The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 18, 1936, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores
Marian Anderson
Scores Triumph
At Town Hall
New York, Jam. 28, (A.N.P.)
Perhaps the best way to do jus
tice to Marian Anderson’s per
formance at Town Hall Monday
night is to let the critic of Amer
ica’s great newspaper, The New
York Times, describe how he felt
as he heard her. Let’s follow the
critic who signs himself always as
“H. A.”
Let It be said at the outset:
Marian Anderson has returned to
her native land one of the great
est singers of our time. The Ne
gro contra-alto who has been
abroad for four years established
herself in her concert at the Town
Hall last night as the possessor of
an excelling voice and art. Her
singing enchanted an audience
that included singers. There was
no doubt of it, she was mistress
of all she surveyed.”
The simple facts are better than
superlatives, for superlatives are
easily abused. Fact one, then,
should be the sheer magnificanee
of the voice itself considered as a
musical instrument. Jt is a con
tralto of stunning range and vol
ume, managed with suppleness
grace. It is a voice that lends it
self to the entire emotional ga
mbit,/ responsive to delicate nu
ance and able to swell out with
opulence and sonority.
“Fact two should be Miss An
derson’s musicianship. In a pro
gram that encompassed a full
group by Handel, another by Schu
bdrt, a Verdi aria, a Finnish selec
tion and a concluding group of
Negro spirituals, she revealed a
penetrating command of style.
She understood not only the dif
ference in approach betwen the
songs of Handel and Schubert and
Sibolius, but the divergence of in- j
tent in the music of the same com- j
poser. Each song was treated as 1
an artistic til, set forth with care 1
study and intelligence.
“But without deep feeling these I
other assets would not achieve the
grandeur of interpretation that
was Miss Anderson’s last night,
and that should be item three. For
Miss Anderson has the transcend
ing quality of all authentic art—
a genuine emotional identification;
with the core of music. Schubert’s
“Der Tod und das Maedcheen” |
and “Allmacht” were ennobling
in their grandeur. And how many
singers have communicated the
transfiguring rapture of John
Payne’s “Crucifixion” as Miss
Anderson did last night? It was
music making that probed too
deep for words.
“To all these things must be
added the native good taste of the
artist and the simplicity of her
personality. Here was a woman |
of poise and sensibility. The fact
that one foot, injured in an acci
dent on board ship in the voyage
home, was encased in a cast was
never permitted to intrude on the 1
listener’s consciousness. She sang \
with a consciousness of her abil- j
ity and with a relish of her task i
that was positively infectious.
It was possible for those of pe- i
dantic minds to find minor mat- I
ters to quibble over, such as an
occasional edge in the top tones
or imperfections of enunciations
in foreign languages. They need ;
not be labored here. In the pres- !
•nee of such art, pedantry might
well be spared.
“Limitations of space forbid a
detailed discussion of each song
on Miss Anderson’s program,
where columns could be devoted
to it with profit. A hint of felici
ties of phrase and style culled
without sequence must be added,
however, the sweep of Handel’s
“Ah spietato” the delicacy of
Schubert’s “Liebesbotschaft,’’ the
purity of the contralto’s amazing
low tones in “Tod und das Maed
chen,” the coloratura work in
Sibelius’s “Die Libelle” that re
mained always in the frame of
the song, the laughing quality and
exquisite tone coloring in the lit
tle Finnish folksong that was an
encore after the Suomi gToup.
A princeton University scien
tist has produced a form of
primrose the buds of which
never open fully.
Lobsters of a species native
to Hawaii have been found
12,000 miles away on the coast
' of South Africa.
Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Northside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding
Between Merchants and Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations
Weaver Tells How
U. S. Faced With
Sees Little Hope For Ssmall
Business; Says Race’s Sal
vation Is Jobs
Washington, Jan. 18, (ANP)
That the chance for any appre
ciable development of Negro bus
iness is gone and the economic
problem of the race Is almost ex
clusively a labor problem is the
view taken by Dr. Robert C. Wea
ver, adviser on Negro affairs In
tho U. S. department of the inter
ior, in an interview with the As
sociated Negro Press last wek.
