The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 14, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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...SPOR T S...
Joe Louis’
Relatives Plan
Big Homecoming
Relatives Greet Them.
Here Joe’s uncle Albert, b i s
wife, aunt Cora and a large
group of children, most of them
light tan with long, straight hair,
lived. Mrs. Cora had all the fea
tures of a Cherokee Indian. From
the porch and yard where Joe
played as a lad a most picture
esque scene presents itself of the
mountain. As one travels on up its
stately cliff, where nature itself
would cause one to be strong,
healthy, active and enduring, I no
longer wondered what made the
"Tan Destroyer” a mighty power
in the ring.
Joe Fought Early
After chatting briefly with
those who had personal super
vision over Joe, it was revealed
that he was a successful battler,
at only four years old, with his
playmates. Our next stop and
final one before ascending the
mountain top was at the home of
Joe’s aunt, Donnie, who had 12
children of her own and three
step-children, but still looked
youthful and almost the picture
of an Indian. Her long black hair
hung about her shoulder. Just
a few years away from her home
stood signs of the original Bar
rows’ home, where Joe’s father,
“Mun” Barrow, who died when
Joe was about two years old, re
mained. Aunt Donnie was cordial
and gladly gave me the use of her
old shoes that I might be able to
take the five-mile hike with rela
tives through a portion of the
mounain ranges.
ine roads were maeessible ror
oars, and I could no find a horse
to ride. I did, however, see a bull
pen, where yoked oxen were feed
ing, and although they asked me
if I did not wish to press them in
to service before I made my way
back, i was told they were only
used to plow the small patches
seen here and there about the
M As one advances into the dense
forest, one can hardly believe that
the fertile fields of corn and cot
ton had once been cultivated by
some who made up the party,
among whom were, Andrew, Al
bert and Lonnie Barrow.
I was told by Albert Barrow
that he sold recently over a mil
lion feet of hardwood timber from
the land. He also told me that
he earns from 10 to 15 dollars a
day selling cross ties from same
forest to the central of Georgia
“Not A Beggar”
“The boil weevils caused me to
•top trying to cultivate cotton,”
he declared. “The report that I
was promised by Joe, if he won
the fight he would pay a $600.00
mortgage off my home was a
false rumor as I don’t owe for a
thing on this plantation. I am
not a beggar.”
Some Plentiful
Plenty of game is said to be
available for huntsmen. The only
refuge I found for my weariness
was to perch for a short while
near a chestnut tree, where
bushels and bushels of them were
ready for gathering.
Quenched my thirst from the
natural flowing springs that had
furnished water for the historic
family for around 70 years. We
finally come to the long-talked
about rock quarry, where about
two acres of the land are covered
almost solidly with this natural
rock. A small piece about the
size of a football gives one plenty
to do to lift it, because of the iron
ore that is thought to be in it. It
is believed there is enough stone
to build houses for a small town
easily. One of the loveliest
homes in I^afayette was built from
stones gathered from this site.
Being eager to learn about edu
cational facilities, I Inquired about
the schools, as many newspaper
reports quoted thre was no place
to send children to school. I was
shown a typical rural school and
the Barrow family took pride in
letting you know that "all of us
send our children to Mountain
Sipring to school.” Many of the
older members of the family at
tended Mitchell Spring school,
which was located on the older
Barrow’s farm near Kellum Hill
Baptist church, which yet stands
This church was founded as the
first church in the county by a
great uncle of Joe’s, Anthony Bar
row. In the same community
Mitchell Spring Episcopal church,
which was once pastored by Joe’s
great uncle “Mun” Barrow for
whom his father was named, yet
stands. Peter Sheely, uncle of
Joe’s on his mother’s side also
an Episcopal preacher, formerly
pastored Bell’s Chapel, the next
church I visited.
New School Built.
The old Mitchell Spring school
building has been replaced with a
nice frame two-room structure,
the first in Chambers county built
by the Rosenwald Foundation. It
was in this building that the Bar
row family had their last family
reunion in 1914. When many re
called the memory of Joe as a
fine baby in his mother’s arms.
