The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 18, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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St Augustine •
Trounces Smith
Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 18—
(ANP)—The St. Augustine’s
College Basketball team made
its 1936 debut Friday night by
trouncing Johnson C. Smith
University 35 to 32 in an ex
citing and fast game. Robin
son, the Saint’s lanky forward
and Kennedy, the center were
high scorers for the game.
Greenlee of the Queen Oitv
team, making many spectacular
shots, was the outstanding play
er for his team. A the start of
the game, Smith took a 6 to 0
Ipad by cirtue of 2 goals by
Boyd and one by Eaton A
quick dally by Robinson and
Kennedy brought Ihe score to
19 to 10 in the Saint’s favor at
the end of the half. The vis
itors supplied some keen excite
ment by running up the score
to 32 to 35 when the final gun
scorned to roh them of victory. I
Necro Ts Standout
In Golden Gloves
Mo. Tournament
Springfield, Mo., Jan. 18—
(OP)—Latham McDaniels, 175
pound Negro, was the big
standout in the Golden Gloves
tournament of the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat conducted here
as the finishing touches were
put upon the 54 boxers who
participated in the Springfield
unit eliminations for the thirty
who will see day in the finals.
On January 16, thirty more
entrants will Ve for the tilt
along with some of the win
ners in the first elimination
try. The finals will come off
January 23 when the 16 suc
cessful contestants will go to
St. Louis to participate in the
tourney of champions the mid
dle of February. The entrants
are under supervision of train
er Ed Smith. In speaking of
McDaniels, Smith says, “I*ve
seen a lot of boxers around
here, professional and amateur
hut that kid, McDart'els, has!
shown me enough to convince:
me he's a natural fighter if I j
ever saw one.”
Another T Jon Tossed
To The Christian
Chicago, Jan., 18—Charley
Retzlaff, who otherwise seems
to be guite a normal young man
has offered himself for public
sacrifice at Chicago Stadium
th's Friday, Jan. 17. Joe Louis
is the person chosen to per
form the rites. If nothing else,
this proves that a man will do
anything for money.
I nthe time of the Caesars,
for the amusement of the Ro
man thousands they tossed out
and watched the animals sharp
en their teeth on the bones of
Christians to lions in the arena
the hapless humasn. Now and
then a jungle beast would eith
er get toothaehe or, if sensible,
give up entirely on an especial
ly tough case. Some cynics
claim these were merely the or
iginal hard-shelled Baptists who
were aimed for heaven if they
didn't drown enroute, but you
can discount that as merely
professional jealousy Besides,
it lias little to do with this col
The big point is that Joe
Louis, reputedly a deep and sin
cere student of the Bible, has
been reversing the procedure.
In New York last June they
tossed out a Roman offspring
named Primo Camera, the Car
nivorous, and may thousands
saw the mammoth artlmal com
pletely devoured by the Chris
tian Brown Bomber Rotzlaff,
next opponent for Christian
Joe, falls in the "lion” cate
gory when he says he’ll beat
the Dusky Destroyer. That's
as much lyin’ as you’ll see for
many a day.
When a professional boxer
these days offers to get into
the same ring with Mr. Joseph
Louis Barrow, the heavyweight
to en dall heavyweights, he
ought to be looked upon as a
mental oddity. Rotzlaff does
not necessarily need the cash
as the 27 year old white youth
is worth $300,000 after six
years of fighting. If the truth
must be known, it is the same
ambition tha made medieval
alchemists seek a mythical
"philosopher’s stone” which
would turn everything it touch
ed into gold—the accomplish
ment of the impossible.
Every boxer today knows
that a victory over Joe would
belong in the class of hiking
from New York to London.
There would be fame a.plenty,'
and the mark is worth shooting
X. That is, if you’re like Nathan
Hale who was proud to give his
one life for his country. When
they fight Louis, those who say
"I’d die for dear old Rutgers”
get their wish.
Jack Blackburn, who once
trained Retzlaff ,admits the
white boy is tongh. Charley,
who stands six foot four and
weighs 198 does have something
of a punch. But for that matter,
a couple of lads named Max
Baer and Kingfish Lovinsky
(whatever became of them!)
could also hit. That means Ret
zlaff, by his reputation, is mere
ly making it harder on himself.
