The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 18, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8
LINCOLN NEWS At 3:00 p. m., Sunday, Jan 12th, the third annual series oi forums, sponsored by the Lincolr Urban League began at the Com munity Center. The speaker foi the afternoon was Mrs. LeRoy Davis. Her subject was, “The Mer it System in the Government Ser vice.” Mrs. Davis is one cf the most outstanding speakers of the state. There was a large crowd and all seemed to enjoy her most ►xceflknt talW. The Urban lea gue has had many compliments paid it for the high type of char acters that have been placed upon its rostrum. The Workers Council met last ; Thursday evening with President Forrest Berry in the chair. The in fluence of this organization is Logining to be felt in this comn munity. It is building up a fine spirit of co-operation in the com munity, especially among the young .people. Rev. Hurckhardt Chairman of the Contact Commit tee, made a report and followed it up with an encouraging talk regarding the need of such work. Mr. Burt Newton brought us a very rich talk on the subject of “What Is the Means of Stopping the Unemployed? This discussion was rich in thought and logic. Burt is one of the coming young men of our city. Secretary Mil lard Woods is untiring in his ef f . t:. to put over a program that will menu much to the colored cit izens of Lincoln. Rev. Burckhardt will start a League* Bible Forum) on Wednes day, the 15th, which will be inter denominatVoral. Meir<ln*s of the various churches will !>u officers in the forum. The object of the Forum is to help the moral and spiritual life of its subjects. Tho A. M. E. Church closed its rally, Sunday with success. Rev. Long is a live wire and keeps his members busy working for the in terest of the church Rev. Nicks is making good in the University and is also put ting over a good church program. Brother Frank Chrisman is slowly improving in health. Inspector Harry Lcland and wife were callers in Lincoln Sun da*'. Council Bluffs News Notes Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willis enter tained a few friends at a Sunday Night Party. A good time was re ported. The New Year’s Supper given by the Allen Christian Endeavor League, of tho Bethel A. M. E. Church, was a great success. Mrs. Minnie Herndon entertain ed the Hollis Art Club Tbursray afternoon. Mr. D. Watkins, Sr., an^l Mr. and Mrs D Watkins, Jr., are re covering froml burns resulting from a gasoline explosion. Mrs. Alice Davis who has been critically ill, is improving. Last Sunday the topic for dis cussion at the A. C. L. League was “The Jew’’, led by Miss Ger aldine Herndon. On next Sunday Mr. Harold Reynolds will give a program. January 12th, Presiding Elder W.H. Angleton held A Love Feast at 11 a. m. at Bethel Church. Rev. L. T. Bryant of St. John Church, Omaha, preached in the afternoon and Rev. Agleton held Commun ion Service in the evening. Miss Lucile Bolan, from Chica go, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. Turner. Mrs. Grace Cave celebrated her sixty-third birthday Jan. 3rd, with her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Hern don. Mr. Henry Hamilton and Mr. Jim Mize have returned from Kansas City where they spent the holidays with relatives and friends. Miss Geraldine Herndon asked a few friends in for bridge. Those present were: Misses Virginia Holliday, Olive Goodlow and Ev ellyn Tl^e afteifrwon was spent playing bridge and poceno. BIRTHSTONES For the laundresses, the soap stone. For the architects, the corner stone. For cooks, the puddingstone. For soldiers, the bloodstone. For politicians, the lilarney stono. For policemen, the pavingstonc For stockbrokers, the curbing stone. For shoemakers, the cobble stone. For tourists, the Yellowstone For beauties, the peaehstone. For motorists, the milestone. For lovers, the moonstone.. For morticians, the tombstone FOR EDITORS, THE GRIND STONE. —Ej THE UNSATISFACTORY PART “Can yon pet my pendulum clod to work?” asked the simple look Ing person In the jeweler's shop. “We will endeavor to," replied the Jeweler. The customer unwrapped a smal parcel. The Jeweler gazed In wondermenl at the contents. “But this Is no use,’’ he said. “It order to mend the clock, we musl have the whole thing. You've onlj brought us the pendulum. "Well,” replied the cnstomei brightly, "It’s only the pendulum at won’t go." ON THE UP AND UP i —--r~; 1LU I LM “So your engagement with Annette is up?” ”Yes." "What became of the engagement ring?" “That’s up, too." Buying a Weather Vane Heal Estate Agent (deciding to be Trunk)—Tins house bus one or two drawbacks. To the nortli Is the gas works, to tile south a rubber fac tory, on the east a vinegar plant, and on the west a glue plant. Prospective Purchaser—Good heav ens i What a neighborhood. Real Estate Agent—Quite, so. but the price Is low, and you enn al ways tell which way the wind is ; blowing. Exactly "On the day on which my wed I ding occurred—" “You’ll pardon the correction, but j affairs such as marriages, recep tions, dinners, and things of that j sort ’take place.’ It Is only calami 1 ties which ’occur.’ You see the dis tinction?” “Yes, I see. As I was saying, the day on which my wedding occurred." - Putliflnder Magazine. Restraint “I hope you don't think I’m con ceited," he sold, nfter he had fin ished telling her all about himself, "Oh, no," she replied. "But I'm Just wondering how you can keep from giving three hearty cheers whenever you look at yourself in the glass.” Official Requirements "We need more political leaders," said the excited citizen. "Yes,” said Senator Sorghum, "and out where I come from v'e also need more night watchmen." Quick Getaway “Oh, yes. my father was a great politician In his day.” “What did he run fort" “The border." ON RELIEF — "Mrs. O'Tool, has your son a leaning toward any particular call ing?" "Sure, he’ll be a poet, he hatea work so.” — Poor Bridegroom* “Don’t they ever have showers ! for the bridegroom, pop?” "No, sonny, but there usually are plenty of storms for him after the bride begins to reign." -- Who It Was Johnson—My wife has been nurs j lug a grouch all the week. Jackson—Is that so? I hadn’t i seen you around, but I didn’t know you were laid up. Money Panic Mother—1 hope my little boy has bepn as good as gold all day. Nurse—No. He went off the gold standard about bedtime. Out With a Net “What are you doing," asked SI Slmlln. “Catchln' butterflies?" "No,” answered Farmer Corntoa set "Tryln’ to save some of my top soil that’s been carried off In the wind." Not Artistic Angry Guide—Why didn’t you shoot that tiger? Timid Hunter—He didn’t have the right kind of expression on his face for a rug. JTS TRUE! y 1 Tbisicw FAMOUS DRAMA ,'ANNA BENINA' IS THE e*' . GARBO FEATURE WHICH < CLAReNce B'ROWN HAS DIRECTED I By Wiley Padan -v RreprIc MARC-H IS T4HE 16 A- SCREEN IOVER dt GARBO'S CAREER. LEO li MfjM UONm»i_. ■IT'S TRUE\-Uux, GARBO VON ENG LAND'S ftCnjRFGOEft' 1 MAGAZINE'S QOLP MEDAL FOR TA* BEST ACTING PERFORMANCE^ GARBO" BEGIN? HER IO* YEAR VIT-W MffM IN Km KARENINA*, HER 7D*PKUiRE- , r CONSTANCE ’ • _* COLLIER WAS T44E FIRST WOMAN IN - EUROPE TO BE TREATED WIT-W INSUUN ! IT SAVED HER LIFE IN A CRITICAL ILLNESS ! REGINALD DENNY is in THE CAST Of 'ANNA KARENINA". ONE Cf THE GREATEST DRAMATIC STORIES Cf AU HISTORY ! J "IT’S TRUE! that May Robson—mother, grandmother and !;rand old lady of the stage and screen—has been working at the ame studio with Greta Garbo for several years, but she plays ier first Garbo role as the witty dowager mother of Fredric .larch in ‘Anna Karenina’1” Another interesting fact which Jbrtist Wiley Padan points out is—“Freddie Bartholomew, ten Vear-old star in ‘Anna Karenina’, survived the Los Anfre’es Jloard of Education ‘I. Q.’ examination with a rating of 130 a /cat difficult for sixteen-vear-olds I” Bjones— Got your teeth fUleh, nil? Did the dentist do a good job? Smlff—Well, I ran honestly say l ho spared no pains. —Pathfinder "Wo can afford all that we need, but we can’t afford all that we want” Franklin D. Roosevelt. Character is what a man is in the dark. —D. Tv. Moody l)o nothing secretly; for Time secs and hears all things and discloses all. -—Hipponous Know, know, a thousand times know, and you will he a success. —Tech News One of the PhlUIpplne Islands Is to bo named "Omaha," but we will never be certain whether It was named after our fair city or that horse. “There goes a fellow who seems to take the worst possi ble view of everything.’’ “Is he a pessimist?” “No; he’s an amateur pho tographer.” —Tech News The only way to have n friend is to be one. —Emerson Traffic cop — “Now Miss, what gear were you in at the time of the accident?” Phil—“Oh, I had on a black beret, tan shoes and a tweed sports dress.”__ CALL US FOR YOUR LIQUORS—ALL KINDS JONES & THOMAS Free Delivery JA 1189 1612 N. 24th Street TOM JONES, Mgr. ajjSSstO ms HOSIERY MAGIC INCENiH Han monay and low maths t Got tm atlh bo alary, too. Jon aand your nama and addma (or now atonin' proposition. ITroa Writ, quick. Kay.ton. Lab., M„mj>hla. Tana. Dept. 13-R-l > A FEW GIGGLES Lacerated Heart “Young Dick says tiis heart h lacerated," “Who’s the lass'; \n swors Magazine. Number, Please “I am connected with sonic o: Hit >csi lanillies." i’>y telephone?” First Stopping Place “Where are you going for yout vacation?” “To the savings bank.” Weil Say Sol “Is your son musical?’* ’ \ cry. lie even opens the I'ronl I door with the piano key." Career Nurse—It’s n hoy I Confirmed Golfer—Hurray! A I caddie 1—London Opinion. All Kinds of Poultry WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dressed Free while you wait. Strictly Fresh Eggs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE CO. 1616 N. 2t4h WE 4737 | HELP WANTED Men-Women— $50-$lft0 a Month For Institutions, Hospitals, etc.