The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 30, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5

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<» ■> » -* » »
Mr. and Mrs. Davis entertained
the1 Pick-Up Club at the beautiful
home of their daughter, Mrs.
Hunter, 2226 Lake.
A very interesting program was
rendered with the vice president,
Mrs. Lottie Keys, in charge. Those
on the program were as follows:
Instrumental solo, Ruth Hunter;
Reading, Mrs. Wilhite; Duet, Char
lotte Crowley and Marie Woods;
Reading, Mrs. F. Trippe, and
closing remarks by our Asst. Pas
tor, Rev. Wilhite.
Mrs. M. McIntosh, President
Mrs. King, Secretary
On November 21st, a luncheon
was given in honor of Rev. and
Mrs. McIntyre, at the home of the
president of the C. W. W. W.,
Mrs. Willie Vane, 2618 Grant
Street. Remarks were made by
Rev. G. W. Goodman, ’ assistant
pastor, and members of the C. W.
W. W. Everyone enjoyed them
selves immensely. Rev. McIntyre I
and family are leaving for a field
in Cleveland, Ohio, November 24.
Mrs. Willie Vane, President
Mrs. Anneda Hogan, Secy.
*U • " * i
The Pilgrim Baptist Church was
on the job again Sunday m/orning
for the King. We were first fav
ored with a beautiful selection
from the choir. After which Rev.
E. H. Roah, taking his text from
Ex. 14:15. His subject was
“Church going forward.” Rev.
Roah reminded us that it was no
one big person in the church, they
all belonged to one family to God.
Our very souls rejoiced in the sal
vation of God. On Sunday even
ing we were blessed with another
wonderful sermon by Rev. Roah.
His text was from Matt. 17:18.
"They saw no man save Jesus
only”. His subject was “Jesus
Only.” Again we were made to
We were very glad to have sis
ter E. H. Roah and other visitors
to worship with us. Please come
back again. Prayer services on
Wednesday evenings. you are
Z. E- Pearl, Reporter
Marring Our
By R. A. Adams
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Properly speaking, Thanksgiv
ing is a memorial, an expression
of appreciation and of gratitude
for Divine benefactions. The spir
it is commendable; the purpose is
laudable; it should be encouraged;
especially should the youth of the
nation be urged to give to it due
consideration; but, in our celebra
tion there are some things which
It is to be regretted that the
mercenary spirit has become so
prominent—almost dominant. The .
commercial world thinks more of
"bargains” and "sales” than of,
the spirit Then, Epicureanism j
enters in. Many surrendor to
gluttonly while others are hungry.
It is both ridiculous and sacrilig
ious to pretend to express grati
tude by drunkenness and other
forms of bacchanalianism. Frivol
ity and worldliness are often dom
inant features of what is profess
edly a religious celebration; and
in this the real spirit of Thanks
giving is lost.
As a nation, as a race, and as
individuals, we have much for
which to be thankful. I know no
better way of emphasizing this
thought than that which is found
in the hymn entitled, “Count your
Blessings.” And I recommend
that the hymji be used in Thanks
giving services. The first verse
carries the gist of the whole pro
It runs:
"If upon the billows you are tem
If you are discouraged, thinking
all is lost,
Count your many blessings—name
them, one by one;
And it will surprise you what the
Lord has done.”
The services were wonderful
throughout the day. The morn
ing service was conducted by Rev.
Carter. Before the sermon he left
a short space open for testifying.
The subject of his sermon was
The special program by the
Union was a short play by Sister
Mildred Jackson and her son, en
titled, “How God Changed the
Wicked Mother.”
The evening service was con
ducted by the pastor, Rev. John
son, his subject “Will you hear
Jesus.” After the sermon he an
nounced at the regular service
Wednesday night we will have a
Flower Seance. We were pleased
to have the members from the
Southside church, and hope they
come back again. For it not only
encourages us, but it unites us to
gether more.
“And as you journey onward,
may you always find
Life more bright and sunny
friends more true and kind.
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor
Rev. Carter, Asst Pastor
Sister M. Redd Reporter
. i . ► • f
CHURCH (No. 2)
24th and O Sts., South Omaha
Service opened on time Sunday
morning with a large number pres
ent. Devotion lead by the choir.
Our pastor brought to us a great
message. Subject, “Glorifying in
tho Cross.” We really thank God
for such a powerful young man as
our pastor. Thirty-seven souls
were added to our church during
the revival. Our choir now con
sists of twenty-sewen voices.
The assistant pastor, Rev. A. B.