Well, it’s his own funeral. If
Charley wants to commit sui
cide before several thousand ob
servers, who am I to say him
nay I
A1 Duvall, the Loyola univer
sity, Los Angeles ,tackle who
was rated one of the best on
the coast, eats on’y one meal
a day. At 10 p. m., if ever you
have him as a guest . . .Lorenzo
Pack, 1935 Golden Gloves,
heavyweight champ who has
been knocking ’em right and
left since turning pro, watched
Joe Louis train recently for his
bout Friday night. "What do
you think of Joe!” he was ask
ed, "Do you think you can lick
lim! "Why not!” replied Pack.
"Tie's human like I am.”
Foresee Trouble
Over N. Y. U.
Court Star
New York, Jan. 18—(ANP)
—Howard Canu is receiving
congratulations for the splendid
basketball team he is develop
at New York University—and
because of the spectacular
showing the team has made, he
has been able to command his
figure for the appearance of
the varsity on the basketball
cards which have taken New
York by storm. However,
breakers are ahead for Howard
—for the star of his up and
coming freshman team is Ed
Williams, lanky colored center
—'much in the order of George
Gregory at Columbia. What
will be the position of New
York U’s team in 1936 and 1937
when it meets all of these nice
teams from Dixie? Already,
Kentucky has stated through a
spokesman that the team rep
resen in g that school does not
participate in games where Ne
groes are on the team, such
clauses being inserted in the
contracts it signs with oth> r
schools. Yet Williams is the
best for New York U’s team
next year.
Gleanings From
Chicago’s Congo
Francois Mosely and his
Louisianans, whom this column
stated recently is The Congo’s
smoothest all-around orchestra,
has added still more laurels to
bis crown. People in this area
tunc to Wind where he broad
casts nightly from his regular
Btand at Dave’s Cafe. But Fran
cois’ newest bid for even great
er popularity is at the Sunday
matinee dances at the Warwich
hall bieng promoted by Mal
colm B .Smith. For the three
Sundays since this series start
ed, he’s been packing ’em in,
and is the Savoy Ballroom wor
ried !
Euclid Taylor, the lawyer
man, was at a brightery the
other night telling how he made
$15,00 Oin 1935. “Operator 22“
swears Taylor’s check was im
mediately doubled . . . Ila!
Arthur Rhodes, Panama man
age, is toting a pair of band
aged mitts with 14 st'stehes. A
guest got unruly and resorted
to his knife. But this guest is
now in the hospital, Rhodes,
you know, weighs around 200.
What crooner sat facing the
door at his place of business
all last Tuesday morning fol
lowing reports that the estrang
ed hubby of his gal-friend was
coming that way with a gun ?
Duke Ellington, who is doing
one night stands out of Chi
cago this week after a week's
engagement at the Regal, is
working on a series of con
certs each of wrhich will feature
the individual talents of every
orchestra member. , . William
Washington and Ernest Tumor
arc still clicking at the Sherman
House, one of the biggest loop
hotels, after four months. These
dancers are known as the “Two
Zephyrs’’. ... Charles McBride,
the Stpia Bing Crosby, has
moved to the Club Delisa. . . .
George Evans, the radio an
nouncer, is at Doc Huggins’
Cafe de Paris as manager and
omcee, having quit the Tramor
The Tramor, incidentally, took
out its Door show because of
after-holiday depression but
will start up again soon.
Geneva Washington, the sen
sational singer, has left the An
nex. “Operator 22’’ says the
former Shuffle Along star was
n’t getting enough cash . . . .
Marguerite Wilkins has moved
into the Northside Parody Cafe.
Reuben Brown has returned to
the Cabin Inn as omcee. . . .
Edith Wilson, plumpish daugh
ter of the famous Mamie Smith,
broke it down warbling in im
promptu fashion at a mazda
mart Monday night . . . Valda
is now twirling at the Cedar
Gardens in Cleveland. George
Dewey Washington, who also
left here recently, is in the
“Harlem Poles Bergere-’ at
the Hotel Bradford in Boston.
It is the first time, a sepia show
has occupied this spot.
The Mills Brothers, having
concluded their radio series,
have trekked on. They appear
at the Apollo in Harlem this
week. Earl J. Morris, ace Cour
ier reporter, is tops in truckin’
among members of the news
paper profesh. Some wags do
say as how all members of the
Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity
qualify as charter members of
the Monkey club. Louise “ .Jot
ta’’ Cook has also left local
theatrical circles apparently to
accompany hubby Herbert
Mills. And Franklin Frank
may always be reached at the
Associated Negro Press, 3507
South Parkway, Chicago.
