“Wipe The Slate Clean” Before the days of tablets, loose-leaf and composition books and fillers, we used slates for arithmetic, spelling, writing; and other subjects were taught by use of slates. In those days, when the slate was full and what had been written had accomplished its purpose, we “wiped the slate clean” and got it ready for other “examples” or whatever the work would be. In that old custom there is a lesson for New Year’s considera tion. Thru the year others have trespassed against us, and we1 have trespassed against God. We are wont to rearospect and feel penitent for all of our transgres sions. Confessing, we ask for g:vuness that God might wipe His r ■ ; d clean of our sins and our transgressions. Yes, it is true that others have trespassed against us. Perhaps great injuries have been done to us. Some were the result of hasty actions, unfounded conclu sions, and some were deliberately done. No good can come from harboring resentment of these ir.alewolent trespasses against us. The close of the old year and the beginning of the new year, is r. good time to consider these tilings, forgive our debiors, wipe t' date of memory clean, and , Happy New Year FROM Fraternity Barber Shop 2422 LAKE STREET AND HERBERT McALLISTER Shoe Shiner RUTH WILLIAMS Extends To All BEST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON TUCEiMAN BROS. 24th AND LAKE LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY FOODS TRY A POUND OF TUCHMAN'S fk m SPECIAL RED BAG COFFEE ZlC FRESH ROASTED, Per pound EARLY OHIO POTATOES j - 15 pound peck —-- I wv FRESH BREAD I 16 ounce Loaves Sliced, 2 for —- I Wv Naborhood Grocery FREE DELIVERY 27th and Grant Sts. YVEbstei 6089 Complete Line of Fresh Foods for your New Year Dinner * WWWI I ■ MM — Holiday CANDIES NUTS CIGARS BUTTER-NUT Coffee, Lb. 29c MINCE MEAT A Complete Line of CANNED GOODS All Popular _Brands Need Some COAL? Call WEbster 6089 Basket Or Ton Lowest Prices JWyiRttBCS For the Best and Most Economical In Prepared MEATS Ask for BENARKS mimmibhhbbbb mu\ mmamm mmtm■ ■■* hbbhb ■ hhhhmb bi - ■ b ■ ** ■ hhi ■ p TURKEYS DUCKS GEESE CHICKEN AT BARGAIN PRICES STEAKS, choice baby beef, lb.25c SAUSAGE Carey’s home made, lb.. . ,25c SUGAR, pure cane, 10 lbs.59c PECANS, lb..17c Butter, lb. ...•.22'Ac Compound LARD, lb.15c RARE TREAT SALAD DRESSING Pint.19c Quart.29c VINEGAR, quart bottle.10c YELLOWSTONE PEAS, can.15c KAMO JELL.6 for 25c TOILET TISSUE.6 rolls 25c —————————————-———mmm————————————■—————— We Carry a Complete Line of NOTIONS, THREAD, NEEDLES, SHOE STRINGS, SAFETY PINS, ETC. H. RESNICK For Your Holiday Dinners For Your Parties and Social and Fraternal Get-To-Gethers THE WHOLE YEAR ’ROUND I FRUITS VEGETABLES LETTUCE Large and Solid Heads.10c CELERY Fresh Shipment I Cranberries Delicious APPLES Extra Large 6 for 25c SWEET POTATOES Fancy, 6 lbs. 25c ORANGES Dozen 20c COAL g Soft Coal, ton $6.95 SSemi Mine Run ton $9.50 Semi Paris Lump We Feature I ALAMITO I MILKS Ask for I FORBES Pullman Bread A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR THOU SANDS OF FRIENDS The year’s business has been far beyond expectations, for which we are most sincerely thankful j ii #* Ray L. Williams, Attorney In the County court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Norita Love Robinson, deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 12th day of December, 1935, Ray L. Williams filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and al lowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 11th day of January, 1396, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 11th day of January, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said peition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and deter mined. Bryce Crawford, County Judge 12-21, 28,-35—1-4-36 A guage is engraved on the transparent barrel of a new foun tain pen to show how many words can be written with the ink re maining in the pen. Ray L. Wililams, Attorney PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Rosa Mouldin Miller deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 11th day of Febru- j ary, 1936, and on the 11th day of April, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., | each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examina- j tirn, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 11th day of January, 1936. Bryce Crawford, County Judge 11-21, 28-36—1-4—36 GET READY for that Ball. Tux edo Suit, size 37, for sale, $9. Call WE. 0156. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, 2914 N. 25 St. WE. 2365. H. J. Pinkett, Attorney PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Northern Jenkins deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 11th day of Febru ary, 1936, and on the 11th day of April, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 11th day of January, 1936. Bryce Crawford, County Judge 11-21, 28—36—1-4—36 WHITES SERVICE STATION Standard Oil Products We repair tires WHITE & NEWTON 24th and Grace St. JA. 8954 All Work Guaranteed Turkeys, Ducks and Geese And all kinds of Poultry. Dressed Free while you wait. Strictly Fresh Eggs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE CO. 1616 N. 2t4h WE 4737 NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE 5656 2414 Grant St. MAX LUNCH ! MEALS 15c AND UP Come in and meet your old ] friends. Now located at 18201 No. 24th St. Home Cooking, a Specialty. i •m ■■■■UMMnaui a. JAY’S MARKET 2314 No. 24th Street JA 7234 We aim to please. We carry a complete line of Groceries. CLASSIFIED ADS Agents Wanted AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y. AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne gro Dolls, Pietures. Write Na tional Co., 163 W. 126th St., New York. NEGRO DOLLS, NEGRO PIC TURES, Wholesale; Retail; Write, National Co., 163 W. 126th St., New York. AGENTS, DEALERS—$10 daily selling Negro Dolls, Negro Pic tures, Big Christmas demand. Write National Co., 163 W. I 126th St., New York. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 165 W. 126th St., New York City. AGENTS^- Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254 W. 135th St., New York. Rooms For Rent ROOMS for rent, strictly modern. 2128 Erskine. WE. 1024. FOR RENT—Two rooms furnish ed, kitchenette apt., also one single room for gentleman, in a steam heated home. WE 4162. FOR RENT—2-room Kitchenette. 2914 N. 25lh St. WE. 2303. FURNISHED room far rent. Mrs. Pye, 2716 N. 28 Ave. WE. 5649. FURNISHED rooms for rent. For man or woman. AT. 2523. Apartments For Rent MODERNISTIC apartments and room for rent. AT. 7435. THREE furnished apartments for rent. WE. 3738. FURNISHED apartments, 4 rooms, $4.00. Bills paid. 2104 N. 29 Ave. JA. 0986. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cumings St. Phone JA. 0696. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 2420 Vi Cuming Street. WANTED—Woman clerk, man salesman. Either must invest $300 on interest. Good salary. 2416 Lake Street. [ Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuining St. Cuming Hotel. MR. DEALER HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A COUPLE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR SALE , , C. F. Read estate must be closed at once. The following described property is for sale, either seperately or in a lump sum. Make your offer. . Lots 1 and 2 in block 15, Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 4008 Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses. The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat rick’s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street. Lo*s five and six in block one. in Paddock Place, vacant property, at the northeast comer of 15th and Burdette. Lot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, in Arm strong’s addition, at 913, 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are three one-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six rooms. This property is not new, but all rentable property at a fair rent al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it. Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680 before 5 p. m., ard after 5 p. m„ ca'l WE. 1750, located at 1016 Oma ha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. i.wiinnwm WHITE FRONT LIQUOR STORE 1610 No. 24th AT 972e 1st Door North Chicago Bakery SPECIAL 90 Proof Whiskey Quart $1.00 Season’s Greetings ^ MAGIC ★ O INCENSE O Have money and lore magic. Send tow name and addreaa and receive die my a can free. Just write Keystone 1 r Memphis. fena. Dept. l-R-7. Roreen !..argent Soiling Five in One Half Dressing in the world : If you haven't used Roreon. don’t fall to try this Treatment! Soil 200 World Faateat Sell era! 17EP tkt. Hose rnunon with every or j'xUj n**r! Something now Writ* Immediately fm ..ur p ip*s!:lon! K-ystoo* Lab, Tenn.. ! »ept Dept. 9-R-12 _ I UAJBlJNirr WORK «uf rII kinds clone. 11 ices ? , i 0. H WHITE j 2525 Charles JA 2869 \ it Louis Booster. elaray Button of tbc . "Brown Bomber." Brim stump for Samples. FREE Button and Asenta Offer. Burry] 1 Write today before are Roue. . VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. 5243 Cottage Grove Ave. Dept. 805 Chicago, IIL n, m* ? m & tM ^ ^ JL> Hew and uliferent won 9a r-working .1 Ir dr«*aslnf pomaor and \l.« I’.FilOHT ENING i ACM LOW! HR L«irg« trial alz. s n>* ” ’ L#aboratftri»‘B f'< r>i Dept. Q 115 g ^ RABE’S BUFFET Carl Rabes, Prop. Refreshments and Lunch 242) N. 24th Street, 21th and Lake Phone JA. 9195 Omaha New Kind Insurance Policy Sent Free Buy no insurance policy until you see the new contract sent for 10 days FREE inspection by Na tional Benefit Protective Associa tion, 205 Hall Building, Kansas City, Mo. It pays $300.00 on nat ural or accidental death; costs only 50c a month. Age limit 2 to 50. Persons 51 to 65 and entire families also covered at amazing ly low rates. SEND NO MONEY! Simply send name and age of all persons to be covered together with beneficiary’s name and rela tionship. When certificate arrives for FREE inspection you will be more than pleased. No obligations —FREE offer limited—write to day. Sensational NewDiscovery GROWS HAIR In Thrift Quick Stages Or No Cost 1st Stage V \ ' fird Stage At last, lioro is a statling secret discov ery that actually will grow hair In seven days or it doesu't cost you a penny! Mr. John- J* son's Brilllantlne Hair • Grower, as this amaz jing fast working secret f is called, is different than anything else you have ever used. Ugly, short, kinky hair turns into long, straight, thick, glossy hair that everyone envies and admires. Mr. John son's Hair Grower must do the work to your de light or it costs noth ing. Send coupon for quick action. MAKE THIS CON VINCING TEST Send no money. Just mail the coupon below right now. When your package of Mr. John son’s Brillfantine Hair Grower arrives, deposit with postman only $1, plus postage charges ahd then if you are not absolutely amazed with how long, how thick, how straight and how beautiful vour hair is getting we want to pay back your deposit. Test Mr. Johnson’s Brllliantine Hair Grow er at our risk. Mail coupon today and have hair more beautiful and luxuriant than you ever dreamed possible. Send Today. Mr. jonnson 9 Company, 207 N. Michigan Ave., Dept. 50, Chicago, ill. Send me tlie Mr. Johnson's Brillian tly© ITair Grower. I wi»l give postman only $1. plus postage. I can return the unused Hair Grower in 7 days and get my deposit without question. Name .... Addreac for P. O. Box) . City .State .