The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 01, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    The choir of the Pilgrim Bap
tist Church renlered a lovely
program Sunday night under
the direction of Rev. Wiliams,
pastor of the Hillside Presby
terian Church.
A big contest program will
be given Sunday,Febr. 2nd, at
3 p. in., at the Bethel A. hi. E.
Church 24.30 Franklin st., spon
sored by the Trusting Club.
Such characters as Mrs. -T. D.
Lewis and Irene Moten will ap
pear on the program.
Mrs. L. Harrison,
Bov. A. Philips, Pastor
January 29, 1936
The severe cold weather did not
chill the spirit of those who at
tended the services of Salem Bap
tist Church Sunday. The pastor,
Rev. M. B- Bilbrew, preached a
soul stirring sermon both morn
ing and evening. The president,
of the Missionary Society, Mrs.
Smith, rendered an excellent pro
gram at 3:00 p. nv Rev. D- Nich
olson delivered the message.
Johnny liosebrough, Reporter,
Kenya Whites Want Home
Kale; Think Britain Gives
Natives Many Advantages
London, Feb. 1—(ANT*)—
Contending, among other things
that British Asiatics from Ind' a
and natives have too many priv
ilegas under the existing gov
ernment, the 18,000 white resi
dents of Kenya, British colony
in East Afr ca, are clamoring
for home rule so (forcibly as to
be more than faintly reminis
cent of the trouble which brew
ed in Nroth America in' 1776.
There are 18,000 whites, 56,
000 Asiatics mainly from India,
and 3,900,000 blacks in Kenya.
The Asiatics compete with the
whites for ownership of farms
in the highlands and often, fur
nish successful candidates for
posts that otherwise m;ght. have
been available for Kenya-born
Europeans. By home rule, the
whites believe they could pass
laws to abolish this as well as
prevent domination by the Ne
gro natives should they awaken
to their own possibilities.
(Continued on Papre 4)
Black, sponsor; Fred Harris,2019
N. 27 ,Geo. Boyd, sponsor; Wm.
Harper, 2023 Charles, Wm Har
per, Sr; Edward Hicks, Dr. D- W.
Gooden; Emory Turner, E. Mudd;
Lee Evert, 2912 Erskine, Harry
Cason; Ralph Williams, 2722 N.
25, U- S- Matthews; Jessie Frank
lin, 2414 Erskine, Ruben Hadnot;
A- Brown, 5617 S. 30, Reddick
Brown; Alfred Haydcn,3031 Pink
ney, Dr. A- L. Hawkins.
By the 5th of February it is
hoped that the Junior Herd will
bo set up- Jn the meantime parents
who are interested may file appli
cation for their boys with M. L.
Harris, 2219 Ohio or call We 5001
for information.
Mrs. Earl Wheeler was hostess
to the bridge club recently- Mrs.
Phyilll Grey won first prize. The
men’s prize was won by Frank
Black, Mrs. D- V. Gordon won the
booby prize and the guest prize
went to Mr?. Wm. Daugherty of
Kansas City.
Mr. Snytert Hanger celebrated
his birthday Saturday night by
entertaining a few of his close
frignds at his home, 1918 N- 25th
(Continled from Page 1)
lyDr. Johnson pointed out.
“We have outgrown many as
sumptions; first that it would
require 500 years to settle the
lands of this country. In loss
than 100 years we have reach
ed the end of our frontiers. Next
the assumption that there was a
certain fixel duelism in the
population which made intelli
gence unnecessary for routine
black labor while for the white
population there was supposed
to exist equa'ity of opportunity.
Today it '« sufficiently evident
that black workers are able to
accomplish any range of labor
while equality of opportunity
is more a political theory than
an economic one.
Machines Abolish Jobs
“The tremendous growth of
the machine’’, he continued,
“has been accompanied by a
sharp decline in the working
class. With more than fifteen
million men unemployed, we
are increasingly aware that
many will never be reemployed.
With unemployment growing,
purchasing power is reduced,
which in turn creates further
nemployment in Industry. Take
a few examples-’ The wheat
harvest of the middle-west was
done three years ago by 3,000
men where 70,000 had been en
amdc three years ago by 3,000
combined harvestor and thresh
er brought that about. General
Motors, in its plant at Saginaw,
Mich., used 2,500 men for the
work which 10,500 men did two
years before—and without low
ering production. One machine
can make as many glass tubes
as 600 men could blow 20 years
ago. There is an automobile
frame factory bfl'mg run with
out a single machanic. It as
sembles, rivets and puts togeth
er an entire frame in one and
one half hours and turns out
75,000 units a day.
3,864,000 On Relief
‘‘If we had continued in the
tool and small machinery stage
we probably would have escap
ed such drastic disorder now.
Todaj' in America there are
21,000,000 people on relief; and
of this number, 3,854,000 are
Negroes. The population is in
creasing more rapidly than
there are, or apparently can be
developed industries to absot-b
the working population. The
four occupational fields in the
South, three of wh’eh have his
torically occupied Negroes, are
cotton cultivation, tobacco
growing and manufacturing and
iron and steel, together with
cotton fabrication. We find a
great many Negro farmers en
gaged in unremunerative cot
ton farming, while in tobacco
growing they have become less
nnd less important numerically.
Its manufacture aside from
handling and leaf preparation
is in the bands of white work
ers. Iron and steefl center
around the Birmingham area
and engage a large number of
Negroes who have retained
their status while sharing it
with white workers.”
Dr. Johnson said he regarded
the situation as both serious
an dcritical for the American
Negro and remarked that one
of the most interesting reac
tions was the blind retreat of
the intellectuals of the race in
to magic formulas and incan
Battles Enliven Florida AME
Conference. Bishop Flipper
Proves In Fine Fettle
St. Petersburg, Fla , Feb. 1— j
Bishop Joseph Flipper, recent
ly recuperated from a spell of
sickness proved to his constit
uents in the Central Florida
Conference of the AME Church,
that he was in “first class con
dition” here during the meet
ing of the conference which
closed Thursday, by his vigor
ous rulings and decisions which
affected seriously the pride of
several of the brethren of the
Complaints against presiding
elders were rampant on the
part of ministers who thought
that they had been mistreated.
In like manner complaints were
rife against ministers on the
part of members of the flock
who had been “turned out’’ of
the church by the ministers be
cause of alleged “Discrepan
cies.” These wTere reviewed by
the conference and the Bishop
passed an edict down that a
presiding elder had the right
to remove n minister in his dis
trict, but under no circumstanc
es was a minister to put a mem
ber out of the church without
a general meeting of the church
or the governing board.
Two cases which illustrate
the manner in which the Bishop
conducted the conference are
those of Presiding Elder Farrel
who was charged by Rev. R. S.
Bradley with having removed
him from a charge “without
reason’' and that of Rev. Ser
ency of Sarasota, who was
charged with having “turned
out” members of the church of
which he was pastor for trivial
Evidence brought out in the
first case showed that not only
was the presiding elder within
his rights in the removal of
Rev. Bradley but that his action
was concurred with by the
members of the church from
which he was removed. In the
case of Rev. Sereney testimony
caused Bishop nipper to repr -
mand the pastor when it was
shown that those put out of the
church were members with
whom the pastor had had dif
The conference went on re
cord as being unfavorable 1o
the election of any more Bish
ops, but if this motion is lost at
the General Conference ,'n. May
of this year the delegates w'ill
support Dr. Charles S. Long.
- |
BInks bought a new shirt, and on
a piece of paper pinned to the In
side found the name and address ol
a girl, with the words, “Please
write and send photo.*' Scenting a
romance, he wrote to the girl and
sent his photo.
In doe course he received a re
ply. It was only a note. "My chum
and I had a bet on,” It read, “as tc
what sort of a fellow would wear s
shirt like that. My chum said a
dude, I said a shrimp, and I’m glad
to say I won.”—Pearson’s Weekly.
Heard It Before
"What would your wife say If you
bought a new car?”
" ‘Look out for that traffic light!
Be careful now! Don’t hit that
truck! Why don’t you watch where
you’re going? Will you never learn?
And a lot more tike that”
Everything At One*
Annt Louise—So you Intend to be
a soldier, do you, Henry? Don’t you
know you may be killed?
Henry—Killed? Who by?
Aunt Louise—The enemy.
Henry—Then I’ll be the enemy.—
rath finder Magazine.
We, Lincolnites, are not frozen
jut or snowed under, but we cer
tainly know it is cold—the boys
who have been going bareheaded
had their bonnets tied on tight
last week. We are thankful there
is but little sickness among our!
race group this cold weather.
The churches were pretty well '
frozen up—just a few old regu
lars ventured out Parsons Long
Nick and Jones are hoping the
weather will moderate before
next Sunday.
Rev. Burckhardt was called to
the State Prison to preach to the
inmates Sunday morning. He
joined Chaplain Maxwell in bap
tismal rites when two fine young
colored men were baptized. Rev.
Burckhardt in making his intro
ductory remarks told the prison
ers he was glad not to have to
stand in his church on such a cold
morning and await the coming of
his congregation— “You boys
are already here, and have been
forced to cancel all outside dat
es.” At this prison a real work
is being done by Chaplain Max-,
well for the salvation of the souls i
of the prisoners. The chaplain is
a real man of God, and in his ad
ministration, there is no color;
all are treated alike Chaplain
Maxwell and Rev. Burckhardt
have been close friends for over
thirty years. Mrs. El J. Griffin,
one of the leading Misionary wor
kers of Mount Zion Baptist
Church, is doing a good work a
mong the prisoners. She teaches
a men’s Bible class each Sunday
morning in which she is putting
forth a strong effort to teach our
men that crime doesn’t pay.
