The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 18, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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By Mrs. Cleota Reynolds
On New Year’s Day, from 3:00
to 7:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Thomas and Mr Jesse Hardin
received about sixty of their
friends at a most beautifully ap
pointed cocktail party at the
Thomas residence, 2713 Wirt St,
Tho house was a veritable flower
garden. In the center of the pret
tily arranged table was an oblong
basket containing chrysanthe
mums of various shades of yel
low. At either end of the table
were to be seen clusters of yellow
candles—truly it was a beauteous
The hostess was gowned in a
sumptuous black velvet, trimmedi
pearls. She was most ably as is ted
by Mr. Glady Madion, who wore a
dark green satin, with a lovely
white corsage. Mrs. Arthur W.
Reynolds wxj/re a burgundy vel
vet, adorned only by a rhinestone
The guests on departing declar
ed they could not recall ever hav
ing attended a more prettily ar
ranged and beautifully corducted
a'fair. Mrs. Thomas was named
a most charming hostess.
Miss Dorothy Grimmet, daugh
ter of Mrs. Charles Summers,
1620 No. 22nd St., wil be married
to Mr. Clerk Washington on Sun
day, January 19th, 1936, at 2:00
p. m., at the above address. The
bride and groom will reside with
the groom’s father, Mr. C. Wash
ington, Sr., 1618 No. 22nd St
Essays Will Be
Received Up To
Feb. Fifteenth
Atlanta, Georgia, January 10th
Special—Closing date for receipt
of accounts of experiences of for
eign-born Negroes in the United
SStates, for which the Depart
ment of Sociology of Atlanta
University is offering awards tot
allying $176, has been moved for
ward from February 1 to Febr
uary 16. This has been done be
cause requests for information
from the West Indies have been
late in coming in, according to
Ira De A. Reid, professor of Soc
iology in Atlanta University, who
is directing the competition.
Ahree outstanding men in the
fields of sociology and education
have been asked to act as judges,
it was announced. They are Dr.
W. E. B. Du Buis, of Atlanta Uni
versity, former editor o? the
“Crisis" and director of public
ations of the National Associat
ion for the Advancement of Color
ed People; Walter R. Chivere, pro
fessor of sociology at Morehouse
College, and Dr. W. B. Nathan,
professor of education in Atlanta
The contest is open to all for
eign-born Negroes now living in
the United States or who have
formerly lived here, and children
of foreign-bom parents, as well
as to persons who were born in
the Virgin Islands prior to 1917,
when these islands were acquired
by the United States. The pur
pose of the contest is to collect
material on the part played, and
the problems faced by the 120,
000 foreign bom Negroes in the
United States. All accounts sub
mitted must be true In every
particular, and must consist of
not less than 3,000 words nor
more than 6,000 words. The
basis of judgement will be com
pleteness, significance and inter
est of the account, with form and
style a secondary consideration.
For the best account $100 will be
awrded, with $50 and $26 for the
second and third, respectiwely.
Additional infornmtlon, if desired
can be had by writing Ira De A.
Reid, Box 261, Atlanta Univers
ity, Atlanta, Georgia.
Empress Of Ethiopia
Praises Med. Work
Of Adventists
Chicago, Jan. 18 (by ANP)—
Information just receivedr at the
world’s headquarters of the Sev
Park Washington, D. C. tells of
an emergency operation which
was performed recently in Addis
Albaba on Voyzcro Chevarede,
president of the only woman’s
club in Ethiopia and an intimate
friend of the imperial family, by
Dr. T. C. Nicola of the Zauditu
Memorial Hospital, an Adventist
institution. With the empress,
princess and different cabinet of
ficers looking on, dressed in ster
ilized garments and caps furnish
ed by the hopital, the operation
was successfully performed. Not
long since word was received that
the emperor stood by while the
same surgeon performed an oper
ation on the crown prince himself.
Upon entering the operating
room at the latest operation the
empress and princess were pro
fondly Impressed when they
heard Dr. Nicola pray for heav
eniy guidance in tne operation,
which was for gall stones and
which ho told the patient had to
bo performed immediately in or
der to save her life.
In expressing her gratification
over the outcome of the operat
ion, tho empress is reported to
have said: “I was greatly im
pressed by Dr. Nicola’s prayer
before opera*ing, it being the cus
tom of all Adventist physicians
throughout tho world to commit
their patients into the hands of
God, and asking for divine guid
ance before placing a knife on
It is also said she asserted that
“The Adventist doctor work for
God, not for money. If l am
ever sick, I will come here.”
