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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1936)
SOCIAL C ^ ^ ^ i f CLUBS AFFAIRS ^O-O-C-l-e-t-y^ ORGANIZATIONS _ t a . ■__■ ■_ ■■■■■■ < ~r- -f'--T—t—t—T—I—- —tT—f—T-t--f~ I ■ ■ ■ 9 r > * * T T f"“-T '■• '■ • * '• *—*“*"*^*—■*'*^^*— m..m..m m «i^ *■■***'*'*■ *■■*' m *■'■ ■ ■ ■ [ Weddiivsr Anniversary Mr., and Mrs.. Arthur Rafferty 2901 Erskine St, entertained at a beautiful reception Sunday Jan. 19th, in honor of their 20th Wed ding Anniversary. The hours were from 5 to 10. ENTERTAIN BRIDGE CLUB Mrs.. Leslie Shipman entertain ed at a beautiful appointed break fast Thursday morning for the members of her bridge club. Eight, members were present.. A delicious breakfast was served and everyone reported a lovely time.. Mrs. W. H.. Riley was an out of town guest.. MARRIED Miss Flora Wilson, and Dr. Craig Morris were united in mar riage at Papillion, Nebraska, Jan. 15, 1086.. Jesso Hutton, nephew of the groom, served as best man, and Mrs. Vera Cannon sister of the bndo was matron of honor.. ON TOUR Tho Dixie Ramblers, under the direction of Red Perkins havo left for a tour through towns In IPin ois end iowa; namely, Champlain, Galesburg, Davenport and Des Moines. They expect to be gene for about 10 days. OUT AGAIN Ralph Adams, who has boon seriously 'll is able to be up and around again. We hope he will gain strength rapidly and will be able to continue with his present activities. VISITORS Mr.. Jack Herndon and Mr. Gus Herndon of Fremont, Ne braska, were In the city Tuesday on business. Mrs. Wm. Daugherty (Madel ine Shipman) of Kansas City, Mo. is a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Leslie Shipman. She plans to be here for a week. DINNER DANCE AT THE URBAN CENTER A Dinner Dance was given Sat urday evening at the Urban Lea gue. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.. Bernard Squires, Ethel Terrell, Hattie Northington, Ellen Mho Wheeler, Olive Willis, Gay nelle Pye, Virginia Gordon and Margaret Dortch. Mr. Angelo Merriweather is supervisor of the club. Mr. LcRoy Terry, 1207 Pierce street, is confined to bed at his home. Master Melvin Terry .grand son of Mrs. Mar ylluston, 1207 Peirce street, will return to Ne braska City on Saturday, Jan uary 25th, to the School for the Blind. Melvin is taking a busi ness course. Mrs. Boll Kelly and daughter Frances, 801 Pacific street, were called to Pensacola .Flor ida, owing to the death of Msr.! Kelly’s mother, Mrs. Ella Springer. Mrs. Springer was the mother of L. F. Mitchell and Mrs. Hazel Green of this city. Mrs. Dewey Brown will give a birthday party, January 31st, for Mrs. C. J. Kibbe, 2518 Nort h 31st street. Mrs. Kibbe's moth er, Mrs. Annie Sledge, of De troit, will send the birthday cake. Mrs. Brown is making el aborate preparation to make the affair a happy and joyous one. Old Fortress May Solve Inca Treasure Puzzles Does the crumbling fortress of Macchu Plcchu, where a desperate hand of Incas made their Inst stnnd ngnlnst Plsarro and his conqulstn dors In 1532, hold the secret of the fabulous Incan golden treasures? Is It a landmark on the secret trail along which the gold was carried out of the reach of the Invading white men? Macchu Plcchu, IU stone walls with their Interlocking masonry still Intact after hundreds of years, Is a more or less familiar sight to travelers who brave the mountain trails Into the Peruvian Interior. The story of the Incan treasure, too, la familiar to every reader of his tory: How the Spaniards, hungiy for gold, held an Incan chief cap tive. and how he was to he ran somed with pure gold. Part of the gold was delivered, hut when the Incans learned of the Spnntnrds’ treachery and the mur der of their king, they turned and fled Into the Interior with millions of dollars' worth of gold bars. This old stone fort, like the more famous Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, Is a masterpiece of architecture nd Is one of the greatest works of "uncivilized" man.