltlng a
strange city may be that yoa are
not Important there.
A man who cares nothing fst
lounging cnn’t see what grHtlflca
tlon cun be found In a lounge robe
Some people who don’t "wear
well," don't want to. They're of!
with the old lo?e, on with the new
Attjr. W. B. Bryant, 2722 BinneJ
Street, Phone WE 6869
Notice by Publication on Petition
for Settlement of Final Ad
ministration Account.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Eler White, Deceased.
Ail persons interested in said
matter are hereby notified that on
the 31st day of December, 1936,
Colun^bus S. Smith filed a petition
In said County Court, praying that
filed herein be settled and allowed,
and that he be discharged from his
tion before said Court on the 8th
day of February, 1936, and that
if you fail to appear before said
Court on the said 8th day of Feb
ruary, 1936, at 9 o'clock A. M.,
and contest said petition, the Court
may grant the prayer of said peti
tion, enter a decree of heirship,
nd make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may seem proper,
to the end that all matters per
taining to said estate my be final
ly settled and determined.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Ray L. Williams, Room 200
Tuchman Bldg., 24th at Lake St.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
_ George W. Gill, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified that a
petition has been filed in said
Court, praying for the probate of
a certain instrument now on file
in said Court, purporting to be
the last will and testament of said
deceased, and that a hearing will
be had on said petition before said
Court on the 8th day of February,
1936, and that if they fail to ap
pear at said Court on the said 8th
day of February, 1936, at 9 o’clock
A. M., to contest the probate of
said will, the Court may allow and
probate said will and grant ad
ministration of said estate to Mat
tie Snowden or some other suit
able person, enter a degree of heir
ship, and proceed to a settlemem
(SEAL) County Judge
r lVlvIv WOMEN
If you suffer with bearing clown pains
headaches, dixElncsa, backaches, ovar
ian pains, pains In abdomen, whites,
painful or Irregular periods accept a
FREE trial of the famous Mrs. Sum.
Uteri' lfoine Treatment which accord,
lug to reports received has brought
Joyous new health to thousands Hindi,
urly afflicted. Just send your name Rnd
address. Your package wl|l be sent
post-paid ABSOLUTELY FREE Send
j Naim ..
I St. or K, F. D.
1 city . sinte .
Help your plands
by usinp DR. HOL
| cial pland medic
cincs. No. 1 for men
No. 2 for women.
You have tried the
rest, now try the best I he Doctor s
own prescription. Don’t be satis
fied until you have tried VIGOR.
Feel young at 70, Price $1.00;
postage extra
4304 S. Parkway, Dept. AB-2
L. S. Hines, Manager
2 room furnished apartment.
WE 6421.
For economic and comfort of liv
ing ry DIXON APTS. AT 7435.
Room—Furnished or unfurnished.
Board and room. HA 3126.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. Y
AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne
gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na
Nevr York.
TURES, Wholesale; Retail;
Write, National Co., 163 W.
MAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 165
W. 126th St., New York City.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Halle
Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c).
Negro Doha, Flappers, Afriean
Ileague, 254 W. 135th St., New
Furnished apartment. WE 2243
Furnished Rooms for rent. Web.
Furnished Rooms for rent. 2726
Charles Street.
Reservations for tourists, guests.
Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St
Cuming Hotel. WE 4835.
2407 Lake Street
FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing
while you wait, 2420*4 Cuming
WANTED—Woman clerk, man
salesman. Either must invest
$300 on interest Good salary.
241$ Lake Street
Mumdd S bo wa Eatiact Mom
The great extinct wingless birds
of New Zealand known as moas,
some of which attained a height of
' 12 feet, are represented In exhib
| Its ef the Field Museum of Natural
| History by large mural palntlDgs by
! Charles R. Knight, by a mounted
skeleton and by a life-size restora
tion. The moas were ostrich-llke
in general appearance, but the larf- j
er forms were bulkier and bad more
massive legs. Tbelr extinction was
due to the refrigeration of climate
which occurred during the glacial j
period, and to the onslaught of
early natives before the discovery
of New Zealand by white men.
