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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1935)
■REVEALING' Lpun P\fT, PRI«NT an4 ffUIURE** &/Aeee' wa/lace— I NOTE—Your question printed free in this column, ror private reply send 26c and (self addressed stamped envelope for my New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three questions free. Sign your full name, birthdate and correct address. Address Abbe’ Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia. J. C.—Should I take my used to be boy friend back? Ans: Your old boy friend hasn’t learned his lesson yet, for tho mean way he treated you, and no matter how much he begs you, you should hold out a little longer before taking him bock—You shouldn’t take as much as you do off the men, and you could hold a boy friend easier. J. A.—Will I be able to enter college the second semester? Ans: Yes—You’ll be financial ly able to enter college at the time you have in mind—However, you’ll be more satisfied If you wait until the FIRST TERM of the next school year. R. M. S.—I am wondering if singing will mean anything to me in the future? What do you think about it? Ans: You did unusually well singing “Blue Moon” and was congratulated on yo ur voice enough to make anyone quite proud of themselves. It is my im pression that in the future, sing ing will be the means of your livelihood, and you’ll always be just as fond of it as you are now. M. R. B.—I would like to know which of the two gentlemen real ly love me? Ans: You have a very import ant decision to make and I ad vise you not to act too hastily. A. B. has promised to marry you for a long time, but he Beems to bo acting a little different about the matter lately—I believe your best bet to be J. B. K. P.—Will you please tell me why my friend is so cross with me? Ans: Your girl friend knows live In is the place for you, for it Soviet Union Urges Oil Embargo Against Italy (By Special Correspondent) Geneva, Dec. 21.—The Soviet Union “called the bluff’ of the European powers in the League of Nations last week. Maxim Lltvinoff, brilliant Sov iet diplomat, informed the League of Nations last Monday, that the Soviet Union was ready to stop shipments of oil, coal, iron and steel to Italy if other nations would do likewise. This position was supported by Rumania, an other member of the League. Oil Vital to Fascists. If such world powers as Eng land, France and America would adopt the proposal of the Soviet Union to extend "sanctions” to oil alone, one of fascist Italy’s chief supplies would be cut off. England, France, and America aro all wavering on the Soviet proposal. Oil is one of the chief exports of the Soviet Union and is there fore one of the primary sources of income for building socialism* in the Worker’s and Farmer’s state. The proposal of Lltvinoff thus indicates that the Soviet Union is willing to sacrifice this large source of income to make “sanc tions” effective against the Mus solini fasicst regime. Big Profiteers Object. The private financiers who are in control of the oil industry in Britain, France and America, have to date refused to allow their respective governments to stop the enormously profitable shipment of oil to Italy. The Soviet Union has repeated ly declared against all infring ment of the independence of Ethiopia whether by Jtaly, Eng land, France or any other world power. The speech of Maxim Lit vinoff, representing the Soviet Union in the League of Nations, has been echoed throughout the world as the most powerful statement for Ethiopian defense ever uttered in the League of Nations. It stated in part: “There is nothing in the League Covenant which will per mit it to discriminate against the Ethiopian people on acocunt of their race, color of their skin, or the stage of their civilization.” sho was the cause of you losing your job, but she didn’t do it in tentionally—(If you intend to keep her for your friend, then forget about this matter and don’t throw it up to her all along. M. M. C.—I want to know if I’ll be living here another year? Ans: Just about — Howeve.r during the spring of 1937 It ap pears that you will make your home in an adjoining state. F. II. W.