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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1935)
BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. S. Goodlet, Moderator of the New Era Baptist State Association of Nebraska and who hasser ved as supply Minister of the Bethel Baptist church for the past 22 months, offered his resig nation at a regular church meet ing, Monday, Dec. 2, 1936. His services terminates January 6, 1936. Rew. Goodlett served the church creditably and he is loved by the entire membership. His resignation came as a shock to many of the members. Rev. Good lett is prominently a religious man. Religious not in the sense of theology, but religious in that truer, nobler sense of guiding his life by the deep principles of truth, courtesy, temperance, hope, love. His Christian integrity, and influence, the molding factors in his personal life and character should be commended by the citizens of Omaha and the minis try. We regret his going and we want him to know that he shall always have our greatest respect and regards. Meet me at Club New Yorker Xmas morning. Brewery Doing Huge . Business On New Winterbru’ Beer Omlha, Nebr.—That the pub lic demands a diffdrent kind of beer for cold weather than in summer has beendefinitely established by the sales records of Storz Winterbru Beer, a product of the Storz Brewing Company, Omaha, Nebr. The product was introduced in October to fill the need for 1 mil dtasting beer yet one that had extra high strength. According to chemists and executives of the Storz Com* pany, Winterbru beer is higher in alcoholic content than most ales—yet it has none of the strong, bitter ale taste. Because of his stronger con tent, Winterbru beer has a wanning effect — similar to thlt of a fine old wine, it is declared. The Storz Company, a strong believer in the) power of news papaer advertising, is using this medium extensively to in troduce its its Winterbru her. Say “Merry Xmas" a Club New Yorker. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH The church will hold their last church services next Sunday, December 22, in the old Salem church at 22nd and Seward street, beginning Sunday, December 29th. The old Masonic Hall at 24th and Parker strets will be their tem porary location until their new church is ready for them. Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, Pastor. Mrs. Hattie Petties, Reporter. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Pilgrim seems to be on the up ward march again. Sunday school was well attended, morning ser vices also. We were blessed with a lovely solo by Sister Ed. Flet cher. Rev. G. E. Stevenson, pas tor of Calvary Baptist church of Coffeeville, Kansas, brought us a great message. You who were not present missed a blessing. It seems as if the heavens opened and God poured his blessing out on us. Don’t forget prayer services Wednesday evening. Z. E. Pearl, Reporter. YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER FREE With every purchase of a used car we are giving away. FREE, a heaping basket of Christmas cheer, including a large turkey and all the necessary trimmin’s. It's an offer that Sample-Hart is making from now until Christmas. AND— We have a complete selection of 25 Factory Representatives’ cars from the Ford Motor Com pany here in Omaha, that we are offering at savings up to $350 per car. Every one of these specials have been given the best of care, completely serviced every week at the branch and every one showing the actual mileage on the speedometer. We think so much of them that we are offering a new car guarantee and, in ad dition, a two-day money-back guarantee. New Low Finance Rates Make Your Selection While We Can Supply the Model You Want, Stop and Swap SAMPLE-HART Your Ford Dealer Since 1916 18th and Burt Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. Merry Christinas to My Friends C. C. ADAMS | 1313 North 26th Street Greetings of the Season To Our | Many Friends MR AND MRS. HERBERT WALEON | Yuletide Greetings To All i MELVIN SMALL | 221 Willis Avenue Greetings of the Season To My Friends and Clients 1 ATTORNEY W. B. BRYANT jj Holiday Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year MRS. LOUISE STRAWTHER 2220 Willis Avenue •x sic« «as Si sxextK ex ex * At Si Si« Si Si Si m :v Si ssi ssc u ac nc ex n * WJMJKMXWJVJWJW TRY HAYDEN’S FIRST Completely Modernised from Top to Bottom Entrances: 10th, Dodge and Douglas Sts. Men’s Gift t* es 3for$l## Four-in-huids and French end bows, f Each tie in a gift folder. • Wool lined Cut SiUu • Silk Knits I • Wool Knits § • New Bold Stripes « • Neat All-Over Designs Men’s Socks 4 Prs. in Gift Box A A 5 Wool, Mixtures, Pure Bilks, Uales and Co- ■ UU 1 laneae Mixtures, French Lisles. The type at H socks that he will enjoy wearing. gl • New Plaids •Stripes • Plain Colors M Sixes 10 to 12 Itatlta l Mata VYmt | BASEMENT ‘ Where Quality Is Low Priced I-— - ' mata Finery Three-Thread Chiffon I Stockings Any woman would appreciate a gift of stockings . . . pure silk from top to toe. A beautiful, sheer ringless quality in shades of off-black, deep brown, high noon, London mist. Hindustan and Dim bar. Sizes B'/2 to 10'/2. * W© Never MiitX Of But Seconds .1 Pair or Irregulars 2.50 i l Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes I For The New Year MR. and MRS. VAN FOXALL | I THE LIQUOR STORE f Choice Wines and Liquors for Christmas. Free Delivery. £ South East Corner of 24th and Cuming Streets Phone JA 6564 | A Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year To My Friends RAY LAWRENCE WILLIAMS Attorney I Christmas Greetings to our Many Friends | MR. and HENRY MURDOCK | 2918 T Street *»»»** ************************************************ ********* Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas to all my friends MRS. N. P. PATTON 1014 South 11th St ___ i I"Tmerrychristmas1 and A HAPPY NEW YEAR | ALAMITO DAIRY | Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my friends SGT. ISAAC BAILEY I Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the Yuletide Season MYRTLE WASHINGTON | Merry Christmas to Our Friends DOLGOFF HD WE. & PAINT STORE 24th and Parker Holiday Greetings ROY N. TOWL Commissioners HARRY TRUSTIN HARRY KNUDSEN JOHN KRESL BERN ARD STONE « FRANK FROST I Merry Christmas To Our Many Friends and Customers PEOPLES’ CLOTHING CO. ^ 107 South 16th Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas to Our Many Friends MICKLIN LUMBER COMPANY 19th and Nicholas I Holiday Greetings EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS L. S. Hines, Manager Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year to my Many Friends MRS. MABEL BROOKS Best Wishes for the Yuletide Season to All My Friends MR. AND MRS. H. R. GREENFIELD I Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All !MRS. MARTHA TAYLOR-SMITH 2211 Ohio St. Merry Christmas to Our Many Friends and Patrons WILLA’S BEAUTY PARLOR 2225 N. 24th Street MERRY CHRISTMAS And best wishes for the New Year to my 1200 loyal Friends and Well Wishers who voluntarily signed petitions to Governor Cochran for my reappointment. It was this expression of your confidence in me that enabled the Governor to make up his mind the appointment of one of your group to a position merited by your loyalty to him. HARRY LELAND State Oil Inspector