The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 25, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores
C. M. E. Religious
Educational Coun
il Holds Session
Dr. B. J. Smith, Gen. Sec., In
Charge. Three Bishops Pre
sent Large Crowds
Jackson, Tenn. Jan. 25—(CP)
Council of the Colored Metho
dist Episcopal Church ended a
two-day session here Fdiday in
what has been called “the most
forward looking meeting of its
kind in the history of Negro
churches. ’’
The Religious Educational
Council was called by Dr. B. J.
Smith, General Secretary-Ed
itor of the Board of Religious
Education of the GME church,
a position to which he was el
ected exactly one year ago on
the very day .strangely coin
cidentaly, from the day the Re
ligious Educational Council held
its first session.
The Council which served a
two-fold purpose: a fact-find
ing and appraisal council, and
a program outlining body for
the Department of Religious
Education, attracted many of
the outstanding leaders of the
CME chudch. Three bishops
were present: Bishop J. A.
Bray, A.M., D.D., LL.D., pres
ident of the Board of Religious
Education and president b'shop
of the Eighth Episcopal Dis
trict, Chicago; Bishop J. A.
Ilamlett, A.M., D.D, S.T.B.,
president of the General Board
of Education and presiding!
bishop of the Fifth Episcopal
district, Kansas City, Kansas, j
and Bishop J. C. Martin, presi
dent of the Board of Kingdom
Extension Memphis ,Tennessee.
Dr. J. C. Colelough. Editor 1
of the Christian Index, official
organ of the CME church, Jack- j
son, delievred a stirring address
at the opening of the Council
Wednesday morning on the sub
ject, “ Clearing the Ground for
Kingdom Building.” The schol
arly Editor’s message made a
deep impression upon the as
semblage. Dr. Colelough used
Mathew 6:33 as the principal
basis for his scholarly address.
At Thursday's devotional
hour, the address was delivered
by Rev. C. E. Chapman, presid
of the Kansas district, Kansas
City ,Missouri. “The Place of
Prayer in the Life of Christ”
was the subject of Rev. Chap
man’s address, having used
Luke 11:1 and Luke 17:1 as
the Scriptural basis for his dis
course. He said it was imposs
ible to study the record of the
life of Christ without noticing
how frequently He retired to
prayer, ho whe had certain def
inite places and times for pray
er: how He intimately related
his praying moments with his
serving the people, in that lie
took the needs and interests of
the people to God in His pray
ers and brought from His pray
ing moments the inspiration,
illumination and inspiration
He received in His praying
moments, and how that prayer
was necessary to the meeting
the needs of the people whom
one is to serve.
Dr. J. W. Nicholson, Chicago,
was elected secretary of the Re
ligious Council and rendered in
valuable service in that capacity
and was highly commended by
Dr. Smith and the Council for
his service in that capacity.
Other speakers at Thursday’s
sessions were: Drs. J. F. Lone,
Presiednt of Lane College; Mat
tie E. Coleman, President of
the Woman’s Connectional
Council; J. A. Ragan, General
Secretary of Board of Confer
ence Claimants; F. L. Lewis,
Secretary of Kingdom Exten
Dr. Smith and Dr. E. P.
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Murchison. Director of the
Leadership Train'ng Depart
ment, made illuminating ad
dress regarding thier work to
the delight of the scores of rep
resentatives from various padts
of the church.
The agenda outlined in the
program and which was rigidly
adhered to In the various dis
cussions by the various repre
sentatives included:
Religious Educational Or
ganizations, International and
Denominational Organizations:
Denominational Boards, Church
Schools, Week-day Religious
Schools, Young People’s Organ
izations, Leadership Training,
Christian Social Action, the
General Board of Religious Ed
ucation, The Annual Conference
Boards, the Local Boards, Reg
inal Commi ttees, Personnel of
Organ zations. Problems of
Literature, Promotional Work
in the home, urban center and
rural centers, Young People's
Meetings, (Epworth League)
and the possibility of Inter
Board Cooperation between the
Religions Education Board of
the CME church wtih other de
nom’national boards of the
Fitting roso1 ut.ions were ad
opted by unanimous vote of the
Council lauding Bishop Bray,
the president of the Board:
Mrs. B. Julian Smith and lv I’.