An attachment for screwdriv
ers has been invented for drill
ing holes into which screws are
to be inserted.
I _| |
New end different won
der-working heir dressing
pomade end SKIN BRIGHT
Writs for Urge trial sizes free end agents'
proposition. Lucky Heart Lab.. Deot.. .
Memphis, Tennessee. Dept, Q-l-6
Straighten Your Hair
At Home
Our newest product turns the
most stubborn kinky hair into soft
lustrous straight hair. Applied at
home in a few seconds. Costs but
a few rente. Write for free offer.
borview Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.
Beware Coughs
' from common colds t
That Hang On
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomul
sion, which goes right to the sea*
of the trouble to aid nature tc
soothe and heal the inflamed mem
branes as the germ-laden phlegm
is loosened and expelled.
Even if other remedies have
failed, don’t be discouraged, youi
druggist is authorized to guarantee
Creomulsion and to refund youi
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle
' Pt Creomulsion right how. (Adv)
Tell your druggist to
give you a copy of tills
Umanac, NOW, before pnpp
bis supply runs out, i lltt
K'htn not obtainable from a drag (tore,
rrlte for one to The Chattaeooga McdU
tine Co., Chattanoo**, Tenn.
A Baby For You?
If you are denied the blessing
of a baby of your own and yearn
for a baby’s arms and a baby’s
smile, do not give up hope. Just
WTite in confidence to Mrs. Mil
dred Owens, Dept. R512 Hanan
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she
will tell you about a simple home
method that helped her after be
ing denied for 15 years. Many oth
ers say this has helped bless their
lives. Write now and try for this
11 Fit as a Fiddle ”
— no constipation
That clean, fresh. Joyous feeling
fairly bubbles out In all he does. But
how he drags along when out of tlx
from constipation!
Don’t let constipation get you
down! Remember to take Black
Draught when you need a laxa
tive. It has proved so good for
prompt, refreshing relief frcm
constipation that thousands of
men and women rely on it for
that purpose. If constipation has
upset you, a few doses of Black
Draught should help to straighten
you out. Try it, today!
In 25-cent packages, at drug
purely vegetable Laxative
together with other sam
ples of famed Golden
Brown Cosmetics. Just
send 10c to cover ship
ping costs.
Golden Brown Chem Co.
Memphis, Tenn.
Dept. NP 70
Damp Wash |
Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. We 6065
lean and Heartache
... until
gk (larry-use)
Restored to Her Hair Its
\ Original Beauty—Made
r- it Soft, Silky, Lustrous,
Coal Blackt
WHEN Amy looked In the mirror,
* " she couldn’t hold back the tear*.
What good waa a beautiful akin, a
atunnlng figure or a deter personality
when her hair made her look old and
She knew why—knew that her dull.
Iron-burnt, off color, gray streaked
hair made her look 15 ycara older, too
old to Join In the fun of the younger set.
Luckily aha confided in a friend, who
•dtlsed trying Codefroy's LAKIEL'SE
French Hair Coloring. She lost no time.
She tried It that eery night.
Imagine her delight Just 15 minutes
later when her hair became toft, silky,
lustrous, and ebony black. It didn't
look dyed; It wasn't smelly or etlcky.
The years seemed to have disappeared
like magic end she looked her ado able
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over In a day.
You can moke your hair beautiful,too
—aa easily and qnlckly aa Amy did.
Just apply Godefroy’e LARIRUSE. It
will not rub oil or wash out and will
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dark, medium brown, light brown, and
blonde. Every bottle la guaranteed to
satisfy or your money will bo promptly
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If your dealer doesn't have
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P Bought -uoo o-Ci ■ o' |
'■sh-Coet pawecfs - owct n<k moe I
n" •xh'Wnc no ir no0oo'< \
Win FmhO *T*' \ 1
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^—7 BlOHT IM TW'S ©LIWO -J V INiriTOOFHOM. I ^ ^ . 1 ( IT Wf\S IN
( uuAWEft i»> IK 0A,«H-J 1 \ Z_j, Bltul ) £ THeUE*
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DO YOU KNOW WHY-- A UlHe Parade Like fhis Hay Be Pulled Off Soon? 4n nsi'er
t UH'^O WOtR I
\ Of t.O*» OOMtUMll
, .. srtVK. f*