The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 01, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    Southern Division
Of Nurses Meet
Tuskegee Institute, Ala , Feb. 1
—That Negro nurses will not re
ceive the professional recognition
and practice that their training
and potential social influence war
rant until the death knell is sound
ed on the current notion that “my
daughter can not get her school
work so she is going off to take
nurse training", was the opinion
expressed by Estelle Maseey, Rid
dle, in addressing the second an
nual meeting of the Southern
Division of Negro Nurses in ses
sion here Wednesday and Thurs
Dr. Frederick Douglas Patterson
addressed the convention and point
ed out the function of a nurse.
Referring to the “broader aspects
of all professions, “Dr. Patterson
declared that, “that we first must
render efficient service and to do
this we must have received the
best possible training. All who
deal with humanity must think in
terms of humanity. In other words
we must be aware of our commun
ity situations.
"The extent to which we appre
ciate in a broad way the economic,
social and religious conditions will
determine our ability to render a
more capable service, said the ed
ucator. “We must remember that
the Negro is a member of our na
tional economy. That he is defin
itely a minority group and as such
has problems peculiarly his own.
And if the Negro is to be helped
all groups must band together for
his fundamental betterment.”
Other speakers outlined the nec
essity of a larger number of young
girls taking up the profession of
nursing but emphasized the need
of receiving training in schools
that are recognized, including
Tuakegee Institute, Hubbard Hos
pital nt Nashville, Freedmen’s
Hospital, Washington, and Provi
dent Hospital, Chicago.
Among the important addresses
delivered during the day sesion.
wore: "The Responsibility of the
Nursing School to the Personnel”
by Dr. Eugene II- Dibble, Jr., di
rector of the John A- Andrew Hos
pital, Tuekegee. “The Responsibil
ity of the Staff and Student to the
Nursing School” by Miss Allouise
Jaxsn, assistant superintendent of
nurses at the John A- Andrew hos
pital. "Rural Public Nursing” by
Mrs. Beatrice J. Holmes, Jackson,
Miss., and "Trends In Public
Health” by Miss Mary D. Osborue
associate director of maternal and
child hygiene and public health
nursing of the Mississippi State
Board of Health.*
School Teacher
Wins $250 For
Best Essay
Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 1—Mrs.
Laura Knight Turner, 28, a teach
er in the Jackson school, Fifth
near Mound streets, here has just
won the first prizee of $250 for
the best essay on "The Teaching
of Modem History and Current
Events,” offered by the magazine,
"Current Events.”
Mrs. Turner is a descedant of
Cincinnati’s first colored preacher,
the Rev. O B. Nickens- Her moth
er, Mrs- Laura Knight, is assistant
principal at the Jackson school.
Mrs. Turner, was graduated from
Woodward high school at 16, re
ceived her A. B. degree at the uni
versity of Cincinnati at 18, Mast
er’s degree in English at 19, and
later degrcees of Bachelor and
Master of Education- Her 4-year
old son, Darwin, reads and writes
and recently returned with her
from a European trip. The boy’s
father, Darwin Turner, is a gradu
ate in chemistry at the University
of Cincinnati, and his grand-fath
er ’.vos the first Negro to be grad
uated from the University.
In her essay Mrs- Turner wrote:
“I am teaching current events
this year because such subject mat
ter is too vital to be ignored in
the education of citizens for a
democracy. I would as readily
blindfolded my pupils in an art
gallery, or stuff cotton in their
ears during a symphony concert,
as stifle their naural interest in
present day affairs.
“In a few years these boys and
girls will be citizens, called upon
to make momentous decisions and
to vote on significant issues. How
are they to develop sound judg
ment and to be guided by sane,
unbiased principles, if, during
their formative years, they are
given no opportunity to scrutinize
the decisions of their elders In a
situation free from prejudice?”
White Texas Pol
iticians Issue
Race-Bait Sheet
Houston, Tex., Feb. 1—(ANP)
—Allen S. Shepherd, white haired
“Negro hater” and political foe
of President Roosevelt of the New
Deal, has issued a vile publication
here, holding Mrs. Roosevelt up
to public scorn and contempt in an
effort to brand the First Lady
and the President as advocates of
social equality for whites and
Mr. Shepherd is president of the
Texas Election Managers Associ
ation and a member of the Harris
County Democratic Executive Com
mittee. He is responsible for the
passage of the absurd resolution
by the Texas Legislature in 1935
asking the Democratic party to
bar Negroes from its elections.
