NOTE—Your question printed free in this column. For private reply send 26c and (self addressed stamped envelope for my New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on thre* questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and correct address. Address Abbe' Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. V. A. N.—I know I can do some thing to make more money than I am making and would like to know what yon think? Ans.—Go to your local BROAD CASTING STATION and arrange for on audition. Your fortune ap pears to be in your voice and if possible try to get on some of the amateur programs that are being held over the country. A. M. T.—Does my friend love me? I am very much worried over this question Ans.—He is so much in love with your COMFORTABLE home and enjoys spending your MONEY that he hasn’t had time to think about you very seriously. I do not believe you two aro very well j suited to one another. - | H. B.—I would like to know if i anyone uses my car or license tags at nights? An. —No —however, someone tried to take your tag a few nights ago but was scared off. Your car has not been used without your knowing anything about it _____ C. B. C.—When will I be fortu nate enough to get an apartment for my wife? Ans.—dt eeems to me that by the spring of this year you will have saved enough to get a small apartment. Your hours of work will also be changed from nights to days. P. N. T.—Will I be able to get in touch with my half-sister ? Ans—No, for she moved from her last address. She will write to your father when she want* her whereabout* known. K. D.—Do you think I will bo able to get anything from the source I am now trying? An*.—You will be paid a sum of money from the injuries you sustained in the ACCIDENT. You need not seek a lawyers help for this will bo paid just as soon as tho claim* are filed correctly. A. E. P.—1 am a litle bit confus ed about some of the girls I am a vary close friend to. What do you forsee? Ana.—I do not see a wedding with either of these girls—for you won’t enter matrimony for anoth er five to aeven years. These girls are proud of your friendship and enjoy your company. R. 0. D.—Should I make the change? An*.—You won’t lose by going to this CITY and getting a Job. A change will help you more than i anything you could do from a: standpoint of health. This will be j one of your most successful and j eventful years. A. B. B.—Will I be successful in tho recital l tm going to give? Ana—Yes indeed and the month of APFiL is an ideal time for this MUSICAX. RECITAL. You will make enough money to take the course in music that you have in mind. D. F. C.—My brother is acting very funny for the past two weeks What is the best thing for me to do? I would rather have private information. Ana.—If you will send a quarter for my Aetrologictl reading I will be glad to give you my free advice on three questions. Please sign your full name and correct birth date and address to your letter. See the note attached to this col umn for additional information. D. S.—Should I take my friend as serious as he claims that he is? Ana.—He loves you Just as much as he tells you and would be tick led to death for you to accept his proposal of MARRIAGE. He will gladly wait until you finish your last year in college. NOTES ON A CUFF For two consecutive Sunday nights Doc Huggins, the distin guished, has had to turn them away from his Cafe de Paris which features the sensational Monkey Club, omcee’d by Gentle Jimmy Gentry. It is currently the most torrid thing in town—and the Doc himself nerves hot peanuts to all tho Monks. But what also could you expect but success for a club with a name like that in Chicago's Congo? To Mrs. Albert Dean of Phila delphia, your message has been, delivered o the three Bruces. Glad I’ve been able to put you in touch with your lost cousins. — Thanks Billy Mitchell, for that autograph ed picture. Inridently, the King of the Night Clubs is hunting his own cafe spot.-A certain col umnist is about to put Skid Blakey tho personable young omcee, on his black liBt. Skid knows why. Most embar rasing, done ha know, for that big time Detroit cabaret owner to be discovered lying flat on his stomach trying to peer un der the curtains of that lovely young dancers dressing room. But he smoked a Murad and offered her a contract at his Motor City place before she could protest.— Queen Bea Moore, gorgeous one, denies she is that way about any body at present, which is sweet news to many a worshiping male, j NOTES AND RESTS Ruth Harris, the Mae Westish singer with the baby voire, is ! planning on departing, — Freddie j Cole has been laid up for a week j due to illness. Ditto Dorothy Dor- ! rick. — Helen Shorter, the shake dancer, has been twirling at the Cocoanut Grove, near Gary, Ind., | but it may not be long1 as she is tired of going back and forth these cold nights. Clara Campbell, who once warb led locally at the Panama, is now goin’ round and round in the Cot ton Club revue in Miami.— In Memphis the Club Aristocrat has been opened with the Bama State Collegians dishing out the music. They have the same name used by Erskine Hawkins and his or- , ehestra before they graduated from service for the Dixie school into the Uhangi Club in Harlem. Bostonians Con tribute $450 To Gthiooian Cause Boston, Feb. 5—(AN I”)—In response to an appeal made by Prince Tasfayc Zaphiro, secre tary of the Ethiopian Legation nt London, vho spoke hero recently, citizens contributed $450 to aid the Ethiopians cause in their present conflict with Italy. Prince Zaphiro told of the needs of the Eth opinns, stressing the needs of medical centers and supplies and of funds with which to carry on | their present war. The large j group of citizens that attended he mass meeting responded to his appeal with cash and with pledges which will augment the cash contributions. Educators Plead For Higher Edu cation In South New York City, Feb., 5— (ANP)—Urging the necessity of higher education of Negroes in the south last week, pres idents of two colleges being sponsored by the Methodist Episcopal church, pointed out how Negro youths were being denied the opportunity to at tend college and to receive what has been termed as “high er education’' which precludes all forms of industrial or vo cational training. The principal speakers at the convention which was held at the St.Marks M. E. Church, were Dr. Mathew S. Dogan, president of Wiley College of Marshall, Texas and Dr. H. L. McCoy, president Rust Col lege. Dr. Dogan referred at length to the progress that had been made at WMey and at the same time pointing out that the institution, because of its limited facilities, was unable to meet the demands being made upon it. In the same Hue of di rection, Dr. McCoy, cited the fact that Mississippi faced the same situation and emphasized the need of expansion at Rust College. Columbia Lynched Innocent Man j Columbia, Mo. where NAACP1 Attorney! Redmond, Espy, and j Houston filed the epochal petition ' las Friday is the seat of the Uni vorsity of Missouri, and also acone of one of the country’s moat brutal | lynching! staged in 1923. Tlie vie- J tim was a Negro named Scott Ac- i cused of attacking a white girl, daughter of a university official, i ho was later proved innocent whan another Negro named Johnson con fessed that he had asiociated with tho girl and had been with her on the occasion when she scream- J ed. Johnson was tried, found guilty j and sentenced to 99 years in tho ! Missouri penitentiary. The mob which mutilated Scott’s body and lynched him near the al- | leged attack spot was led by some j students of the university. Colum bia is about 100 miles west of St. Louis. TIRED. ACHING. SWOLLEN PE El Emerald CM1 CuonmlMil to Slop All l'uia mod 8w—ia and Banish Offensive Odors la just one minute after aa appli cation of Emerald Oil you’!! get the surprise of your Ike. Year tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literallv jump for Joy. No fuss, no trouble; yen just ap ply a few drops of the nil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion reeairee. Just a tittle and rub it in It’s simply wonderful the way it rads all lent misery, while for fesd that sweat and give off an offensive oder, M , A there’s nothiag better in the world. Mcone’s KiriemM OB is Jw> guaranteed to ead yetir feat SLiua, troubles or money beck. s® P»Mfc Thtu Symptom*. RMmNb. bkttuf ai»;l* heart t*hia «r«4*t*a tMtaibuau U •CTO* a DC >.-** “I'lnr *n.l wxW' tauaani >10 ai d oOi r*NM Vila A«tf**L M'4iu W iMf«M r«* « IF rrf* I Herman's Market jj 24TH and LAKE STS. WE 5444 (j OUB PBIOM ABB BBA80NALBB £ WE DEI ITER > Birmingham Police Use Brutality Birmingham, Feb., 5—(ANP) —A thorough investigation will be made of the alleged brutal treatment accorded Steve Ed wards by police here last week, according to a statement made Tuesday by chief of police Idol lums. Edwards claims that he was severely beaten by police in the effort to force him to confess to a charge of theft, which had been lodged against him. J. J. Davenport, jail warden declar ed Edwards was suffering from a lacerated scaip and several abrasions about the head and face when he was brought to the jail, but declar ed that the prisoner told the prison attaches that he had en gaged in a fight at a dance in which he received the injuries. Further evidence was given by hospital attendants where Edwards was treated prior to having been brought to the jail, reports at the hospital showed that Edwards was brought to the hospital and treated for a possible skull fracture, which lie claimed was inflicted by the police who accompanied him to the hospital. Chief of Police llollums stat ed Tuesday that there had been several conflicting reports con cerning tho maimer in which Edwards had been injured but within the next few days he expects tho case to be cleared up. There have been several charges of police brutality made recently, which perhaps ac counts for the strenuous man ner in which the Edwards case is being investigated. ‘ ‘ HONEYMOON FOR LUTT LOST MANHOOD RESTORED BY ALTA-KAKUR PERI.ES Vitamin E—(“The Sex Vitamin”) Send $100 Today; Result-j Guaranteed A-K LABORATORIES Dept. 1402—3400 HARPER AVE Chicago, ilinois •flrrwn RijUiNr 7KKX Button an VFHtC UxU/ i> >fow _ X' < MOR PRODUCTS CO ’ mi IndUiu Ate. D«LIU Chit—, IU, 57PS7I? LUCKT 7 herbs rrVl^E FROM 7 LANDS ieliev- in LUCK? It so, try famous 7 herbs from 7 lands, be Het'd most wosrfui er'Nc found 'or 7 YEAR’S GOOD LUCK Sind V utr.rop for FRK1C OEPKR •EVEN HERBS CO., 5816 \Te»i ooit Sta., Kanots iCty, Mi. , CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes Kin# Yuen Cafe N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. ni. until 3 a. m. __ I Suit Filed By McGill Aganst Defender Chicago, Feb. 5—Details of the suits for $47,359.75 back salary and $49,746.81 unpaid commissions filed by N. K. Mc Gill against the Robert E. Ab bott Publishing Co., publishers of the Chicago Defender, were revealed this week. McGill’s salary as general manager was $36,000 a year. In 1933 $22,268.29 was paid, leav ing a balance of $14,131.21, and during 1934 he was paid $3,117. 96, leading a balance of $33, 228.04, according to the peti tion drawn up by "William H. | Haynes, McGill’s attorney. The weekly salary of the plaintiff was fixed at $700 weekly from May 1, 1925, to Jan. 21, 1935. The $49,746.81 in unpaid com missions accrued from May 1 to Jan. 21, 1935, for his work as secretary and assistant sales manager of the publishing com pany, the complaint read. Mc Gill charges that in October 1926, $10,000 of the $76,746.81 (earned was paid, and in May 1932, $17,000 was paid, making a total of $27,000 paid on his commission account with the remainder as yet uncollected. >mii Larpaat (MHh n»» in-Oa»a Hih »raadn* la Uh world: If yon hami't aao* Hama, don't fall to try thla Trootmanr Bail 200 World Kaataad Moral V|| IC'D? Horn nonpan with ovary oe W M*M2 oarl SomathlikK now. Writ* tmmrdlataly far oar propnaltlaal Kayatowa Lah , MaaapMn. Town., Dopt. -__ Dept 9-R-12 " ’j COULD NOT DO HER HOUSEWORK TV7HBN erery “ thing van at tempt is a burden —when you are nervous and veri table—at your wit’s end—try this medicine. It may be iust what you need for extra energy. Mrs. Charles Cadmus o« Trenton, New Jersey, says, “After doing just a little work I had to lie down. My mother-in-law»recom mended the Vegetable Compound. I caa see a wonderful change now.” ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY and pave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years so vs Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. ON'!! LOLuAL to. one month’s supply. Mon?y returned if not satisfied FREE—Kooks on Sex Secrets worth $1.0© given absolutely free with ea<*h order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C P. ltx. S. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery HOUSTON’S CASH MARKET ‘2114 N. 24th St. JA-3543. Every Day u Bargain Day Hare FREE COURSE IN HAIR CUTLURE Including Diploma • Mail, Writ* CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 5315 Chicago, III. PRBE TOURSWJ? ©f ©Til ©oa ditiona. M©0km mmrj aad©r*ak ing, M©m«y, Coakrol Ha©baad, Wife, Swaathoart TUB BOOK IS FBKR G<* y©aa ©opy a* ona© if y©u waal yesoMa. Daggot Tab. Go., 24S6 Kksdaa, Chicago OL Dept. 9-R-12 f UJfflFrtt Yourself of evil condition* Master erery B!S£f>andertaking, Money, Oon W eiMhietrol Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. This book is free, get your copy at onee if yon want re sults. Daggett Pub. Co., 3490 Rhodes, Chicago, UL WHITEN SKIN while you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime spread Nadmoia Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is deubk aeling. It gives results you have never found in any ordinary blench. jny Get Nadhtoia today at any tsi 1 n 1 let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money UIqi/ cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Bov N-17, Paris, Term. oNod&mAa ping costs. Golden Brown Choir Co. Memphis, Term. Dept N P 72 1 (ORIENTAL LOVE I i Thrill HIM with that trr Jalluring aaani that alln [ lavara Oil U faaalnala f Ha lota—aaalta hit affacilant. RURB MVETII RERROME OIL ••Hama. Only a _ vr&Jts zz* ■••aarav* free. «« rwiwn. tN ■. Dept N mm HAIRDRESSING FACE FOWDLH Wo want ewryoody to try SWEET GEORGIA BROWN HAIR DRESSING and Face POWDER. S6 don't salt I Be jure to act your FREE SamfTee. fa»t tend name, address and 9s stamp for mailing coata. SAMPLES and BEAU TY BOOK will be aeat you right Jwky. Wo will aleo send yon omr Big Money Making* imposition. Don’t7miae Ihle big offer. Write today. Say: “Send pa agenu* offer and FREE Samples. ~ VALMOR PRODUCTS CO., 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Dept. 919 Cbiaago, 1U. GROWS HAIR • STRAICHT ^ •LUSTROUS • GLEAMING • LONG 1 a* hour Wirro» Prove The RenuMs Yoarbniraeecl got be abort, arrmnrtr kie W', ijor need It be dried eat, )t1 1 8 g U«pt. Cl* StS M Michljuui. Chicago III. 1 I Ploaac a* nd PIUEETrooPeo? Day Trial Of. j | for without any aaat at all to ma. 1 j NAME..... I j ADDRESS.. I j CITY.STATE .J G1 Tone are those agonizing hours—at home—alone! No more anxious moments at the telephone, waiting for invitations that never come. No longer does she ask: “What’s wrong with me and men?” For now that she has restored to her hair its youthful lustre and loveliness, Lois has found love, happiness, and romance with a capital “R”. What is Loia’ beauty secret? Just this—an occasional application of Godefroy'a Lari ease Hair Color ing. That’s how she regained her glamorous charm—beauty that turns men’s thoughts to romance. Th at'i why her hair is so soft, silky, and altMyi sparkles: - Simply, quickly — anti at home— you, too, can color your hair to a lovely, even shade of jet black, dark, medium or light brown, or blonde, with Godefroy’s Larieuse. No waiting. No disappointments. Soft, gleaming hair—hair that keeps you looking younger than your years—in just a few minutes. This famous preparation has been used and approved by stage and screen stars, celebrities and people of wealth, position and prestige, for more than 42 years. Satisfac tion guaranteed or your money back. Don't risk unhappiness—don’t wait —get a foil size botdeofGodefroy's Larieuse from your dealef TODAY. lfj~r GODEFROY'S dtttitr ufm’t f»b r*» mV #1.2* colorinq IMPROVED ^ OOOCnOY MANUPACTVUMO COMPANY • MO* OUV1 ITUIT, Ml. LOWS. NKX