BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores Tuskegee Scien tist Contribut es To Research Tuskegee, Feb., 5—(ANP)— Chemical Reviews for Decem ber 1935 carries a sixty-five page article by Nathaniel O. Calloway, Ph. D. head of the department of Chemistry, Tus kegee Institute. The article “The Friedel Crafts Syntheses’' is a complete survey of work done since discovery in 1877. Dr. Calloway was invited by the editor to make the contri bution and is the first Negro chemist to receive sudh an in vitation. The publication of hm article is significant recognition of the research work being done at Tuskegee Institute. More ac tive work on the Friedel Crafts Syntheses is underway by stu dents under I>r. Calloway’s supervision in the chemistry laboratory of the Institute. Be cause of the importance of this reaction in industry and the\ manufacture of such commod ities as dyes, antiseptics and motor fuels, the study of its pos sibilities coordinates perfectly with the Tuskegee idea of broadening the opoprtunities for Negro students by directing thofr training to meet the needs of the day. The chemistry laboratories at Tuskegee are located in Arm strong Hall ,a three story fire proof brick structure appoint ed with the most modern scien tific equipment, in class rooms, lectures and demonstration rooms, general laboratories and research laboratories. This building houses the chemistry, physics, biology, botany and experimental psychology activ ities of the College. The bacter iology laboratory is housed in the Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Calloway, the author of the December article, was for two years research scholar in chemistry at,Iowa State Col lege and for one year lecture demonstrator at the same in stitution. He received the de gree of Doctor of Philosophy there in 1933; Bachelors degree in 1930; he is a member of Sig ma Xi, honorary research fra ternity, Alpha Psi, social fra ternity. This contribution to Chemical Review is the 6ixth article on the Friedcl-Crafts Syntheses of which Dr. Callo way has been author or co-auth or. This work on the Friedcl Crafts Syntheses is in line with other efforts that are being promoted at Tuskegee for fu ture research an activity that Dr. F. D. Patterson, Tuskegee's new president, consider essen tial for the healthy development of a college program that is commensurate with the demands of modern agriculture and in dustry. Fine for Kidney and Bladder Weakness 3T0P GETTING UP NIGHTS Keep your kidney* free from waste matter, poisons and acid, and put healthy activity into kid neys and bladder and you’ll live a healthier, happier and longer life. One most efficient and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist a 35-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take them as directed—the swift results will surprise you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble are backache, moist palms, leg cramps, and puffy eyes. If you want real results, be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—the original and genuine —a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic—right from Haarlem in Holland. Give your kidneys a good cleaning once in a while. | Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Northside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding Between Merchants and Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations Advisory Committee State Supervisors Meet In Wash. (Conti no ad Fr»m Page On*) Office of Education Specialist in the Education of oNgroes, and H. L. Trigg, Supervisor of Colored High Schools in North Carolina, on leave, are direct ing the Survey. Members of the Technical Ad visory Committee meeting in Washington to discuss Survey Policies and problems are: Barnes, Dr. W. Harry, Presi dent National Medical Associa tion, 1315 N. 15th St., l"hiladel phia, Pa. Carter, (Dean) J. r., Presi dent National Association of Collegiate Deans and Registr ars in Negro ehools, Talladega College, Talladega, Ala. Clark, Eugene, President Mi-n er Teachers College, First Viee President of the Federation of Colored Catholics of the U. S., Washington, D. C Clement, (Dean) Rufus E., President National Association of Teachers of Colored Schools, Louisville Municipal College, Louisville, Ky. Cook, (Mrs.) V J., Preisdent National Association of College Women, 2028 MeCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. Dodson, T. L. (Attorney) President Negro Bar Associa tion, 615 F. treet, N. W., Wash ington, D. C. S Drake, J F., President Con ference of Negro Land-grant Colleges, State A. & M. College, Normal, Ala. Hill, T. Arnold, Acting Exec. Secy. National Urban League, 1133 Broadway, Ne wYork City. Holsey, Albion, Secretary Na tional Negro Business League, Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala. Jones ,Eugene K., Advisor on Negro Affairs U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. Keller, Dr. Kranklin J., Di rector National Occupatoinal Conference, 532 Fifth Avenue, New York, N Y. Kitson, Dr. II. O., Represen tative Natinoal Vocational Guidance Association Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Kittrell, Miss Flemmie, Ben nett College, Greensboro, N. C. McCuistion, Fred, Executive Agent Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States, 517 Cotton States Building, Nashville, Tenn. Nickerson, Miss C., President National Association of Negro Musicians, Howard University, Washington, D. C. Oxley, (Lieut.) Lawrence A., Chief Division of Labor, U. S. Labor Department, Washing ton, D. C. Sargent, H. 0., Special Agent for Negro Schools, U S. Office of Educatoin, Washington, D. C. Thompson, Dr. Charles