The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 25, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Jby KtlUUJD LnuiK
The Congo Axoesc Around anu
Hound and The Mews is r us ti
ed Cut Here
Chicago, dan.—All last week
Dave's Dale was up in the air
over the removal from the floor
show by Child Labor Law of
ficals of Kenneth anl Leroy,
the two kid dancers. This duo,
both under 12, had been danc
ing for a year, apparently meet
ing full requirements of this
statute. Belief was expressed
that rival spots wanted to get
his attraction out of circulation.
Chorus gals at one of the bet
ter known clubs were told by
the producer to cut down on
roofers as cops who cut their
way through the heavy smoke
to the niuggle users might
sprinkle a few $200 fines
around. But instead of taking
this as useful information for
their own good, the chorines
get angry with the impressario.
Marguerite Wilkins, who will
wed Jimmy White on her birth
day, Feb. 24, won’t quit show
business until next August. She
and Jimmy are to dance in At
lantic (Xty th's summer. It took
only a few glances from Mar
guerite's big brown eyes to
make Jimmy ditch Nadine
Douglas, his dancing partner
and whom he told this colmun
last fall he would marry after
New Year's.
.Timmv explains the switch by
sarin g “Nadine and T couldn’t
agree on some things.” Mar
guerite will quit the theatrical
profesh to manage an undertak
ing parlor in Pennsylvania—
not. because she dislikes show
business but because there’s not
enough money in the game.
Doc Huggins, The Distinguished
If there is ever a selection
made of distinguished appear
ing men of Aframerica, Doc
ITuggins, owner of the Cafe De
Paris and one of the mighty
few sepia night club proprietors
in Chicago's Congo, will be well
np in the running. Doe's place
is, incidentally, the home of the
Monkey Club ,latest Southside
organization that, is making a
bid for Sunday night popular
ity. Among stars who have ap
peared on the Monkey Club
program are Chilton and Thom
as, Duke Ellington, Ivy Ander
son—with more coming up.
Within The Whirl
BlelLeve it or no,t but “Tan
ya” Bruce profers symphonic
music to jazz for the execution
of her amazing contortions—
Duke Ellington, who wih his
band opened in Kansas City.
Thursday, said he wanted to
set Dave’s poem from Black
Man’s Verse, entitled “Lynch
ed,’’ to music—Fletcher llun
derson succeeds Earl Hines at
the 0rand Terrace, Saturday
night—Eddie Cole, with his
brother, Nat, at. the piano, takes
over orchestral duties at the
Panama this week.
Earl “Gradown’’ Morris has
found h:mself an Operator 25
to help out. Th>, column and the
Defender may sue him as we are
supposed to be the only people
with undercover men—Operat
or 22, to be exact; who wears
a derby—Incidentally, there is
a war to the finish on dirt dig
ging between Morris, Dan
“Backdoor” Burly, .Timmy
“Monkey Club’’ Centry and A1
“Wagon” Monroe. Each ha?
sworn not to yield as long as
there's a keyhole left.
Ernestine Shell is back at the
Arcadia, replacing Zella Smith
who trekked to a whit* spot.
Ernestine, one of the McClain
Sister, was in Denver a few
months ago while her sister
.Lemus Concedes
Fight To Railway
Company Union
New York, Jan. 25—(ANP)
“Look like the Railway Com
pany,” said Ricnzi B. Lemus,
grand president of the Brother
hood of Dining Car Employees,
when asked here last week by
the Associated Negro Press
who would be winner of the sec
ret-ballot election now being
conducted by the National Med
tiation Board among dining car
cooks and waiters on the Penn
sylvania Railroad. The brother
hood holds the contract, and has
been challenged by Local No.
370 of the AF of L. The AF of
L formally called on the Medi
tation Board to take jurisdic
tion, as provided in the Rail
way Labor Act amended, last
July, and the secret-ballot is
the result.
The Pennsylvania has never
conceded the duty of Congress
to enact a railroad labor law in
virtue of which the employe's
representatives could be abso
lutely free of managerial influ
ence, according to Mr. Lemus,
and whenever it does the rail
way company always seeks to
impose some plan whereby its
preference can prevail, he sa'id.
The contract now covering
the PRR cooks and waiters was
negotiated by Mr. Lomus in
1921, provides the highest cooks
wages of the entire dining car
industry, rules that left little
to be desired but never could be
enforced “because the manage
ment insisted on its company
union plan predominating and
was abetted by the local repre
sentatives working in service
who resented taking appeals to
the higher officials on which
occasions they could not be con
spicuous,” Mr. Lemis said.
“I recently secured com
pliance with all terras of our
contract with the Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad, after drag
ging it through the National
Meditation Board and the Na
tional Adjustment Board for a
year,’’ Mr. Lemis continued;
“but T won it—even made them
pay a crew for getting up twice
at 2 AM to feed Duke Elling
ton’s band after payment had
been denied the crew on de
mand. That couldn’t be done
on the Pennsylvania because
last June we went in for what
the management always de
mands, a system board of ad
justment made up of three of
ficers of the company and three
cooks, wai ters, and the very
chef-cook I put on that board
j -
helped increase the population
—Geary Johnson, the truckin’
omcee, is due back at work this
week after being forced to lay
! out six days because of an auto '
accident—Lou se Beavers was j
a night club visitor all last I
At one of the mazda marts,
the chorus girls drawing $15
weekly get more in thier pay
check than the assistant man
ager—Jimmy Smith "s now at.
the Panama. Jlis Stenaphone is
temporarily in, the discard—Len
Reed has found a spot for his
band. lie is doing Sunday nigh;
stands at the Regal.—"Warren
“Pork Chops’" Patterson, th
200 pound boy hoofer, will be
at Dave’s another five weeks.
Assorted Ehorts
Sally Tilers, the tnovie star
has introduced the “Addis Ab
aba Choker” out yonder in
Hollywood .This necklace is
J four inches wide, of heavy sil
ver mesh, and studded with
coral and turquoise stones. /
bracelet ,of Afr;can war mace
motif, fashioned of Oryx, Tin
quohe studs and heavy gold, r
also worn by Pally tc keep up
the good old Ethiopian mode
in jewelry.
i demanded an employee for gen
eral chairman instead of Lem
According to Mr. Lemus the
chief representatives under the
system plan is the general
chairman, appointed by the
president of the brotherhood
local, who makes all appeals in
bi-monthly meetings w<th the
General Superintendent of Din
ing Car Service. Mr. Lemus held
the position for one meeting,
on last July 2nd. At that time
he secured return of the 240
hour month for certain em
ployes who had been systemat
ically deprived of it, got a rule
providing a minimum of 4-hours
pay for any employee held
away from home station a cal
endar day and forced restoring
of a normal kitchen crew com
plement on a crack train, in
spite of bitter opposition by the
superintendent. Nevertheless,
he was forced to resign as gen
eral chairman for lack of due
moral support and from last
August up to now his successor
a composite pantryman-3rd
cook, has not made the first ad
As Mr. Lemus sees it the men
would lose should the brother
hood win the election for the
excellent reason that the group
now in control on the Pennsyl
vania, is as always, the "com
pany union crowd’’ who will
see to it that one is elected pres
ident who would always name
an employee, general chairman,
and it is axiomatic of labor
unions that a representative
cannot also be an employee and
a successful representative.
That is why members pay dues
and assessments in unions—to
have competent representatives
absolutely free of employer
On the contrary, Mr. Lemus
notes; "the record of the Penn
sylvania in bitterly and success
fully opposing AF of L unions
is an open book, and in the
event of lx»cal 370’s success it
is wholly 1 kely that they’ll
windup in the graveyard of no
contract disputes—the Medita
tion Board, like Mr. A. Phillip
Randolph’s Pullman Porter’s
union, which also won a secret
ballot election but can’t budge
'in doing the main thing, getting
a contract for porters and
maids from Pullman; for the
Meditation Board can determine
disputes on representation but
cannot make two persons or two
groups enter into contract, and
1370 has no contract for dining
car men, on the Pennsylvania.’’
Now the railroad company is
tossing the coin, and for the
oooks and waiters it is "heads
we win, tails you lose,’’ the din
ing car union chieftain conculd
A. P. Of L. Is Asked To Support
Constitutional Amendemnt
Dealing Human Rights
New York, Jan. 25—Tn a tele
gram to William Green, presi
dent of the American Federa
tion of Labor, meeting in Miami,
Fla., the AF of L was asked to
day to support a constitutional
amendment providing for the
safeguard of human rights and
liberties. The telegram was
sent by the National Associa
tion for tho Advancement of
Colored People.
The association’s telegram
staited that it had seen in the
press that the executive council
of the Ameriean Federation of
Labor had decided to ask an
amendment to the federal con
stitution giving congress the
power to enact legislation es
tablishing minimum wages and
maximum hours of work.
The association's telegram
stated that the lynching of
Joseph Shoemaker, a white lab
or organizer, in Tampa last
month, proved that wages and
hours of labor mean little or
nothing unless fundamental hu
man liberties and the Fght to
together with other sam
ples of famed Golden
Brown Cosmefics. Just
tend 10c to cover ship
ping costs.
Gtlden frown Ctiem Co.
Memphis, Tenn.
Dept. NP 71
t cm you
-*BW «ud dlffe; ant won
der-wrxtlnjr |,»|r dressing
pom. ilw sad i1 KIN BRIGHT
Writ* for large trial sir a fts>« and agents’
Bsjp- slfton. Lucty Heart Leh n«oi
aznpnin, Tstlwsiufc, Dept, Q-l-B
Straighten Your Hair
At Home
Our newest product torna the
most stubborn kinky hair into soft
lustrous straight hair. Applied at
home in a few seconds. Costs but
a few cents. Write for free offer.
borview Are., Bridgeport, Cona.
A Three Days’ Cough
Is Your Danger Signal
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulslon.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomul
sion, which goes right to the seat
of the trouble to aid nature to
soothe and heal the Inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
is loosened and expelled.
Even if ether remedies have
failed, don't be discouraged, your
druggist is authorized to guarantee
Creomulslon and to refund your
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first ^bottle.
Get'rireomulslon right now. (AdvJ
livo free from mob terrorism
are likewise established.
President John L. Lewis of
the United Mine Workers was
asked by the NAACP to have
his organization, support such
an amendment and other labor
groups, including the Interna
tional Ladies' Garment Work
ers Union, the Amalgamated
Clothing Workers, and the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Porters, were likewise asked to
support the amendment.
A Baby For You?
If you are denied the blessing
•f a baby of your own and yearn
for a baby’s arms and a baby’s
smile, do not give np hope. Just
write in confidence to Mrs. Mil
dred Owens, Dept. R512 Hanan
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she
will tell you about a simple home
method that helped her after be
ing denied for 16 years. Many oth
ers say this has helped bless their
lives. Write now and try for this
Middle Life
Many women on entering the
change of life have found Cardul
well worth its cost. Because it in
creases the appetite and improves
digestion, Cardul helps weak
women to get more nourishment
from the food they eat, and as
strength is built up, many dis
agreeable, bad feelings go away.
As long as menstruation lasts,
Cardul helps to relieve nervous
ness due to poor nourishment.
(Of course, if it does not benefit
YOU, consult a physician)
Cardul is purely vegetable and
has been recommended by women
to women for over 50 years.
Sold at drug stores.
Strengthening Tonic for Women
Damp Wash |
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St We 6055 |
*. 1 -. 1 1 . 11,1
fear* «ssicS gUgarfarflie
... until
Restored to Her Hair Its
Original Beastly—Made
it Soft, Silky, Lustrxssn,
Coal Black!
* V
IVHIN Amy looked In the mirror,
"lh« couldn't hold back the tear*.
What good was a beautiful akin, n
•tunning figure or a clever personality
when her hair made her look old and
She knew why—knew that her dull.
Iron-burnt, off color, gray streaked
hair made her look 15 years older, too
old to Join hi the fun of the younger set.
Luckily she confided in a friend, who
advised trying fkxJcfrny'a [.AIIIRIISK
French llair Coloring. Mir lost no time.
She tried It that very night.
Imagine her delight Just 15 mlnutca
later when hsr hair been mo soft, sill ,
lustrous, and. ebony blaclt. It dllu’t
look dyed; It wasn't s.nrlly or itlrkj.
Tha year* seamed tv hmo disappeared
like medic nnd she looked her adorable
self again. Lite literally made hevttll
oyer In a day.
You ran milks your Lair bnaotlf rl too
—as easily aud quickly as A" .v did.
Just apply GoJriroy'a LUlUi ii. It
Vfill not rub oil or wash out and will
last Indefinitely. In Jet h!.tcl., 1 lurk,
dark, medium brown,light hrc*r. . und>
blonds. Every bowls Is uunranix J u»
satitly of your motley a III bo rromptljr
returned. Get n bottle—TODAY.
TJ your dealer doesn't Lav*
j lend $1.25 direct to .,*
*Ctu **M.-U*^
Here's Yo«r Big Chance to Make Quick Money—Be Agettt fcr StVEET
GEORGIA MOWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cwhi, 300 Ptoducis. It’s Easyi
Do yon need Money? Do yon wish for the good things that Money would buy
to make you happy? Then become a SWfcET GEORGIA B1R0VVN Wlcnsy
Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightenar,
Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfume*, 300 iYoducia. You don’t need any
experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We allow you how to make up to
$40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day.
Send No Money!
Just fill in coupon and mail it
today for FREE SAMPt.ES of
Hair Dressing, Face Powder and
Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't
wait. Mail the COUPON NOW!
Valmor Products Co. DR7
5248 Cottas* Crove A**., Chicago, ML
■ 1249 Cottage Gro«o A«o., Chicago, III. I
I I want to make Quick Mori r. Please nm'l me I
I Free Samples <md SpecialOffer SuoccnM right away. I
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Raising ttlQ Family-~ Ma always takes map Judgement! FlShcT ^
?/—M*0 5T*S
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00 YOU Kfcifr M) • - • Wb AH Wont Something Per Nothing ? international carte** no.. ■ ». 418 0r?wn iw ty 3? rljicr
°H,BN the -— **
-~v " WfVI JOE. SEUIt-'VE Mti.
'V* <OT TO A CP»M \(oo f|>. « KtlOW KOW |
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