Um of Italic* la Bibla
In almost all literature, italics
are used for emphasis or to give
words a special meaning. But Id
the Bible they are used merely to I
designate words that have been!
added to muke complete sense out
of the literal translation from the
Creek and Hebrew.—Margaret Tin
noy, Talladega, Alabama, In Col
lier’* Weekly.
Fraihora* CuruUtd
Customer—Are you sure this milk
is strictly fresh?
Milkman—l.ady. this milk still
»n* grass not more than an hour
„ „ „ , FOR SALE
C. F. Read estate must be closed at once.
The following described property is for sale, either seperately or
in a lump Riim. Make your offer.
Fx>ts 1 and 2 in block 15, Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 4001
Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses.
The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat
rick’s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street
Lots five and six in block one, in Paddock Place, vacant property,
nt the northeast corner of 15th and Bardette.
I^ot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, la Arm
strong’s addition, at 913, 915 and 917 N. 25 atreet, which are three
cne-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six
This property is not new, but all rentable property at a fair rent
al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it
Thomas aad Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680
before 5 p. m„ and after 5 p. call WE. 1750. located at 1016 Oraa
hn National Bank Bldg,, Omaha. Nebraska.
Since 1799 thousands of people havve regained their normal
health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all
types, such asconstipntion, indigestion, gas, nad sour stomach
which are the basic factors of such maladies as high blood
pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, piroolcs on face and
^Hly,_pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder disorder, EX
HAUSTlON, los of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have
not used any man-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any
kind; they have only used a remedy by Nature. This mar
velous product grows on the highest mountain peak, where
it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun
to aid humanity in distress.
It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries and
flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is known
LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonderfully
upon your system, and is safe even for children. Prepare it
fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a day,
hot or cold
A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you
look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar
with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS
HERB TEA try it at once and convince yourself. If not satis
factory money refuded to you. Also in tablet form.
Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee.
Oneweek treatment $1.00 Six Weeks treatment $5.00
In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS
HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon.
Lio - Pharmacy, Dept 9502
1180 Second Ave-,
N. Y. City, N. Y
Enclosed find $..for which please send me.
treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA.
NAME ....
Kidneys Must
Clean Out Acids
The only way your body can clean out
Acids and poisonous wastes from youf
blood is thru 'J million tiny, delicate Kid-*
ncy tubes or filters, but beware of cheapj
drastic, irritating drugs, if functional
Kidr *y t»r Bladder disorders make you
suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous
re*s, Beg Pains, Backache. Circles Under
Byes, Dizziness, Kheumatic Pains, Acid
ity, Burning. Smarting or Itching, don't
take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran
tee t . rescription called Cystex (Sirs
Tex/. Works fast, safe and sure. In 4ii
h urs u must bring new vitality, and Is
guaranteed to nx you up in one week or
•uoney back on return of empty package.
Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggists
Hnd the £ warrantee protects you.
All Kinds of Poultry
Dressed Free while you wait.
Strictly Fresh Eggs
1W6 W. 24th WE 4787
Men-Wom« — $50-1180 a Month
For Institutions, Hospitals, etc.—
•AH knds of food jobs practically
everywhere'Write folly enclosing
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1-4-A-44, 145 W. 45th St, New
■m MMf Ml M* Miflbl OM fra*
MM >»M*ry, to*. JmM Ml jraur um Ml
All Kinds of Poultry
Dressed Free while you wait.
Strictly Fresh Eggs
1116 N. 2t4h WE 4787
Hsve ntMuy used lees H|W Seed »St
ten* tad address and raceire the sirHM
f-irg** free lest write ICefllees Uh«
r Meanplaes. Ten*.
Dept. l-R-7
New Kind Incurance
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Buy no insurance policy until
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tional Benefit Protective Associa
10 days FREE inspection by Na
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ural or accidental death; costs
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ly low rates. SEND NO MONEY!
Simiply send name and ago of all
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tionship. When certificate arrives
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—FREE offer limited—write to
Sensational NewDiscovery
fn Thr^« Quick Stages
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2nd Stage
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Into long. straight,
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107 N. Michigan Are..
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Send me the Mr. Johnson'. BrlUlan
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