The Lincoln Urban League, un
der the supervision of Millard T.
Woods, Secretary, has so ingrat
iated the work that is being done
upon the hearts of Lincoln v.hite
citizens that the white members,
who are on the executive board of
the League, stood solidly behind
Woods when he asked for twenty
eight thousand dollars to carry
out the League projects—evory
dollar of it has been granted- Too
much credit, in this matter can
not be given Dr- A. L- Weather
ly, a Unitarian minister, who is
chairman of the board- Dr. Wea
therly is an untiring worker,
when it comes to matters that af
fect the race. It is the writer’s
wish that the Negroes, as a race,
had ten thousand such men like
Dr. Weatherly, who at all times
and under all circumstances, are
willing to help promote that
which is for the best interest of
us as a people. Mr. T. T. McWil
liams, who is at the present time
touring the west, has also used
his influence to aid this program
of the League. This project will
put at least twenty of our race
group to work
On Friday, January 31st, the
annual meeting of the Board of
Directors will be held at noon at
the Grand hotel Five members
will be elected at this meeting.
At this time, executive secretaiy
M. T. Woods, will make a report
of the activities of the League
projects of the year 1935
The chairman of the Emerg
ency Advisory Committee called
off the meeting Monday night
because of the extreme cold wea
Thursday night In the absence
of the Chairman of the Contact
Committee, Secretary Woods
made the report He reported
that many places had been con
tacted, and that he felt in a short
time we would see the results of
the efforts which have been put
forth- Rev. Burckahrdt is chair
man of this committee; Burt
Newton, one of Lincoln’s live wir
es, is vice president and Clayton
Lewis, one of the Lincoln city em
ployees is the secretary. This or
ganization is opening up avcnue3
that have been heretofore closed
to the race group. The Negroes
of Lincoln, because of the depres
sion and lack of organization
have lost out in many places of
employment; but under this new
line up, with Millard T- Woods
as a leader, backed up by some
substanial men older in years of
experience, wiil, in the writer’s
judgment, work out a great sal
vation for the race group, social
ly, morally and financialy.
United States army ;ei nlisl.s
have increased the power of
air-plane motors from one sixth
to one thrd without. incrMsing
the weight of the fuel ca”ri i
by a special treatment of the
Elks Show Great
Progress During
Recent Campaign
(Continued From Pop* 1)
in attendance in the lounging
room. The house committe in
vites the public to inspect their
lounging room and to come iu
and spend a most enjoyable ev-1
Muhc. preparation is now be-!
.ng made for the Iroquois Lodge
No. 92, Annual Glumly Hail,
whic. hwill be held in their aud
itorium, Valentine’s Day, Feb
ruary 14, 1936. The committee
on arrangements have promis
ed to make this ball the out
standing social event of the
At the last regular meeting
the following committees were
appointed by the Exaulted
lluler: Publicity, Attorney Ray
L. Williams; Education, M. L.
Harris; Building, Paul S. Holli
day; Ways and Means, Bro.
Bates, Thomas and Hickman;
Membership, Bill Jones; Recrea
tional and Charities, Roy M.
White; Junior Heard, Dr. C.
Morris, C. B. Mill, Martin,
Thomas; Junior Herd Advis
ory Committee, M. C. James.
Dr. A. L. Hawkins, Rev. F. II.
Black and Nathaniel Hunter;
Civil Liberties League, Attor
ney It-ny L. Williams, P. S. Hol
iday, Dr. D. W. Gooden, Joseph
D. Lewis, William Davis.
Persons desiring to make ap
plication for membership in
Iroquois Lodge No. 92, arc re
1 A Beautiful Modern 1936
Your ON Range
Is Down Payment
3 Years to Pay!
YouTl aoy "SENS ATIONALI"—and you will be
right It's the biggest GAS RANGE bargain we
have ever offered. These new, modern 1936
’vnarz--■ ■■■ "Magic Chef" GAS RANGES offered for sale at
^ Chef"
RENTAL TERMS. Mrs. Modern will be quick to
take advantage of this oppcrtuniy. The mod
ern GAS RANGES have these features: Auto
RlGiiT AWAY and look them overt
WOW—10 A. M.
} Tuwday and Thuraday
quested to contact Dr. Price
Terrell, Secretary or P. M. Har
ris, Grand Organizer.
Volga Longest
The Volga river is the longest In
Europe, 2,800 miles long and drain
ing an area more than twice the
size of Texas, and pusses the doors
of the mightiest cities in Itussin
—Nlshnl-Novgorod, Kazan, Saratov,
Samara, l'erm, L'lanovsk and the
ancient town of Astrnkan.
> i
Hors who look honest are often
quite homely.
A loud norso laugh Is lovely tf
it’* on your side.
The kllogrum Is used In Eneasas
ing mass or weight
A Jewish house of worship U
called a synagogue.
Made Good
Marshall Haley
From Memphis, Tenn.
With A Voice of the