The resolution has been ignored by
national officials of the party.
The sheet published by Mr. Shep
herd carries pictures of prominent
Negroes in all sections of the
country and numerous clippings
from Negro papers to emphasize
its contentions.
Picturees of Robert L- Vann,
Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell,
Father Divine, Repree-ntatives
Charles W- Anderson Jr-, of Ken
tucky, William Pickens and For
rester B. Washington, are carried
in the local circular
Mastheads of The Afro-Ameeri
can and the Texas section of The
Pittsburgh Courier are reproduced.
The article reprinted from the
Courier relates to the recent visit
of Roscoe Dunjee, editor of tho
Oklahoma City Black-Dispatch and
William Pickens to Texas in the
interest of the NAACP.
According to reports, 20,000
copies of the paper were printed
here last Saturday for Mr. Shep
herd who announced in its columns
that copies could be obtained at
cost. It is similar to one printed
In Atlanata by the Talmadge forc
es. Governor Talmadge of Georgia
and John Henry Kerby. a white
Texas politician, have joined hands
to fight Roosevelt.
Texas Negroes, generally ac
quainted with Mr. Shepherd and
his tactics of Civil War days have
taken his sheet with a grain of
salt! They know he represents a
by-gone era and that he is a pol
itical die-hard. They also believe
that he is attempting a fight on
the New Deal as a revenue pro
ducing medium, and Texas Ne
groes pity a man with such a
small soul who finds It necessary
to spend his aged and declining
years in formenting strife and
racial hatred. The general opinion
is that the efforts will prove a
boomerang. They will teach the
poor whites of Texas who think
Negroes inferior that people of the
character of the Roosevelts find
Negroes of similiar high character
worthy of association in public and
civic matters.
Transfusion Is
Cause Of Fuss
Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 1—Wheth
er or not Mrs. Joanna Irvin, ma
ternity patient at (leneral Hos
pital who pave birth to a child
last week, yielded several cubic
centimeters of her blood on trans
fusion to another patient without
her consent, was a moot question
at the hospital early this week.
The case came to light after rel
atives of Mrs. Irvin has visited her
and found her condition weaken
ed. It is said that after the first
transfusion, attendants returned
for more and she protested saying
she was too weak from the first
No serious consequences are ex
pected to result from the loss of
blood as the patient’s condition is
satisfactory, hopsital attaches an
nounced. Superintendent Ward
made an investigation of the affair
Tuesday and announced that the
transfusion was voluntary, and
that she was “tapped” Saturday
by an attendant that did not know
she had previously given blood.”
Evict 80 Folk In
Tenant Union Re
prisal In Term.
Memphis, Tenn., Feb 1, (A.
N. P.) Eighty men, women and
children, members of 16 families
spent three days on the side of
the road near Earl, Ark., about
25 miles foin Memphis, with all
their household goods piled in a
ditch, after having been evicted
from the plantation of C. II.
Dibble for their activities and
membership in the Southern
Tenant Farmers Urt*on.
The evicted ones finally were
quartered in tents to protect
them from the bitter cold, in
Parkin, Ark. The planation own
er, so news dispatches say, con
tended that he paid them in
full for what they earned dur
ing the season, that all had
money and that he got them
off his place legally because
they had become undesirable
sharecroppers through creat
ing agitation and unrest.
Iferman I. Goldbergcr, attor
ney for the share-croppers
charges that Mr Dibble failed to
properly settle with the tenants
and that he 'illegally took their
cotton under a trusteeship for
the AAA at more than a cent
a pound under the market price.
Goldberger also charges that
planters and officers are wag
ing a' campaign of terrorism,
breaking up peaceable assemb
lies of union members, and that
they shot down two Negroes
in the road Thursday night
without excuse. Neither w'as
killed it was learned.
The union has appealed to
Governor Futrcll for an investi
gation and the governor has
promised to comply.
Julian Barred
From Re-Entry
Into Country
New York, Feb. 1, (A. N.