— Everywhere NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY *AU knds of good jobs practically everywhere'Write fully enclosing stamp, to Scharf Bureau, Dept. 11-4-A-46, 145 W. 45th St., New [York. EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS L. S. Hines, Manager Atty. W. B. Bryant, 2722 Binnej Street, Phone WE 6859 Notice by Publication on Petition for Settlement of Final Ad ministration Account, In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Eler White, Deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 31st day of December, 1935, Columbus S. Smith filed a petition In said County Court, praying that filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his tion before said Court on the 8th day of February, 1936, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 8th day of Feb ruary, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said peti tion, enter a decree of heirship, nd make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, I to the end that all matters per taining to said estate my be final ly settled and determined. 44-3t BRYCE CRAWFORD, (SEAL) County Judge. In Police Court Teacher—Is It possible to have a sentence without n verb? Son of a Judge—Yes. sir. Thirty days. Beauty Parlor Blues “Don't you agree that time Is the great healer?" “lie miry be— hut he's certainly no beauty spe elallst.'* __ Poor Pa Woman—Do you think fish is h brain food? Friend—Can't be—my husband eats lots of It. There’s the Alarm! White—How’s your Insomnia? Black—Terrible. I can’t even sleep when it’s time to get up.—An swers Magazine. Alng the Concrete “When did you first notice your wife liml fallen nut of the ear?" ■‘1C very thing seemed so quiet.”— Tit Bits Magazine. MAX LUNCH MEALS 15c AND UP Come in and meet your old friends. Now located at 1820 No. 24th St. Home Cooking a Specialty. Ray Ll Williams, Room 200 Tuc-hrman Bldg., 24th at Lake St. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of George W. Gill, Deceased. All persons interested in said estato are hereby notified that a I petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file i in said Court, purporting to be ! the last will and testament of said j deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 8th day of February, 1936, and that if they fail to ap pear at said Court on the said 8th day of February, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will and grant ad ministration of said estate to Mat tie Snowden or some other suit able person, enter a degree of heir ship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. 44-3t BRYCE CRAWFORD. (SEAL) County Judge Poisoned Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct ir ritation of bladder so that you can stop “getting up nights” get a 35 cent package of Gold Medal Haar lem Oil Capsules and take as di rected. Other symptoms of kidney : and blader weaknesses are scanty pufy eyes.—adv. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distnce Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE5656 2414 Grant St. WHITES SERVICE STATION Standrd Oil Products We repair tires WHITE & NEWTON 24th and Grace St. JA 954 All Work Guranteed All Kinds of Poultry WHOLESALE ANR RETAIL Dressed Free while you wait. Strictly Fresh Eggs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE CO. 1616 N. 24th WE 4737 i CLASSIFIED ADS Agents Wanted AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na New York. NEGRO DOLLS, NEGRO PIC TU RES, Wholesale; Retail; Write, National Co., 163 W. MAKE $10 dally selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 166 W. 126th St., New York City. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 264 W. 135th St., New York. Rooms For Rent 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for rent at 2521 Ms N. 24—Key at 2517 N. 24. WE. 1600. NEATLY furnished room in mod- j ern home. One block from car Furnished Rooms for rent. Web. 3454. Furnished Rooms for rent. 2725 Charles Street. _ ROOMS for rent, strictly modern. 2428 Erskine. WE. 1024. FOR RENT—Two rooms furnish ed, kitchenette apt., also one single room for gentleman, in a steam heated home. WE 4162. FOR RENT—2-roorti( Kitchenetee. 2237 Jones St. WE 2363. FURNISHED room for rent. Mrs. Pye, 2716 N 28 Ave. We 5549. FUSNiISHED rooms for rent. For man or woman At 2523. Apartments For Rent MODERNISTIC apartments and room for rent. AT. 7435. THREE furnished apartments for rent. WE. 3738. FURNISHED apartments, 4 rooms, $4.00. Bills paid. 2104 N. 29 Ave. JA. 0986. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cumings St. Phone JA. 0696. GET READY for that Ball. Tux edo Suit, size 37, for sale, $9. Call WE. 0156. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 242014 Cuming Street. WANTED—Woman clerk, man salesman. Either must invest $300 on interest. Good salary. 2416 Lake Street. Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St Cuming Hotel. MR. DEALER HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A COUPLE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR SALE , J C. F. Read estate must be closed at once. The following described property is for sale, either seperately or in a lump sum. Make your offer. _ Lots 1 and 2 in block 15. Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 4008 Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses. The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat rick’s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street. Lots five and six in block one. in Paddock Place, vacant property, at the northeast corner of 15th and Burdette. Lot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, in Arm strong’s addition, at 913, 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are three one-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six i rooms. This property is not new, but all rentable property at a fair rent i al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680 ! before 5 p. m., and after 5 p. m., call WE. 1750, located at 1016 Oma t ha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. FREE TO AILING WOMEN Don’t be discouraged or down hearted. If you suffer with bear ing down pains,, headaches, dizzi ness, backaches, ovarian pains, pains in abdomen, whites, painful or irregular periods accept a FREE trial of the famous Mrs. j Summers’ Home Treatment which J according to reports received has | brought joyous new health to thousands and thousands similarly afflicted. Just send your name and address. Your package will be sent postpaid ABSOLUTELY FREE. Send today. Summers MedicalC o., Dept. NPG South Bend, Ind. Name ... St. or RFD .Z..ZZZ City . State. RABES BRFFET Carl Rabes, Prop. Refreshments and Lunch 2425 N. 24 th Street, 24 th and Lake Phone JA 9195 Omaha ESI MAGIC I *r* INCENSE f) H«»« money and lor. magic. «_f*rna» ■ame tnd addr.aa and rnreir. the mriria 1 m.i.r'* free Jum write Kertteae Memphia, Term. ' Dept. l-R-7 Rift MM * * tR) 1% ^ New and uifferent woo <* r-working n lr d res si nr pomacie and ^Klil HRIOHT E.s’ING FACE PO W D R P. Lnrge trial sK s free Write I.ueky Heart Laboratories Hopt.Memphis. Tonne -«*•*? Dept. Q 115 ftorcen Largest Selling Five In-One Unit Dressing In the world: If you haven’t i d Roreen, don’t fail to try tills Tree tun.' Sell 200 World Fastest Sellers! ■7W¥»a<,ig7 Hose coupon with every or • 4 der* Something new Writ# Immediately for our preposition! Keystona Lab , Memphis. Tenn., Dept Dept. 9-R-12 With Samples of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Drmnlng and Face Powder Be a Joe *.ouli Booster# Wear this classy Button of the ••Brown Bomber.” Send 3c Stamp for Samples. FREE Button and Special A Renta Offer. Hurryl Write today before all buttons are gone. VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. (_ 5249 Cottage Grove Ave. Dept. 8M Chicago. WV New Kind Incurance Policy Sent Free Buy no insurance policy until you see thhe new contract sent for 10 days FREE inspection by Na tional Benefit Protective Associa 10 days FREE inspection by Na tion, 205 Hall Building, Kansas City, Mo. It pays $300.00 on nat ural or accidental death; costs only 50c a month. Age limit 2 to 50. Persons 51 to 65 and entire families also covered at amazing ly low rates. SEND NO MONEY! Simply send name and age of all persons to be covered together with beneficiary’s name and rela tionship. When certificate arrives for FREE inspection you will be more than pleased. No obligations —FREE offer limited—write to day. Sensational NewDiscovery CROWS HAIR in Thrift Quick Stages Or No Cost 1st Stage 2nd Stale At last, here Is a statllng secret discov ery that actually will grow hair In seven days or It doesn’t cost you a penny! Mr. John son’s Prllllantlne Hair jOrower, as this amaz ilng fast working secret la called, la different than anything else you have ever uae<l. Ugly, short, kinky hair turns into long, straight, thick, glossy hair that everyone enviea and admires. Mr. John son's Hair Grower must do tho work to your de light or It costs noth ing. Send coupon for quick action. MAKE THIS CON VINCING TEST Send no money. Just mall the coupon below right now. When your package of Mr. John son’s Prllllantlne Hair Grower arrives, deposit with postman only $1, plus postage chnrgea ahd then If you are not absolutely amazed with how long, how thick, how straight and how beautiful vour hair la getting we want to pay hack your deposit. Test Mr. Johnson’s Prllllantlne Hair Grow er nt our risk. Mall coupon today and have hair more beautiful and luxuriant than you ever dreamed possible. Send Today. Mr. Johnson’s Company, 207 N. Michigan Ave., Dept. 50, Chicago, 111. Rend me the Mr. Johnson’s BrMllan tlne Hair Grower. I will give poptman only $1, plus postage. I can return the unused Hair Grower In 7 days and get my deposit without question. Name ... Address (or F. O. Box) . City .State ..