Carter, brought us a wonderful
message on “I am the Way, the
truth, and the light.” Come to
the Metropolitan church number
two, in South Omaha, and have a
great time, where the fire is real
ly burning. ,
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor
Rev. Carter, Asst. Paster
Miss K. Redd, Reporter
Rev P. J. Price, Pastor
Sunday school opened on
time, with a large number
present. The morning service
was very impressive. The pas
tor, Rev. Price, preached from
the subject “Learn To Do
Well." Mrs. Yerilee Moore
sang a very beautiful solo.
There were visitors from St.
Benedict, St. John and Zion
present. B. Y. P. U. was opened
by the president, Walter Wins
ton. The Junior group rend
ered the program. Several
visitors were present.
The assistant pastor, Rev. E.
E. Wilhite, preached at the
evening service. He took for his
subject: “It is as Hard for a
Rich Man to Enter Heaven as
It is for a Camel to go thru
the Eye of a Needle.”
Attend the 5 o’clock Sunday
morning prayer meeting, there
you will find the Holy Spirit
Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evening. You are wel
The band met at the home
of Mrs. Davis, 2207 Seward,
Tuesday, November 18. They
were kindly received by Mrs.
Davis and daughter, Leona,
who has been sick for about
four months.
Miss Leona Davis is a mem
ber of St. John A. M. E.
church .
Mrs. L. Rhoades, Leader
Mrs. H. Petties, Reporter.
Eight different metals have
been found in coffee beans,
drawn from the soil in which
the trees were grown.
Met with Mrs. A. R. Harirs,
1809 N. 28 street, Friday after
noon, at 2 p. m. A very inter
esting meeting was enjoyed by
all present. Next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Petties,
1613 N. 22 street.
Mrs, A. Smith, President.
Mrs. A. Brown, Secretary.
Dedicated to Rev. F. K. Union
Rev. Union thou was lovely,
Gentle as the summer’s breeze;
Patient as the dew of evening
when it falls upon the trees.
He has gone and the grave hath
received him
T’was Jesus who called him
He has gone to the Lord who re
deemed hin\
From night to the splendor of
He has gone and we never shall
see him
Again in this dark world of woe
God grant we shall join him in
Where sorrows no more we shall
He has gone but we would not re
call him
God’s summon we too must
For he with the angels Is singing,
The song of the ransomed today.
Deacon A J. McCarthy.
By Arthur B. Rhinow
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
The Charm of the Chance
The men were thoroughly en
grossed in their games of cards,
so that the new arrival hardly
dared to bid them “good evening,”
lest he break the spell. But he
sat down to watch and think.
What a fascination the game has
for them. We can well understand
when they say they find relief
from ordinary cares in the pas
time. For the time being they are
dealing with kings and queens
diamonds of purely fictitious val
ue; they are living in a land of
make-believp, forgetting all else.
The same is true of chess play
ers. They, too, deal with ficti
tious values. Their kings, queens,
knights, ladies, castles, and pawns
are but symbols of imagination en
titles. In a sense they are taking
part in a battle in fairy land. They
have withdrawn from the struggle
jfor material realities and engage
in a tournament in which loss or
gain leaves them neither richer
nor poorer. No wonder they feel
relieved. It is a retreat into the
land of make-believe.
If, however, they play for mon
ey, then real, material values en
ter in again, and the game be
comes a business with all its cares
and headaches. The charm be
comes a lure. No chains are heav
ier than the confirmed gambler’s
fetters. For him the beautiful gift
of play has become a curse.
World War Hero
Hopes That Italy
Will Lose Fight
Jamestown, Term., Nov. 30, (By
ANP).—While emphasizing the
fact that he would not “go over
there again”, Sergeant Alvin C.
York, white, described by General
John J. Pershing, as “the greatest
civilian soldier of the world war”
expressed the hope that Italy would
be defeated in the present Italo
Ethiopian war.
“I hope” said Sergeant York,
‘Italy will be defeated, sent back
home and made to pay for every
cents worth of damage that’s been
done. But I don’t want to see
this country take up arms to help
do it. And if she does count me
out. If we are attacked I’d be on
the shore to meet them when
they arrived but I am not going
over and stick myself in anybody
else’s business again.”
“Has Crimson Gulch a good ho
tel?” asked the traveling man.
"To tell the truth,” said Cactus
Joe, "it hasn’t. If you want a square
meal, speed up your car a little
and I’ll use my p’lltlcal pull to have
you put It. Jail for a few hours."
Cnnners ( nJlawai will pack
about 10,000,000 cases of pine
apples and 2,500,000 cases of
pineapple juice this year.
Rosenwald Fund
Spends $1,689,451
The Hopes Is To Improve The
Rural Schools.