—Is this city the one for me or the one I have in mind? Ana: While you are studying for your profession, the city you will be much cheaper for you to live there. After you get along a little farther in your work, then you can go to New oYrk and take up your profession in a RJG WAY. P. E. W.—Why is it that my daughter acts as she does toward me? Ans: Your daughter doesn’t like for you to pry into her af fairs the way you do, which is the reason she acts so mysterious about everything she does—You have a perfect right to look after her, but don’t CARRY IT TOO FAR. W. L.—Will I get what I want for Christmas? Ans: No—But you’ll get what you need. It is my impression that you‘11 bo all dressed up Christmas day in a NEW SUIT and a pair of NEW SIIOESE. A. E. J.—I want to know what tho trouble is with my husband and will he come back home and live with me? Ans: Your husband seems to care very much for another wo man and as long as he is goin|r with her, he’ll keep away from you. You and your husband will never live together, for it is my impression that he’ll secure his divorce during the year of 1936. A. E. R.—When is my luck go ing to chnngo? Ans: Before the end of the month—At that time you’ll secure a job there in your home town making a fairly good salary— However, this job will not be permanent. WPA Musicians Win Demands New York, Dec. 21, (CNA)— Tho major demands of the Musi cians’ Union for prevailing wages, no admission charges to WPA concerts, darkened halls, and no commercial broadcasting were agreed to by a worried adminis tration when the threatened strike of 700 WPA musicians, Negro and white, promised to tie up all WPA music activities and indirectly Involve 18,000 members of Local 802 of t h e American Federation of Musicians. After January 16th, stated Chalmers Clifton, regional direct or for New York of the Federal Music Project, the government agrees to negotiate an agree ment on a five-service per week basis, instead of the eight-service announcement which brought on the strike. Until January 16th, the union agrees to the six-service program. The $24 the men re ceive will, with five-service plan, j approximate prevailing union ' wages. I _ Picketing Brings Owner To Terms New York, Dec. 21.—A 100 per centwage increase and the right for Negroes to work behind the bar at the Bella Restaurant, 329 Lenox Avenue, was won with the powerful backing of the Harlem International Labor Defense and other organizations. Mr. Stewart, a restaurant em ployee, went out on strike, de manding his salary be raised from $10 to $20 a week. After seven hours on continuous picketing jy members of the I. K I). and Mr. Stewart, the prop, ietor capitn ated. Awards Made In Rosenwald Story Contest Twelve Winners Announced in Classes of Agriculture, In dustry, and Personal Ser vice—Eight More to Come. Atlanta, (la., Dec. 21.—The Commission on Interracial Coop eration today announced 12 of tho 20 awards in tho Rosenwald con tost for the best stories of the oconornic efforts of Negroes. The winners announced, four each in the classes of agriculture, indus try, and personal service, are as follows: Agriculture: R. L. Philyaw, farmer, Evergroen, Ala.; Bilbo Wilils, 4-H club boy, Wiggins, Miss.; B. L. Colbert, truck grow er, Minden, La.; W. M. Ware, farmer, Queen City, Texas. Industry: B. W. Whiting, engineer, Raleigh, N. C.; Samson Wowning, Tangipahoa, La.; James A. Parsons, Jr., metallurgical engineer, Dayton, Ohio; J. C. Stubbs, 8 i g n painter, Detroit, Michigan. Personal Service: Joe S. Mc Lane, hotel man, Jacksonville, Fla.; Miss Lula Rogers, domestic, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Miss Jose phine Britt, maid, Wellington, Kansas; D. M. Marshall, student, Prairie View, Texas. The four awards in each class range from $25 to $100 each. Checks are being mailed to the winners this week. The stories in the classes of business and the professions are still in the hands of the judges, but the eight awards in these classes are ex pected in a few days. Many excellent stories were submitted in the several classes and the judges had great difficul ty in choosing between them. What final disposition will be mado of the stories has not yet been decided. XvervBody want, a pMure of tun Rrout m Per. «<> "clean-up" Bia