The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 18, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6
1 ... EDITORIALS ... f THE OMAHA GUIDE Published every Saturday at 24618-20 Grant Street., Omaha, Nebraska Phone WEbster 1750 GAINES T. BRADFORD, - - Editor and Manager Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927, at the Post Of fice at Omaha, Neb., undertheActof Congress of March 3, 1879. “ TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man must prevail These are the only priciples which will stand the acid test, of good COUJRED ENTER YOUTH PROJECTS Colored people throughout the country, and especially those individuals and groups working with young people, arc urged by the NAACP to formulate projects to sec that colored young people participate in the ten million dollar National Youth Administration program just announced. In Bulletin No. 4 of the Nalional Youth Administdation, is Buod January 3, 1936, is an outline of four projects upon which ten million dollars will he spent. They are: (1) Projects for Youth Commuity Development and Re-! creat'onal Leadership; in which part time emp'oyrnent of young j people from relief families will hi* given ns leaders and assist-j ants in the establishment and conduct of recreational and com-j iminity nctivii os. (2) Projects for Rural Youth Development; to provide part-time employment of young people from relief families in rural communities. (J) Public Service Projects; to provide part-time employ ment as assistants in various public services, such as traffic, sanitation, heelth, and investigaion of local and slate govern mental records. (4) Research Projects; to provide part-1 ine employment in, researches :n local history, tax records, safety campaigns, etc. Colored groups, in order to secure some of this employment, must formulate projects coming under tdese four headings and submit them to tlie State Youth Director for approval. De tailed informal on on how to prepare a project may he obtained from the National Youth Administration in Washington, 1). C. by asking for NYA Bulleitn No. 4, issued January 3, 1936. The NAACP urges that all efforts which seem 1o he at tempts at discrimination he .submitted to tlm National Youth Aibniirsfration in Washington, D. C., and that similar com plaints he forwarded to the NAACP, 69 Fifth Avenue, New York City, so that disci''’initiation may ho checked and a fair sliure of his project appropriation he allocated to colored youth. ► ______ THE ONLY THREE ' A most ironic, “editorial" on the subject of speed appears' quito inadvertently in an engagement book issued by the New York Telephone company. It presents the name of speed re cord holders'in three fields, ns follows1 Air—Lieutenant Francesco Agello of Italy.440.29 mph. Water -Garfield A. Wood of United States.124.80 mph. j Loud—Sir Malcolm Campbell of England.301.337 mph. What a blow this must be to the thousands of amateur speed ers thorughoul the country! the only places their names may apppear is on the police, blotter or the obituary page. Statistics show, according to the National Bureau of Cas ualty and Surety Underwriters, that 0,800 persons were killed and 134,000 injured in automobile accidents during 1934 as the direct, result of excessive speed. But the statistics cannot show j how important a factor speed was in nearly every other cause on the motor accident calendar. Driving cars too fast for con ditions played a prominent part in thousands of accidents charg ed to violating the right of way, cutting in, passing a standing Btreet ear, passing on a curve or hill, driving off the road way, j and reckless driving. The smart, twentieth-century nttiude on speed is that it j is no longer a question of how fast, you can go, but of how fast you can stop. Remember that excessive speed is relatively so insignificant that out of the whole world only three names arc given any men tion for it. Chemists at Los Angeles have discovered that, placing wal nuts in ethylene gas speeds up the removal of hulls and decreas es the number of nut kernels discolored by adhering hulls. The Danish State Railroad has adopted Diesel motored streamlined trains for service between Copenhagen and the cities of Jutland over the new bridge crossing the Little Belt. World absorption of crude rubber reached a high record of 930,000 tons last year, 15 per cent greater than that in 1933, the United States consuming about half of the total in each year. For advertising purposes a Parisian has invented a hat that is revolved with its inscriptions when a wearer closes a switch to turn on current from an electric battery in a pocket. Experts of the United States ('oast and Geodetic Survey have devised instruments that show that large buildings are constantly in motion, being vibrate dby passing traffic and winds. Pedaled in the usual way, a bicycle invented in Denmark has a small wheel in front and is steered with a single handle, the rider sitting upright in a seat instead of astride a saddle. Government scientists in Washington, have found that cer tain foods packed in grass-green blass containers do not become j rancid as soon as when kept in containers of other colors. MAXIE MILLER WRITES | (For the Literary Service Bureau) (For advice write to Maxie Mil ler, ca e of Literary Service Bur eau, 616 Minn., Ave, Kansas City, Kan. For personal reply send a self addressed, stamped envelope. Maxie Miller: I have a very del icate matter to bring before you for advice. I am 28 and never been married. I love a man and he wants us to get married, but folks say he had a bad disease and he has some scars on hi face and neck, and the folk say they come from this bad disease. This man seems to be in good health, but J don’t want any of my children to bo marked by something their fa ther did. I do want to get married, but I don't want to make ft hard for my children. What do you say about it. What would you do if you were as old as I and wanted to get married real ly bad? Do you think J ought to marry this man and take a chance? —Pollyanna. Poly aim a: I would talk this over i nth this nuin and hear what he ias to say and by all means I vould insist on a blood test. If he houid refuse to do this it would rive weight to what you have | leard and would give you ample | 'rounds to reject him Maxie Miller THE NEED OF MODERN ZEALOTS By R. A. ADAMS (For Literary Service Bureau) Usually the term zealot is used in derision. Often it is used as a synonym of fanatic. In almost any dictionary or encyclopedia you will find, "zealot, one of a fanati oal sect of Jews which carried on r. desperate struggle against the Romans until the fall of Jerusa lem, A. D. 70." But even these “fanatics" are due commendation for fealty to a cause they consid ered right, though it was unpop ular and a losing cause. In this age of shameless mater ialism, when tho sense of value seemsuttorly lost, in an era when ideals and standards are mocked nnd trampled, there is a need for modem zealots who w?ill contend for principles of right, for integ rity, and against the flagrant and arrogant moral lnxness now ev erywhere prevalent. For those purposes and for this work there is need for spirit ual and moral zealots who, re fusing to be undaunted will fight against that which is wrong and against the dograration of our There is need for those fighters to contend for the reestablish lishment of customs, conventions and safeguards which have stood the tests and demonstrated their intrinsic value. All honor to sane, honorable and honest zealots. And may their tribe increase. A. M. E. Sunday School Holds Limelight In the Church (By J. H. Adams for ANP) Waco, Texas, Jan. 18 What is the A. M. E. church going to do wth Ira T. Bryant, secretary treasurer of the A. M. E. Sunday School Union at Nashville, Tenn., and admitedly the most dynamic layman m the denomination? It is the one question among ministers and laymen, and the angles from which the question is approached and argued afford the first defi nite clue to the answer. There is a division of opinion as to what constitutes > Bryant’s ‘Crime’ and as to what charges to be brought against him. Is he a murderer? Is he a thief? Is he a traitor? Is he a moral stench? Is he a doctrinal renegade? Is he an incompetent physically and in tellectually? No one seems able to find here an indictment that will stick. Is Ira T. Bryant failing to do his work with credit to the church and the Sunday School union? Is he misappropriating the funds en trusted to him? Is he abusing his office to promote unholy and un justified ends? Is he involved in a scandal now or running back through the years? Is he ambi tious to defeat the best objectives of that church? No one seems able to produce a charge here. iTs he insubordinate? Is he dis courteous? Is he lacking in either his blood, his breeding or his caste ? Finally, is he a coward ? A charge that will stick is the thing needed for the church to get rid of a general officer who hns proven himself to be the one en livening, energizing, thought-pro voking source in the A. M. E. church since the days of Henry McNiel Turner. Mr. Bryant occasionally runs amuck in the exposition of things and men in the church which do not square with his theory and understanding of duty. He is smart enough to know that he is protected by the constitution of the United States. After all, a man need not be very smart to know the law. He is very, very smart when he succeeds number ' less times in going within one sixtenth of an inch in breaking the law. As long as he is editor of the Sunday School literature, ho is protected in expressing his individual opinion. Country eritors know that. Personally and frankly, I do not could no more follow his course than float upstream. This differ ence between us is not a matter of character or fitness but rather of temperment. There must be some body in the church to keep it awake and thinking. Bryant is tempermentally cut out to do that thing. He pricks us, sticks us, ! stings us, bites us and all of it hurts. Like the aggravating flea, ho is no respector of persons and attacks us in our most vulnerable | spots and where complacency is ! the rule. | What is the A. M. E. church ALTA VESTA A GIRL'S PROBLEMS (By Videtta Ish) Alta Vesta to Her Father (No 27) Dear Father: I am so happy that I feel just like jumping up and down like a little bird I saw today. I wonder if birds think and if they know when they are happy. I like birds, Father, and J wonder if that is foolish. Sometimes I wish I had a nice little bird in a beautiful cage. I’d be so kind to him that he’d just love me and sing for me lal of the time. Now, Father, Christmas is past and I wish I could see you. That would have been a wonderful present for me. I know I saw you Thanksgiving but when I think of you I want to see you, it seems like it was a long time ago. Oh, yes, Daddy, I paid Santa Claus to buy you a present. Aunt Cornelia saw him for me and I hope you liked it. Oh Daddy, i did love the Christmas music coming aver the radio. They sang “Silent Night, Holy Night” and I sat up so close and listened. Alta Vesta NOT LUCK NOR CHANCE By R. A. ADAMF (For the Literary Service Bureau) There’s no such thing as luck or chance, And never do men make advance By means of Fate’s benign decree, But by persistent industry. 