The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 09, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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John H. Lewis
\ Wins Light
St. Louis, Mo, Nov. 16—(ANI*,'
—John Henry Lewis, Phoenix,
Arizona's gift to the slipping
profession, outboxed and out
hit Bob Olin, white New York
er, for 15 rounds here Thursday
night and walked off with the
world ’» light heavyweight box
ing crown. Only 8,000 saw the
bout for which the promoters
had visions of a 20,000 crowd.
By defeating the white boy,
Lewis beat his differently spell
ed namesake Joe, to one of fis"
tiana’s highest awards. It
means that Lewis and Louis,
one a crowned champion and
the other uncrowned, stand as
barriers to any White Hopes
seeking the laurel wreaths at
the two top weights.
Defeated Olin Before
Beating the defending cham
pion wa snothing new. Once be
fore they had met and the
brown battler had come out
victor, althougth it was a non
title match. Lewis likewise de
feated Maxie Rosenbloom, from
whom Olin won the crown, sev
eral times in non-title fights.
Thursday’s bout was the New
Yorker’s first defense of the
title since winning the cham
pionship almost a year ago.
The first round found the
fighting even. In the second
frame the champion started
opening up and sought to lay
low his dusky challenger. But
Lewis, making up in cleverness
what he lacks in punching pow
er, weathered the flurry and in
the third cut loose. He had Olin
all but out on his feet when the
bell rang.
Ahead From Third On
After that it was all Lewis.
He shook Olin with vicious
rights and lefts, chased the fad
ing champion from corner to
corner ,and pounded his face
and body until the write boy’s
knees sagged and his features
were cut and bloody .The dusky
sharpshooter several times
seemingly had his opponent on
the verge of a knockout but
couldn t quite finish his game
but out'classcd foe.
The end of the fight found
both boys swapping punches in
the center of the ring, although
missing frequently as they tir
ed from the fast pace. It was
the first mixed fight in local
ring history.
Joe Louis Referees Bout
Joe Louis was present to of
ficiate at one of the supporting
bouts, that between Holman
(Williams, Chicago, and Andy
Bundy, California, billed as a
match for “the colored light
weight championship of the
world.0 Willliams won easily
in eight rounds, having his op
ponent on the canvas three
times for nine counts.
Olin received a flat guarantee
per cent of the gross recipts,
pe rcent of the gross receipts,
minus tax.
Injustice To Negrro
Athletes Is Cited
New York—Nov. 9—Con'
stant reference to the pernic
ious treatment of Negro ath
letes is made by both the sup
porters and opponents of hold
ing the 1936 Olympics in Nazi
Dr. Theodor Lewald, chair
man of the German Olympic or
ganization committee, feebly
attempted to justify the lack
of adequate training facilities
for Jewish athletes by citing
American jim-crow practices.
“Were Negroes admitted to
all the Athletic clubs before
the Los Angeles games? No one
thought of it,” Dr. Lewald
“Dirty Jews and Negroes”
In reply to Lewald’s assur
ance of “fair play”, former
Supreme Court Justice Jere
miah T. Mahoney, president of
the potent Ameteur Athletic
Union, issued a powerfully
written and well-documented
statement urging the withdraw
al of the Olympics from Ger
A strong point upholding
Mahoney’s demand wras a quo
tation from a book, “The Spirit
of Sports in the Third Reich,”
written by Bruno Malitz, sports
leader of the Storm Troops of
Malitz maintained that the
National Socialists “can see no
positive value for our people
in permitting dirty Jews and
Negroes to travel through our
country and compete in ath
letics with our best”.
Boycott Campaign
When Brig. Gen. Charles II.
Sherrill ,American member of
the International Olympic Com
mittee, recently returned from
Germany, was asked to register
his disapproval of the Olympics
in Germany, he declined.
With The Bands
Duke Ellington, who head
lines with his famous orchestra
all this week at Loew’s State
Theatre, is ready to offer his
newest opus, “Reminiscing’’ to
critical and public opinion. It
is a full length opus occupying
four 10 inch record sides in re
cording. The Paramount
Theatre, Los Angeles, informs
us that the reception planned
for Cab Calloway’s coast tour
was one of the most pretentious
and successful in history. All
radio stations and newspapers
cooperated and Cab and his
boys were met at the train by
leading political lights and by
a committee of California’s rep
resentative colored citizens.
Cab Calloway and his Cotton
Club Orcehstra opened their
Fanchon & Marco tour at the
Los Angeles Paramount," Oc
tober 24. The tour is limited
because of the probability of a
musical feature film featuring
his hrde-highness of ho-de-ho
m a singing, dancing, zaz-zulr
zazish role. Lucky Millinder,
dynamic leader of the Mills
Blue Rhythm Band, now on
dance tour ,is hard at work on
a new invention. He speds the
wee sma’ hours working on a
bendless-breaklessrbaton for en
ergetic, enthusiastic leaders.
Lucky’s new tune “Ride Red
Ride’’ written for Henry “Red’’
Allen, ac etrumpeter with the
Milles Blue Rhythem Band, is
proving to be an outstanding
phonograph record seller. Duke
Ellington’s prize winning sel
ection, Solitude has passed
the L)0,000 mark in sheet music I
sales. The Man From Harlem
says: “Son you sure is beat
from your ground pads to your
knowledge box” means “My
hoy, you re sadly incapable
from the tip of your toes to the
top of your head.”
Benny Meroff broke all house
records for week-end business
at the Ritz Theatre is Elizabteh
last week, to show the audience
his versatility he plays 27 dif
ferent instruments during the
course of his act, raves comes
pouring into the office re the
Hudson DeLange ork up in
Boston at the Normandie ball
room, quote from George F.
Frazier, Jr., eminent Boston
music critic “of aU the bands
I have reviewed at the Norman
die ballroom, the Hudson'De
Lange bunch score dthe big
gest hit’’, the boys closed at the
Normandie and are now on an
extensive tour of one-nighters,
one of Wingy Mannone’s ar
dent admirers has written a
snappy ditty about that un"
usual maestro, it’s called
“Swing it, Mr. Wingy” keep
your ears peeled for this tune,
it's “solid murder”. Tommy
“Red” Tompkins and ork now
playing nightly at the Brook
lyn Roseland, can be heard
every Wednesday night over
WHN from 11:30 to 12.30 list
en in, those boys really go to
town. Ben Ames of this office
took a boat ride up the river
and unloaded a fort of talent
Troy, New York. The Rhythm
at the Paradise Showboat at
Racketeers, five great colored
boys, Jay Hill former singing
star of Benny Mcroff’s act and
Nina Allen, dancer, are a few
of the worthies who were in
the boatload. Benny Meroff be"
sides being the stage's most
versatile personality, is also the
inventor of many musical con"
traptions, an actovon, a double
belled trumpet, a straight bass
horn and a boomboss being a
few of his many musical con
coctions. Benny opens at the
Earle Theatre, Philadelphia,
October 25th for a week's
Sanctions Feared
In Egypt
Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 9, (ANP)—
Economic sanctions against Italy
are causing concern in Egypt
which enjoys a favorable trade
balance with Italy. She stands to
lose heavily in the event of eco
nomic sanctions being imposed. In
the list of foreign countries which
import Egyptian goods Italy now
stands third.
Cotton growers are particularly
apprehensive, believing that if
penalties are imposed the market
will never be recovered. They con
tend they should not take part in
sanctions as they are not league
of naions mecbers'and the dispute
between Great Britain and Italy
is none of their business. A move
ment is under way to have Great
Britain assure Egypt of adequate
compensation for any losses due
to the boycott of Italy.
Paint, Colic Attacks, Pain In Right
“'do, brlslng functional disorder* ofthe
rer, Gallbladder, Inolgaroon, heavy load In
ghtneas around waist, f' ' ' ' -mmm. I
tton, often quickly re-1 CD CX TiltLI
thl*SafeMomeTroot- T If L T BOX
K.roid operation if poemblo. . ■ I
SUFFER LONGER. Send today for FEES
There’* no obligation whateTer. Write quick
SOLVOTONE 00. .. 4MS OtIUp Orm. CWmt
1 _ ~-H" 111" -
A.F. of L. Seeks To
Oust Dining Car
Washington, Nov. 9, (ANP)—
Services of the National Media
tion Board located here have
been invoked by Local No. 870 of
the Dining Car Workers Union,
as provided in the U. S. Railway
Labor Act amended, to conduct a
secret ballot among the dining
car cooks-waiters on the Pennsyl
vania railroad. The waiter’s con
tract covering their wages and
Working rules was made and is
held by the Brotherhood of Dining
Car Employees as represntative.
Challenging the brotherhood as
usurper, local No. 370 avers that
a majority of P. R. R. men pre
fers it as representative.
In connection with the request
for the Board’s services, George
A. Cook (white), secretary, has
called on Rienzi B. Lemus, grand
president of the brotherhood, for
any statement he “may care to
make” with reference to 370’s
claim and also wrote the Board’s
“records indicate that the Broth
erhood of Dining Car Employees
is party to an agreement with this
'carrier (PRR) for the classes of
employees covered by this (370’s)
invocation.” Asked about it here,
Mr. Lemus said—“the secret bal
lot is welcomed and inevitable.”
200 Tuchman Bldg.
24th At Lake
In the Matter of the Estate of
Willie Galloway deceased:
Notice is Hereby Given: That
the creditors of the said deceased
will meet the administrator of
said estate, before me. County
Judge of Douglas County, Ne
braska, at the County Court
Room, in said County, on the 23rd
day of December, 1935, and on
the 24th day of February, 1936,
at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for
the purpose of presenting their
claims for examination,, adjust
ment and allowance. Three months
are allowed for the creditors to
present their claims, from the
23rd day of November, 1935.
Bryce Crawford, County Judge
Nov. 9-16-23.
• LGiftG
L«t \oi'r Mirro*1
Prove Tbe Reiu't*
Youi hair need not be shot t
•craggly kinky, nor nee >•.
be dried out. faded and life
less For there is fi wa> »e
k overcome this dooi coi.di
J t1on that destroys the ».s
r tura; beauty of the hsir
' Thin new different methc
. will grow or*g. iiniroua
k glossy silken straight hair.
I remove dandruff, itch, let
9 ter, Cji v scalp and dried out
bair condition by lubrieat
\ Ing. strengthening ann | ro
v\ longing the life of the bait
for both men and worm
Send COUPON now before
14 l_ 4„_ 1.4. .1,. ri'L 1.
Treatise 7-Day Trial Offer
flouTpav^COMPANY I w * JL'r'
Dept. C19 Ri N Michigan Chicago I t.
• Please send FREE i rentine 7-Day IriaJOf- t
| far without ary cost at aii to Die.
200 Tuchinan Bldg,
24th At Lake
Notice to Non-Resident Pe
fenedent, in The District Court
of Douglas County, Nebraska.
whose place of residence and
upon whom personal service of
Summons cannot be had, dc
You are hereby notified that on
the 16th day of August, 1933, Wil
liam A. Penman, as plaintiff,
filed his petition against you in
tho District Court of Douglas
Couny, Nebraska, Docket No. 296,
Pago 340, the object and prayer
of which petition is to obtain a
divorce from you on the grounds
o£ desertion.
You are hereby required to an
swer said petition on or before tho
23rd day of November 1936, or
said petition will be taken as true.
Ray Lawrence Williams, His
Carl Rabes, Prop.
Refreshments and Lunch
2425 N. 24th Street, 24th and Lake
Phone JA- 9196 Omaha
• Sfcreli” FREE.
PRPCt.1 PRODUCTS, 1M W. 71 »t„ N.T.O.!
Dept. N
About this time of month, she used
to have to remain at home, usually In
bed. But no longer is she compelled to
stay In on certain days. Whether It’s
rehearsals, or broadcasts, or stage ap
pearances, she's right on hand, now.
How Cardui Helps Women
Cardui helps thousands of
women through the days they
used to dread. It tends to relieve
the functional pains of menstrua
tion, and by continued use, as
needed as a tonic, it helps to
overcome the tendency to monthly
suffering resulting from poor
nourishment. Prompt relief, yes,
but still more — lasting relief has
been reported in a great many
Find out whether Cardui will
help YOU. Of course, if it does
not benefit you, consult a physi
cian. Get a bottle, today!
MooncV Emerald Oil Guaranteed to
Stop All Pain and Soreness and
Banish Offensive .“Odors
In just one minute after an appli
cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the
surprise of your life. Your tired,
tender, smarting, burning feet will
literally jump for joy.
No fuss, no trouble; you just ap
ply a few drops of the oil over the
surface of the foot night and*morn
ing, or when qccasion requires. Just
a little and rub it in. It’s simply
wonderful the way ft ends all foot
misery, while for feet that sweat
and give off an offensive odor,
there’s nothing better in the
. Moone’s Emerald Oil is
guaranteed to end your foot
troubles or money back.
I ii
Flash Kindeys of Waste Matter,
Poisons and Acid and Stop
Getting Up Nights.
When your kidneys are clogged
and your bladder is irritated and
passage scant and often smarts
and bums you need Gold Medal
Haarlem Oil Capsules a fine
harmless stimulant and diuretic
that always works and costs but
35 cents at any modem drug
store. Jt's one good, safe way to
put healthy activity into kidneys
and bladder—you’ll sleep sound
the whole night thru. But be sure
and get GOLD MEDAL—right
from Haarlem in Holland—you
are assured of results.
Other symptoms of weak kid
ney and irritated bladder are
backache, puffy e„3S, leg cramp,
moist palm, burning or scanty
Damp Wash
I Beautifully washed and returned just
damp enough to IRON.
Minimum bundle 48c
launderer and dry cleaners
! Edholm & Sherman
I 2401 North 24th StWe 6055
and gave me the youthful vital
ity of a person of twenty yearB
says Lieut. Clifford of New
York. MATE is giving to
thousands of run-down, nerv
ous and weak elderly men and
women new energy and vital
ity and the thrill of youth and
love again.
ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply.
Money returned if not satisfied
FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free
with each order received within ten days. Write at once for
your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story.
408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY
Advertise in The Guide—It Pays
Raising th6 Family- According to Pa‘» dope Ma Must hate Mfn> _ Flsfiei
mo »t>wJ OJTfcaowS 'I ft°T’ ^ 'N'rc LCN&^ ^ JUST TO PBOVt: \ ( UecytOMS ij~>
JEALOOW.IKE- J ^beviEVE SoOO WfcO M0S3ft*» ***> \T XO WP. *r^ \ ^ rt,T u)im 00«- N6ul
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