The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 21, 1935, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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_. (•) — - ■—
Selasise’s Warirors
Show Courage In
Fierce Battle
Makale, Ethiopia, Dec. 21,
(Special to CNA)—Following the
tremendous victories of the^ Ethi
opian defense forces on the North
era and Southern fronts last
week, the Italian fascist generals
are panicky.
General Petro Badoglio, who re
placed General De Bono as chief
of Staff and Mussolini's right
hand man, is attempting to set up
an effective defense against
the devastating guerrilla attacks
from the Ethiopian sharpshooters.
These attacks come most unex
pectedly and usually at night, de
priving the war weary Italian
troops of rest and relaxation.
Censorship Clamped Down.
Mussolini in an attempt to hide
war news from the Italian people
and the rest of the world, has
clamped down on air-tight censor
ship on all dispatches from the
Meantime, unrest brews omin
ously in Italy. The sanctions
which were imposed by the
League of Nations under sharp
pressure from the Soviet Union
are beginning to have a telling
effect on fascist Italy’s internal
conditions. As Mussolini’s drives
on to bankruptcy and the at
tempted subjugation of Ethiopia,
the Italian people are growing
more and more disillusioned with
the fascist regime.
Supported by a world-wide
movement for peace and for the
independence of Ethiopia, the
Italian working class is giving
Mussolini good cause to fear for
the oppressive fascist dictator
Oil Embargo Threatened.
The threat of a world embargo
on oil has placed fascist Italy in
a desperate position, for oil is ab
solutely necessary for the contin
uation of Mussolini’s unwarranted
invasion of Ethiopia. The pro
posal to cut off Italy’s oil supply
is being pushed by the Soviet
Union, which has repeatedly de
clared itself in favor of ‘‘uncon
ditional independence of Ethiopia.”
Red Perkins And His
Orchestra To Play
At Club Cabette
Red Perkins playing at the Club
Cabet Monday Nite, December
23rd, says that a wonderful treat
is in store for everyone attending.
Quite a few applications have
been received for the ‘‘TRUCKIN’’
and “SNAKEHIP” contest assur
ing you of an amusement well
worth the price of admission. But
that isn’t all! Coupon tickets will
be given with each admission and
each person holding the lucky
number receives a present from
the Xmas tree.
Natives Ban Italian
Goods and Shops in
African Capital
Johannesburg. South Africa,
(CNA)—A mass sentiment is
growing here in support of the in
dependence of Ethiopia and
against Italian fascism.
The following resolution was
passed by a gTOup of non-Europ
eans here recently:
“This meeting of non-Europ
eans unanimously resolves to boy
cott all local Italian stores and to
place pickets to stop our Native
peoples from buying or dealing in
their stores while the Italo
Ethiopian war is going on.”
After the conclusion of the
meeting the pickets immediately
got busy. One picket was taken
to the Charge office (where legal
convplaints are made by the Brit
ish Government) but no charge
was filed.
J. A. Ward Will Open
Cafe At Mason and
Knox Old Place
The cafe formerly known as the
Mason and Knox Cafe, at 2307 N.
24th street, will open Tuesday
morning for business under the
ownership of Mr. J. A. Ward of
1230 S. 12th street and Mr. Watt
as partners. Mrs. Sybil King will
be back on the job as head wait
Protest Defeats Law
To Sterilize Negroes
Bermuda Islands, Dec. 21.—
Laws have been passed here as
outrageous as those in Nazi
Germany. One of the particular
vicious ones declared that all
“Negroes must be sterilized.”
Militant church people raised
such a furor that the law was re
pealed. Bermuda is an English
possession and is dopiinated by
British imperialism.
Orphans Killed
In Auto Wreck
Muskogee, Okla., Dec. 21.—Four
children and a woman, all from
the Deaf, Blind and Orphans
School for Negroes at Taft, Okla.,
met death at the hands of a care
less motorist. More than 36 oth
ers were injured.