'Tis folly undisguised, to wait Upon the whims of fickle Fate, Since it is true even the stars Only are reached “thru bolts and bars ” By fallacies be not deceived, For, whatever has been achieved Of things worth while, was at the price Of patient toil and sacrifice. And always will the truth remain, All who would eminence attain, Striving, must win full victory Against hostile adversity. 12,000 Hunt For Food In Alabama As Relief Fails Montgomery, Ala. Jan. 18— Although there are as many Negroes as whites unemployed and hungry in Montgomery, loeal relief projects have a sys tem whereby they employ three Negroes to ten white men. More than 12,000 people roam the streets searching for jobs, even though a resident declar es, there are enough WPA pro jects to employ thorn all. A man can be without food, or a job, but if lie owns a small shack, he is not eligible for re lief or a NVPA job. going to do with Ira T. Bryant? Nothing! What is Bryant going to do with the A. M. E. church? That is the quetion. My answer is that Bryant is going to keep the A. M. E. church alive with corn over its too evident compla cency,cency, self-sufficiency and needer reforms in the face of lo cal dissensions that are all but alarn>ing. /4r V COTTON ?>, fraUMCY The deplorable condition in which cotton farming and share-cropping has fallen, in the South has thousands of black belt farmers chained to the land under conditions little bet ter than serfdom. The situation, is graphically shown in the book “The Collapse of Cotton Tenancy” by Charles S. Johnson, Will H. Alexander and Edwin R. Embree. After an exhaustive survey by a large corps of investi gators. Hhe University of North Carolina Press published the volume. KELLY MILLER SAYS HIGn TIME IN WASHINGTON The first week of 1936 *!li go down as a memorable week in the history of the nation. On Jan. 3rd, President Roosevelt delivered his annual address to Congress in which he set himself up as Cham pion of the “New Deal’’ for the new day, and offered battle to the death to the old order. The chal lenge was at once accepted by the opposition and the presidential campaign of 1936 was launched. The press and the radio resound ed with this challenge and accept ance for three days before the de cision of the Supreme Court, in validating the AAA, was handed down on Jan. 6th. The nation was startled out of its breath. The de cision of the Supreme Court in validating the acts of Congress es tablishing the NRA and the AAA, and which at the same time fore shadowed the invalidation of all essential “New Deal” legislation, sharply drew the issue not only between the legislative and judi cial branchi|.iof the government, but between the legislative and executive branches, on the one side The Supreme Court set itself up as superior to both the president and to congress. Nine men have assumed the right to determine the fate of 130,000,000 free peo ple against the almost unanimous will of their chosen representa tives. The nation has never ben in such confusion since the issue of human slavery reached its cli max in 160. The issue was then es sentially the same as it is today. Property in man entrenched be hind tradition and the Dred Scott Decision sought not only to over ride legislation passed by congress and approved by the president, but also to thwart the progressive voice of the people. Today this same spirit of property owner ship seeks entrenchment and pro tection behind the same tradition and the sanction of the same ju dicial tribunal. When the progress meets with the reaction it is easy to predict, if not the immediate re sult, certainly the ultimate out come. All history tells the same story. when I was a school boy the question of what would happen if an irresistible force met an im movable body was used to con found the student of physics and of metaphysics. Although in sci ence and philosophy the answer to this question is deemed unthink able, yet in politics and practical human affairs the immovable al ways gives way to the irresist ible. An impossibility of thought becomes a possibility in action and gress and the administration, rep resenting the contettriporaneous will of the people, constitute an irresistible force in American pol litlcs. On the other hand, the court, typifying the crystalized will and purpose of the nation a hundred and fifty years ago, stand for the stablizing immovable factor. Vest ed interests always seek to en trench themselve behind the bul wark of the courts and traditions built, as they suppose, on founda tions which cannot be moved. But in the case of the Dred Scott De cision, the infallible decree of the Supreme Court was thrust aside by the imperial will of the people. There are two factors In human society—the progressive and the conservative. When the two come to rips the conservative must needs give way. The progressive force of American politics runs like a stream through our his tory, and although impeded and delayed by obstructions and hin derances it has kept its onward way to the ocean of human ad vancement to which it is headed, coin, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson aind Franklin D. Roosevelt have blaz ed a progressive path in our po litical history. Although in each case the progressive presidents were followed by reactionary suc cessor, thee but represented back eddies in the ever onward moving stream. Jackson was succeeded by VanBuren, Lincoln by Andrew Jomson, Cleveland by McKinley, and Harrison: Theodore Roose velt by Taft, and Woodrow Wil son by Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. And yet these conserva tive or reactionary interludes but typify valleys between successive mountain 'peaks. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the congress rep resent the progressive voice of the or reactionary spirit of the courts, which should not be condemned because they are disposed to re action, for it Is their nature to be thus disposed. In 1860 the issue in a nutshell, lay between a hand full of slave SERMONETTE By Arthur B. Rhinow Blithely the children sang, “I must be true, for there are those that trust me.” They probably did not understand the depth of mean ing in those words, but I could not help asking myself questions. Why must I be true because others trust me? Surely not ev erybody thinks so. Jn fact, many a man regards It as very stupid not to take advantage of those that trust him. “He thinks I am all right,” his perverted logic reasons. “Very well, I think he is easily duped, and it would be just too bad not to ‘use’ him for my purposes. I am clever.” Sooner or later, however, he will find out that he Is not at all clever, for the abuse of confidence ends in the loss of confidence, and where are we if we cannot trust one another? Think, for instance, of the wall between parent and child when they have lost faith in each other. Is there a sadder la ment than “I can no longer trust nijy child” or “I can no longer trust my friend?” On the other hand, responding to the faith others have in us Faith is a miracle worker. Men have been roused out of sloth and degredation by the discovery that somebody really believes in them; etven the memory of such an one has at times worked wonders. And when they feel the touch devine “I still believe in you” they are conscious of a mighty urge to take the proffered hand, and in the aw ful stillness of that moment they hear the psalm of Bethlehem sung for them as never before. They realize they must be true, for there is one who loves them. Metal trimming for base boards and wall panels has been invented that is held in place by a spring clip base. holders who claimed the constitu tional right of property in a man, on the other hand, the great mass es of the American people who did not believe in that type of property. The issue today, in a shell, lies between a hand full of rugged individuals who have accu mulated much material property which they seek to hold against the great multitude who have lit tle or nothing and seek unhinder ed opportunity to make a liveli hood. President Roosevelt is the champion of the many against the few;, while on the other hand, Ex president Hoover might well be selected as the champion of the few against the many. Jn 1860 Abraham Lincoln, who stood for the common man, came out of the farthest down in the West and the East. The entrenched champions of human slavery belonged in the South. Today, Franklin D. Roose velt, a product of the East, be comes the champion of the “for gotten man’’ in the South and the West, against Herbert Hoover, who belongs in the West, but as sumes to champion the claims of the powerful against the weak in the East. Then it was the South against the North and West: now it is the South and West against the East. In the Dred Scott Decision the Supreme Court based its opinion upon the right of the slave-hold er to his human property on the grounds of states rights against the collective authority of the fed eral government. The decision of the supreme court on the “New Deal’’ issues is based on the same ground of local sovereignity over federal encroachment. Anomalous ly enough, the two great parties have exchanged positions on states rights. The doctrine of states lights and local sovereignity is against the progress of events and the policy and practice of the great nations of he world today. Science, invention and discovery hoary doctrine and relegated it to the darker ages of civilization. No decision of any tribunal can turn badk the hands of the clock of progress and make the age of | steam, radio, electricity conform I to the age of the horse and buggy j of a hundred and fifty years ago. ! Forty eight local sovereigns can j not administer the vast economic, i industrial and social estate of I 130,000,000 American people. The dead hand of the past should not bo allowed to restrain the pro gress of the events. Roosevelt and Congress are moving with the stars in their course. The supreme court and Hoover, with his fellow conservatives, are trying to stem the tide of human progress. The first week of the first month of 1936 marks a turning point in the direction of progress or of reaction. Kelly Miller.