P.) Because he had forgotten to
get a visa to enter the country,
Col. Ilubert Fauntleroy Julian,
much publicized “Klack Eiagle
of Harlem” was banned from
the United States by a special
board of inquiry on Ellis Island
Julan was returning from
Paris for a scheduled lecture
tour. He had sailed from New
York to France a couple of
weeks ago on business but had
fallen into general disfavor be
fore his trip because of his anti
Ethiopian utterances.
The flyer is a native of Trin
idad and is not an American
citizen. Several weeks ago he
returned from Ethiopia after
he was not able to make the
progress he, had hoped for as a
flyer for Selassie.
Railroad Union
Offers Negroes
Strive To Curb Workers From
Joining “Reds”
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 1, (A.
N. P.) To combat the influence of
communists among Negro railroad
employees, intensified efforts to
organize the group within the stan
dard railroad unions wil be made
during the next few months as
one of the major objectives of the
Regional Association of Mainten
ance of Way Employes, accord
ing to a decision reached unani
mously at the four days session of
the organization which closed here
Thursday afternoon.
The inroads being made by the
"Reds” among the Negro employ
ees, were cited and the main rea
son for the susceptibility of the
group was given as the inability
of the Negro workers to join the
unions in the South and to enjoy
the same rights as are enjoyed by
the whites of the same classifica
tion. Speakers pointed out that
"Negro workers are being influ
enced by the communistic propa
ganda being distributed among
them, fostering equal opportunity
They are not given equal oppor
tunity by the unions that deny
them membership. To stop this
influence, we have got to stress
the necessslty of permitting them
to join the unions in all parts of
the country and to accord them
equal rights in these organiza
Committees to carry out the pro
gram of the organization of Ne
gro employees were appointed and
the campaign for members In the
various organizations will be
launched at once. The plan, accord
ing to the edict of the convention,
is to establish separate unions for
Negroes, giving them tho privi
lege of sending delegates to the
Regional convention, which is held
if? & /?
fd»* Y013
W**w c'.ffivtrit wt..i
hair rtJwwfii.g
poui. #» itoii ®kin iijiu&R i
SWING PACK I*0Wi)l5 ’..
Writ® f®r I»rv-® trW ClM*- itQ«f %v v.t -t
proposition Lucky Hemti ;^h ■">••«*
Memplj'ii, Tfottwmr®, Dept. Q-l-5
Straighten Your Hair
At Home
Our newest product tarns the
most stubborn kinky hair into soft
lustrous straight hair. Applied at
home in a few wrut. Costs but
a few cents. Write for frae erifer.
borriew Are., Bridgeport, Conn.
Still Coughing?
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulslon.
erious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take.a chance
with anything lew than Cvoomul
sion, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to eld nature, to
soothe and heal tho inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
is loosened and expelled.
Even if other remedies have
failed, don’t bo discouraged, your
druggist is authorized to guarantee
Creomulslon and to refund your
money If you are not satisfied with
results from toe very first, bottle.
Get Creomulslon right cow. (Ad/.)
Omaha University
Opens Registery
In Brandeis Lobby
Carrying out Its programs of
bringing education nearer to the
people, the Municipal University
of Omaha has established a down
town registration booth for the
convenience of those who wish to
enroll either for day or night class
es in the second semester. The
first downtown booth opened is in
the lobby of the Doublas street
entrance of the Brandeis Stores,
with Virginia Lee Long, univer
sity student, in charge.
Registration for the second sem
ester, which begins January 27, is
now open, it was announced by
President Rowland Haynes, who
explained that the day classes pro
vide a real opportunity to mid
year high school graduates to con
tinue their educational program
without interruption.
The night classes of the exten
sion division, under the direction
of E M. Hosman, are open to
persons of all ages
"These night classes make a
particular appeal to employed per
sons” Hosman said, "because they
make it possible for them to keep
on learning while earning. A wide
variety of courses are offered eith
er with or without credits.”
Six different degrees of heat
can be provided with n new el
ectric appliance plug that has
an automatic control unit in its
Firio f<>r Weak Kidrcva and Blad
der Irritation.
