The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 08, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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I have been waiting for this all
along. I had an idea it would be
only a question of time before some
bloke would start accusing Joe
Louis of going high hat. The other
charge, that of the Brown Bomber
hurting the boxing game, is one I
still have to shake my head over
to get These opinions, expressed
by the same man, are important
manly because this man is Larry
Morrison, manager of Oscar Ran
kin, the red-headed sepia middle
However, Momson declares
many tales of Joe's upstage tactics
are current in fistic circles. One of
the stories is that a recent trip to
St Louis as a guest referee, Louis
roughly brushed aside a porter
, who sought to greet him at a rail
way station. It is declared that
the sudden acquisition of several
thousand dolars and world fame
has turned the bronze youth's
The truth is that Joe doesn’t
care a cent about public life. Like
Lindbergh, he wants only to be let
alone to live his life in peace. This,
otf course, isn’t what people want
and this trait is unfortunate in
those that have been thrust into
the limelight. But a person has a
right to his convictions and psy
chology. If Louis, before his rise
to fame had been a publicity seek
ing social animal, then he could
fairly be accused of turning snob
bish. Fact is, Joe has always been
a quiet person who wanted only to
fight and come home to a very se
lect circle of intimate friends.
After seeing the results of the
supreme busy-bodies who brought
to this nation a disastrous Prohi-!
bition and observing the Species
Afranviricens going about its gos
sipy tactic*, it seems to me the
country could ue a few more peo
plo who attofnd strictly to their
own business as does Joe Louis.
Morrison's other charge, made
despite the Detroit fighter’s bring
ing back of the million dollar gate
to the beak busting racket and a
revived interest in boxing the na
tion over, is offered for what it is
worth. Here is how Morrison sees
“We have got to admit that Joe
Louis has boosted the gates for
hig heavy-weight bouts, but what
has that meant to the other divi
sions which really are the back
bone of the game? It has meant
that anywhere where they hope to
some day have a chance to see
Louis, they save up their pennies
for that opporunity tnd nothing
can pry them loose from the price
of a ticket for one of the regular
“Take the case of Chicago. For
weeks before Louis fought Charley
Ke>tzlaff they couldn't make ex
penses at any of the other cards.
The fans were all saving up just
to see Louis. No sir! That boy has
not done any of the rest of us any
To those who think that way,
this inconsequental person’s sug
gestion is to develop boys who will
got the idea that a boxing ring is
something other than an exhibi
tion place for the Lindy hop or
Oze Simmons, the Hula Hipped
Hawkeye Ilog Hide Handler, won
the state poll for Iowa’s best ama
teur athlete of 1936, amassing
142,494 votes. The contest was con
ducted by a Des Moines daily.
LeRoy Haynes of Los Angeles
got cm the road to redemption last
week by kayoing Ford Smith of
Missoula, Moot., in two rounds in
Philly. Smith, if memory serves us
right, got into the big timo by
whipping Art Lasky, then a lead
ing title contender, out West a
year ago.
Ed Burke, colored freshman of
Cleveland, is reported jumping 6
feet and 8 inches at Marquette uni
versity. AJong with Threadgill of
Temple, Walker of Ohio State
and Johnson of Compton jun
ior college, Duskymerica may
have a formidable quartet of leap
ers for the Olympics.
Incidontly, Cornelius Johnson
had trouble with the law last
week in Los Angeles. He was ar
rested for driving while intoxicat
ed but denied the charge, saying
the cops found only two full bottles
of ale in his car.
Joe Louis packs ’em in for a
fight,, for no matter how long, but
as a referee, it is something else,
again if Freeport, HI., is any ex
ample. For officiating in two bouts
Jthere last week he was paid $1,000.
But the white promoter had to
dig into his own pocket for $650
as the show lacked that much of
meeting expenses.
Gorilla Jones wasn’t quite so
lucky this time with Tait Littman
in Milwaukee. Last week it took
ten rounds to decision the white
boy. On New Year’s Day Gorilla
flattened him in the first
Those big bad Rens have been
down Dixie way giving their an
nual lessons in the basket ringring
art. Recently they snowed under
the Knoxville college quint 86-20,
and only mercy kept the score from
being more.
