The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 21, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores
Sharecroppers Won
Concessions From
A. A. A. Program
Washington, D. C., Dec. 21.—As
a result of strikes and protest
demonstrations to better their
miserable conditions under the
AAA program, Southern share
croppers and tenant farmers have
at last wrung concessions from
the government.
The new cotton adjustments
made public this week provide
that tenants and croppers receive
approximately a 10 per cent in
crease in AAA benefits, and that
the sharecropper receives hi s
check directly from the AAA In
stead of through the landlord.
Full of Loopholes.
The new contracts are full of
loopholes in the opinion of farm
experts who have aided organized
tenants and sharecroppers in the
past The contracts provide mere
ly that landlords shall agree to
keep the same number of tenants
or croppers on his land “insofar
as is economically practicable,”
There is no guarantee that the
tenant will not be evicted to en
able the landlord to seize his
share of the AAA benefit checks.
In the past, landlords have
pocketed most of the cropper’s
small share. A recent FERA sur
vey shows the huge extent of
sharecroppers’ indebtedness, real
or alleged to the landlord, who
keep the books. It concluded that
the sharecroppers had “profited
financially from Agricultural Ad
justment payments since the bulk
of the money received has passed
to the landlords in 60 per cent of
the cases.”
Fear Landlord Tricks.
The new contract provides dir
ect payment to the sharecropper,
unless he signs away that right,
because of landlord terror. Where
croppers are organized, union
sympathizers point out, the crop
pers may be able to get what is
theirs. Elsewhere, they add, land
lords will probably force or trick
tenants into signing the joint
payee forms, and continue to
pocket the cropper’s share.
State Employment
Service Acts As
New York ,Dec. 21.—The New
York State Employment Service
has assumed the role of strike
breaking agency by supplying
scab labor to the New Amsterdam
Laundry in Harlem, where a
strike has been in progress for
five weeks.
Solidly banded together, despite
terrorization, arrests, and at
tempts at bribery by the owners,
the strikers have been putting up
a brave fight for the reinstate
ment of Miss Anna Renenson,
leader of the strike.
Miss Parker, in charge of em
ployment at the New York State
Employment Service at 200 West
135th street, admitted she sent
scabs to the laundry, insisting it
was her duty to do so. It was the
policy of the employment service,
she said, to send the unemployed
to scab, if they desired to do so.
Anti-Neffro School
Books Protested
Boston, Mass., Dec. 21.—The
Parent-Teachers Association
lodged formal protest against the
use of anti-Negro books in the
public school system.
The complaint was made to
Superintendent Patrick T. Camp
bell, by a delegation headed by
Richard B. Moore of the Interna
tional Labor Defense and Mary
E. Moore of the League of Strug
gle for Negro Rights.
Promised action to remove Kip
ling’s “Captain Courageous” and
Waddy Thompson’s “A History of
the United States,” both defam
ing Negroes and using the epithet
“nigger” had not been taken,
Mrs. Moore declared.
Pointing out that these books
fomented “race prejurice,” Mr.
Moore asked their immediate
elimination from the school cur
A Beautiful free gift to any
reader of this paper. Just send
B us your name and address to
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Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Nor thside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding
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Harlem Ethiopia
Defense Committee .
“Bury The Hatchet”
New York, Dec. 21.—From now
on, all committees for the defense
of Ethiopia in Harlem will work
together. ,
Such was the result of a meet
ing of the various “Defend Ethi
opia’* groups held at the head
quarters of the Provisional Com
mittee for the Defense of Ethi
opia, 36 W. 136th street, on
November 22nd.
Nine Groups Preseoit.
The following organizations
were represented at the meeting:
Medical Committee for Defense
of Ethiopia, Dr. J. J. Jones,
chairman; The Friends of Ethi
opia in America, under the direc
tion of Dr. Willis N. Huggins; the
National Committee for Ethiopia,
Mr. Leon F. Des Portes, chair
man; Provisional Committee for
Defense of Ethiopia, Capt. A. L.
King, chairman; also Native Afri
can Union of America, Inc., Mr.
Thorgues Sie, president; Ameri
can League Against War and
Fascism; the Brooklyn Provision
al Committee for Defense of
Ethiopia, Mr. R. A. Compbell,
secretary; Mr. James Ford, rep
resenting the Communist Party in
Harlem; the American Ethiopian
Sympathteic League, represented
unofficially by Mr. Seeley.
A program of unity of action
was agreed upon and it was de
cided to set up a central organiza
tion under the name of “United
Committees for the Defense of
Although each organization will
maintain its identity, all will
jointly pool their efforts to devel
op the widest campaign and as
sistence for the defense of the
Ethiopian people.
The new plan will prevent over
lapping of efforts and effect cen
tralization lof activities in cam
iu oenu ricm i mi.
Pointing out that there is an
overwhelm/ing need for Immediate
medical aid, the Medical Commit
tee for the Defense of Ethiopia
has contracted for the first unit
of a field tent hospital designed
to accomodate 50 beds, in addition
to operating and dressing rooms.
The committee which has sent two
tons of material to Ethiopia is
making an effort to raise $3,000
at once to pay for this equipment.
Contributions may be sent to its
headquarters at 2384 Seventh
Ave., New York City. Checks and
money orders should be made pay
able to the Medical Committee
for Defense of Ethiopia, Dr. P. M.
H. Savory, treasurer.
Children's bath robes, 98c at
The Lake Street Bargain Center.
Ladies house dresses, 98c at The
Lake Street Bargain Center.
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Opposition To War
Against Ethiopia
Grows In Italy
Rome, Italy, Dee. 21.—While his
airplanes swooped down on de
fenseless Ethiopian towns, Mus
solini told the Italian working
people, “Tighten your belts! Food
that you would ordinarily have,
must be sent to the front.” Then,
a few weeks later, “Put out your
fires! We need your coa] for our
war machines.”
Now, 5,000,000 children are
told that their schooling is to be
curtailed to three hours a day.
The official reason given is the
saving of fuel. It is predicted
that the schools will not be heated
for even the three-hour school
Already the Italian working
people are seething with discon
tent. Mass demonstrations against
war and for the defense of
Ethiopia have occured in several
Come in and meet your old
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PL uctjni PUmu W ms
Robinson, Ethiopian
Ace, Forced Down
By Italian Plane
Lands Uninjured After Suc
cessful Escape.
Addis Ababa, Dec. 21, (CNA)—
Reports here state that John C.
Robinson, of Chicago and ace fly
er of the Ethiopian air corps, was
forced down on the Northern
front following an attack by an
talian airplane.
Robinson was sconting over
Babat Ketama, north of Gondar,
when the Italian plane opened
machine gun fire. Robinson made
a forced landing after successful
ly eluding the enemy plane.
Neither Robinson nor his plane
were hit. The Italian plane then
bombed the town destroying sev
eral houses.
Gondar is to the north of Lake
Tana, center of the territory of
British Interests. This is the
first time that an Italian aerial
attack has been reported from this
I guarantee to help you get » new start in
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Ask for a 1936
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African Natives Re
fuse To Load Meat
On Italian Ships
Durban, South Africa, Dec, 21,
(CNA—Sixty Native dock work
ers refused to load meat on an
Italian fascist ship here last week.
This spontaneous action is
especially heroic because the Na
tives who work on the docks aro
denied the right of union organ
ization. British government offi
cials attempt to smash every at
tempt at union organization with
police terror. Strikes are broken
with government-recruited scabs.
However, the Natives have
raised the slogans, “No meat for
Mussolini” and “Let the fascist
bully, Mussolini, get out of
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Who* yos cm change your
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