Murchison, Jr., the two Stalf
members immediately charged
with the duty of functioning
and operating the Board’s af
fairs for their great accomplish
ments. Particular emphasis was
placed upon the great improv
ment made in the quality of the
literature now being produced
by the Board under then- ad
ministration .The improvement
in the literature was called “a
complete transformation.”
The Council-a!so passed by
unanimous vote approval of the
idea of ‘‘holding a church-wide
meeting of young people in
1937,” under the auspices of the
eCneral Board of Religious Ed
ucation. The reso' ition tdoptei
urged Ur. Smith to memorial
ize the Bench of Bhsliops of the
CME church and communicate
v» ;*li •> presiding o'.icrs and
the Annual Conference Boards
of Religious Eductaion solicit
ing their interest and support
in the Young People’s cnureli
wide movement proposed for
A capacity audeinee was pres
ent Wednesday night at \lu*
Liberty St'.Det church, seme
timed called ‘‘Mother Libcity ”
because of being the oldest
church in the CME denomina
tion. having been organized
here in 1870. An elaborate pro
gram of Welcome was sponsor
ed Wednesday night at Liber
ty Street church, with Rev. P.
E. Brooks, master of ceremon
The welcome program includ
ed: Several numbers by Liberty
Street Choir, Invocation, Rev.
pj. A. Adams, Selections by
Lane College Glee club and the
Merry high school glee club, ad
dress by J. S. Blaine who repre
sented Bishop Hamlett, presen
tation of the program and per
sonnel, Dr. B. Julian Smith, Of
fertory, Dr. E. A. Paul, Re
marks by Dr. T. P. Murchison.
Director of Leadership Train
ing, Address by Dr. E. M. Pruet
and response to the Welcome
address by Bishop J. A. Bray,
president of the Board of Re
ligious Education.
Among those here attending
the Council sessions were:
J. A. Bray, President of Gen
eral Board of Religious Educa
tion, Chicago; J. C. Martin,
Memphis, Tennessee; J. Arthur
Ilamlett, Kansas City, Kansas.
General Officers
Rev. F. L. Lewis, General
Secretary of Kingdom Exten
sion; Dr. Mattie E. Coleman,
President of Woman’s Connec
|tional CounouL Jackson, Ten
nessee; Rev. J. C. Colclough,
Editor of Christian Index, Jack
son, Tenn.; Prof G. F. Porter,
Financial Secretary, Jackson,
Tenn.; Rev. W. P. Pipkins, Pub
lishing JAgent., Tenn.; Rev. J.
A. Ragan, General Secretary
of Conference Claimants De
partment. Americas, Ga.
General Board of Religious
Education Staff Members
Rev. E. P. Murchison, Jr.,
Leadership Training Director,
Tyler, Texas; Rev. B. Julian
Smith, General Secretary of Re
ligious Education, Chicago, 111.
Assistant Editors
Rev. E. A. Paul, Jackson,
Tenn.; Dr. Frank Rodgers
Jackson, Tenn.; C. A. Kirken
doll, Kansas City, Missouri.
Annual Conference Board of
Religious Education Directors
Rovs. J. W. Nicholson, Chic
ago; J. E. Toomer, Muskegee,
Okla.; J. R. Cole, Holly Springs,
Miss.; D. B. Davis, Denton, Tex
as; P. R. Shy, Alliens. Oa.;
R. L. Young, Meridian, Miss.;
J. C. Clay, Little Rock, Ark.;
A. C. Bailey, Kansas City, Kan.;
D. M. Montgomery, Tougaloo,
Miss.; J. W Smith, Idabel,
Okla.; 1. C. Nicholson. Dyerx
burg, Tenn.; T. C. Little, Tup
elo, Miss.; L. S. White, Hous
ton, Texas.