Kingfish Levi ns ky has found
people in California he can whip.
He kayoed Butch Rogers in four
rounds in Oakland last week. Gate
receipts were only $2,124 as con
trasted with more than $200,000
in the Louis-Levinsky fight last
August in Chicago.
By J. A. G LuValle for A N P
St. Louis, Feb. 6—1 is assumed
that the United States should win
13 out of a possible 22 events at
the Olympics in Berlin next Aug- i
ust. Of this number Negro ath- 1
letes should account for six oh
nearly fifty per cent of the first'
places acceded to the United States
For the lOO-meter dash we have
Jesse Owens of Ohio State; Eulace j
Peacock of Temple; Ben Johnson
of Columbia and Metcalf of Mar- 1
quette. They will make it one, two, j
For the 200-meter dash we have
the same quartet and may expect
the sarrve results.
For the 400-meter man-killing!
dash, we have Jimmy LuValle of ;
U, C. L. A., national champion of
the I. C. 4-A meet and the N. C. j
A. A. moot His competitors will ,
be O'Brien of Syracuse and Har-1
din of Louisiana amd McCarthy of
Southern California.
For the broad jump Jesse Owens
and Eulace Peacock will find it
rather easy for them to be one,1
For the high jump there is Cor
nelius Johnson, the present title
holder who should defeat Marty
of Fresno.
For the 200-meter low hurdles,
Jesse Owens should defeat Hardin
or Moore, taking it for granted he
can repeat his iron feat of win
ning four events, since he did it
twice last year, against Michigan
and Frisco.
Summing up, this would give the
Negroes six firsts, three seconds
and two thirds in the coming
Roland Hayes Wife
Is the Former
Franzata Mann
Boston, Mass., Feb. 5—(ANP)
Through the pall of seclusion
which Roland Hayes, the fam
ous tenor has drawn arouud his
private life, a few facts regard
ing h's interesting and delight
ful family have speed. The
Hayes live in Brooklyn, an ex
clusive suburb. Very few people
penetrate 1o the recesses of his
home, however, Mr. Hayes in
sisting that his perioral life is
his own rather than the pub
ft has been learned, however,
that Mrs. Hayes 'is the former
Franzata Maun of Georgia.
Olive brown in complexion with
dark brown hair, Mrs. Hayes
devotes a great deal of timo to
their charming two year old
daughter, Afreca. The child is
said to be the very image of
Mr. Hayes and to have ways and
mannerisms much like those of
her distinguished father.
Mrs. Hayes, whose home town
s said to have been Curryville,
Ga., is one of the extensive
Mann family and it is said tlud
her mother and Mr. Hayes’
mother were sisters, which
would make her his cousin. She
is dso a cousin of Richard
Mann, a singer of some reputa
tion who formerly served Mr.
Hayes as secretary.
Chicago, Febr. 8,—On the heels
of the record cold wave here in
Chicago will come to this windy
city for the refainder of the win
ter season, two name bands of ra
dio, stage and cafe fame. They are
Fletcher Henderson and his or
chestra opening at the Grand Ter
race on the south side and
Noble Sissle and his band mak
ing their debut in one of the fa
vorite exclusive spots in the loop,
the Congress hotel.
Henderson will replace Earl
Hines and his organization who
leave the Terrace for their annual
tour of the South and East The
National Broadcasting Company
will provide their nightly radio
broadcast from the south side
cabaret. This is Henderson’s first
Chicago night club engagement in
many years.
Noble Sissle is by no means a
stranger to the Windy City’s night
lifers. Last year his MCA vaude
ville bookings brought him to the
city several times, and in 1934 he
held down the dansapation spot at
the French Casino on the north
side of the city for several months
etherizing through the NBC fac
Jimmy Turner and his “Three
Flats and a Sharp” who have been
doing some sustaining programs
from local NBC studios and the
smaller Chi studios, were dicker
ing with Irvin Mills’ New York
booking agent and manager of the
Mills Blue Rhythm Band, Duke
Ellington, Cab Calloway and many
others along the Rialto. It is re
ported that Mills has signed them
up to play with Cab Calloway and
aggregation when they hit back
east from the coast where they are
at present finishing some films
and winding up their vaudeville
tour of the west. Last year the
Flats travelled with Duke Elling
ton for a few weeks through the
The philosophical saying of
Uncle Joe over WJJD, Chicago,
are receiving a great amount of
plaudits from listeners around
Chicagoland. His wise cracks on
the news of the day arc similar
to the Hoonier Philosopher, white,
from WAAF. Unde Joe is por
trayed by Dr. Andrew Dobson,
who for the past few years has
been devoting himself to radio
work. He has conducted programs
over several of the Chicago sta
The Fisk Jubilee Singers and
the Fisk University Choir provides
a delightful musical treat every
Tuesday evening at 9:00 over
WSM ait Nashville. Magnolia
Blossoms, features the singers ev
ery Monday night over the blue
web of the National Broadcasting
Company at 10:00 p. m., CST.
Straighten Your Hair
At H+nte
Our newest product turns ths
most stubborn kinky hair into soft
lustrous straight hair. Applied at
home in a few seconds. Costs but
a few coats. Writ* for free offer.
borrlew Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.
(For ANP)
By Frank lyn Prank
A good many of the Congo’s hot
spots got frozen up during that
little 20 \>elow zero chilly ( ?) snap
last week. However, it didn’t both
er the Warwick Cafe or the Star
Dust Inn which had joined the
Trainor on the retired list before
the North Pole was transplanted
to 47th and South Parkway. Geary
Johnson, the truckin’ emcee, de
clared that if the prodigal son had
returned to his papa in Chicago
during this weather, he’d stay on
ly one hour and then dash back to
Lon Rood, now in Harlem, got
himself something of a Joe Louis
reputation at Dave’s Cafe last Sat
urday aftemooon. Jt seems that
Francois and his Louisanans kick
ed to the musicians union about
spending so much extra time at
those rehearsals for the last show
produced here by Rood, and the
union’s business agent came around
to take it up.
There was already considerable
bad blood between Lon and the
union. Anyway, one word led to
another and the first thing you
know Rood was ducking a Charley
Retzlaff right. Lon did well
enough by himself—then some of
the chorus girls came in as allies.
For a while it looked like a mob
bing scene from Georgia, swears
Operator 22.The business agent left
in a hurry. Incidently, Francois
also departs from Dave’s this Fri
|> -
If the nightory which the Two
Thunderbolts left quietly owing
$40 and six weeks hotel bill will
look on the west coast, they might
find the boys out there. Operator
22 says the rest of the act, there
used to be four in all, are hoofing
in California and were looking for
ward to joining the Chicago lads.
Ladies’ and Childrens’ Work
A Specialty.
2422 Lake Street.
Naw and dlffarant won
der-warklng hair dreaaln*
pomade and KfCTN BRIBHT
Wrlta far larva trial aiaea trea and asanta'
propoaftlan. Lorit; Heart Lab n«w
Mrmphta. T»a»«ewr. Dept. Q-l-5
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
No matter how many medicines
you have tided ior your cough, chest
cold or bionchial irritation, you can
■ et relief now with Crtomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
T\>u canr.ot afford to take a chance
witti anything less than Creomul
sion, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature tc
soothe and heal the inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
is loosened and expelled.
Even if other remedies have
failed, don't be discouraged,. youi
druggist is authorized to guarantee
Creomulsion and to refund youi
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle
r at Cieoinulsion right now. (Adv.)
Pickets Greet Borah
In New York City
Brooklynn, N, Y., Jan. 31—When
Senator William E. Boraah of
Jdaho spoke here Tuesday night,
January 28, opening his campaign
for nomination for President, he
was greeted by 60 pickets who
carried signs criticising his stand
on the Costigan-Wagner anti
lynching bill.
Evplorers have found pygmies
in Africa that talk with gorillas
and are not molested by the an
imales, which attack full size na
I tives.
A Baby For You?
If you are denied the blessing
of a baby of your owa and yearn
for a baby’s arms and a baby’s
smile, do not give up hope. Just
write in confidence to Mrs, Mil
dred Owens, Dept- S612 Hanan
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she
will tell yon about a simple home
method that helped her after be
ing denied for 16 years. Many oth
ers say this has helped bless their
lives. Write now and try for this
About this time ot month, she used
to have to remain at home, usually In
bed. But no longer Is she compelled to
stsy In on certain days. Whether It's
rehearsals, or broadcasts, or stage ap
pearances, she’s right on hand, sow.
How Cardul Helps Womon
Cardul helps thousands of
women through the days they
used to dread. It tends to relieve
the functional pains of menstrua
tion, and by continued use, as
needed as a tonic, It helps to
overcome the tendency to monthly
suffering resulting from poor
nourishment. Prompt relief, yes,
but still more — lasting relief has
been reported In a great many
Find out whether Cardul will
help YOU. Of course. If It does
not benefit you, consult a physi
cian. Get a bottle, today!
Long Diatnec Hauling
Moving and Storaga
Phono WES656 2414 Grant St.
Damp Wash!
I Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman ’
2401 North 24th St We 0055 ||
.—■ ^ »-■ ■■ ——
(Slla 's mirror revealed that her
face was still pretty—end that she
knew bow to wear clothes.
Yet she sat at home night after
night, aloiir, while the girls of her
acquaintance were out having
good times.
“Your hair is holding you back”, a
kind, understanding friend advised
her. “It is dull, iron-burnt, gray
streaked—makes you look lOyears
older. Why not try Godefroy's
Larieuse French Hair Coloring?”
Ella heeded her friend’s advice.
And how different her world is to
day. Dates, dances, parties, excite
ment. Hair that is soft, gleaming,
again natural and youthful looking.
Safely, quickly — and nt borne—yarn,
too, can overcome the handicap of
gray, faded or streaked hair by us
ing Godefroy’s LAR1EUSE. You
can make your tresses a beautiful
jet-black, black, dark, medium,
light brown or blonde color in 15
or 20 minutes. No fuss, no bother,
no more trouble than an ordinary
shampoo. Always sold on a money
back guarantee. Your dealer has
f dealer does GODEFROVS
tot have it,
end I/.25
french HAIR coloring
Here's Yoitr Big Chauce to Make Quick Money-Be Aged fc: SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. M s Easy!
Doiyou need Money? Do you wirfi for the food things that Money would buy
to make you happy? Than bortime a SWEET GEOilClA EROVVK Money
MaMng AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS fort»WEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade. Hair Strength, Skin lb ;htener,
Bleach Cream. Face Powder. Perfume*, 309 Products. You don t need any
experience. Work in Spate Time or IDdl IWWf show you how to make up to
$40-00 a week ar up to $6.00 in a single day.
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(ftj YOU KSOW WHY--- Tlwe fin fl Lot Of Cheerful Persons Uto Hits NQ?imWATio^cA!m>oHCoW.v.g^ Dwwt« tfam By
f-p- , w -—-, Bill, when the / ]of eovasE voou. ) you M16KT wv<c } —,
Poi OLD r,ll ) BOVS all sir in Miss the sooo | a wrist hw KGS A Nice ,, I
I've COME SveJ i .TIMES-TH* CIBlS- I 9ll . 0WT TM&M / CHEtfeFuU __.I '^L X^J&rXU
TO iSwA^SJfl aEMEMBER. J Lths SAItS AN MOv Vo VOOft. I ( <.0-1 EuKT ( *£;** 1
S^P___J HZ TTT^. \ ftl-L TH^T. Il/rj r^t, V. fUH.OlOMT vo»/P 1 HE.ooc? sH?l—• »
i amlly- wasn't^that prool enough tor Pa » ^ ^ _^ PIsIS^
1 iHoiAHr I } C DO”r (,‘ How TO BE <—v ^""" ' I zvr *1 J
) ss sri- fe-si
1 PJP' fc^J ,s ,r yoow (. utrfe<*rwe‘ J j^cn (\ mutt!
j. --1 SroO^H?J N--^ t-,
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