Dr. Weaver, considered one of
the most brilliant young eeonom
mists of the race, also revealed
tho difficulties faced by the fed
eral gowermnent in counteract
ing discrimination, especially in
those areas where previously such
was almost the rule.
The government expert gave
data to sup’ort his contention that
Negro business has lost its chance
In 1930 there were 126,281 native
white owners in selected manufac
turing industries as against 862
Negroes. Between 1910 and 1930
the white figure had decreased
from 154,510 while the Negro to
tal had dropped from 1,713.
Small Plants Swallowed Up
“This decrease was, of course,
a natural one in a period typified
by consolidation of plants and in
crease in size of representative
industries,” Dr. Weaver said. “As
we entered an era of large scale
production, smaller and weaker
plants were swallowed up and a
lesser number of separate enter
prises produced a larger output.
“The Negro manufacturer en
tered the field at a time when the
greatest opportunity had, for the
most part, passed. His period of
growth was in an era which mark
ed the decline of the mailer pro
ducer. Naturally, penalized by in
experience, lack of credit and un
friendly economic environment he
perished. The movement toward
big business has been most pro
nounced in manufacturing and
mining. The decline in owner and
operators arrymg Negroes has
been equally conspicuous in both
of these two fields.
The greatest growth made in
any single class of workers dur
ing the last 20 years lias been a
mong clerks and other kindred
workers, the economist asserted.
Among native born whites 20.2%
of those gainfully employed in
1930 were in this class while only
2,669 or 1.5 percent of Negroes
were so classified.
Big Business Grows, Negro
While large scale business has
grown, this growth has been asso
ciated with the decline of the Ne
gro as a producer, iln the field of
retail trade the picture is practic
ally the same. In 1929 there were
colored employing 12,561 as com
pared with 3,833,581 employed in
such stores by the nation as a
“It is not reasonable to hope
that education and racial pride
can create a great increase In the
number of Negro business men,”
Dr. Weaver concludes from these
figures. “The day of the small
business man with limited capital
has passed. With his passing goes
tho chance for any appreciable de
velopment of Negro business.”
Solution Is Jobs
The one solution then is jobs,
the government official asserted.
Leaders should be most concern
ed with opening and keeping for
Negroes the type of work extend
ing throughout the entire Ameri
can economic system- Failure to
secure them spells failure for the
colored business men and profes
sional workers to find a chance to
apply their training.
“It is foolish for us to expect to
work out a racial solution to the
occupational problem,” Dr. Weav
er warned. ‘ ‘There Is no way to
develop security for Negroes un
less the economic system of which
they are a part offers security.
However, given an economic or
ganization and given a great em
ployer—in fact the greatest em
ployer of that organization—the
government, it becomes Import
ant for us to inquire what steps
this great employer is taking to
include Negro workers among its
Tradition has dictated that the
“Brins It To Me”
Says Stepin’ Fet
chit of $4,500
Washington, I>. C., Jan. 18—
(CP)—The well known Stepin’
Fetchit whoso stage actions
have charmed many thousands
had them to “fetchit to him”
here the other day. Here's how
it all happened:
The Negro stage star who
moves and talks in low gear
lost a wallet containg $4,500.
He was greatcd excited but not
displeased when he was inform
ed his wallet and money had
been found.
“Bring it to me,'' said Stepin
Fetchit. And so the finder,
Kenneth Windham, complied
with Stepin Fetchit’s admoni
tion. The stage star assured
Windham he was overwhelmed
with joy to get back his wallet
an dmore especially lus money.
He told the finder he would re
ward him with $50 Cf he return
ed the wallet and the money.
And so he did. Stepin Fetch it
was making a personal appear
ance at a local theatre when he
lost the. money.
Shanghai has a population
estimated at 3,300,000, which is
expected to be doubled within
a few decades.
jobs such as mail clerks, messeng
ers, elevator operators, etc. The
New Deal under Roosevelt is
credited with modifying this thru
the appointment of Negroes to ad
visory or administrative posi
tions in various departments.
