■REVEALING' Lpur PAST, PRESENT and EUTIJRE •• Bud.—I have Btudied bo hard. Please tell me if I will pass the test I took? Ans: I am happy to predict that the test you took In the GOV ERNMENT SERVICE was a suc cessful ono—Your hard work and excellent grade will enable you to secure a RAILROAD POSTAL CLERK JOB. You’ll secure this job during the next year. H. B.—Which girl has the best chance with this boy? Ans: The other girl which your boy friend has been going with is about FOUR YEARS YOUNGER than you are which makes her a little more attractive to him than you are—However, you have just as good a chance to win him as she has, for sue is very JEAL OUS, and that is something ho doesn’t like at all. F. E. N.—Is my brother well? What is the trouble with him? Ans: There is nothing physic ally wrong with your brother. He was very dinsatisfied at CAMP, and left there to seek work. He felt that ho would have a better chance to make a success olse where. M. A. T.—Is it advisable for me to resume my former position? Ana: Under the present cir cumstances, I would advise you to give it up. The offer which was put before you seems to be UN USUALLY PROSPEROUS, and would be a wise change for you. If. C.—Will I ever accomplish what I have In mind? Ans: Jt will be a hard climb for you to get to the top in your profession without any aid— Therefore, you should hold on to this man that has been such a friend to you—He’ll be the mak ing of your SUCCESS. M. A. C.—Should I continue keeping company with the friend I am going with? Ans: Yes—However, I advise you to seek other company also. If you continue to stay with one person so much and not try to have other friends you can’t ex pect to ever be very POPUIjAR. A. V. Y.—Is it true that my husband doesn’t love me as he once did? Is someone coming be tween us ? Ans: It certainly isn’t true about your husband for he is still j in love with you—However, since you have been ill, you have been rather neglectful and haven’t | taken as much interest In him and your home affuirs as you should. You should IMPROVE IN YOUR WAYS a little more. - I P. A. M.—Will my daughter bo, successful where she is? Ans: It seems to me that your daughter will get along all right Pioneer Woman Dies In South Carolina Columbia, S. C., Dec. 14, (ANP) —Stricken while attending the funeral of a former employee, Dr. Matilda Arabella Evans died here Sunday afternoon and funeral services were held from the St. Lukes Episcopal church and in terment at the Palmetto cemetery Tuesday. Dr. Evans was one of the first women to practice medicine in the state of South Carolina. Born in Aiken, she completed her early education in her home town and later went to Pennsylvania where she graduated from the school of medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, after which she re turned to her native state. She established the Lane hos pital and Nurse Training school, here, which she headed until her death. Under her guidance the institution not only made rapid progress but as an outstanding feature of the program a clinic for children was started through which many children who because of lack of funds would have been denied medical treatment, was ac corded both medical and surgical treatment. Scores of both races gathered at the St. Lukes Episcopal church to pay tribute to her and followed th-j funeral procesion to the ceme tery. She was counted among South Carolina’s leading citizens in CLEVELAND, OHIO, and will make enough money to live on. Even though she won’t be much of a success there, she'll be better off to remain since she is so sat ified. M. C.—J)fd my boy friend mean what he said? Ans: He certainly did — Ho would never have asked you to be come his wife unless he was se rious about it—I don’t believe you'll be sorry if you ACCEPT. D. L.—Please tell me why things go like they do in my home ? Ans: Money is the main cause —You can hardly expect to keep from worrying when you have so many bills hanging over your head. The sooner you learn to live within your means the better off you 11 be. I* P. T.—Is it money or indif ference that causes this party to be like he is? J can’t understand him. Ans: It is neither of these things. This boy you are associ ating with just isn’t interested onough to tell you much about hin\ He hasn’t much use for women, and anything you learn about him, you’ll have to find out from somo other source—He is very close mouthed. NOTE]—Your question printed free in this column. For private reply send 25e and (self addressed stamped envelope for by New Astrological Reading and receive by return mail my advice on three questions froe. Sign your full name, birthdate and correct ad dress. Address Abbe’ Wallace, P. O. Box—11, Atlanta, Georiga. Interests Oklahoma Whites in NAACP Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec. 14, (ANP)—Whites in many parts of Oklahoma are manifesting great interest in the NAACP, according to William Pickens, field secre tary, and Roscoe Dunjee, editor of The Black Dispatch, who are now touring in the interests of that or ganization. fn Oklahoma City Sunday night a white audience In the Congre gational church heard Pickens dis cuss the race problem and after ward crowded around him for an hour, asking questions. He re ceived invitations to speak at Ok lahoma City U. and at the state university in Norman. At Ard more, near the Texas line, curious whites attended the meeting and many joined the organization which was formed with 71 mem bers. One of the joiners is an Ardmore ex-mayor and another white was elected to the branch executive committee. Pickens and Dunjee plungtwl south into Texas. They plan to returned to this state Decemebr 2 for the Jess Hollins re-trial, and then went back into the Lone Star state for another month. International Xmas Festival The people of Omaha are In vited to attend the International Christmas Festival to be given in the auditorium of the Young Women’s Christian Association on Tuesday evening, December 17th, at eight o’clock. Fifteen nationalities will par ticipate. There will be no charge for admission. Lake St. Bargain Center Children’s Bath Robes. Reg. Val. $1.95, Special Price at 98c LINCOLN NEWS i At the regular monthly meet ing of tho Board of Directors of tho Lincoln Urban League two new members were elected to fill existing vacancies. Rev. 0. J. Burckhardt, long time resident of Lincoln, one of Nebraska’s out standing citizens and chairman of 11 h e local Emergency advisory council of the Lincoln Urban League was elected to fill the place left vacant by Mrs. Mary Holmes who now resides in Wash ington, D. C. Clyde W. Malone was appointed in the place of Guy Wiley who has moved to Scotts bluff, Nebraska. Mr. Malone, a graduate of the University of Ne braska, school of Business admin istration, is a former executive of what was the largest Negro in surance enterprise, the National Benefit Insurance Company. He is a member of one of Lincoln’s older families and an outstanding church worker. He was most re cently connected with the Phyllis Wheatley Association in Minne apolis, Minnesota. Tho board took up and tran sacted many matters of business importance. The most importaant of which was the allocations of the 1936 budget funds as ap propriated by the Community Chest. Tho date for the formal opening of the new community center was set for Friday, December 20th. Tho luncheon meeting was held Friday noon at the Grand hotel. Rev. H. Spann, 616 N. 23rd St., received a message at 4 p. m. that his brother who lives in Alliance passed away this afternoon. Rev. Spann has the prayers and sym pathy of his Lincoln friends. Mr. John Irvin, one of Lincoln’s enterprising citizens has been given a clerical position under the new set up. John is active in the work of the A. M. E. church. Mr. James Dean after having had many operations and counted out so far as his friends were concerned for dead, has taken a renewed lease on life, and is again on his old job at the country club. Jimmie has won for himself the respect of the leading white citizens of Lincoln, because 'he : has proven himself trustworthy. Mr. Wyatte and Margarite i Williams are two enterprising j yofung people that their friends should be justly proud of because they are setting a presidence of frugality. Rev. I. II. Smith has made a reputation for himself, and th race, as a main distributor at the I capital. Rev. Smith has th * com I liined respect of the many off 'cials connected with the building Mr. Hay Holbeom, who :s a col PfjOilOU^ A Full Sure Souclally pocixf pi ID to FKirE with every turn of V Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Divasing Zverybody wants a picture of this greet fighter, so "dean-up" Big Money by giving away a beautiful Autographed Photo (0 a 11) ol JOE LOl.IS absolutely FREE with eai-h can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Drawing lion t wait! W rite today tor Free Samples. Sample Cate OITer and Special JOK XXIU1S FREE Picture Offer Hurryt l>o It >'ovrl VACMOU PRODUCTS CO. 5249 Callage Grove Ave. Dept. Ml Chicago, IK Dept NP-67 COULD NOT DO HER HOUSEWORK WHEN every, thing you at L tempt is a burden —when you are I nervous and Irri table—at your wit’s end—try this medicine. It may be just what you need for extra energy. Mrs. t.harles L. l.admus of Trenton, New Jersey, savs, "After doing just a little work I had to lie down. My mother-in-law recom mended the Vegetable Compound. I cansee a wonderful change now." MEN’S SUITS ZORIC CLEANED 68C CASH AND CARRY EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1029 Book On Chicago Negro Politics Wins $1,000 Prize New York, Dec. 14, (ANP)— Harold P. Gosnell, associate pro fessor of political sciences at the University of Chicago, has just been awarded the John Anisfield prize of $1,000 for his book “Negro Politicians: The Rise of Negro Politics in Chicago,” pub lished by the university of Chica go press. The Anisfold award was established in 1934. Lake St. Bargain Cemter Children’s 25c Hose, Special Price At 15c Pair lector of one of the leading banks of Lincoln, is an exceptional fine young man with a splendid wife. Ray is an example of what the proper home training is worth to a child. Miss Charlotte Loving is mak ing herself felt as a stenographer and typist, and is now connected with the Agriculture college in her work. She came from one of our old African Methodist fam ilies, and since her parents’ death has made her home with her sister Dorothy Lewis. The Lewis family are also splendid young people. Mr. Lewis is an employee of the city and has been for several years. Rev. Burckhardt spent last Sun day in Omaha. He filled his old pulpit at Christ Temple, he also got to visit many of his friends and spent Saturday night in South Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rodd, he was also en tertained for dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, 2612 Burdette street. JOHNSON DRUG CO. We Fill Relief Prescription* WE 0998 .. 1994 N. 24th St. TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Moono’* F.mrrmld Oil Guaranteed te Stop All Pain and Soreness and Danish Offensive Odors In just one minute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll gat the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literally jump ft>r joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just gp ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little asid nib it in. It’s simply wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give off au offensive odor, there’s nothing better in the world. Moone’s Emerald OU is guaranteed to. end your foot troubles or money back. ES3.« y ORIENTAL ; AVERN Place Where Good Fellows .'•Toot Hear MISS BERNICE GIVENS AND HER POPULAR SONGS . ■ 3 skine St. WE-57S8 CHOPSUEY \mrrican a"d Chinese Dishes Kins: Yuen Cafe 2010*4 N. 24th St. Jackson 8^76 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. Alabama A. M. E. Zions Hold Annual Conference By Arthur W. Womack Greenville, Ala., Dec. 14, (ANP) ■—Election on the first ballot of 10 delegates to the general confer ence next May and a report by Mrs. A. C. Alleyne ef $60,000 raised in the past four years by women for home and foreign mis sions featured the South Alabama conference of the A. M. E. Zion church held in Butler Chapel here from November 12 to 17 with Bishop Comeron C. Alleyne pre siding and the Rev. W. E. Carson as host. Many delegates and visitors were present, including the Rev. Miss Almend Smith, recently re tumd African missionary, who ledtured on the work being done there. Reports from the various charges showed a marked increase over those of last year and a 300 per cent upswing during the past four years. How To Get Fid Of GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger When you can change your gray, faded, or streaked hair to its natural youthful soft color in less than half an hour— And do it at home without fear of harm to the hair—why ge on looking years older than you should look. Rap—I—Dol is the real, origin al hair colorer—18 shades to choose from it is so supremely good that the bast beauty shop* in all the large cities in the world feature It. Rap—I—Do) will not wash off er fade nor affect mar cel 1 or permanent waves. Go to any Beaton Drug Store today and choose the shade you need -you’ll be a happy woman if you do—for a long time to com*. CD Cl? LUCKY 7 HERBS rlVE/H/ FROM 7 LANDS Believe in LUCK? if so, try famous 7 herbs from 7 lands, be lieved most powerful ever found for 7 YEAR’S GOOD LUCK. Send 3c stamp for FREE OFFER. SEVEN HERBS CO., 5916 West port Sta., Kansas iCty, Mo. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Childrens’ Work A Speeialty. 2422 Lake Street. ANGELA MATE A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors MADE ME YOUNG AT FIFTY i——■ . ii and pave me the youthful vital ity of a person of twenty years Rays Lieut. Clifford of New York. MATE is giving to thousands of ron-dawn, nerv ous and weak elderly men and women new energy and vital ity and the thrill of youth and lave again. ONE DOLLAR lor one month’s supply. Money returned if not satisfied FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free with each order received within ten days. Write at once for your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story. Address NORTH AMERICAN MATE CO. 408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY S-C-F. Ex. S. Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery HOUSTON’S CASH MARKET 2114 N. 24th St. JA-3543. 'Every Day is Bargain Day Here FREE COURSE IN HAIR CUTLURE Including Diploma ■ Mail, Write CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 5315 Chicago, I1L C ’ THAI MN7 ayrFfh LONGER. Sei.d today for F, i.t TRIAL. Th«i»’a no»bUB»ti«iowhiit»v»r Wrlw qnirV IOLVOTONI OO.wpt NX-i 4U> Caiufa bma. Ckiivi FREE YOURSELF of evil con ditions. Master every undertak ing, Money, Control Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. THIS BOOK IS FREE. Get your copy at onee if you want result*. Dagget Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago HI. Dept. 9-R-12 Free Yourself of evil conditions. Master every undertaking, Money, Con trol Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. This book is free, get your copy at once if you want re sults. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago, IH. WHITEN SKIN while you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free hom freckles, pim ples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime spread iNaumma Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in : ny ordinary bleach. ~PY Get Nadinola today at any toi 1 K' let counter or by mail postpaid, AY OUR 50c. If not delighted, money PICK cheerfully refunded. NADI KOLA, Box N-17, Paris, Term. GSadinola^^i>^Ot^OT |T overeeme this **• ~di lion toat cesjw- . . tro ■« tura. beauty cf the hair This new different mt4 _ will grow long, )un . v,. trios py silken striugh* be? remove dandruff, itch, te ter, dry scalp and dried o« t hair condition hv h. brief tag. atre gthening auo i>i Hr'^p; the V*n ef the he t for both n o anu wo?net Send COUPON newbef. * -* It ia too late lor the FRFi • Treatise VO ay Tna. OHe. MA'L COUPON for r .or r. pmt tmm w* v gj.” ■ i I I ^ L . LLOU COP^AtfY 7 *r AT it U< it. Clf P 'N f ■ Pteast .-send J’ i »eali < . Altai Of X fer without any cost ut all to me. i * j NAME. [ADDRESS. ^CITY.STATE . Go N E are those agonizing hours — at home—aJont! No more anxious moments at the telephone, waiting for invitations that never come. No longer does she ask: “What's wrong with me and men?” ; For now that she has restored to her hair its youthful lustre and loveliness, Lois ha» found love, happiness, and romance with a capital “R”. What is Lois' beauty secret? Just this — an occasional application ofGodefroy’s Lari ease Hair Color ing. That’s how abe regained her glamorous charm—beauty that turns men’s thoughts to romance. That’s why her hair is so soft, silky, and sparkles. Simply, quickly — and at home— you, too, can color your hair to a lovely, even shade of jet black, dark, medium or light brown, or blonde, with Godefroy’s Larieuse. No waiting. No disappointments. Soft, gleaming hair — hair that keeps you looking younger than your years — in just a few minutes. This famous preparation has been used and approved by stage and screen stars, celebrities and people ot wealth, position and prestige, for more than 42 years. Satisfac tion guaranteed or your money back. Don’t risk unhappiness—don’t wait —get afull siac bottle of Godefroy’s Larieuse from your dealerTODAY. iftmr GODEFROYS dt mlcr am ’< impph Jim Mmdfl. 25. french HAIR coloring ° IMPROVED y GOVEFROT MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3506 OUVI STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. I