—Washington Post. A man's Intuition Is ns shrewd as a woman's, but bo disregards It It Is better to Save good looks that weur off than those that waeh off. _ SILK MILITAIRE By CHER1E NICHOLAS mmsa 'i ini in 11 in1 in The military trend In fashions Is Increasingly apparent. The after noon gown pictured Interprets the theme in a novel and attractive way. It Is fashioned of high grade black silk crepe as Is also the lat ticed cardigan. The blouse Is like wise In matching crepe, overwoven, however, with silver threads to simulate a coat of mall In keeping with the military movement. The off face black felt hat Is up to the moment In •‘lines.” SICK LIST Allen® Sloane—2430 Blondo St.. Mattie Graves—2436 londo St. Anna Higdon—2624 Hamilton St. Reta Ranbert—2514 1-2 Q St.. Lulu Williams—2016 Clark St.. A.. Johnson, 1324 1-2 24th St.. Mr. Charles Thomas, 1614 North 28th street, has been confined to his bed for several days. Jefferson Sims, 2210 Nicholas street, was ordered home from work Tuesday evening by his doctor. He is now confined to his bed Miss LaVina Scott, 2886 Miami Street, has ben ill with a severe cold but is much Improved at the present time. Mrs. Nina Lewis has returned from Waterloo, Iowa, where she was called by the death of her bro ther, Wm. Brown, who was killed in an automobile accident recently Wm. Nelson, of Lincoln, Ne braska, was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lawson, 1 K)9 South 13th street .Monday and Tuesday of this week. SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS Mr- and Mrs. Austin of South Omaha were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mr* T. P. Farmer and famly at their resi dence 2611 Patrick St ATTEND GRADUATION EXERCISES Mrs- O- C. Paige and Mm Ros aie Farmer attended the gradua tion exercises at Long School Tuesday afternoon. HONOR STUDENT Alfonso Davis, Technical high atudent received a high honor cer tificate from the atudent council on January 21st, for having all l’s in citizenship. P. T. A. A short meeting of the P. T- A was held Tuesday, January 21st at Long school. A book review is to be given February 21st. The subject of the the book "If I Had Four Apples." By Josephine Lawrence this is a treaty on Economics. Rev. Lawrence Plank is to re view the book Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tickets will be on sale two for twenty-fiwe cents or fifteen cents each. The committee in charge of the book review pro gram are as follows: Mrs. lone Hanger, Chairman; Mrs. Herbert Wiggins and Mrs Royce; Mrs- Gooden, President; Mrs. Mallory, Secretary. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Tho J. M. T. Brdge Club will meet at the home of Mrs Earl Wheeler, January 26th. Mrs. Irene Hanger, Sec CHOIR SINGS AT FREMONT The choir of the Hillside Pres byterian church motored to Fre mont, Sunday, and sang at the Frst Presbyterian church of that :ity. A lovely program was rend ered at the close of tho service la Police Court Teacher—Is It possible to hove a sentence without a verb? Son of a Judge—Yes, sir. Thirty days. Beauty Parlor Blues “Don’t yon agree that time It the great healer?" “lie may be hut he'a certainly no beauty spe tlBllSt." Y. W. C. A. NEWS The second inner-club banquet, sponsored by the Trojan Club of the Y M C A., Jan. 16th a St John’s A M E Church was an over whelming success. The Trojan girls are wiling workers. Their good spirit an willing hearts made the banquet a success. The finance committe headed by Miss Ella Mills received the cooperation. The Bacchanite Club, Pres. Ken neth Pollard, won the silver loving cup. Their table was made up of grape vines and grape presses, which were beautifully designed. The originality and also the table being so unique won the decision of the judges. A tty. Ralph Adams was master of ceremonies. Rev. J. F. Wiliams led the group songs, solos were rendered by Mr. Lucy Stamps and Mr. Preston. Quar tetto numbers were rendered by Zion Harmony Four and a string quartette. Mrs. Joseph D Lewis made an interesting speech. The Trojan divided themselves into groups where they could serve their guests best The hostes ses were: Mesdames Francis Sims, Anna Ruth Corbin, Ola Little, Ferwilda Arteson, Bernice Gerrin, Sarah Dixon and Nelie Flakes— also Misses Ella Mills, Dorothy Springs, Louose Fletcher, Celes tine Smith. The other faithful members worked in and about the dining room and kitchen. The Bachanites sent a telegram of good wishes for the success of tho banquet. Miss Rachael Tay lor, now of Nashville, Tennessee, also sent a telegram wishing suc ces of the banquet We wish to tl.ank Mrs. West and all the rest for helping us. Roberta Fharr, Reporter LEAVES FOR SCHOOL Mr. Wm. Peebles left Saturday for Raleigh, N. C-, to attend St. Augustine College, where he plans to major in chemistry- He plans to stop In St Louis and Cincinnatti before arriving at Raleigh, Returns to California Mrs. Catherine Wilson Jones, and Lois Martin of Oakland, Cali