H., Editor Journal of Negro Edu cation Howard University, Washington, D. C. Wright, Dr. Arthur D., Pres ident eanes-Slater Funds, 726 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C. Robinson, W. A., Principal laboratory High School, Pres ident of the Southern Assoc, of Secondary Schools and Colleges for Negroes, Atlanta Univer sity, Atlanta, Ga. Haynes, Dr. Geo. E., Secre tary Federal Council of the Churches of Christ, 105 East 22nd Street, New York City. Dixon, J. C., Supervisor of Negro Schools, Atlanta, Ga. Klaver Endorses Old Afire Pensions Unemployment Insurance Give Farther Information On Statement Made In Filing Has Clear Platform Maay of my friends from nr ioas porta <4 Omaha ban asked me how I staad in regard to old age pensions aad anemploymeat insurance. No one can ever eay that l have not taken a definite stand in re gard to any public issns, and there fore I make this signed statement in regard to my views on the question of old age pensions aad unemployment insurance I believe unequivocally in some form of security for the aged and tha infirm and to those unfortun ate among us who are heads at families who are out of employ ment In making this statement, I do not consider that this is radical— not sven progressive It is censor vathre thinking — komnnltnrian thinking. By furnishing restrictive and regulated security to the old, the infirm and thoss out of employ ment will make not only for a happier and more contended city and state, but it will be a stimu lant to a more steady, even busi ness keel. There are In Nebraska thousands of men and women whe should be retired and furnished subsistence. If these men and wo men are taken off these jobs our younger men and women will have the opportunity in life which they are seeking frantically. Also, in the future the man who is now working and the man who hopes to obtain employment should have some assurance of more security for his living than he has had in the past. Neither one of these measures would hurt business. I am not op posed to legitimate business, re gardless of size. Without big busi ness we would not have little bus iness. Without capital we could not have labor. Without labor we could not have capital. Neither ene of these divisions of our society would suffer by any regulated, well-worked out systematic form of old age pension and unemploy ment insurance. If this depression teaches us nothing else, it will teach us to think of the other fellow, especial ly of those less fortunate than we are. However, there are many things in lift that we overlook and all of us have a great deal to be thankful for, even though at times the going appears to be hard If I am elected to the Uni-Cant eraJ legislature from the Sixth District. I pledge that l will favor this legislation as outlined above, and that i will be the representa tive of my people because I am of he people and always shall be of he people. _ SAM KLAVER m LOST 20 POUNDS OF FAT Feel full of pep and possess the slender form you crave—you can’t if you listen to gossipers. To take off excess fat go light on fatly meats, butter, cream and aug ury sweets — eat more fruit and vegetables and take a half teaspoon ful of Kruuchcn Salts in a glass of hot water every morning to elimi nate excess waste. Mrs. Fima Verille of Havre do Grace, Md., writes: "I took off 20 lbs.—my clothes fit me line now.” No drastic cathartics—no consti pation—but blissful daily bowel ac tion when you take your little daily dose of Kruschen. I_J _ We have discovered the way to dream anything yoa wish and have it come true. If yam wish to have success with your dreams answer this ad at once. If not, don't write. Free details. Daggett Pnb. Co, 3439 Rhodes Avcl, Chicago, III. Novelist Pleads For Awakening Among Negroes Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 6— (ANP)—Demanding to know the ground upon which Negroes can lay claim to culture and refinement when they do not possess all the books written by colored writers within the past decade, O Wendell Shaw, auth or of “Greater Need Below’’ which will shortly appear as first selection of the new Bi Monthly Negro Book Club, re cently told the board of gov ernors of that organization and the Negro writer’s Guild that “ millions of our race in Amer ica are practically sound asleep and oblivions to the dormant lit erary treasures within the gift of scores of capable and inspir ed Negro writers.” Mr. Shaw in this talk point ed out that all races enjoy eco nomic independence in propor tion to the pride in themselves. The greatest need of Negroes is pride, he declared, and the greatest means for awakening pride is words from Negro writers who can and will slant their literary productions pim ally fo Negoes rif the race will buy them. ‘‘All Mulatto Negroes are not ‘Peola's’, as in Imitation of life, nor are they all ‘Em peror Joneses’ or John Ilenrya’ hut we’ll hardly see any others in books so long as Negro auth ors must depend upon white publishers and white readers as outlets for their books,” Shaw asserted. “Increased Ne gro-consumption of books by Negroes is key to tlie whole problem.’’ 