Within a hundred yards of this
school lives a first cousin of Joe’s
Goeina Hill, who has given all of
her girls advanced education in
Knoxville and Chatanooga, Tenn.,
Although many churches, most
ly M. E.’s and Baptists dot the
country I was told that the Bar-1
row family still stick to' their tra- j
ditional idea of having family j
prayer and praise meetings at i
each other’s home weekly. While
Joe was in New York preparing
for the great battle with Max
Baer, and making ready to take
his bride, Marva, the night of
Sept. 23, they spent most of the
night holding a prayer meeting
asking God to help him win the
battle. On the night of the fight,
Sept. 24, they listened in on the
radio for the glorious returns of
Turns Back.
After relaxing for a few min
utes I made preparation to make
tho trip back for seven miles to
the little town of Lafayette,
where hundreds of colored and
white citizens had gathered in the
commodious auditorium of Cham
bers county training school, to
share the felicitation of the meet
Hanley Heads School.
This school is headed by Prof. (
R. M. Hanley, with 12 well
trained tealahers, representing j
some of the finest institutions of j
[the country.
| Newspaper men and photog
raphers from as far as New York
were kept busy throughout the i
day gathering information and
making pictures of the family.
Cn summing up my trip, I will
say that the Barrow family lo
cated in the Buckalew Mountain
ranges were found with a fair de
gree of intelligence, independent
livers, as most of them are land
owners, residing In their own lit
tle clean cabins. Some of them are
as fair as Anglo-Saxons; some of
them have coal black hair, high!
cheek bones, and well arched
noses. Some have red skin and [
hair and even white hair and are
very cordial. Most of the families
have as many as 16 in number.
A trip to this place is interest
i ing. Alabama is destined to have
one of the scenic spots found in
| the Southland should this con
templated project in honor of the
sparkling diamond in the rut de
To make a visit and study the
historic background of Joe Louis,
wilt cause one to say with me the
inked words by W. D. Weather
ford, “All The World Needs All
The Rest of The World.”
| “Working together for the good
of all, each race may have its in
dividual life and yet live in peace I
|and harmony—Yes in helpfulness
to the other races which live by
its side. It behooves everyone of
us to strive to know better all the
people of the world and to help
each and all in the struggle up
ward envying no man his success,
hating none, blessing and blessed
by all.”
By F. M. Davis)
Mr. Joseph Louis Barrow of
Detroit and Chicago, the heavy
weight to end all heavyweights,
has a small business matter to
take up with Senor Paulino Uz
cudun of Spain before several
thousand interested persons in
New York this week on Friday
the 13th. It has been amazing
with what great self control white
sports writers have treated the
impending tete-a-tete, some men
tioning it only with an effort.
Likewise a few have waxed vol
uminous on the Friday the 13th
While the crowd will contain a
: good many of the carious who’ve
I been watching Joe fight but still
haven’t been able to hold an eye
on those charges of brown dyna
mite he flings at on opponent,
there will be no major turnout as
in September and June, what with
Christmas coming on and the fed
eral relief checks not being any
too big. To tell the truth, it won’t
be a fight, it will merely be an
exhibition of what happens when
a hitherto Immovable force meets
an irresistable power.
That the brown fighting man
will hit the Bounding Basque
early and often is no secret. But
the senor has yet to be kayoed by
anybody. In fact, he hasn’t even
been knocked down since Pike's
Peak was a mudhole back of town
where they dumped rubbish.
Uzcudun, now 36, has been fight
ing so long he probably thinks he
was born wearing a pair of box
ing gloves. One moment: I take
that back. A man who steps in a
ring to fight Joe Louis doesn’t
Paulino has crossed mitts with
the best here and in Europe. All
of which makes the imminent ex
hibition ‘ more amazing. You’d
think a boxer who had become 36
without getting resin on his pant
ies would let well enough alone
and quit while he still had some
kind of distinction. Or maybe he
really is after greater honors. It
Isn’t everybody who can say he’s
been knocked out by Joe Louis.