Annual Conference Boards of
Religious Education Presidents
and Members
Revs. Jno. M. Exum. Mem
phis; J. S. Blaine, Jackson;
Mrs. Cora Horton, Little Rock ;
A. N. Willis, Memphis; N. T.
Walker, Memphis; Mi's. L. A.
Marshall, Baldwyn; E. L. Sig
gesr, Tupelo; James A. Adams.
Jackson; C. E. Chapman, Kan
sis City, Mo.; P. E. Brooks,
Jubilee Directors
Rev. B. F. Harris, Browns
ville ; Rev. W. H. Taylor, Mem
Rev. H. C. Tobridge, Fresid
ing Elder, Jackson; Rev. J. H.
Strayhorn. Jeckson; Revs. J.
E. Shipp, Oxford; W. TI. Fost
er, Oxford; Mrs. James F. Lane
Jackson; A. G. Bennett, Jack
son; J. B. Brooks, Cackson ;J.
B. Boyd. Presiding Tlder, Mem
phis; Dr. J. F. Wane, President
of Lane College, Jackson; Revs.
A. L. Rowser, Henderson; C. M.
Hawkins, Jackson; Mrs. I. H.
Jones. Jackson; Mr. Jones,
Texas; Atty. P. L. Harden,
Jackson; Dr. T. J. Meacliam,
M. D., Jackson; Rev. A. W.
Carter, Dyer; C. M. Hawkins,
Jr., Jackson; Prof. M. M. Jones,
Registrar of Lane College, Jack
son, Tenn.
Greetings anl words of regret
for inability to be present were
received from the following:
Bishops E. Cottrell. C. TI.
Phillips, R. A. Carter, H. P.
Porter, J. H. Moore.
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General Officers, James S.
Stark, Editor of Western In
dex, W. A. Ilell, General Secre
tary Education.
eGneral Board of Religiols
Education Members: Rev. J. G.
Hollis and Rev. F. C. McFarlin.
Annual Conference Board of
Religious Education Directors:
Mrs. E. W. F. Harris, Central,
Texas; Rev. T. J. Douglas, S.
C;. Mr. W. L. Graham, Central
Georgia; Mr. George E. Cov
ington. Washington - Philadel
phia; Rev. C. L. Russell. Ken
Jubilee Director. Prof. M. C.
Merriweather and Rev. W. H.
Annual Conference Boards
of Religious Education Pres
dents and Members: Rev Henry
C. Benton, East Florida; Rev.
A. Hawk, Central Alabama;
Rev. A. W. Womack, Ohio; Rev.
W. R. Johnson, West Florida;
Mr. J. M. Pettigrew, South Car
Kansas Magazine
Includes Work Of
Colored Poet
Manrattan, Kan., Jan. 25 (ANP)
The 1936 edition of the annual
Kansas Magazine just published
by the Kansas State college press,
includes two new poems by Frank
Marshall Davis, former journal
ism student. Davis, author of
“Black Man’s Verse,” was the on
ly Negro whose work Is used. Na
tional known writers and artists
among the contributors include:
Edgar Lee Masters, Thomas Ben
ton, Nelson Anrim Crawford, Dr.
Birger Sandzon, and others.
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Hitler Eyes Africa
For Possessions
Johannesburg, S. A., Jan , 25—
An official of the German Colon
ies Society, in a talk with a news
pap«r correspondent, admitted
that Germany plans in the very
near future to try to take over
some# f Britain's possessions in
Africa. He said further that the
entiro colonial propaganda in Ger
many will be controlled by the
Nazi party, which will then enter
the imperialist field with her in
creased armed force.
Colonial possessions are an as
set to any imperialit power and a
liability to colonial people. Ger
many’s threatened demand for re
distribution of colonies cannot but
result in a world war, to which
end she is building a powerful air,
sea and land force.
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