The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 01, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    A D VICE |
By Miss Trubbl Watters !
Dear Miss Watters:—I have
been going with a boy for the last
two years and I am very much in
love with him. He told me he loves
me, but lately he has fallen in love
with another girl. The girl is thir
teen years younger than he is and
but she is only a high school girl
she thinks she is in love with him
and I am sure it is just a case of
infatuation. What shall I do?
Shall I wait for this hoy as I am
si|re he will come lack to me as
scjbn p.s this mad infatuation is
over or rhflll T start, going w-ith
someonet else- It is hard for me to
go with someone else as Ilove
this hoy very much
Ans—I admire your tolerance
So you are willing to sacrifice
your endowed pleasure waiting for
this Tryan. This proves that you
will make a good wife for some
ono more worthy of your love. At
the end of two years of courtship
things should be taking on defin
ito proportions. The extent of this
high school girl’s love is not for
you or me to say. Rut there is
ono truth clearly outlined. This
man’s love for you is not impreg
nable- Sure he might come back,
until ho could find someone more
to his liking as in this present
case rf you find sweet pleasure in
the bitterness of waiting while
others are enjoying life, (includ
ing yon r boy friend) why I would
not toll you not to, Although it
would perhaps be better to let him
catch-up instead of finding you
where ho left off- And perhaps by
that time you will have found
someone capable of returning the
faithful love you have to offer.
Dear Miss Watters:—Until the
present time my home life has
been very happy, I have a lovely
husband who Is very grand to me,
and an adorable baby. Now Miss
Watters although my husband is
very good to me and the baby, he
is not thoughtful or affectionate.
I have met a man recently who
has taken a ir eat liking to me. He
i‘i so thoughtful and kind to the
baby and me I am afraid Miss
Watters that if our friendship con
tinues I will fall desperately in
love with this man- What shall 1
do? Shall I discourage this man’s
friendship or should I continue as
I am? If I do I am positive it just
means a lot of miserable suffer
ing for me in the end
Ana—You say that your hus
band is not thoughtful or affec- j
tionate asi you think he should be.
The fact that he was sufficiently
attractive to cause you to marry
him is something in his favor. Are
you making yourself as attractive
to him as you did before your
marriago. Marriage is the problem
of two people. Are you in the habit
of pouting while waiting for un
pleasant difficulties to adjust
themselves ? Every human-being
has a responsive chord. If you have
failed to win completely the
thoughts and affection of your
husband who treats you fine in
other respects it is probably due
to the fact that you have not ex
tended yourelf along this line
Have you tried being thoughtful
of him- If you did marry this oth
er man could you really trust him
knowing the unconventional meth
ods he used to win you? Or do
you think he could sincerely trust
you, knowing that you had en
couraged his love while pledged to
another? How do you know that
all of this fancied kindness is not
a means towards a selfish end.
You state that you were happy in
your home until this Don Juan
came along Put him out of your
life and find happiness where you
found it beforev(A slipping body
increases its speed as it progress
es downwards—Don't slip.
Dear Miss Watters I have been
going with a young man for 2
years and now he has asked me
to become his wife. He has a
regular job, on a dining car and
says I am the only girl he ever
loved. Although I would like to
marry I am not sure I would
make him a good wife because I
have been in love and disappoint
ed several times. At the present
time l have two other admirers
of whom he knows about. Either
one of these would be more ac
ceptable to me because of their
personalities and popularity. But
I am afraid that they like several
of »y past “lost hopes” have no
serious intentions. Would it be
proper for me to marry this man
and try to make him a good wife
although he is not my first
Answer:— Although lots of
■1 people have found happiness with
the 2nd and 3rd choice, I would
suggest that you endeavor to
learn to love this man before a
greeing to marry him. You might
explain to him in detail how you
feel about the matters if he is
the type who can accept such in
formation in good grace.
i Dear Miss Watters—My hus
band is a good provider and is
absolutely true to me and the
children and would spend his last
cent on us, now here is my
trouble —he is so cross and has
such a temper until he makes the
homo very unpleasant when he is
there- Would you advise mo to
stay with my husband and try to
make him see how unpleasant he i
is making home, or shall I di- j
vorce him and try to make a home
for the children and myself some- 1
. where else
Answer:— Your husband has
provided the basic foundation for
a Iiappy home. If he has provid
ed all of the financial necessities
for the upkeep of the home, you
might take the initiative in the
spiritual side of your home in as
much ns perfect married life is
considered a mutual proposition.
A little sunshine vibrated by you
will pro a long ways toward dis
pelling these gloomy spells, caus
ed perhaps by his business strug
gles of the day by which he is
providing the financial need Use1
r, lit*1'* tact, a little diplomacy at
trying times and watch the re- |
suits. Are you serving him foods i
which are responsive to jaded!
nerves? Do you permit the child-!
ren to make unnecessary noise
when he is trying to relax his
worn nerves? Do you keep him
up night after night entertaining
friends so that he will be rest
broken and irritable the next day?
Dear Miss Watters:—I am a
young lady and I am in love with
a boy eleven years m,y junior. We
are very much in love with one
another My parents and friends
tell me that this boy will event
ually tire of me and will seek a
younger girl. I feel confident
that I am capable of holding him !
always. Shall I listen to my pa
rents and friends and give this
boy up or shall I continue to go
with him?
Answer— Your parents and 1
friends are about 78 percent cor
rect, why not try to find some
ono your age
Miss Watters a member of the
Niles Domestic Bureau has kind
ly consented to assist in the ad
justment of love and domestic
problems for readers of this pa
per. Answers given through this
column are free. For private and
detailed answers, send addressed
stamped envelope and 20c. Ans
wers in this column are limited
to readers and subscribers of this
paper. Address Mis Trubbl Wat
ters, Box 16, Omaha Guide, 2418
Grant St-, Omaha, Nebraska.
ilnforrrvation was released this I
week that the National Medical j
Association in its annual meeting 1
held at New Orleans last August
went on record as opposing the '
solicitation of funds by one Rev. '
Amos H. Carnegie for the pur
pose of erecting Negro hospitals
in every town of over ten thous
The Association pointed out
that there are appropriate facil
ities in most cities that serve col
ored and that the project spon- '
sored by Rev. Carnegie may not
be on the level.
Rev. Carnegie was in Omaha
last summer soliciting funds for I
the fantastic project.
Ray L. Williams, Room 200
Tuchman Bldg., 24th at Lake St.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
George W. Gill, Deceased.
All persons inteiested in said
estate are hereby notified that a
petition has been filed in said
Court, praying for the probate of
a certain instrument now on file
in said Court, purporting to be
the last will and testament of said
deceased, and that a hearing will
be had on said petition before said
; Court on the 8th day of February,
i 1936, and that if they fail to ap
■ pear at said Court on the said 8th
■ day of February, 1936, at 9 o’clock
• A. M., to contest the probate of
t said will, the Court may allow and
[ , probate said will and grant ad
i ministration of said estate to Mat
* tie Snowden or some other suit
i i able person, enter a degree of heir
> ship, and proceed to a settlement
t thereof.
f (SEAL) County Judge
Gold and Silver Kid Sandals
Are Being Worn.
Rver since Helen of Troy cut
such a wide swath as a charmer,
women have had hunkering eyes on
Grecian attire. Now this winter
they can Indulge In many of the
style tricks of the helles of Athens
arid be considered ultra-modern.
Many of the new evening gowns
carry out the Grecian effect of
drapery. And incidentally the dra
pery Is arranged to bring out the
best lines of the figure. It may
look simple, but It Is a work of art
and design.
Tli<> new shirred silhouette Is pop
ular not only In gowns of soft
white crepes and chiffons which
definitely suggest the Parthenon,
hut also In black satin and velvet
dresses and frocks of all colors
and materials. Some of the dresses
are extremely full fit the bottom, giv
ing a graceful elTeet In movement.
Others are more tightly fitted be
low the hips, falling Info foids at
the bottom of the skirt.
To carry out further the Grecian
efn t, hare feet with sandals are
appearing on ballroom floors. Flat
soled gold and silver kid sandals
are popular with the draped dresses.
With the rapidly growing interest
hi Nkilrig os a favorite outdoor
sport, fabric and styling are play
ing an Increasingly Important role
In the creation of properly de
signed apparel for show wear. This
beautifully tailored ski suit of tine
wool gabardine, light In weight, but
amply warm for strenuous sports
wear, Is nn example of fashion-cor
rect ski clothes. It Is the official
costume of the professional Aus
trian ski Jumpers and Is designed
by the famous “Sit:’' Iliiclnnnyr.
Note the four flap pockets that but
ton, the high crossing of the lapels
and the slim sleek lines through
out. Navy or gunmetnl are good col
ors, worn with bright sweaters,
scarfs, caps and mittens.
Re*t Cure for Animal*
Europe's largest and best equipped
"rest resort" for animals Is In Alt
mannsdorf, neur Vienna. While sim
ilar establishments abroad ure main
ly provided for dogs and eats, the
Altmaonsdorf asylum takes care of
hippopotamuses. Rundown animals
are taken care of, fed und tf pos
sible entrusted to animal-loving per
sons Stray animals are,temporarily
accommodated, ailing ones treated
and Incurable ones painlessly de
Fowler* Respond to Music
Cows have been made to produce
more milk and hens to lay more
i'u^s by reason of radios placed In
turns and coops, it has been report
ed, but It remained for a Danish
scientist to advance the theory thnt
flowers also will respond to music.
It depends on ttie variety, oe says.
Pinks nnd cyclamens avert their
heads from a loud speaker, but
roses "show Rtt;ns of pleasure,” he
L. S. Hines, Manager
! 2 room furnished apartment.
■ WE 6421.
j For economic and comfort of liv
ing ry DIXON APTS. AT 7435.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
| West 126th St., N. Y
j ...... '
AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne
gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na
New York.
TURES, Wholesale; Retail;
Write, National Co., 103 W. |
I KE $10 daily selling Negro I
dolls, pictures. National Co., 165
W. 126lh St., New York City.
AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile
S lassie Picture, (Sample 25c).
Negro Dolls, Flaprers, African
League, 234 W. 135th St., New!
One should nut hnve too much
patience with patience.
VVhnt Is the quality mom mlssinii
In character? Seir respect ?
Drastic reduction of one's weight
superinduces a laid temper
Atty. W. B. Bryant, 2722 Binne)
Street, Phone WE 5859
Notice by Publication on Petition
for Settlement of Final Ad
ministration Account.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Eler White, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
matter are hereby notified that on
the 31st day of December, 1935,
Columbus S. Smith filed a petition
In said County Court, praying that
filed herein be settled and allowed,
and that he be discharged from his
tion before said Court on the 8th
day of February, 1936, and that
if you fail to appear before said
Court on the said 8th day of Feb
ruary, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M.,
and contest said petition, the Court
may grant the prayer of said peti
tion, enter a decree of heirship,
nd make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
to this Court may seem proper,
to the end that all matters per
taining to said estate my be final
ly settled and determined.
(SEAL) County Judge.
With your friends by getting
this unusual combination of a
“Fortunescope”, which has nev
er failed to give a reasonable
answer to a serious question,
and ISHMAEL the Mighty’s
Send your Full name and ad
dress with only one dollar or if
you prefer, you may pay the
Postman COD $1.00 plus post
age when you receive this real
You can BANK on it. If you
are not satisfied your money
will be instantly refunded.
Gen. P O Box 557
New York, N Y
Help your glands
by using DR. HOL
cial gland medic- I
1 cines. No. 1 for men
No. 2 for women.
You have tried the
rest, now try the best. 1 he Doctors
own prescription. Don’t be satis
fied until you have tried VIGOR.
Feel young at 70. Price $1.00;
postage extra
1304 S Parkway, Dept. A. Chicago
TRUTH Enl°v .5irth;
right to the thrills of
physical love. STOP being a slave
to ignorance and fear. 64 page
book of vital information by lead
I ing Sexologists sent (sealed) post
paid for 25c cash or stamps
Adults only.
Foge-Books, Dept. 229-N 301-4th
j Ave., New York City.
Furnished Rooms for rent. Web.
Furnished Rooms for rent. 2725
Charles Street.
Reservations for tourists, guests.
Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St
Cuming Hotel. WE 4835.
2407 Lake Street.
FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing
while you wait, 2420',£ Cuming
WANTED—Woman clerk, man
salesman. Either must invest
$300 on interest. Good salary
2410 Lake Street.
Whatever your plans, eircuui
stances will limit them.
Arguing becomes quarreling when
the voice is raised.
A Full sir. Specially poced photo
FREE with every can of
9 Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dreeling
Everybody wanta a picture of thl* great fighter so
"clean-up” Big Money by giving away a beautiful
Autographed Photo (9" x 12") Of JO* LOUIS
absolutely FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia
Brown Hair Dressing Don't waltl Write today for
Tree Sample* Sample Case Offer and Special JOB
LOUIS FREE Picture Offer Hurry! Do It ootrl
1241 Indiana Ave. Dept. Ml CMaago.nB
Vitamin E—(“The Sex Vitamin”)
Send $100 Today;
Results ‘Guaranteed
Dept. 1402—5400 HARPER AVE.