One 36 cent box of thi'se fam
ous capsules will put healthy ac
tivity into your kidneys and blad
, dcr—flush out harmf ul waste
prison" nnd acid and jirovc to you
that at Inst you have a grand diu
retic and stimulant that will
rwiflly cause these troubles to
But be sure and get GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—
safo and harmless—the original
and genuine—right from Haarlem
in Holland. Millions have kidney
and bladder trouble and never
suspect it—some symptoms be
sides visits the bathroom at night
times smarts and burns.
Here's Your Fig Cltaace to Make Quick Money—Be Agent for S'.VEET
GEORGIA SHOWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 3G0 Products. It's ~asyi
Bo you wwd Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy
to make y®u bnppy? Than become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Mr.ney
R? .MngAfltX i. Men sad Wotnou wanted uvery where an AGENTS for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Disusing Pomade, Hah- Strength, Skin Brighter,
Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Petfurues, 300 Products. You don’t need any
experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to
54U.OO a week or up t*> 56.C0 in a single day.
Send No ftifoney!
Just iBi hi oi'opon ;:ml trail it
today tor FREE SAMPLES cf
Hair DreadAp, Fa. c. PowrJor and
Special Ofltei to AGCtrrS.1 >on’t
wail. Mftit the ( OUPOM N3W1
Vai.'ittT Products Co. Duf’
524S Ortia^r. £*r*ife A?*..,Gk»oo*o, U3L ,
( VALMOR PROBUCT3 CO. T>*r’. 617 |
5*A6 Cottage Grove Avo., Chic^so, HI.
I went to mafcr Quick Money. Flense we ' m; •
r>ce Siunpleo and Spockil Offer to Agent* right o. iy. |
Kaette_......_........_..._ . I
............ «
cay.. Slate_ I
Hold White Driver
Of Death Car
Smithfield, N. C., Feb. 1, (A.
N. P.) Odell Murray, white, was
held on a manslaughter charge
here Tuesday morning in connec
tion with the death of Manse
Todd, who was run down and in
stantly killed Sunday night on the
Middlesex highway.
This action was taken at the in
quest into the death when A- W.
Price, also white, testified that he
had seen the car driven by Murray
strike Todd, mangling his body,
after which Murray continued on
his way. Murray at first denied
that he was on the highway at
the time of the accident but later
A Baby For You?
If you are denied the blessing
of a baby of your own and yearn
for a baby's arms and a baby’s
smile, do not give up hope. Just
write in confidence to Mrs. Mil
dred Owens, Dept. S512 Hanan
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she
will tell you about a simple home
method that helped her after be
ing denied for 15 years. Many oth
ers say this has helped bless their
lives. Write now and try for this
together with other sam
plet et tamed Golden
Brown Cosmetics. Just
sand 10c to cover ship
ping costs.
Gulden Brown Chem Co.
Memphis, Tana.
Dppt. NP 71
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
titfniiniiiR bundle 48c
launderer and dry cleaners
Edliolm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St We 6055
admitted that he had “passed
Todd on the route to Middlesex”
but declared that his car did not
, strike him. Little credence was put
in his story and the jury ordered
him held to the Grand Jury.
: _ _
That Good Feeling/
after Black-Draught has
relieved constipation...
Thousands of men and women
avoid loss of time at work from
sickness by watching their health,
and taking Black-Draught at the
first sign of constipation.
Ordinary errors In eating may
Interfere with natural regularity
of the bowels. A dose or two of
Black-Draught will make them
active again. It is a
reliable, purely vege
table laxative. SO
many like it because
of “that good feel
ing" which its thor
ough action brings.
Sold in 25c packages
DO YOU KNOW WHY • • • Ttoy spailt a foreign lanpap in tasil _*«*
Depositors Receive
Another Payment
Louisville, Ky., Feb. 1—Deposit
ors of the defunct Mutual Stand
ard Savings Bank were forwarded
checks representing 2 percent of
the money due them last week,
according to an announcement
made by Gates F. Young, white,
liquidating agent of the institu
tion here Thursday. The last pay
ment to the depositors brings the
total received by them up to a lit
tle less than five* percent of their
S*NCV»itK.<\Pl-«TB )
OF Ptfe P>H» A CPF
\ fclNKN OINK" I
\ OWE ON t* ,
UR '
Raising the harnily- »puf Illusions concerning cava jw«n nave FTshCf
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