So far the Bounding Basque
has shocked the entire sporting
world by apparently looking for
ward happily to his date with the
Brown Bomber. Uzcudun’s last
engagement of importance was
with Herr Max Schmeling across
the pond. Schmeling was
schmacked on the schmeller often
but got the decision — and the
Spaniard’s contingent Immediate
ly yelled robbery. It would seem
from this that Paulino really
likes to fight and Joe may have
the strange experience of meeting
a big shot boxer who hadn’t been
so carded before the bout he
shook off everything but his toe
As a matter of information,
Uzcudun knocked out Harry Wills
on July 13, 1927, and the first
professional fighter to stay the
limit with Joe was Jack Kranz,
tho engagement taking place in
Chicago on August 13, 1934. If
you ask me what has that to do
with Friday’s match, I shall
merely step to the corner for a
glass of ale.
Of course Uzcudun will join
Baer, Levinsky, Camera, et al.
But you name the round. It all
depends on how much Paulino’s
concrete chin can stand. By the
way, watch old Art Brisbane’s
Saturday or Sunday. He’ll prob
ably remind you “and a gorilla
could whip them both.”
Eulace Peacock, the Temple
track star, may be made into a
football player next fall, accord
ing to daily papers. By the start
yonr druggist to
yon a copy of this
tlmanac, NOW, before PnrP
his supply runs out, I lltt
fVhon not obtainable from a drag store,
vrlle (or one to The Chattanooga Medl
ilno Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
of the 1936 season the Olympic
games will be over, you know—
The Unknown Winston-Jack Shar
key bout still smells. Winston
was barred in Massachusetts, and
now Rhode Island has banned the
No Negro is supposed to play
football in the Big Six conference.
(Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri,
Oklahoma, Iowa State and Ne
braska universities.) They call
it an unwritten “gentleman’s
agreement” made out of defer
ence to Missouri and Oklahoma.
And some do say as how Illinois
U. falls right in with such ideas.
Joe Louis, according to the
Italian newspapers, Lavoro Fas
cists, is now that country’s enemy
No. 1. For whipping Camera and
“fostering anti-Italian propa
ganda in Harlem,” they explain.
Incidentally, reports the other
week that Joe cancelled his exhi
bition tour because Marva was ill
in Detroit were unfounded. Despite
the daily press, during the time of
her alleged sickness, Mrs. Joe
Louis was quite well in Chicago.
For Malcolm B. Fulcher of New
York: Oze Simmons, in high
school, held the Texas record for
the 100-yard dash with a mark of
9.8 seconds—The best A1 Duvalle,
star Loyola tackle praised by the
All-America board of football,
could do was make the all-West
Coast second team. This was Al’s
last year there and he is the first
to get all-coast list since the days
of Eddie Atkinson, halfback a
couple of years or so ago at the
same school.
New York, Dec. 14, (ANP)—
In the All-America team selected
the name of the Iowa flash, Ozie I
Simmons, is conspicious by its
absence. Not even the third team
does the name of the colored star
appear. And that first All-Amer
ican is the pick of the United
Press. However, in the Evening
Journal, Michael Foster grants
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Serious trouble mi:” hr brewing and
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Even if other remedies have
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Simmons a place on his second
Will history repeat itself in
Simmons’ case with AJ Barabas of
Columbia as the precedent?
Barabas was the star in the
famous Rose Bowl game two
years ago. It was this same Bara
bas who scored the lone touch
down of the game on Lou Little’s
famous KF-79 play (kick forma
tion, ball to fullback.)
Experts recognized in Barabas
a potential star and he was a
marked man during the 1934 sea
son. But because he was a sopho
more, his brilliant playing went
for naught and he was omitted
from the 1934 All-American to
give some senior from another
school the coveted honor. The ex
perts gave as their reason Bara
bas had a full year in college and
would probably outshine himself
in his senior year.
The result was entirely against
Barabas this year, for he couldn’t
get going in his old style. An in
jury hampering him and when he
did recover sufficiently to play,
the old fire and pep were gone
and he was just another back in a
disappointing Columbia squad.
Only in the final game of the
year did he display any of his old
time spirit. But even had he been
his topnotch self, the Columbia
team this year was a mediocre
outfit at best compared to other
Columbia outfits. Therefore, Bara
bas had little opportunity to do
the things he did last year and
the year before when he won na
tional acclaim.
Will this be Simmons’ lot? Of
course, the early selections of the
experts for the All-American
team varies quite a bit yet there
may be some one who will recog
nize in Simmons, the year’s out
standing performer, both as a ball
carrier and as a passer.
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