In addition to the Zauditu Mem
orial Hospital, o£ Addis Ababa
which was built a few years ago
at a cost of $150,000, the Seventh
day Adventist also operate the
Haile Sellassie l. Hospital at De
bre Tabor and the Taffari Ma-1
konnen Hospital at Dessie which
suffered recently in an air attack. |
Theso institutions are the gifts
of the Emperor and other princes
of Ethiopia to the Seventh day;
Adventist organization.
Mr. F. L. Peterson, Secretary i
of the Negro Department of the ;
General Conference at Washing
ton, D. C., explained that these
hospitals are a part of the organ
ization’s world system of medic
al, educational and evangelical
work, and that they employ more
than 5,000 physicians and nurses,
and operate more than 100 hos
pitals and dispensaries in every
part of the world.
The most recent addition to
this great chain of hospitals is
the Riverside Sanitarium and
Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. This
institution will be operated by a
Race staff under the manage
ment of Dr. H. E. Ford, X-Ray
specialist of the Hinsdale Sani
tarium, Hinsdale, Illinois.
A $50,000 building program
will be launched i immediately.
The institution will represent a
$100,000 investment
Mrs. Mary Mills, 2717 Charles
St, who has ben very sick for the
last three months, remains about
the same. She is now at her
daughter,s, Mrs. E. D. Jackson,
2410 Charles Street.
Mrs Julia Pharr, 2736 Seward
St, returned home Wednesday,
Jan. 8th, from an extended visit
in the South, where she visited
her daughter. Mrs. Pharr visited
in the following Alabama cities:
Evergreen, Mobile and Knox
Mrs. P. IL Norvall, 2613 Ham
ilton St., became ill Thursday,
Jan. 9th, and is stil confined to
her bed.
(For ANP)
By Franklyn Frank
To Stardom in 5 Weeks
That’b the Record of “Tanya”
Chicago, Jan. 18—Five weeks
ago, if they were known here at
all it was as the kid sister of
Sadie and Mary Bruce, this
city’s two leading dancing in
Rtrusetors. But last week Dave’s
Cafe, only Southside spot cap
able of vying with the Grand
Terrace, gave her top billing in
advertisements as “Tanya”.
This ‘‘Tanya,’ a sensational
brownsk.n contortionist so sup
ple as to make an ell seem like
something carved in marble, is
known to friends as Bernice
Bruce. And she stands every
ohacne to being the theatricral
discovery of 1936.
| Her sudden elevation to the
role of star is merely accession
to popular demand. Already
she has had lucrative offers
from white loop sj»ots that
know “naturals” when they
see them. Tanya will have still
more as soon as representative
seeing her amazing performanc
es can convince themselves she’s
able to get out of the complieat
ed knots in which she voluntar
ily ties herself. This is, incident
ally. her first eafe job, her
other professional performances
having been at the Merry Gar
den ballroom on the North side.
Tanya is just 18 and a voar
out of Wendell Phillips high
school. She has been dancing
five years and loves it so well
she often gets up at one a. in.
to practice. This unJoubtedly
keeps her in possession of one
of the loveliest figures in show
circles, Bernice stands five
feet three inches and weigh;
117 pounds.
TTcr cb'cf ambition is to ge* I
into movies, of which Mae West,
and Fredric March arc her faV- !
onte stars. She drinks plenty of;
milk .loves to sample new d'-sh
cs, adores gardenias .hiking and
dancing. As decided a.ssets
Tanya has personal1'ty, loveli
ness and nervous energy. And
by the way, if ever you see a
pretzel that seems to have out
done itself, don’t bite it. It
might be Bernice “Tanya*
Mrs. Ella Beene, 2515 Hamilton
St., returned home Sunday, Jan.
12th, from a three weeks visit in
the South. She visited her daugh
ter, Mrs. Mary Stark, at Mont
gomery, Ala, and friends at
Rrewton, Ala. She reports a very
pleasant stay.
Mr. S. Sanford, 954 No. 28th
Ave., who has been ill for sever
al weeks, is now able to be up. He
has been in the Pullman service
for some twenty-three years, and
hopes to resume his work next
Mrs. Julia Smith, 2410 Decatur
Street, returned Saturday evening
from Chetopa, Kansas, where sho
was caled to the bedside of her
father, Mr. Welcher Webb. Miss
Helen Wubb, her sister, accom
panied her here, where she will
make her home.
hew Arr;va]—A baby girl was
bom to Mr. and Mrs. William
King, Jr., 2226 Seward Street, on
Dec. J. 1935.
Mrs. Mary T Hammer, 2203
Grant St., has returned front a
visit with relatives in Texarkanna,
Texas, and Fulton, Ark.
The Catholic Social Circle met
of Mrs. Leland, 25th and Mapie,
Thursday, January 2nd. A lovely
luncheon was served.