The truck in which they were
going to a Christmas parade was
wrecked. When struck by an au
tomobile and sent smashing intc
a bridge railing, Archie Edwards,
the truck driver, reported. The
motorist did not stop after the ac
’Tuias the
t fo *
CliMA ttuaA^
When all through the house
tlot a creature u)as stirrinj,
Hot eoen a mouse;
Harry Leland Invited
On Speaking Tour
With Thompkins
Dr. Win. J. Thompkins, record
er of deeds for the District of
Columbia has invited Harry Le
land, state gasoline inspector, to
join him on a speaking tour cov
ering Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Oklahoma. Dr. Thompkins will be
remembered by many here for the
fine lectures delivered by him on
recent visits to the city.
Chicago South
Side To Establish
Cultural Center
-■ —
Chicago, 111., Dec. 21.—A drive
to raise funds for building a cent
er for Negro culture and social
activity in Chicago’s South Side
Is arousing wide-spread interest.
The establishment of an Inter
national Worker’s Order People’s
Cultural Center is the aim of the
present drive sponsored by the
Chicago Negro Cultural Commit
tee. The Committee includes mem
bers of religious, social and polit
ical groups.
“Our ultimate aim, Mr. John
son, national I. W. O. organizer,
said, “is to bring togehter all or
ganized groups and all unorgan
ized individuals in a South Side
collective based on a minimum
program to raise the cultural
level among the Negro people.”
The center, when completed,
will include a day and evening
nursery for children, classes in
Negro history, art, music and
club and sport facilities.
Lets Go To Bethlehem
By R. A. Adams
i -
“Let us go now to Bethlehem/’
The angels said—
“To Bethlehem of Ephratah,
’The House of Bread/ ’’
And let us find, without delay.
The Savior who is bom, today.
“Let us go now to Bethlehem,’’
Should be the cry—
To Bethlehem, unto the world
In spirit nigh,
That in our hearts, this Christ
mas morn,
Anew the Savior may be bom.
“Let us go now to Bethlehem,’’
And, to the King,
Present in loyal gratitude,
Our offerini,
And render praise to God,
For Gift of TIis Infinite Love.
Uphold Sentence
Atrainst Militant
Native Leaders
Johannesburg, South Africa,
Dec. 21, (CNA)—The sentence of
Roux and Ngedlane, editors of the
I South African workers paper,
Umsebenzi, for printing a car
toon “slandering King George of
Ehgland,” upheld on the basis of
antiquated laws dug up for the
Six weeks have been granted to
appeal to Appellate Division of
| the Court.
Club New Yorker Will
Open Christmas Day
For Early Dance
Reported Closing of Club Will
Not Affect Breakfast Dance
At 5 A. M. Christmas
The most exclusive Night Club
in the City of Omaha will be the
spot where the Northside elite of
Omaha will exchange Christmas
Greetings on December 25th from
5 to 10 a. m. at a very unique
Breakfast Dance. The Club New
Yorker is one of the most elabor
ately decorated Clubs in the Mid
dle West. Parties of four, six or
eight will be accommodated.
What can be more pleasing
than to greet the dawn of Christ
mas Day swaying to the scintil
ating rhythm o f ANNA MAY
CLUB BOYS? This opportunity
will be yours in as much as the
Management of the Club New
Yorker extends to you and your
friends an invitation to join them
in a Breakfast Dance from 5 to
10 a. m. on Christmas Morning.
To reassure you of a pleasant
time we wish to remind you that
an incomparable Floor Show will
be presented for your approval
and entertainment. The usual
Bar Service will be available with
all mixed drinks going for only a
quarter. You’ve heard about the
New Yorker! You’ve read about
the New Yorker! Now see and
Experience its pleasures for your
self! Make reservations for your
parties early.
Say “Merry Xmas" a Club
New Yorker.
Thousands Inspect
Building During
Day’s Open House
The new Insurance Building
closed its "open house” day Tues
day evening after 21,000 visitors,
one of the largest crowds ever as
sembled in Omaha, had inspected
the building. Officials had pro
vided for a guest list of 5,000.
The reception had to be continued
until midnight to accomodate the
unexpected crowd.
The majority of the visitors
came aftaj: 5:30, up to which time
only 7,200 had gone through. All
available building personnel was
pressed into service as the even
ing crowds jammed the entrance
and lobby.
Fearing possible damage ts the
building Walter C. Johnson, build
ing manager, called police to pro
tect display windows. Visitors
were primarily interested in the
Woodmen of the World executive
offices, radio studios and the air
conditioning equipment. A pre
arranged routine of taking guests
to the eighth floor and then
through the building with guides
was abandoned when the size of
the crowd made it impractical.
De E. Bradshaw, Woodmen of
the World president, acted as host
bo nearly 100 Omaha industrial,
civic and educational leaders dur
ing the afternoon. The guests
were taken on a tour of the build
ing conducted personally by Mr.
Harlem Hospital
Is Charged
With Neglect
New York, Dec. 21.—Harlem
hospital authorities were charged
with criminal neglect of Thaddeus
Wililams by t h e Young People’s
League, local youth organization.
Shot in the leg several weeks
ago, Wililams went to the hospital
to have the bullet extracted.
After an unsuccesful probe for the
bullet, one doctor advised an op
eration. Wililams agreed and was
assigned to a ward. But for the
next four days, he was completely
neglected and suffered consider
able pain. On the fourth day he
was discharged from the hospital
after being induced to sign a
paper stating he left of h i s own
When discovered by a member
of the League, Wililams was limp
ing home. The League immedi
ately called an ambulance and
Williams was taken back to the
A delegation organized by the
League demanded proper hospital
treatment for Williams. Hospital
authorities finally agreed to send
Williams to Forham hospital “be
cause it is so crowded here.’’
w ■■■■ - . ■
Fascists Are Active
in Aiding Campaign
Against Sanctions
$100,000 GIVEN
By A. E. White
New York, Dec. 21.—Ever so
often, the attention of colored
Americans is called to demonstra
tions by various groups in New
York, aimed at things of vital in
terest to black folk the world
over, but none has been so strik
ing as the call to a mass meeting
to be held at Madison Square
Garden Saturday night, protest
ing the actions of Italian Fascists
in this counfry.
The Italian group scheduled to
meet at the Garden on this occa
sion is led by Generoso Pope,
building contractor, publisher of
the Fascist organ in New York
and friend of the former playboy
Mayor Walker. Associated with
Pope m this meeting are said to
be Supreme Court Justices Salva
tore Cotillo and Ferdinand Pecora,
two outstanding members of t h e
New York bar.
According to the information
disseminated in Harlem, the pur
pose of the meeting as published
in issue of November 17th of “II
Profresso Italo-Americano” fol
lows: 'To once more demonstrate
that the hearts of the Italo-Ameri
cans beat with the heart of the
far away Motherland and that
each and every national who re
sides in this Motherland of adop
tion is ready to give all within his
power to help italy fight the brut
al International Coalition led by
England with the utmost resist
ance and give a chance to the
Italian soldiers who are now in
Africa to write another epic page
of glory in the history of civil
wnen ine urana umcer oi tne
Crown of Italy, Mr. Pope, began
speaking to explain the purpose
of this gathering — an impetuous
and lasting applause broke out. It
must also serve to show that the
five million Italian Americans
who live in the United States are
ready to sacrifice themselves on
the altar of their Motherland and
will respond as the Consul Gener
al has said with a tooth for a
tooth and an eye for an eye.”
The information further showed
two photographs, one showing the
two judges with Mr. Pope and the
General Counsul Vicchitti, with
the caption that this group ar
ranged the Madison Square Gar
den meeting. Another picture
showed a check for $100,000
signed by Pope payable to the
Italian Ambassador II. E. Au
gusto Rosso.
Concluding the argument against
this meeting, the information
asked “The American people will
want to know wwhat became of
the oath Messrs. Cotillo and Pe
cora took when they acquired
their American citizenship and
swore to renounce all foreign al
Everybody’s going! Where?
To see the beautiful Club New
Yorker, 19th and Capitol, Xmas
a. m.
Greet your Friends»Club NewYorker-XmasMorn