fornia who have been visiting the former’s grandmother, Mrs. Wil son plan to drive to their home Sunday, driving through the sou thern route. Mr.. Jones arrived in the city Wednesday to join his wife and her friend on their re turn trip honve.. They will also be accompanied by Miss Sarah Brown of Wilberforce. Mrs.. Jones and Martin have been the recipients of many soc ial events given in their honor while here.. Mrs. Johnnie Pennick of Nava sota, Texas, departed for her home after a most enjoyable visit with her sister, Mrs. Alma Moore, of 2711 Wirt Stret. Mrs. Pennick is loud in her praise of Omaha and its hospitality. She was the honor guest at several parties. Her sis ter accompanied her to Kansas City, where she had a grand visit with friends. Little George Parker,Jr., grand son of Mrs. Jennie Scott, 2SS5 Miami St., has been seriously ill, but is sornewhat Improved- Friends hope for him a speedy recovery Mr. and Mrs- W H. Riley, from Walcott, Wyo., parents of Mrs. Leslie Shipman, are visitors at the spend the remainder of the winter in Omaha. COLORED OLD FOLKS HOME NOTES The board met Monday evening, Jan. 13th, at the Community Cen ter in a regular meeting. After hearing an excellent report for the year from our most efficient sec retary. Mrs. Mare Stuart, we went nto the electon of officers Mrs- Olivia Kirtley was made pres ident. Much praise was given her by the members for her excellent work the past year. Mr. Henry Black was made vice-president He is a man that has stood by the home since the founding of it- Mrs Marie Stuart was made secretary for another year. Mrs- Florence Johnson, treasurer. Mrs. Johnson has served four years. New mem bers were then voted on the board The board members are as fol lows: Mrs- Dlivia Kirtley, Mrs. Florence Johnson, Mrs. Marie Stuart, Mrs. Henry Black, Mrs. Martha Taylor Smith, Firs. A- L Hawkins, Mrs. Kathryn Wilson, Mrs. R. C- Gaskin, Rev. J. S- Wil liams, Miss Gertrude Lucas, Dr A. L. Hawkins, Attorney John Adams, Jr., Mr. W. C- Mallard, Mrs. Matilda Simpson, Mrs. Flor ence Riggs, Mrs. Jennie Scott and Mrs. Goodwin. W,e want to than!; those who have so faithfully served us, and we can't forget the service Dr. Gooden has rendered the home for twenty years- He has been our house physician, and served with out pay. Any time he was called, he would go He is willing to con tinue his service to those dear ones at the home. Down the road, Doctor, you will get your reward. We thank Rev. Rucker and family for the spiritual service they have given every Sunday at the home. We thank Mrs. J. C- Packer for the instructions in the bible she has given the Association meet ing during the year Last, but not least, all of those who have donated food, clothing, linens and furniture to the home. We thank Mr. Galloway for the space in his paper gratis for our notes- Now the last week in January everyone who donates to the home, his name will appear in the paper, together with what was donated—failure to do so last year was an over sight. At the close of the board meeting, Mr. Black was called up on for a few remarks, which were very timely. Mrs. Martha Taylor Smth was called upon for a few remarks. She spoke from the founding of the home up to the j present tme. The meeting was closed with prayer, to meet the second Thursday in February, at the Community Center, at 8 o’clock p. m. Mrs- Olivia Kirtley, President. Mrs- Martha Taylor Smith, Reporter Join NAACP For 7 Years New York, Jan. 25—Dr., and Mrs.. John D..Dario of Brooklyn, NY., have taken out a joint mem bership in the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People of $5 00 a year for seven years.. Dr.. Earle is a | druggist and an enthusiastic am ateur moving picture operator. He has given the national office of the NAACP- invaluable as sistance in the taking of moving pictures of the TV A, school fac ilities, playgrounds, relief and Mississippi levee camps.. He is I continuing a an advisor to the National Office in its develop ment of moving pictures of dis crimination, etc.. GRECIAN EFFECT IS POPULAR JUST NOW Cclu and Silver Kid Sandal* Are Being Worn. Ever since Helen of Troy cat such a wide swath ns a charmer, women have had hankering eyes od Grecian attire. Now this winter they can Indulge In many of tho style tricks of the belles of Athens and be considered ultra-modern. Many of the new evening gowns carry out the Grecian effect of drapery. And incidentally the dra pery Is arranged to bring out the best lines of the figure. It may look simple, but It Is a work of art and design. The new shirred silhouette Is pop ular not only In gowns of soft white crepes and chiffons which definitely suggest the Parthenon, hut also In black satin and velvet dresses and frocks of all color* and materials. Some of the dresses are extremely full at the bottom, giv ing a graceful effect In movement. Others are more tightly fitted be low the hips, falling Into folds at the bottom of the skirt. To enrry out further the Grecian effect, bare feet with sandal* are appearing on ballroom floors. Pint soled gold and sliver kid nanrtai* are popular with the draped dresses. ..- ■ ■ ■ , FOR SNOW WEAR By CHERSE NICHOLAS iisj»a j With the rapidly growing Interest In skiing as n favorite outdoor sport, fabric and styling are play ing nn increasingly Important role In the creation of properly de signed apparel for show wear. This beautifully tailored ski suit of line wool gabardine, light In weight, but amply warm for strenuous sports wear, Is nn example of fashion-cor rect ski clothes. It Is the official costume of the professional Aus trian ski Junipers and Is designed by the famous MSlg” Buchmayr. Note the four flap pockets that but ton. the high crossing of the lapels and the slim sleek lines through out. Navy or gunmetal nre good col ors, worn with bright sweaters, scarfs, caps and mittens. The cooing slope with the homey moon, but the hilling goes on for ever. T TTTTE NERO YOVKG CASANOVA _BY RILL CHASE_’j EUREKA BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Penn en tertained the Eureka dub. After five changes of bridge a lovely luncheon was served. Visitors were Mrs. Nelson and Mr and Mrs. J. Phillips W. Ford, President THE LADIES SOCIAL BRIDGE CLUB The Ladies Social Bridge dub member was present. We are hap py to have Mrs. Cunningham as a member. Prizes were won by Mrs. Moore high and Mrs. Rone, booby. A lovely luncheon was served. Mrs. Sulivan, President Mrs. Kincaid, Reporter PICK UP CLUB The Pick-Up club met at the Phomo of Mr. and Mrs. Bostic, 2517 Decatur street. Thirty min utes were spent interration ser vice, after which election of of ficers took place. Mrs. Mamie Mc Intosh, President; Lottie Kejyes, Vice-president; Bessie King, Sec retary; Florence Triplett, Treas urer. Chairman of Sick Committee Mrs. Spencer; Chairman Social committee, Mrs. Marie Alford; Re porter for newspaper, Mrs. V. Moore; Chairman of the program committee, Mrs- I- M. Oliver; Chairman of the Boosters’ com mittee, Mr. G- 0- Spencer; Chair man of the membership committee, Mrs. Anna Murphy; Mascott of the club, Lincoln Spencer; Chaplain, Deacon Shelton Pearl. A new mem ber was added to the club, Mr. Otis Morrow. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Keyes, 2217 North 25th street for its next meeting;. Rev. P. J. Pierce, Pastor. Mrs. V. Moore. Rennrter. CLUB MEETING— i he Hisorrca, Focietetis, Foc ;r<-. Society was organized at the '. -•I an League recently. Presi nt, Harold Gibeon; Vice Presi dent, James Breedlove; Sec., Dav • t tevers;, .iobert Ev c is. Other members of the club ; a: Frank McCann, William Me Clarty, George Watts, Joseph Fowler, Herman Brewer and Frank Terrell. THE MAR LEM SP ORT OL UB The club opened its yearly round of social events on Thurs day night, January 16th, at the home of Mrs. Addie Dillard, 2G28 Charles street. Tbs was a bridge party which twenty couples attended. The officers of the club were introduced to the guests by M rs. Florence Wakefield, and were as follows Miss Amabelle Woodridge, President; Miss Ella Jacobs, Vice-president; Miss Laura Cooper, Secretary; M rs. L. Ross, Treasurer and Mm Mildred Wifght., Reporter. Miss Jacobs made a short talk then intro duced the remainder of the club members. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wells, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Ross, Mr. Alex ander of the Alexander Rhythm Boys, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Coleman and Mr. Walker Bar row. A lo\e!y Luncheon wad served, also highballs. Everyon«|f reported having a good time, m Annahelle Woodrideg, Pro,® Mildred Wright, Reporter. The Quack Club held its regu lar meting- Mrs Nina Lewis was , initiated _ Mrs. Lizzis Buford ’ias return- fl ed home after having had a de-fl lightful visit throughout the east^B The Elks Annual Charity BnlSR (formal) wil be given St. Valenffp tine Night, Fobr. 14th Atty. John Adams, Sr., left for | Chicago on business.