Representation Inadequate
There are, however, two de
fects at present. Federal employ
ment is uneven and inadequate as
can be seen by a comparison of
the number of Negroes in govern
ment service with the number of
There is little or no employment
in the great bulk of federal occu
pations—clerks, stenographers or
typists. But the Resettlement ad
ministration, with Negroes em
ployed in all capacities, is setting
a good precedent. '
Other government agencies, as
TVA, WPA, PWA, affect the em
ployment of Negroes. The late C
W A, found Negroes suffered
most from the tendency to class
ify them, regardless of skill, as
unskilled and pay them accord
ingly. In some cases the TVA has
found local opposition to bring
ing in colored workers. There has
also been pressure In other
places against the use of skilled
workers. The PWA overcame this
by inserting provisions in its con
housing projects in Atlanta that
unless contractors hired a defi
nite proportion of Negro skilled
labor it would be caled discrimi
nation. Since it worked, the same
clause Is used everywhere.
Tho Re-settlement Administra
tion is also fighting discrimina
tion and Intends to see that Ne
groes are hired in proportion to
the population, he asserted. The
department of labor has contacted
local unions for all projects and
has secured membership or tem
porary work permits for all Negro
skilled workers used.
In order to be better able to
remedy the matter, Dr. Weaver’s
department Is planning a national
survey cowering problems of
these groups of colored skilled
and white colar workers, he an
/JK We have discovered the
!■ way to dream anything
you wish and have it
come true. If you wish to have
success with your dreams answer
this ad at once. If not, don’t write.
Free details. Daggett Pub. Co.,
3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, III.
Infant Mortality
Alarming In N Y.
Among Negroes
New York, Jan. 18—In cer
tain districts of New York City
particularly in Harlem, accord
ing to a report of the Depart
ment of Health for the last
year, “infant mortality is near
ly double that of the city at
large,” and the tuberculosis
death rate two or three times
that of the city.
Tied up with infant mortal
ity, the declining birth rate of
the. City is a matter of great
concern to city authorities. The
report stated that the birth
rate for 1935 was “less than
fourteen per one thousand” as
compared to “approximately
thirty-five per one thousand at
the beginning of the present
The per capita cost for health
last year was fifty-three cents,
the report said, adding “thus is
much too low to do the most
effective work.”
Approximately 70 per cent
of the flax yarn and l ncn fab
rics made in Belgium is export
Anchor piales have been in
vented to tighten loose chair
rungs without requiring nails
or screws.
Japanese have provided a
cona'ner for a spare wheel and
tire in the back of a mtooreycle
side car.
Power PH!s Restore Lost Gland
Pom and Bring Back Joys of Youth
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M. WILLIAMS, 901 Bergen Av*
Dept. O. G.
Ask for a 1936
Ladies Birthday
The nearest druggist will be
glad to give you one of these
popular ulraannee If you will
ask for It before PR 17 PI
they are all gone, a XVI-iI-..
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Maka Today Tour Lucky
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gpt manrwloua magic Lucky Lot# and Monay
golden charm" pocket pleca, and big naw
tiinti1 rroooaltlon Write Kayatoaa Lak.,
Dept. 6-R-9 Mamphla, Tenn.
Aged Woman Dies
Hannibal. Mo.
Hannibal, Mo., Jan. 18—
(CP)—One of the best known
citizens of this section died
here Wednesday with the pass
ing of Mrs. Celia Ann Allen,
who had just passed her 116th
birthday. Mrs. Allen who was
known as “Aunt Seely," was
born in Kentucky in 1819 and
was brought to Missouri by her
owners as a slave. Burial was
in Monroe City, Missouri, and
the funeral obsequies were
largely attended by both races.
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How To Get Fid Of
Look Years Younger
When you can change your
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And do it at home without fear
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Rap—I—Dol is the real, origin
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Go to any Beaton Drug Store
today a-nd choose the Bhade you
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Beautiful women, bandeoma
man. hair aiparta all oror
tha world, havo ton* oraiy
about tha now Roman Halr
droanlas booauao It la a tom
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, gaBg aamo and addmaa
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Dept. 8-R-ll
If yon hare stubborn, torturing
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SEND NO MONEY—just name
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Write to Ulgo Co., 125 Wirthman
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