Won > I v- civlti' May a binuutul Aut>oirr»u>h<Hl Photo (V » IS*) of JOF LOUIS fibnnltit€*ly FREE with **ach can of fieorala Brown flair I Centring Don t wait! Write Unlay for Free Hamrilr^. Hsmiilf* Oh*' < »ffor aril pneciul JOFJ LUU1H FREE Haum Offer. Hurry! Do .t » >wl VM.W10R PRODUCTS CO. S249 Cothqo c ?vo Av*. D( pt. t»41 Chicago, HI Dept. NI’-G7 COULD NOT DO HEK HOUSEWORK VV/HEN every k ** thing you rt* | tenant is a burden T —when yon are if nervous and irri ' table—at your f wit's end—try this medicine. It may be iust what you need for extra energy. Mrs. tenants L. laidmus of Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After doing just a little work l ha 1 to lie down. My mother-in-law recom mended the Vegetable Compound. 1 can see a wonderful change nov ." TIRED. ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Moonc's Emerald Oil Guaranteed tt> Stop All Pain and Soreness and Banish Offensive Odors In just one minute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literally jump for joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little and rub it in. It’s simply wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give off an offensive odor, there’s nothing better in the world. Moone’s Emerald Oil is guaranteed to end your foot troubles or money back. JESSIE’S ORIENTAL TAVERN. The Place Where Good Fellows Meet—Hear MISS BERNICE GIVENS AND HER POPULAR SONGS 2525 Erskine St. WE-5758 CHOP SUEY American *nd Chinese Dishes King Yuen Cafe 2010'/j N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. [j7DI?I? LUCKY 7 HERBS 'EIyE/E/ FROM 7 LANDS j Believe in LUCK? if so, try famous 7 herbs from 7 lands, be lieved most powerful ever found for 7 YEAR’S GOOD LUCK. Send 3c stamp for FREE OFFER SEVEN HERBS CO., 5916 West port Sta., Kansas iCty, Mo. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies' and Childrens’ Work A Specialty, 2422 Lake Street, { CENTRAL MARKET } 5 Omaha’s Largest Market :■ s I" Wie carry a fresh line of assorted Nuts and Candies and % ’l Choice Wines and Liquors. > i i •“ A Good Place To Do Your Christmas Shopping! ^ ■: 1608-10-12 Harney St Phone AT 8720 ? S i A JN (jr E L A MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doetoif MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFfY iiUSBnS i.v| and gave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years says Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of run-down, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and love again. o.\h DOLLAR for one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied l-'UKK Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free vith each order received within ten days. Write at once for emir package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story i NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY s C-} \ Ex. S._ SPECIAL HOLIDAY "FLOOR SAMPLE" * 'ia: ■■■■ - - J , 0 Pay Like Rent! $2 a Month! Your Old Range Is Down Payment! • We we placing on special sale all o! our new, modern “Roper” and “Magic Chef* floor sample ranges—AT SLASH FT) PRICE'S fw the Christmas reason. These gas ranges are NEW—guwanteod. Here’s your chance to get a Christmas range at IH.rgam prlcos—bargain, lorg-liuie terms. Poor old mace ts down-payment—you don’t pay a cent tor 30 days! The balance, m UtUe as 33 A MONTH—up to THREE « TEARS TO PAY. COMB IN RIGHT AWAY, .***\t, ?'**" ' ' • .' ‘ 4 Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery HOUSTON’S CASH MARKET 2114 N. 24th St. JA-3543. Every Day is Bargain Day Here FREE COURSE IN HAIR CUTLURE Including Diploma • Mail, Write CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 5315 Chicago, III. Vtomach. tightneas around waiat, or constipation, often quickly re lieved with thia Safe Home Treat ment. Avoid operation if possible.' DON’T SUFFER LONGER. Send today for FREE TRIAL. There’a oo obligation whatever. Write quick. IOLVOTONE CO.vpt MX-S *JCJ Cattat* Gr»*e. CMup ■ I \ ————— FREE YOURSELF of evil con ditions. Master every undertak ing, Money, Control Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. THIS BOOK IS FREE. Get your copy at once If you want results. Dagget Pub. Co., S-430 Rhodes, Chicago 111. ruai Mi-* hose—^ Weld. V•**«*• **—* ** Dept. 9-R-13 emora Free Yourself of evil : ^conditions. Master every rv undertaking, Money, Con **trol Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. This book is free, get your copy at once if you want re sults. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago, I1L WHITEN SKIN while yon sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads. large pores* oiuicnes. Tonight at bedtime spread Nadinola Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in any ordinary bleach. jny Get Nadinola today at any toi * **1 let counter or by mail postpaid, ftTOUR 50c. If not delighted, money j nipv cheerfully refunded. NADI KIOI\ }\JOLA, Box N-17, Paris, Tenn. cNhduuAaffleachmgCream I (ORIENTAL LOVE DROPS# Thrill HIM with that Irresistibly alluring scant that dings. U| Lovers OH to fascinate the md| you love—excite his senses ■ wB his affections. A GENUINE PURE MYSTICAL ODEUl PERFUME OIL—not ordmaM perfume. Only • drop or t«M enough. Sold only by us. Ser® $1 today, or order O.O.D. ai® pay postman $1 plus postafl® FREE with eaeh orders! "Secrets** FREE. -S UnAIhiR PHUUVVIVi IN «V. 99 N* •* Dept. N I A HAIRDRESSING FACE POWDER , We want everybody' GEORGIA BROWN HAI» [DRESSING and Face POWDER. So don’t wait! Be sure to get your FREE Sample*.! Just send name, address and 80 stamp for mailing costs. SAMPLES and BEAU TY BOOK will be sent you right awaj.1 We will also send you our Big Money, M*-k ing arrets’ proposition. Don't milij this big offer. Write today. Sayi "Send (Baa agents’ offer_ and FREE Samples/1! VALMOR PRODUCTS CO., 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Dept. 616 Chicago, 111. MANHOOD LOST neip yuur ^uiriua ' by using DR. HOL LOWAY’S VIGOR TREATMENT. Spe-| cial gland medi cines for men and women. You have tnea tne rest, now try tne Dest. The Doctor’s own prescription. Don’t be satisfied until you have tried VIGOR. Feel young at 70. Price $1.00; postage extra. HOLLOWAY MEDICAL CO. 4304 S Parkway, Dept. A, Chicago Dept. NP66 Memphis, Tens. GROWS • STRAIGHT • LUSTROUS • GLEAfiflfftC t LOKG i«f. \cm rtiiKfo** Pio«e Ir a P6i>u»ts Your hair need no* lie *hort. Scrag.;!y kinky, nor i»* < d ft be? dried out, faded andliie leeB For there is aw. ay fo overcome thia ooor condi tion that destroys tnra, beauty of tbe hair. Thia new different method will grow long. !uh'.h.\ glossy. silken.straight hair, remove dandruff. Itch tet ter. dry ecalp and dr'etl out hair condition by lubricat ing, strengthening and pro longing the life of the hair for both men and women. Bond COUPON now before It ia too lato for the FREfi Treatise 7-Day Trial Offer. inw U tUUCUH FOH r liou P'YCCMP/INY I£E*ll*i Dept. CIJ t>> N (Vtich'F-n ' hlttfc PI. 1 • PFe&M*’ fc. in! FREE li-entis~'( Day iriuJ Of- 3 I far without any coot at ail to tue. 5 j NAME. I [ADDRESS.... 5 ^CITY.ST A i’E.J VjoNE are those agonizing hours — at home—alone! No more anxious moments at the telephone, waiting far invitations that never come. No longer does she ask: “What’s wrong with me and men?’’ For now that she has restored to her hair its youthful lustre and loveliness, Lois has found love, happiness, and romance with a capital “R". What is Lois’ beauty secret?.Just this—an occasional application of Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Color ing. That's how she regained her glamorous charm — beauty that corns men's thoughts to romance. That’s why her hair is so soft, silky, and always sparkles. Simply, quickly — and at home— yon, too, can color your bair to a lovely, even shade of jet black, dark, medium or light brown, or blonde, with Godefroy’s Larieuse. No waiting. No disappointments. Soft, gleaming hair — hair that keeps yon looking younger than your years—in just a few minutes. This famous preparation has been used and approved by stage and screen stars, celebrities and people of wealth, position and prestige, tor more than 42 years. Satisfac tion guaranteed or your money back. Don’triskunhappi ness—don’t wait —get a full size bottleof Godefroy’s Larieuse from your dealer TODAYt lfyamr ’ GODEFROYS dtulrr can’t •apply yta tend $1.23. iwriuvEB GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 2306 OLIVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO.