The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 09, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Omaha Boy Weds
K. C. Girl Oct. 3t
Miss Leota Morton, of Tope*
ka, Kansas, wh ohas been the
house guest of Mr. an d M rs.
Theodore Woods, became tin
bride of Mr. Jewell Comer, of
this city, Wednesday, October
The ceremony took place at
the home of the groom’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, 2423
Hinne ystreet. Rev. M. K. Cur
ry, pastor of Zion Baptist
church, officiated. There were
no attendants .
Shower For Recent
Ashowcr was given for Mrs.
Hazel Jaekson'King, the love
ly little wife of Mr. William
King, Jr., who were married
early last June, at the home of
the bride, 2209 Seward. Many
lovely and useful gifts were re
ceived. Delightful refresh
ments were served .
Miss Marjorie Bolden,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
Bolden, 263H Burdette, was
married to Mr. William Ware,
son of Mrs. Carrie Ware, on
Monday evening, October 21st,
with Rev. J. S. Williams of"
A reception for the rela
tives and immediate friends of
both families was given by the
parents of the bride at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Poindexter, 1512 N, 28 street
fololwing the ceremony.
The couple are at home at
2423 Charles street.
ifirrfl i t '<*—
Gives Hallowe’en
A Hallowe’en party was
given Thursday evening, Octo
ber 31st, by Miss Eva Mae
Hays and Miss Daisy Alex"
ander ,at the home of Miss
Hays, 2715 N. 25 street. Guests
present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ducious Prater, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude MeFall, Miss Mildred
Downs, Mr. Ceto Raymerg,
Mrs. J). Porter, Mr. Green
Bradley, Mr. Chester Bennett.
The evening was spent playing
cards and a very delightful
supper wa sserved by the host
esses. Mr. Claude MeFall and
Mrs. Katherine Prater won the
prizes fo rwearing the most
comical costumes.
Guest Pastor at
Dr. A. B. Brent ,Pastor of
the Maple Street Baptist
church of Dos Moines, Iowa,
will ocupy the pulpit of the
Pilgrim Baptist Church, Sun
day morning at 10:45 p. m.,
and 7:30 p. rri., Sunday even
Dr. Brent is well known as
a speaker having addressed the
National Baptist Convention
held in New York iu Septem"
Poser.—-“Why does a woman
say she’s been shopping when she
hasn’t bought a thing?”
“Why does a man say he’s been
fishing when he hasn’t caught
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Basement ;
Values in Men’s j
Wool Melton |
Outstanding “Buys” at
MEN! Here are coats that look ... fit and FEEL
dollars more than they cost! Tailored of rich, warm
all wool fleeces . . . beautiful Melton cloth! Styled
in favored advance fashions! Double-breasted mod
els, full or half-belted. Pllain. blue, gray and checked
All Sizes . . . from 35 to 50!
The Tabernacle Baptist Mis'
sionary Circle will go to Oma
ha Friday evening to visit Mrs.
Lillian Burke, a member of the
circle, who resides at 2214
Lake street.
Mrs. Winona Teal gave a
Hallowe’en party for the Sun
shine Band, a junior group of
girls, at her home. A merry
time was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Lawrence Gaco is visit'
brother who is ill in Salisbury,
Misouri. Mr. Gago left Satur
day night to join his wife.
The oily Sixteen Club will
give a supper on Armistice
Day, November 11th, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Celeveland, 1128 Eighth Ave
Mrs. George Cooper spoil
sored the entertainment given
at the home of Mr. William
Fox. Two cakes were raffled.
On Thursday night, the
Mary Lee Circle, of the Mis
sionary Society of Bethel A.
M .E. church will give a ‘pie
strut’ at that church. The girls
are giving this entertainment
fo rthe purpose of raising con
ference money.
On Thanksgiving Day u
group of boys from the various
Negro churches will give a
program lor the adult Uivis on
of the Bethel Missionary Bo
ciety. An evening of musical
| and literary entertainment is
promised .
O nthe 14th of this month,
the Stewardess board will give
a dinner at the Iiou.e oi Mrs.
Gladys McCurry.
On Tuesray night, Itev.
Rhone, of Omaha, and an offi
cial of the Credit Union, will
be at the Bethel A. M. E.
I church for the purpose of ex
plaining and organizing a
credit union.