Chicago, Ilinois
Men-Women — $50-$180 a Month
For Institutions, Hospitals, etc.—
* All knds of good jobs practically
every where'Write fully enclosing
stamp, to Scharf Bureau, Dept.
1-4-A-46, 145 W. 43th St., New
Free Delivery JA 1189
1612 N. 24th Street
Hava money and lova magic! Get free
allk hosiery, too. Jo** .end your name and
.dllrose for new agents' proposition. *>ea
samples Write quick. Keystone Lab.,
Memphis, Xenn. pept 13.R_2
All Kinds of Poultry
Dressed Free while you wait.
Strictly Fresh Eggs
1616 N. 2t4h WE 4737
Long Distnce Hauling
Moving and Storage
Phone WE3656 2414 Grant St.
C«iui« tm« *M.Ch(cac».«
Dept. NP-3
_ _ „ FOR SALE
C. F. Read estate must be closed at once.
The following described property is for sale, either seperately or
in a lamp sum. Make your offer.
Lots 1 and 2 in block 15, Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 4008
Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses.
The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat
rick’s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street.
Lots five and six in block one, in Paddock Place, vacant property,
at the northeast corner of 15th and Burdette.
Lot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, in Arm
strong’s addition, at 913. 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are three
one-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six
This property is not new, but all rentable property at a fair rent
a! value. We will sell it at a price that will move it.
Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680
before 5 p. m., and after 5 p. m.. call WE. 1750, located at 1016 Oma
ha National Rank Rider.. Omaha. Nebraska.
Since 1799 thousands of people hawe regained their normal
health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all
types, such asconstipation, indigestion, gas, nad sour stomach
nr?. ^e basic factors of such maladies as high blood
pressure, rheumatism, periodic hesdnetieq. pimples op face and
body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder disorder, EX
IIAI'STiON. los of sleep and appetite. Those sufferers have
not used any man-made injurious chemicals or drugs of any
kind; they have only used a remedy by Nature This mar
velous product grows on the highest mountain peak, where
it absorbs all the healing elements and vitamins from the sun
to aid humanity in distress
It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries and
flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is known
LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonderfully
upon your system, and is safe even for children*. Prepare it.
fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a day,
hot or cold
A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes you
look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet familiar
with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy LION CROSS
HERB TEA try it at once and convince yourself. Jf not satis
factory money refuded to you. Also in tablet form
Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee.
Oneweek treatment $1.00 Six Weeks treatment $5.00
In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS
HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon.
Lio - Pharmacy, Dept 9502
1180 Second Ave.,
N. Y. City, N Y.
Enclosed find $.for which please send me .
treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERR TEA.
NAME .............
ADDRESS ........
Kidneys Must
Clean Out Acids
The only way your body can clean out
Acids and poisonous wastes from your
blood Is thru 9 million tiny, delicate Kid
ney tubes or Biters, but beware of cheaPj
drastic. Irritating drugs. If functional
Kidney of Bladder disorders rnalte you
suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous
ness, Leg Pains. Backache, Circles Under
Kyos, Dizziness, Rheumatic Pains, Acid
ity, Burning, Smarting or Itching, don’t
take chances. Get the Doctor’s guaran
teed prescription called Cystex (Siss
Tex). Works fast, safe and sure. In 4R
hours It must bring new vitality, and is
guaranteed to Bx you up In one week or
money back on return of empty package.
Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggists
end the guarantee protects you.
All Kinds of Poultry
Dressed Free while you wait.
Strictly Fresh Eggs
1616 N. 24th WE 4737
Hav* money and love mafic. Sand yoaat
name and addraaa end receive the mysna
free. Just write Key a tone
Memphis. T»na
Dept. l-R-7
New and uifferent woa
iftVA A r-working a It dreeelnr
pomane and JKIN BRIOT1T
Large trial elzei free Write Lucky Heart
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Rureeit. den t fall to try tttls Traataien'
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F llllilr dcr 1 Somethin;: now. Writ*
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FREE Button and
write today betoro
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New Kind Incurance
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Buy no Insurance policy until
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tional Benefit Protective Associa
10 days FREE inspection by Na
tion, 205 Hall Building, Kansas
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At last, her© is a
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Name ...
Address (or P. O. Box) .
Olty .State ..