Chicago, Nov. 30, (ANP)—
The Julius Rosenwald Fund
has expended $1,689,451 dur
ing the past two years, accord
ing to the Biennial Review
just issued by Edw*in R. Em
bree, president of the Fund.
The payments were made in
carrying out educational and
philanthropic programs, the
chief of which are Negro wel
fare, rural education, and
medical services. Outstanding
among these has been the
study of Southern tenuant
In commenting on rural edu
cation, Mr. Embree says in the
report: “During recent dec
ades, when we were hypno
tized by industrial prosperity
and urban glamour, we ceased
to think of the country except
as a place from which to es
cape. Formalistic schools were
as active as any of the other
forces of the past half century
in carrying children's atten
tions and ambitions from the
country to the city. In fact
schools Trcrs a oiud of sicV6
lor separating tne smart from
the dull and it was an axiom
the times that thje smart
would quickly migrate to the
cities, leaving only the dull
ards to make country life
even more dismal and soggy
than it had been before. The
first and great reform in rural
schools, therefore, is that edu
cation shall direct itself to the
peculiar needs of country chil
dren w i t h a view to making
them happy and useful citizens
of country life.' ’
A Council on Rural Educa
tion has been organized by the
Rosenwald Fund, composed of
20 leaders in education and so
cial afafirs, chiefly from the
South where the rural school
work is being carried out as a
continuation of the Fund's
long interest in Negro schools.
The present program, how
ever, is not restricted to Ne
groes, but concerns the whole
school systems of rural areas.
Important activities of the
Fund and the sums spent on
them during the past two
years: Negro education (in
cluding schools, colleges, and
fellowships) $330,000; Negro
health, $95,000; race relations
and social studies, $200,000;
general education, $120,000; li
brary extension, $100,000;
medical services, $190,000.
1818 No. 24th St.
Where You Get
Palstaff—Metz Beer
Try One of McGruder’a
__ i
Queen Mari ne”
Aamazing “Get Acquainted” of
fer! Just send name, address for
yours, with 10c to help pay post
age and packing. Nothing more to
pay. Also learn how you get many
other valuable Gifts ABSOLUTE
LY FREE—31 pc. Dinner Set,
Silverware, Wrist Watches, Ray
on Spreads, etc. No money needed
—now or ever! SEND TODAY!
Dept. 17, 116 S. Wells St.
Chicago, 111.
A Beautiful free gift to any
reader of this paper. Just send
us your name and address to
49 East Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
I V -
Farmers Lose Savings
In Swindle Game
Talladega, Ala., Nov. 30,
(ANP)—Palling for a story
told by a suave stranger,
George Carter and his son, re
puted well-to-do colored
farmers living near here, were
fleeced out of $1,382 here
Tuesday .according to the re
port made to local police.
The senior Carter made the
report, declaring that t h e
stranger came to him last
Thursday with the proposition
which involved a farm in
Georgia. The stranger held
deeds to the farm in Georgia
and for the sum of $5,000 of
which $1,400 would have to be
paid in cash, he was sup
posed to have turned over the
deeds to Carter. The cash
payment was made but the
deeds were not turned over as
per agreement and when the
seller failed to show up for
thre days, Carter reported the
transaction to the police who
are now searching for the wily
British naval cadets are
taught how to s2jst ship: st ~
training station with a battle
ship hodel on wheels.
FOR RENT—Two rooms furnish
ed, kitchenette apt., also one
single room for gentleman, in
a steam heated home. WE4162.
National Co., 163 W. 126Ui St.,
N. Y. T
Don’t miss the Thanks
giving Ball at the Fantastic
Bar Room, November 28,
1935. 6 A. M.—Until ?
Joe Bowie—W. F. Cato
PHONE JA 8585 RES WE-1056
Office: 1405 N 24th St. Omaha,
Standard Oil Products
We repair tires
24th and Grace St. JA. 8964
All Work Guaranteed
Here’s a brand new
idea — a lucky ring
you’ll be proud tc i
wear and show to I
your friend*. What a
novelty! Smart look- A
Ing jewelry with a |
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"Joe Louis" and a re
production of his <nvn
Boat tor only
wiT $1.00
a if! Its?
M Then* are Official "Joe Louis Kings.
■ • | You cannot buy them anywhere except
K e * from this company or Its representatives.
Wet We are the exclusive authorized rnanu
I c; facturers of all "Joe Louis' Jewelry
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;H This la your real opportunity to own and j
H X5 wtutf a llkene*w of the coming "Heavy- ;
H 5* weight Champion of the World" "Joe |
H ]?.f Louis" Lucky Rings are going to be as
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3® 11 AllM Joe Ismls” flings lire guaranteed to
3$. o £ be perfectly manufactured If you are
Ct i; not satisfied In every way you may re
Se - * turn the nog within three days after you
SSt 1° receive It and we will refund your dollar.