Mcsdiunes Inez Cooper, Fern
Taylor, Catherine Ford, Miss
Lydia Pemberton, Messrs. Wil
liam Jlurrold, Clyde (Iordan,
L. L. Williams and John Free
!adn are on the sick list.
Mr. Thomas Wright is able
to be around in the house.
A group of persons will go
to lied Oak to attend the
Western District Association
and Women’s Convention on
Rev. J. II. Patton, of Sioux
City, who is moderator of the
Western District Association,
with Rev. .1. II. Reynolds and
Rev. G. K. White, motored to
Red Oak.
Rev, G. W. Slater suecessful
j ly holds together the group of
(persons who will attend the
Adult School of Education, un
der the WPA plan .
Miss Lula Mae Ilall gave a
party fo rher Sunday School
class on Saturday.
Help!—“Where is Jimmy this
“If he knows as much about
canoes as he thinks he does, he is
out canoeing, but if he doesn’t
know any more about it than I
think he does, he’s swimming.”—
Inaugural of Tusk epee’s New President
President Frederick Douglass
Patterson receives the insignia
of office from Dr. Wm. Jay
Scheffelin, chairman of the
board of trustees. Warren Lo
gan second from left was hoiv
orary marshall. Trustee Claude
A. Barnett, right presented Dr.
Patterson as representative of
the board.
Mr. Marion Burch, 2627 Pat-,
rick, an employee at th e
Swift Packing Plant, died
Saturday evening, N'ovembcr
3rd. The body was taken to
the Myers funeral home. Fun"
oral services were held from
the Bethel Baptist church,
29th and T, with the Reverend
F. S. Goodlett officiating. In
terment will be in the Grace
land Cemetary. Mr. Burch
leaves a wife, three children
and a host of friends to mourn,
his pass;ng.
The Club gave a Hallowe’en'
party a1 tin* home of Mrs
Lobertn Arnold, 2802 Frank
I n. October 31st. Twenty-four
guests were present. Bridge
and whist was played. B'i 1 re
prizes were won by Mrs. Cath
erine Woods and Mr. James
Tapp, and Mis. Ola Little
booby. Whist prizes were won
by Miss Perrine Allen, first;
Mrs. Vivian Cosby, booby. A
delightful evening was spent
by all. Refreshments were
Geneva Osborne ,Reporter.
'Vt «t the home 'of Mrs.
Myrtle Si ringer, 2617 Cald
well street. A delicious lunch
eon was served. The prize for
the highest score was won by
Mrs. Florence Morris.
Florence Morirs, President.
M. Burns, Reporter.
-- —
Mr. William T. Flam, 28171
N. 28 Ave., left Monday after
non, for Humboldt, Tennessee,
at the death of his sister, Mrs.
Don St. Clair.
Messrs. Woodrow Allen,
Willard O’Neil and Pike John
son, have gone on a tour of the
About one hundred and sev'
enty-five persons attended the
annual costume party given by
the Aloha Social Club at the
Masonic Hall on Tuesday
evening. A delicious luncheon
wa sserevd at twelve o’clock
after which dancing was con
tinued until two p. ni.
Mr. Charles Baldwin. 2220
Grace, the chief cook at the
I Colonial Coffee Shoppe, 17th
and Dodge street, returned
home from work Saturday ill.
At present he is somewhat im
proved. He is being attended
by Dr. Wesley Jones.
Hy’a folks? The Trojans
are still in the lead in a big
way, yowsah ! On Tuesday,
October 29, Mrs. Charlotte
Crawford, a community chest
worker, spoke in behalf of the
eW have several new mem
bers added to our club roles,
namely: Misses Katherine
Bullinger, Margaret Hartley,
Alice Cooper, Marguerite Me*
toyer, Anne Oliver, Leola Hol
lins, Bernice Gerron, Viola Oli
ver, Dorothy Springs and
Hattie Stevens.
The time is fast approching
for our annual Inner-Club ban
quet. Remember the good t'mej
we had last year? Well start
thinking about your table, be
cause the s lver loving cup is
available for the most beauti
fully decorated table of 1936.
What club shall it be? We
shall see. Further informa
tion will be published.
Roberta Phar, Reporter
The Dixie Ramblers have re
turned fron^ quite a successful
dance tour in the Black Hills of
South Dakota. It seems that
wedding bells ring very frequent
ly in the midst of that band. Did
you hear them Sylvester Fields?
wer they singing for you really?
ffiess Your Truly will be next.
Wonder what’s come over all the
Cats, all of them failing in love.
Eveq Shorty Gray is reforming so
h. tells us.
That well known iittle dancer
‘Strut’ Whitney, was the master of
ceremonies at the Showboat this
Speaking of dancers, Paul Riv
ers wishes it to be known that he
has acquired La Verne Weasley as
the new partner in his Adajo
dance team. Paul just recently re
turned from the West. Paul says
that Freddie Meers, who enter
tained with Walter Barnes was an
old partner of his, and he was so
glad to see him, that they just
had to do a number together when
the band played here. Having a
new partner calls for a new name,
so Paul and I^a Verne now call
themselves, La Fate and La
Holsey Dorsey just couldn’t let
his pal, Gregg Williams, get
ahead of him, so he bought him
self a car too. Now both have a
wife and a car! Now what next?
Certain Cats around here are
getting manicures. Nice too! Far
be it from us to wonder why.
Mr. J. J. lfryant, of Alma,
Nebraska, spent a few days Ln
Omaha visiting bis sons, Carl,
Marey, Ralph and Paul. While
here, he attended tho Ak'Sar
Ben stock show.
The Club held an interest"
ing meeting, Monday, Octo
ber 28th, at the home of Mat
tie Sims, 2132 N. 29.
Mattie Sims was voted as
voice, Willa Mae Jakes, most
sensible, Lucille Irving, most
aspiring, Dorothy Crocker, jol"
liest, Booker Abrams, the
chaterbox, Nora Graham, the
home girl, Ida Bryant, most
charming, Zon eta Walker,
friendliest, Willie Crocker,
best appetite, Pearl Farmer,
most punctual, Grace Wash
ington, the tattler, Ruth Faul
kner, the quietest ,and Mar"
jorie La May, most sophisti
Mattie Sims, President.
Ida Kryant, Reporter.
The newly elected officers
for the year as follows: Mrs.
Lydia Rogers, President ; Mrs.
Zenobia Carey, Vice Presi"
dent ;Mrs. Irma Speese, Secre
tary ; Mrs. Zelma Lefalls, as
sistant Secretary; Miss Myrt'e
Calhoun, Treasurer, a n d Mrs.
M. Hooper, Instructor.
The next meeting of the
club will be with Miss Willa
ohnson on 24th and Grant St.
Christine Alt house, Reporter. |
The Troubadors club were
hosts to the We Moderns club
and their friends at a gala Hal
lowe’en party given Saturday,
October 26th, at the Elks Hall.
The hall was beautifully decor*
ated with Hallowe’en colors.
The guests enjoyed a variety
of delicious refreshments.
Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. William Passmore, Mr.
and Mrs. ack Farmer,. Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Crocker, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Bryant, Mr. Frank
Wilson and Miss Haxel Bas
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross, Mr.
Ed Lee and Miss Helen Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Walker, Mr. John Jones and
Miss Booker Abrams, Mr.
Wendell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Garland, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert La May, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Johnson, Mr. Marcy
Bryant and Miss Rose Ander*
son, Mr. and Mrs. John Sims,
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. James Garland,
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Crocker,
Mr. and Mrs. James Faulkner,
and Miss Willa Mae Jakes.
The past meeting of the
Troubadors club was held at
the home of Marcy Bryant,
2209 Ohio.
W. Johnson, President.
R. Bryant, Reporter.
Hayden ’$
Completely Modernised from Top to Bottom
Entrances: 16th, Dodge and Douglas Sts.
Mail and Phone Orders Given Prompt, Personal Attention
A Value We Think Is Outstanding
“Tested for Washability’
Women’s Rayon
491 ^
Fine, soft quality rayon /_|
, . . nicely tailored and /
when tested by the juix ' I *
laboratories, the garments were serviceable after 50 washings
Regular sizes in bloomers and band panties. Sizes 5, 6, 7, 9
Vests, 36 to 42. Extra sizes. Step-ins . . . band panties, bloom*
ers. Sizes 9 and 10. Vest sizes, 44 to 46. Also cuddle panties.
Hayden'* Second Floor
For Those Women Who Are Seek
ing an Extra Good V alue in
For the full, stout figure. Fashionet
with and without inner belt support
Made with a Swami top and extra goo<
quality brocade. Sizes from 36 to 48
Underpriced for Thursday,
Harden’* Second Floor