Isabelle Oliver, Reporter
New York Group
Forms National
Negro Congress
New York, Jan. 18—Queens
county will be rallied this week
to participation in the Nation
al Negro Congress by means ol
a mass conference. Labor, civic
church, and fraternal groups in
all parts of the country have
been notified to send represent
atives to the conference.
Thomas A. Baker of Corona
and Mrs. Geraldine Chaney of
aJtnaica, chairman of North
Queens and South Queens re
spectively, of the Committee
for Equal Opportunities, are
leading the campaign to organ
ize Queens for the Congress.
Mr. Baker pointed out the
need of translating the ideas
behind the Congress into action
for tho betterment of local as
well as national conditions of
the Negro people.
The first of the campaigns
to be connected with the na
tional congress movement will
be a drive to force the city
governments to establish com
munity centers and public play
grounds in congested parts of
the county. City and federal
funds will be sought for the
A String Quartet Is
Formed At Spelman
And Morehouse Col.
Atlanta, Georgia, January 18—
made up of students and faculty
meml*?r3 of Spelman and More
house Colleges, made its first ap
pearance before the student bod
ies of these colleges this week in
a brief program of chamber mus
ic under the direction of Profes
sor Kemper Harreld, director of
music for the colleges, who plays
first violin. Other members of
the new musical organization are
Willis Laurence James, of the
Spelman College music faculty,
•vrond violin; Richard B. Durant
of Brooklyn, New York, a junior
in Morehouse College, viola; and
Geraldine Ward, of Providence,
Rhode Island, a freshman in Spel
man College, ‘cello.
The organization of a string
quartet, which is regarded as the
most exquisite of musical forms
and for which much of the finest
music has been written, has long
been Professor Ilarreld’s ambit
ion. I his has been made possible
this year by the coming to More
house College of Mr. Durant,
who has studied the viola for the
past two years at the Juilliard
Institute of Musical Art of New
York City, and the enrollment at
Spelman College of Miss Ward,
who is an accomplished student
of the violincello.
In its first chapel appearances
at Spelman and Morehouse Col
leges, the ensemble played the
first movement of the Quartet in.
F (American Quartet)b y Anton
Dvorak, a composition that con
tains Negro thermatfc material
similar to that used in his fam
ous "New World” Symphony,
which was followed by “Canzon
etta” by Mendelssohn and “Sor
row Song”, a Negro melody by
J. E. Stewart. As an encore the
quartet played Tschaikowsky’s
melodious “Andante Oanitahiile”.
Early this year the quartet
plans to give a full concert pro
gram of chamber music. Re
hearsals have been in progress
since early in the fall.
The Brown Bombers had their
first meeting since the holidays
on Wednesday, January 8, 1935,
at 2424 Frskine St A short busi
ness meeting was held. Two old
members returned to the Club.—
Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Scott
Bridge was played. Prizes wor
by Miss Gonzella Allen, first and
Miss Margaret Robinson, booby
Geneva Osborne, Reporter.
The club met at the residence
of its president, Mrs. R. Thomas,
3115 Burdette Street, Jan. 14th, at
1:00 p. m., with the president pre
siding. After business, a delight
ful luncheon was served.
Mrs. R. Thomas, Pres.
E. Foster, Reporter
Which adjourned until the first
of the year will hold its first
business meeting at the home of
Mrs. Lulu Moore, South 17th St.
Watch this new club for BIGGER
and BETTER THINGS in 1936.
Lloyd Austin, Pres.
Atlanta, Georgia, January 18—
Special—The 1936 basketball sea
son opened with a rush last night
when the Alabama State Hornets
1936 conference chan^pions, out
played the Morehouse five by a
score of 27 to 19. The fast first
half Morehouse rolled up eleven
points to Alabama’s nine, but
was unable to keep up its pace
in the final half when Alabama
early took) the lead and placed
basket after basket.
Morehouse’s schedule calls for
games with Talladega at Talla
dega tonight, with Tuskegee at
Tuakegee on the 16th, with Ala
bama at Montgomery on the 17th
and with Morris Brown at Atlan
ta on Saturday, January 18th.
The summary of last night’s
Morehouse (19) . Position
Oslin (6) Forward
Dawson (4) Guard
Page (4) Forward
Bush (0)
Clark (4) Center
Harding (0)
Harris (1- Guard
Alabama (27)
Moorman (0) Forward
J. Johnson (7) Forward
Aucker (8) Parker (2)
Turley (2) Center
A. Johnson (2)
Pant (1) Guard
Officials: Johnson (Clark) and
O. G. Walker, (Lincoln).
Amos ’N Andy Ridicule
“Amos ’N Andy”, by far the
most popular of /rt^lio sketches
supposedly portraying Negro life
has for years been casting hum
iliation, contempt and calumny on
the Negro population. The per
formers use a cheap mimicry of
dialect, and a cheaper type of
humor which conveys the Impres
sion, that Amos and Andy, repre
sentative of Harlem Negroes sup
posedly, are none too bright, but
pretty well-to-do.