<m. 5 . In ordering, please use the coupon below.
IX it Enclose a • dollar" bill or money order
a® it tag ether with your ring else determined
S Si br using chart at left Your ring will be
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3$ 5S Dept 231! 307 Lenox Avenue, N. Y.
“jo. Louis Novelties, l_no. — —*
I»e|if. 2:ll!, 307 Ivrnox Av. gln, $m( )
New York, N. V.
As an admirer of Joe Loulx I want to wear one
of hla Lucky Rings. 1 am enclosing One dollar
7*1 00) In full payment If 1 am not completely
satisfied, I will return the ring within three day*
after l receive It aud you will refund my’ dollar^ .
Long Distance Hauling
Moving and Storage
Phone WE 5656 2414 Grant St.
Of Any Description.
Stereotyping. Lowest Prices
Call WEbster 1750 for estr
uiathe on your job.
• . .
Come in and meet your old
friends. Now located at 1820
No. 24th St. Home Cooking
a Specialty.
Turkeys, Ducks, Geese
AH kinds otf Poultry. Dressai
Free while you wait.
Strictly Fresh Eggs
1616 No. 24th WE 4781
We have discovered the
Pflp! wa>’ to dream anything
you wish and have it
como true. If you wish to have
success with your dreams answer
this ad at once. If not, don’t write.
Free details. Daggett Pub. Co„
3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111.
25' Proves You Car
Power Pills Restore Lost 6/end
Power and Bring Back Joys ollouth
Manhood al ipping? Feeling old, tired out. pepleaa
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Mail coupon below with 25c for postage and
packing costs for a three day test of 1 ‘nctor’s
Prescription 1000. The Re powerful pills li' ''rally
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Don't delay making this convincing te*?t Mail
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• •••• MAIL THIS COUPON AND 25c*"»a
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t Put X here and enclose $1.00 for full liu
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— , —. , — , i jam__=_
Irmptomi. Hssdsehss. (Mntncflu
Band Ns Mono*. Dslays are
danfsrous. loading to stroks sad
kssrt failure! Writs today.
National Utona Company
••0 Insurance Bichant* Ilia,
Detroit. Mich.
Pi ueism Pbw Vnh j
Agents Wanted ']
AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro
Dolls. Write, National Co., 163
West 126th St., N. Y.
AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne
gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na
tional Co., 163 W. 126th St.,
New York.
AGENTS, DEAL0Rsl$lO daily
selling Negro Dolls, Negro Pic
tures, Big Christinas demand.
Write National Co., 163 W.
126th St., New York.
MAKE $10 daily selling Negro
dolls, pictures. National Co., 165
W. 126th St., New York City.
AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile
Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c).
Negro Dolls, Flappers, African
League, 254 W. 135th St., New
Rooms For Rent
ROOMS for rent, strictly modern.
2428 Erskine. WE. 1024.
FOR RENT—a nice modern front
room, for gentleman only. Plen
ty lufct—Phone JA. 7398.
for rent. Upstairs. 3214 Em
Apartments For Rent
LOVE’S new kitchenettes, for
rent. 2201 Grant. WE. 6563.
burnished room for rent, 2716 N.
28th Ave. Phone We. 6549.
A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215
Comings St. Phone JA. 0696.
■t . t
2407 Lake Street.
FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing
while you wait, 2420 V4 Cuming;
CHINCHILLA coat, size 2—76c,
Camel Hair coat, size 7 or 8,
$1.00. Both good as new! 1841
N. 23 Street
WANTED—Woman clerk, man
salesman. Either must invest
$300 on interest. Good salary.
2416 Lake Street.
Reservations for tourists, guests.
Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St.
Cuming Hotel.
WILL TRADE 1930 Sedan for
Property or down payment on
property. 2007 Clark Street.
FUR COATS remodeled. Made in
to jackets, capes, or children’s
coats. WE. 0142.
C. F. Read estate must be closed at once.
The following described property is for sale, either seperately or
in a lump 81*11. Make your offer.
Lots 1 and 2 in block 15. Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 4008
Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses.
The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat
rick's addition, at 2117 N. 27 street.
IvOts five and six in block one, in Paddoek Place, vacant property,
at the northeast corner of 15th and Burdette.
I/Ot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, in Arm
strong’s addition, at 013. 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are three
one-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six
This property is not new. but all rentable property at a fair rent
al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it.
Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680
before 5 p. m.. and after 5 p. m., call WE. 1750, located at 1016 Oma
ha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska.