t urdK^)^ PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday was a glorious day for Pilgrim. We were firsl favored with a heart stirring solo by Mrs. Ethel Good. “God Leads His Dear Children Alone.’’ After which Rev. P. R. Jones, pastor of the Mt. Mariah R. Church preached a soul tir ing sermon, taking his text from Matt: 14-16. Subject, “Stay With Jesus, We need oNt Depart.” Rev. Jones had us to know that if we as Chris tians will stay with Jesus we will stay with the church, and he reminded us in his sermon that Christ was the head of the chureh. We thank God for this model Cod man, that so beauti fully explain this great text to us. Also pointing out to us what it lakes and what it means to stay on this good old ship of God. Each one who was pres ent will agree with me when T say it was a gospel feast. Our very souls caught on fire. You who were not present really missed your heavenly food. Prayer service on Wednesday evening. Everyone is welcome. Z. E. Pearl, Reporter. A wind recording instrument that can be quickly raised and lowered along a radio tow. r has been installed in an Ohio city for studying air currents to aid in mooring airships. An airplane service will be established bet we n Chengtu and Sian, China, the first being the capital of a province with no railways and the latter capital of a province with only one. Atlanta University Uses Motion Pictures Atlanta, Ga.. Nov. 23, (Special) —Talking motion pictures will in time become as much an adjunct of the teaching process in schools and colleges as books, laboratory experiments and classroom and j gymnasium exercises are today, j Donald P. Bean, of tb; University of Chicago Press, told members of I the faculties and student bodies of Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Spelman College to | day. To prove the efficiency of j talking pictures as a teaching j medium, he showed to the assem | bly in SaL* Hall Chapel eight j reels of films which haVe been produced for classroom use and which dealt with subjects in the fields of music, physics, biology, geology, and educational psychol-; In the course of th;* two-hour demonstration which was wit nessed by more than 60 inter ested students and teachers, talk ing motion pictures were shown which in turn illustrated the func I tions of the various instruments | in a symphonic choir, the action 1 of sound waves, the life span of a butterfly, the multiplicity of am ma! life on the seashore, the ef fect of ic. on the topography of the North American continent, the ! evolution of volcanoes, and final ly the fundamentals of child psy chology. The films shown were produced through the efforts of the Univer sity of Chicago working with the American Museum of Natural History, the National Park Ser vice, the Bell Telephone Labora tories and other organizations. Locally thi showing at Atlanta Universty was made possible by tho co-operation of visual educa tion department of the Atlanta public schools, the Strickland In ! dustrial Film Corporation, which furnished the projection machine and staff for the d monstration, I and the University of Chicago •.VAW.V.VAVAV.V.V.V.V.W.W.V.WJWWAVA’A ■ Brandeis Basement \ “2m T WO” Sale of ji j Necessary Toiletries jj ■ DENTAL NEEDS Palmolive After-shave Lotion, 11-oz. .2 for 75e Lucky Stroke Razor blades, Pkg. of 10 2 for 12c Dr. West Toothpaste old style .2 for 25c Dr. West Toothbrush, old style .2 for 50c Ace Shaving Cream, special !. 2 fo,r 5Gc Shaving Bowl, one stylo only .2 for 39c Smile Shaving Cret'.n, special . 2 for 18c Lisbon Tooth Paste 2 for 35c Quires Tooth Paste, special .2 for 35c Palm Shaving Cream refreshing .2 for 35c MISCELLANEOUS Krank’s Ilair Root Oil per pkg .2 for 47c Brandson Flakes or chips . .... 2 for 27c Dutch Cleanser, !%i*ge can . 2 for 15c Melba Talcum, old style r-kg..2 for 15c Mavis Dusting Powder, puff, disc. . 2 for 98c Krank’s Lemon Sham poo, discon. . 2 for 50c Melba Toilet Water, disc. pkg. .2 for 50c Le.nchere Kit for the baby . 2 for 85c Ginger Ale, 24-oz. bottles .2 for 22c CREAMS, LOTIONS Melba Cleansing Cream Disc. Pkg. 1.2 fpr 50c Kitchen Lotion, pint size bottle .2 for 50c Glycerine and Rose Water Lotion, 4 oz. .2 for 22c Lyons Theatrical Cream, special .2 for 75c Pond’s Vanishing Cream, dis. style .. .2 for $1 Floral Cologne in soft odors .2 for 75c SUNDRIES E-Z Corn Pads, very effective .2 for 25c Hot Water Bottle or Syringe, 2-quart ..... 2 for73c Gauze, lx5-yard steri lized, pkg . 2 for 65c Hospital Cotton, 1-lb. roll, special 2 rolls 50c BRANDEIS —— Northern Toilet 3 Tissue Paper .2 rolls 12c J Hospital Toilet Tis- 3 sue, special ..2 rolls 10c \ Pond's Cleansing Tis- 3 sues, pkg. of 200 2 for 19c 3 Brandson Water ■' Softener, 5-lb. can . 2 for 98c ■, Modes Napkins, old j style pkg. .2 for 25c Scot Towels for 3 the kitchen . 2 rolls 20c 3 Crib Sheets for 3 haby bods .2 for 25c J 2x10 Bandages for K h.'.ne use .2 for 10c J Adhesive Tape, '/jxS 3 or lx2Vi .2 rolls 19c 3 Bath Brushes, 3 long handles .2 for75c 3 REMEDIES 3 1 Witch Hazel, J 1-pint bottle.2 for 45c Peroxide, 1-pint bottle _ ...j£ for 35c a Hinkle Tablets, bot- 3 tie of 100 2 for 25c 3 Epsom Salts, 3 5-lb. bag - 2 for 39c 3 Cascara Aromatic, 3 4 oz. 2 for 50c 3 1 Ground Glue, 1-lb. J jar, special .2 for 35c ■> Vanilla Extract, 4 oz. bottle . 2 bot, 58c * Black Psyllium Seed, 1 lb. size .2 for 65c 5 Boric Acid, 1 lb. 3 bag .2 bags 45c 3 Liniment, A. D. S. Brand .2 for 50c 3 Mercurochrome, 3 '/j oz. bottle .... 2 for 25c ■! Zinc Ointment for B burns, etc .2 for 25c Brandiseptic Anti- J septic, 16 oz. . 2 for 75c ■' Iodine, 1 oz. bottle, K special ... 2 for 25c J Aspirin Tablets, bot- 3 tie of 100 .2 for 50c J Rubbing Alcohol, ^ 1 pint bottle .2 for 25c 3 Norwegian Cod Liver ■' Oil, pints .2 for 75c •[ Milk of Magnesia, 3 1 pint size ...2 for 39c 3 Castor Oil, 4 oz. J size bottle ...2 for 25c Analgesic BaJm, 3 special __ 2 for 50c 3 Iron Quinine Tonic, 3 8 oz. .....2 for 75c J Olive Oil, 8 oz. ■' bottle . 2 for 45c 3 —Basement 3 Reverses Decision On Herndon Writ Fight For Herndon’s Freedom To Be Taken to Supreme Court If Necessary Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 23—The fierce determination of Georgia authorities to send Angelo Herndon to the chain-gang to serve his eighteen to twenty years sentence under an ancient slave law, was further exposed during the hearing on a writ of habeas corpus in Fulton County Superior Court yester day. Walter LeCraw, Assistant Solicitor General of the state, represented Georgia before Judge Hugh L. Dorsey. Tn a two hour argument filled with every possible appeal to pas sion and intolerance, Mr. Le Craw reiterated his arguments, made before the U. S. Supreme Court last spring where he rep resented Georgia, charging that Herndon “Bought to foster the iams of the Red Committee at Moscow advocating the con fiscation of the properly of the white landlords for the use of the Negro farmers,’’ and also “advocating the overthrow of republican government to set up u NpCTCi iimv m hi i uu so-called Clock licit of the South.’’ Georgia Moves to Eliminate Evidence The writ of habeas corpus was sought on the grounds that the constitutionality of the law under which Herndon was charged and sentenced had never been tested eitnher in state or federal courts. Mr. De Craw moved that all reference to the evidence in the Herndon ease—the basis of the conten tion of the defense to prove that the due process of law clause of the Fourteenth amendment to the federal con' stitution had been violated in the Herndon case—be eliminat i ed from the petition for the writ. Decision on this motion was also reserved by Judge Dorsey. Angelo Herndon was present at this hearing. He was brought into court from Fulton Tower prison .where he has been in carcerated since October 29 when he surrendered to Georgia authorities. A restraining court order .prevented the author' ites from sending him directly to the chain gang until the hearing. This stay extends over until the final decision is handed down by Judge Dorsey. Herndon showed evidence of ill-effects of his confinement on his health. He coughed fre quently throughout the pro ceedings. Represented