The truth is squashed on the
radio; the slandeT is preserved
for the obvious purpose of main
taining the fallacy of “white sup
eriority”, which seeks to keep
whites and blacks oppressed a
(Henry L. Lewis)
Members of the organization
met asus ual on Friday night, at
I Mid-City Community Center. The
! regular routine of business was
! duly carried out. The additional
j and rvew business attracted the
! member.
Several young men were Induct
ed as new members. They were:
Messrs. Wm. Davis and Lycurgus
I Curry. Mr. Curry is a former
'student in Morehouse College, At
lanta, Georgia, and is at present
i attending the University of Om
aha Law School. Mr. Davis is a
' graduate of a local high school
and states his intentions of pur
i suing University work in the
1 near future.
Mr. Roy Gordon waa automatic
ally promoted to the presidency
after the departure of the former
president, Henry Thomas. Messrs.
Henry L. Levels and Charles Davis
were elected and appointed to of
fices of Vice-President and Par
liamentarian respectively
Plans were discussed for fut
ure programs.
Mrs. Williams entertained the
club at her home last week. All
members were present but one.
Arrangements were made for a
bridge party to be given by the
club, January 16, 1936 at 2638
Charles Street.
The Club made great progress
through the past year, and hopes
to make a greater one during
There were three new mem
bers at the first meeting of the
year—Mrs. Pearl Alexander, Mrs
Theresa Martin and Mrs. Beatrice
Williams. Visitors, Nioma Hen
derson and Miss Arlene Cooper,
of Red Oak, Iowa.
The next meeting will be held
January 23rd, at the home of
Mrs. Alexander.
A delightful luncheon was serv
ed by the hostess. The remaind
er of the evening was spent play
ing bridge and whist.
Annabelle Woodridge, Pres.,
Mildred Wright, Reporter.
The club met Monday, January
13th, with Mr. Sam Weed, 2434
Grant St. There was a very
snappy business meeting, after
which election of officers took
M. G. Avant, President, (re
alected); C. Leffall, Vice Presi
dent; Sam Weed, Secretary;
Frank Adams, Treasurer; T. R
Turner, Reporter.
After the election there were
three changes of contract bridge
played with Messrs. G. Weed and
J. Henderson as winners.
Visitors for the evening were
Mr. J. Phillips, 3036 Emmett St.,
Mr. Tom Stamps, 2702 Erskine,
and Mr. Hilton.
The repast was lovely.
The club will meet Monday,
January 20th, with Mr. Frank
Adams, 1708 North 27th Street.
M. G. Avant, Pres., T. R, Tur
ner, Reporter.
Mrs. Louise Jackson, 2814 R
St., was taken seriously ill the
past Saturday morning.
The Clever Set Club opened its
yearly round of social events on
Saturday night, Jan. 11, 1936, at
the home of Mrs. Francis Redd, at
2806 No. 28th St. This event was
an ale party at which about
twenty guests reveled and made
merry from about 8 p. m. to 2 a.
m. The drinks and luncheon were
so enjoyed by the guests that the
Club and its hostess for the even
ing drew many compliments and
expressions of satisfaction from
the guests
Mr. Leon Alen, Pres.
Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter
Hie Ladies Friendship Club met
at the home of Mrs. Minnie Burns
on Jan. 9th. The afternoon was
spent playing bridge. Prizes were
won by Mesdanves Wood and
Ramiceze. The next meeting will
be held at the home o£ Mrs. Emma
Busch, 2406 No. 28th St
Florence Morriss, President
Sadie Shaw, Reporter
Dr. Weldon Solomon, Omaha's
newest and youngest physician,
will talk to high school girls and
boys on January 26, 1936 at the
North Side YWCA, on “Tubercul
osis in the Adolescent Period."
Dr. Solomon is particularly in
terested in tuberculosis and has
done some very fine special work
in this field. While the message
is chiefly about the adolescent
group, it should certainly be of
interest to parents to whom the
meeting Is also open.
This is the second of a series
of meetings sponored by the Girl
Reerve Committee, Mrs. Lois
Goode, general chairman, for high
school girls and boys. Miss Ev
elyn Evans, R. N., heads health
activities. The meeting is sched
uled to begin at four o’clock.
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