25t Proves You Car ENJOY LIFE Power Pills Restore Lost Gland Power and Bring Back Joys of Youth Manhood slipping? Keeling old, tired out, pepleos mid rundown' Hen’s a message of new'hopel Mail coupon below with 25c for postage and pecking costa for a three day test of Doctor's I’rcucription 1000. Tltesc powerful pills literally r 41 back the yean You feel young ag-ttn — peppy, loving and chuck full of energy. You are mare attraclive, too, because you radiate good oealth and vitality. No more lonesome night*! Don't delay making thi* convincing test Mail the coupon right now for double strength lh*e seriptton 1000. Your 25c hack if test doesn’t delight you! Sent under plain wrapper. ..... mail THIS COUPON AND 25c■...» : CHEMISTS SALES CO., Dept. J 5001 Irving Park Bird., Chicago, 111. • Enclosed i* 25c. Send me a 3 day supply J • Prescription 1000 on yeur money back J ! guarantee. ■ .. J : | I j City...State.,.. | • Put X here and enclose $1.00 for full tit* J \ package. If C.O.D. portage eatra ( ) • GET MONEY—LOVE I guarantee to help you get a pew atart ip life. No cate beyond hope. Stop worry, ingl Write me today. Information FREJ&I M, WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen At* JERSEY CITY. N. at. Dept. O. Q. Help Kidneys • If poorly functioning Kidney!! anil Bladder make you Buffer from Getting Up Nights. fjgrvouanes*. Rheumatic M. Pains, Stiffness, Burning, Smarting, Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor’s PrescriptionCystex(Sias-tex) —Must ha you up or money UySIOX back. Only76/ at druggistg, Uake Today taur Lanky Day Just semi your name and addreea sad get marvelous magic Luoky Larva and Money •golden charm" pocket piece, and big new • cents' oroooalilon Writ# Kayateae lab., Dept 6-R-9 M«rnphla* Another Raltimorian In Racket Toll Baltimore, Beb., 5—(ANP)— Frank “Kid” Pratt, well known sport*man and local club owner, waa arrested here today as a re sult of the present number probe which was started here some three weeks ago. Mr. Pratt was charged with conspiracy to violate the state lottery laws. He is being held in default of a $26,000 bail. Several others were also indicted for a similar offense and held under the aame amount of bond. '""~Ask for a 1936 Ladles Birthday ALMANAC Til* QMrnt druggtat will bo ■tad to giro you ona of thaao popular almanac* If you will aak for it bafora rD CCI >hay ara all gona. » KC*C«t I-3 *•««* nwwcTs d,^ 7iD 14*4 N. Wella Stroot, CkioafO, 111 (FREE - FREE )| A Bannl fro* rift to any nadir at tfcia payor. Jaot send na your nano and addroaa to day. HARRY ANDREWS 49 East Broadway, Now York, N. Y. .- .... . He Bought New Carl She Bought 5 New Dresses Can you use $10 extra every month? To buy new clothes, new slyiea, hats, help pay for furniture, a car and lots of other things v "• -vny have to now do without. < e you can. Who can’t these < ! bo I’m going to tell you how to get it—and more too—without working hard or running a penny’s risk. Just fill out the coupon and mail it today. This isn’t a contest. You are under no obligation. Just mail the coupon today sure. Then Do This One Thing Just read the most amazing offer yoa ever heard ofl It will come to you by return mail if you write your name and address on the coupon and mail it to FAN TAN ANNE today. Don’t wait. Don’t send one penny. iBe the first in vow community to make this real money. Mail the coupon. It puts you in the lead to real success. Tomorrow may be too late. Only honest, reliable folks wanted. But mail the coupon now. IfllLTHISCOUPjn I FAN TAN ANNE, Dept, A-78 I Bex 3374, Chicago, Illinois £ f) * I Dear Fan Tan Anne: I Without obligation or cost, tefl M me how I can easily make up to I I $10.00 a month, and more, met I . in my spare time. *-I AJAt— | j au-»«|«- I AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO. Twentieth A Comings St. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS PHONE ATLontk 4927 AH Work Guaranteed “We have served your Mends**—Ask tfaem BEER ON TAP AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. RED HOTS AND SHORT ORDERS TRY OUR DOUBLE DECK CLUB SANDWICH JOHNSON DRUG OO. Wo nu iui«f rioMriptUM WT5 MH .. 1M4N. Mth St. How To Get Fid Of GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger Whe« you sou diiifo yuur fftmy, faded, or streaked hair to Its natural youthful soft oelor in less than half an hour— And do It at home without four •f hums to the heir -why go on looking yean older than you should look. Rap—-l—7 periods and built me up." Try them neat month. t Whiten SkinThis EasgWau tew ■' To quickly whiten. lighten and ■ clear akin of pimples, freckles I and other ordinary sumasar time Kl blemishes, just do this one simple flr sasy thing. Get Me Dr. PROD t Palmer’s Skin Whitener Otat { meat at any good drug store. To I night spread a little ef this de lighful pure creamy ointaaeat over your skin. See for yourself the wonderful results it gives. In sist on the genuine. Ask only for Special Whitening SoapFree Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment A free trial of DR. FRED Palmer’s products awaits you. J»»t se^d your name, address and 8c for postage charges today to DR.«.i j Palmer’s Laboratories, Pept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia. A valuable and useful WEEK-END-KIT will be sent to you without further charge. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We are Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to Newspapers. We Call For and Deliver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street _ WE 1750 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CftftBalMO* Hair Grower (Double Strength) i Cann-'v*.'!* Eloach Crc^m {fiovV.a S!rac-j:<»i And Our 18 OtKcr Canrtolene Beauty Creations Beginning on* Now Advertising Campaign we will give a Free Star! to intelligent, energetic men or worses who are ambitious to make money and huIH up a business of their own wttsg beauty products ei the better kind. Oun la strictly • «wiH»y Hae that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make mart mosey with a quality line and you win valuable p:U:*. Write at once to Cannon Ccsmotics Co* Dept. 20*A. Atlanta, Ga« N-N-P. Ex, S. ____