By Out standing Attorneys Angelo Herndon was repre sented by Whitney Seymour of New York, brilliant constitu" tional authority retained by the International Labor Defense, and W. A. Sutherland of At lanta. Seymour argued Hern don’s case before the U. S. Supreme Court last spring. His argument in Superior Court yesterday, was marked by the same searching analysis of the unconstitutionally of the “in" surrection law’’ and its appli cat’on to Angelo Herndon. Mr. Sutherland, who was re tained by Mr. Seymour for the writ actions argued the general defense questions and announc* ed that the appeal on the writ would be taken all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court if necessary. Though Herndon was arrect ed in the summer of 1932 on charges growing out of a dem onstration of Negro and white unemployed which demanded relief from Atlanta official, the prosection, Judge Dorsey, the head of the Georgia Amer iean Legion Honorary Society, SIOUX FALLS SOUTH DAKOTA By Francis Anderson Rev. Wm. Clayton, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist church, was here Sunday to fill his regular 3rd Sun day visit. Rev. Mark Merrin of Omaha accompanied him. Mrs. Harry Mitchell and Mrs. M. Greer were in Sioux City Tues day attending the hair dressers convention. Miss Ida Maxley is leaving Monday for Huron, South Dakota. She was guest of honor at a fare well party Wednesday night. Mrs. James Crowder and Mrs. Helen Haynes were host sses to eight members of the R. I. club of the Y. W. C. A. A gift was pre sented to Miss Maxley by the club. Bridge was played, high score prize was won by Mrs. Crowder. Messenger For Six Commissioners Dies At Age of 80 Albany, N. Y., Nov. 23. (ANP) 1—Aaron J. Oliver, 80, messenger for six states commissioners of education died here recently after u long illness and funeral services ! were held Nov. 15, with many city and state officials pres nt at the funeral rites. Mr. Oliver began his State ser vices in 1896 under vviiiianv B. U ~x -- I 1 • ''ufeijiv-o, aaw new iwt* ■jU m igi.y i on account of failing health. He is survived by his widow and six children, one of which, George Oliver, succeeded his father, J. W. Johnson On Authors Council New York, Nov. 23.—James Weldon Johnson, professor o f Fisk University, visiting lecturer at New Work University, author and former secretary of the NAACP, was notified this week that he had b en elected on Nov vembei* 7 to the Council of the Authors League of America. The president of the Council is Marc Connelly, author of “The Grc n Pastures.” Among the famous authors on the Council are: Ellis Parker Butler, Owen Davis, Oli ver H. P. Garrett, Rupert Hughes. Will Irwin, Alice Du r Miller, El mer Rice, Sigmund Romberg, and | Rita Weiman. — Arrested on Violation of Liquor Law South Omaha police late Tuesray afternoon arrested Harry Norman ,4825 S. 26th, infamous bootlegger and night club owner, on a charge of vio hiring the state liquor law. A small amount of whisky was seized. Norman was released under five hundred dollars bail bond. T . irevent th ft of automobile license pplates a device consisting cf two bolts and two locking but tons has been invented that can ! not be removevd without damag ing the face of a *plate. Major A. L. Henson, repeated vehemently that Herndon was not convicted for any specific act, 'but for attempting to over throw the constituted authority of the state of Georgia. Aamazing “Get Acquainted” of fer! Just send name, address for yours, with 10c to help pay post age and packing. Nothing more to pay. Also learn how you get many other valuable Gifts ABSOLUTE LY FREE—31 pc. Dinn r Set, Silverware, Wrist Watches, Ray on Spreads, etc. No money needed —now or ever! SEND TODAY! AL WOLF, The GIFT MAN Dept. 17, 116 S. Wells St. Chicago, III. FREE - FREE ] A Beautiful free gift to any reader of this paper. Just send us your name and address to day. HARPY ANDREWS 49 Bast Broadway, New York, N. Y. \~r- -- - ^ Police Quesions Man As Prowler Suspect Edward Hamilton, Negro, who gave his address as 2518 Caldwell St., was being held by police for a checkup Tuesday after he was arrested near the I home of Charles Priborsky, 2228 Emmet St. Priborsky told police he saw Hamilton wand ering about near his home at 1 a. m. Pribosky said he and his dogs chased the man away once, but that be returned again. Settles $10,000 Damagre Action The $10,000 suit of Mrs. Cath erine Woods against the Om aha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Company was settled out of Court for $750 just be fore the ease was scheduled for trial. The plaintiff asserted she was injured December 24, 1084 while alighting from a street car ,nt 24th and Qraee Street. Her attorneys were Ray L Williams, Hazzolquisl and Kraus; the attorneys for the do fendant were Kennedy, Holland and Da Lacy, CABINET work Of all kinds done. Prices I » rnoon»*»i • * rukivMttw^ 0 H. WHITE 1 2525 Charles JA 2869 | BUY YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER AT Carey’s Grocery 27th * Grant WE 6089 2211 N. 24th AT 4076 HENS AND SPRINGS Per Pound °0c New Kind Insurance I Policy Sent Free Buy no insurance policy until you sec the new contract s'mt for 10 days FREE inspection by Na tions! Benefit Protective Associa tion, 205 Hal] Building, Kansas City, Mo. It pays $300.00 on nat ural or accidental death; costs only 50c a month. Age limit 2 to 50. Persons 51 to 65 and entire families also covered at amazing ly low rates. SEND NO MONEY! Simiply send name and age of all persons to be covered together with beneficiary’s nam and i rela tionship. When certificate arrives for FREE inspection you will be more than pleased. No obligations —FREE offer limited—write to day. Straighten Your Hair At Home Our newest product turns the most stubborn kinky hair into soft lustrous straight hair. Applied at home in a few seconds. Costs but a few cents. Write for I ee offer. CIIEMCO PRODUCTS, 115 Har borview Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. tfSoEiouir f i) A Full Slxe Spot tally pond photo - FREE with ovary can of 9 Swoat Georgia Brown Hair Droning Everybody wants a picture of this groat fighter, so "clean-up" Big Money by giving awaya beautiful Autographed Photo (9“ x ia") of JOE I-OUIS absolutely FREE with each can of Sweet GoorglA Brown Hair Dressing Don't wait! Write today'for Free Samples. Haniiile C'nso Offer and Special JOE LOUIS FREE Picture Offer Hurryl Do It fowl VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. * SMS Cottage Grave An. Dopt. 641 Chicago, life C H HALL EXPRESS PHONE JA 8585 RES WE-1056 WE MOVE WITH CARE Office: 1105 N 24th St. Omaha, WHITES SERVICE STATION Standard Oil Product* We repair tires WHITE & NEWTON 24th and Grace St. JA. 8054 All Work Guaranteed JAY’S MARKET 2314 No. 24th Street JA 7234 We aim to please. We carry a complete line of Groceries. NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE 5656 2114 Grant St. _ I LINOTYPE COMPOSITION Of Any Description. Stereotyping. Lowest Prices Call WEbster 1750 for esti tnathe on your job. OMAH \ GUIDE PUBLISHING CO. ...... MAX LUNCH MEALS 15c AND UP | Come in and meet your old | friends. Now located at 18201 No. 24th St. Home Cooking 1 a a Specialty. r-* -*-- -—-— t t ... f -T5!T"“ THANKSGIVING POULTRY MARKET Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and All kinds of Poultry. Dresse4 Free while you wait. Strictly Fresh Eggs METROPOLITAN PRODUCE CO. 1616 No. 24th WE 4731 m~~ I have discovered the VlH! way to dream anything you wish and have it come true. If you wish to have success with your dreams answer this ad at once. If not, don’t write. Free details. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, III. 25' titmifcu C ENJOY LIFE Power Pills Restore Lost 6!? id Power and Bring BeckJop of Youth Manhoodtlipplne? Feeling old, tired out, peplees and rundown? Here** a message of new hope! Mai! coupon below with 25c for postnm* and packing costs for a three day test of i • ictor'a Prescription 1000. These powerful pi’ls enlly roll back the years. Yon feel young a'tain— peppy, loving and chuck full of energy You are more attractive, too, beam - von r dr ! • p <1 hi iftli and vitality. No nv» ** 1» uw nights! Don’t delay making tin. tonviu mg test, rvfnil the coupon right now fo. doul * strr.i-ph Pre scription 1000. Y ir 25c 1. h \ if h doesn't delight you! Scrnt under plain w. upper. I.... mail THIS COT-‘ON AND 23c----. I CHEMIST* S\7 rs CO., D t. * 2 J 500! Irving Park bird., Chi*... />, 111. ! J Enclosed is 25c. Send me a 3 day iupply J • Prescription 1000 on your money back i J guarantee. 2 • a - Name,.... J ■ e - Address. J • City........ ‘ate.. f - Put X here an*! enclose o 0 for full size 5 ! package. If C.O.P. p Mtage extra ( ) 2 'few discovery, a harmless, vegetable preoarat i iae brought relief.*to hundreds.of sufferehi fr u» Ugh blood pressure, and kindred ailment - lardenod arteries, stroke* kidney and bladuwr ndauunattbn. Guaranteed Relief. Utona Is gold on a,monej» back guarantee. Write for free literature, describ ing your oonditlon. Check These Symptoms. Headachee. rtlnlnoeg, hinting spoils, heart pains, cramps, numbness Is Irina and legs, "pins and needles’ sensations— and others. Send No Money. Delays are angerous. leading to stroke and heart failure. Write today. National Utona Company 000 Insurance Exchange B Idg. Detroit, Mich. PI sictam Plean ITntt J L_.classified ads Agents Wanted ] AGENTS—10 daily selling Negro Dolls. Write, National Co., 163 West 126th St., N. Y. AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na tional Co., 163 W. 126th St., | New York. AGENTS, DEALERS—$10 daily i selling Negro Dolls, Negro Pic tures, Big Christmas demand. Write National Co., 163 W. 126th St., New York. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 165 W. 126th St., New York City. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haile Selassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negr<> Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254 W. 135th St., New York. Rooms For Rent ROOMS for rent, strictly modern. 2428 Erskine. WE. 1024. FOR RENT—a nice modern front room, for gentleman only. Plen ty heat—Phone JA. 7308. FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. Upstairs. 3214 Em rnett. Apartments For Rent L VE’S new kitchenettes, for j ■ent. 2201 Grant. WE. 5553. 'urnished room for rent, 2716 N. 28th Ave. Phone We. 5549. buiter RADIO SERVICE A. PI and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cuming* St. Phone JA. 0696. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 2420 ^ Cuming Street. CHINCHILLA coat, size 2—75c, Camel Hair coat, size 7 or 8, $1.00. Both good as new! 1841 N. 23 Street. WANTED—Woman clerk, man salesman. Either must invest $300 on interest. Good salary. 2416 Lake Street. Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St. Cuming Hotel. WILL TRADE 1930 Sedan for Property or down payment on property. 2007 Clark Street. PUR COATS remodeled. Made in to jackets, capes, or children’s coats. WE. 0142. MR. DEALER HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A COUPLE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR SALE C. F. Read estate must he 'doped at once. Tho following described property is for sale, either seperately or in a lump ri"x Mai"1 vonr offer. Lots 1 nnd 2 in block 15. Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 1008 Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses. The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat rick’s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street. I/Ota five and six in block one, in Paddock Pla'-e, vacant property, at the northeast corner of 15th and Burdette. Lot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of Hock one, in •rm strong’s addition, at 91.3, 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are ihree rr story Mu'-es of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six roc-i* This property is not new, but all rentable proporty at a fair rent al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it. Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680 before 5 p. r.i., and ; fter 5 p. m., call WE. 175C, located at 1016 Oma ha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska.