The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 09, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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| Ml <UV
M. K.—Please tell me if me
and my husband will ever own
a home?
, Ans:—During the spring of
next year, you and your hus
band will decide to invest your
money in a home, which is a
very wise thing for you to do
—You would not be satisfied
at all however, if you bought a
home in your community—You
should move out somewhere in
a section that is more of a
C.C.R.—Will I be successful
in selling my property and will
I get as much money out of it
as I would like?
Ans:—Youll be succeful in
selling PART of your property
within the next few days. How
ever, you won’t get as much
money out of it within the next
two weeks as you would like.
All you’ll get will be a DOWN
M.L.B.—Please tell me if the
girl my son goes with has done
anything to him to make him
act the way he does!
Ans:—No. she hasn't. Your
son is just crazy about her and
he won’t let anything come be
tween them. Don’t try to break
up this affair for your son will
leave home if anyone tries to
M.T.R.—Please tell me what
to do and I am thinking of
leaving here for good.
Ans:—I advise you not to
leave your wife for if you were
not quite so lenient with her
you wouldn't be in such bad
circumstances financially. Youx
wife seems to make bills before
you get the others paid up, and
you’ll never get anywhere at
that rate—Prom now on, you
should have your home run on
a Strictly Cash Basis.
R.S.—Do you see any success
for us in our business!
Ans:—You don’t have very
much competition in your busi*
ness ,and your idea of making
your own Ice Cream is a very
unique one. If you’ll continue
to serve appetizing food in
your restaurant and will keep
your place clean, you* business
will be well paying by next
F.E.R.—Does my friend have
another girl friend that he
cares for more than he does
me or does he love me?
Ans:—Your friend certainly
does not love you. It is my im
pression that M.L.O. has an
other girl friend that he is
deeply interested in and it
would be hard for you to win
him from her. He has just
been handing you out a line.
Girl Reserve Com.
Sponsors Meeting
Miss Goldie Carter, Personal
Counsel Expert of the Central
Y. Wi C. A. staff talked with
high school and boys Sunday
afternoon, November 3rd, at four
o'clock. “Vocations’’ w a a the
The following girls from the
high school Girl Reserve clubs
acted as hostesses: Hattie
Crump, Annie Lett, Olive Willis,
Pearl Winston, Arwilda Steven
son, and Matrdri Miller.
Clara Anderson, contralto, and
Carlette Lewis, baritone, sang.
Edna Blair played the prelude.
Although the meeting was
planned with the interests and
needs of high school girls and
boys in mind, adults were wel
National Jewish
War Vets Okey
Anti-Lynch Bill
New York ,Nov. 9—A resolu
tion asking that Congress pass
an effective federal anti-lynch
ing law was adopted at the re
cent National Convention of
Jewish JWar Veterans of the
United States, held in Saratoga
Springs, New York. The text
of the resolution:
* ‘ WHEREAS, more than for
ty-five hundred (4,500) per
sons, white and colored, have
lost their lives as a result of
mobe violence and lynch'law in
the United States during the
last century; and
“WHEREAS, mob violence
and Lynch Law are not con
fined to any section of our
country, but have been com
mitted in more than three
fourths of the states in utter
defiance of duly constituted
courts of law, and
“WHEREAS mob violence
and Lynch Law are a direct
violation of the constitution of
the United States which guar'
antees the right of all citizens
to a fair trial regardless of
race, creed or religion, and
“WHEREAS, mob violence
and Lynch Law are not only
reprehensible because they
undermine the very foundation
upon which our Republic was
founded, but directly discredit
the United States abroad and
make mockery of our so-called
Law and Order,
RESOLVED, By the Jewish
War Veterans of the United
States in convention assembled
this first day of September,
1935, in the City of Saratoga
Springs, New York, that it
again urges the Congress of the
United States to pass an effec
tives Amti-Lynehing Bill at the
earliest practicable noment.'’
Harry LeLand Is
Again On Job
Harry LeLand of 2824 No.
26th street, former State Gaso
lene and Sanitary Inspector
under Governor Chas. Bryan,
haa been appointed by Gover
nor Roy L. Cochran to fill the
name position.
LeLand reaigned last March.
There was an immediate clamor
among a great many oil men
for his reappointment. This
was supplimented by petitions
signed by more than 1200 Ne
groes, among whom was many
of our first citizens. The non
partisan League, the Elks lodge
and Masons and many other or
ganizations and individuals
mailed letters and petitions to
his excelency the Governor.
By this display of confidence
companies he has served and
his own group, the governor
studied LeLand’s past record
and found that in the four years
of service with the state his
work had been very satisfactory
and that he had never been
short five cents in his accounts.
LeLand was reappointed No
vember 1st.
\* AHOAU. „,I
Roreen Largest Selling Five-in-One Hair
Dressing In the world: If you haven’t used
Yloreen, don’t fall to try this Treatment!
Bell 200 World Fastest Sellers!
t' 1» Hose coupon with every or
II Milk der! Something new. Write
Immediately for our proposition! Keystone
Lab., Memphis, Tenn., Dept. _. .
Italian Editor Tells
N.A.A.C.P. Selassie
Enemy Of Negroes
New York, Nev. 9—Emperor
Haile Selassie is| called “the
true enemy of the civilization
of the Oiornale di Sicilia
of colored people” by Dr. Val
entino Piccoli, one of the editors
Palermo, Italy ,in a letter to
Roy Wilkins, Editor of The
^“The problem of colored
people in America is always in
teresting to me”, writes Dr.
Piccoli. “I think that the col
ored people of America must
remember the slavery of the
dther century and (must) des
pise the only nation that has
yet, in the 20th century, slav
ery. Italy shall abolish slavery
in Ethiopia and make good ad
vancements in the standard of
life of colored people in Afri
ca. That is the true aspect of
the matter, and the other sug
gestions are not derived from
a true interest in the advan
tage of the colored people, but
derived from the Communism
and the anti’Fascism in the
Dr. Piccoli and Mr. Wilkins
became acquainted when the
former came to New York on
the maiden voyage of the Ital
ian liner Rex in 1933. In his
letter Dr. Piccoli, who is one
of the leading editors on the
rigidly-controlled government
i press, mentions nothing of
slavery existing in Italian col
onies in Africa and does not
touch upon the injustice a
country by force.
1 Ask Inclusion Of
Negro Children
New York, Nov. 9, (ANP)—
Following an announcement from
Washington that $1,500,000 has
been appropriated to aid public
and private agencies interested in
child welfare, T. Arnold Hill, Na
tional Urban League executive
secretary, sent a communication
to Miss Katherine Lenroot, chief
of the children’s bureau, depart
ment of labor, at Washington,
asking that Negro children get an
adequate share of this fund. Thus
far no answer has been received.
1124 N. 24th St., WE. 1100
Poisoned Kidneys
Stop Getting Up Nights
To harmlessly flush poisons and
acid from kidneys and correct ir
ritation of bladder so that you can
stop “getting up nights” get a 35
cent package of Gold Medal Haar
lem Oil Capsuls and take as dir
ected. Other symptoms of kidney
and bladder weaknesses are scant,
burning or cramps—puffy eyes.
Ounntn4 Relief. TTUM If fold'on I pomr
bull iqmrkn^bf.^Vrtf lor tree Utoratura, deacrlb
Ckeek Thai* fr.mptoma. Itilubaa. (UailnaaL
Vntln* apfllf. Waff pelnf, cramp# numbneaa la
OH and la«f, plna and needle# tanaatloaf—
0«> fkla f otltart.
National Utona Company
H9 lomranM Exchange Elga.
0 Detroit: Mich.
W steams PUas* Wr*t
VV7HEN every.
. vV thing you at
| tempt is a burden
[ —when you are
f nervous and irri
I table—at your
' wit’s end—try
this medicine. It
may be just what
you neeu tor extra
I energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of
Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After
doing just a little work I had to lie
down. My mother-in-law^recom
mended the Vegetable Compound.
I can see a wonderful change now."
Herndon Acclaimed
A Martyr By
Two Thousand
New York City, Nov. 9, (ANP)
—“I am not guilty of any crime
but must go to the chain gang be
cause I challenged the right of the
State of Georgia to prevent white
and Negro workers from organiz
ing” Angelo Herndon told 2,000
people assembled at Union Square
to bid him bon voyage to Atlanta,
Georgia where he will enter up
on his sentence of from 18 to 20
years which was imposed upon
him following conviction on
charges of inciting an insurrec
Since his conviction, January
18, 1933, numerous efforts have
been made to have his conviction
set aside but to no avail, the last
being the refusal of the United
States Supreme court. Governor
Talmadge, however, of Georgia,
has intimated that he would give
Herndon a hearing “with an open
mind” and thousands of petitions
from individuals and organizations
have poured into the Georgia gov
ernor’s office.
Speaker after speaker at the
Farewell program proclaimed
Herndon as a martyr and a vic
tim of tyranny, with Robert Min
or, prominent Communist leader
declaring that the Herndon case
was similar to that of Dred Scott
and added that it was “just as
likely to provoke another war."
No Memphis Mules
Available For Italy
Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 9, (ANP)
—If Mussolini needs mules to
carry on his war against Ethiopia,
he will have to go somewhere else
to buy them other than Memphis,
which is conceded to be the
“world’s, greatest mule market”
according to an announcement
made here Tuesday by L. D. Col
lins, white, leading commission
Collins, who has been the lead
ing commission man here for
more than 28 years stated that
he understood that, the Italian
government had ordered a ship
ment of mules from St. Louis, and
that a larger consignment would
bo sought here, but “that it is not
necessary that we send our mules
out of the United States and if
the Italian military officials want
mules for their present cam
paign, it is best that they stay
away from Memphis.”
Hit* tno«*T and l*n *qll. Sand rm
■am* and addraaa and racMT* th* nradf
•amp!* fra*. Jura writ* Kitildi Lak.
T - • ,7* Mampki*. Tan*.
Dept l-R-7.
2324 North 24th Streft WEbster 1929
Radio sets worn inside their
helmets have been supplied to
some English policemen to en
If you have stubborn, torturing
trichophyton tinea leg sores,
don’t suffer any longer, without
trying ULGO. As a user “I would
not take $1,000 for what Ulgo did
for me. It completely healed my
leg sore of years’ standing.”
SEND NO MONEY—just name
and address. Use all. If satisfied,
send 50c; if not, your report can
cels charge and you owe nothing.
Write to Ulgo Co., 125 Wirthman
Iildg., Dept. 92, Kansas City, Mo.
able them to receive ordera
form headquarters.
Beautiful women, handsome
men, hair szperts all onr
the world, haze cone crazy
about the new Roreen Hair
dressing because It la a tem
ple oil, a dressing, a grower
and a atralghtener all In one. ““ •
14 • ] H 4 Bond name and address
■ 1 to receive the world’* big*
feet agent*' propoaltlon, and also receive
fra* aample Roreen, a puree package of
UJae Face Pooler, Lucky Mojo Numbered
lacenae, and . page Beauty Book. Kay
atoog Lab.* 1 pL -, Memphis, Tean.
Dept. 8-R-ll
GWJBBgBte- ^
ONI are those agonizing
hours—at home—alone! No more
anxious moments at the telephone,
waiting for invitations that never
come. No longer does she ask:
“What’s wrong with me and men?’’
For now that she has restored to
her hair its youthful lustre and
loveliness, Lois has found love,
happiness, and romance with a
capital “R”.
What is Lois’ beauty secret? Just
this — an occasion^ application
of Godefroy’s Laricusc Hair Color
ing. That’s bow she regained her'
glamorous charm—beauty that
turns men's thoughts to romance.
That’s why her hair .is so soft,
silky, and alwayt sparkles;
Simply, quickly—and at home—
you, too,‘can color your hair to a
lovely, even shade of jet black,
dark, medium ot light brown, or
blonde, with Godefroy’s Larieuse.
No waiting. No disappointments.
Soft, gleaming hair—hair that
keeps you looking younger than
your years—in just a few minutes.
This famous preparation has been
used and approved by stage and
screen stars, celebrities and people
of wealth, position and prestige,
for more than 42 years. Satisfac
tion guaranteed on your money
Don'triskunhappinfss—don’t wait
.—get a full size pottle of Godefroy’s
Lari euse from your dealer'TODAY <
dtaltr cm'/
tend #2.21.
To attend each session of the
Omaha Guide9s Food Show
andFtome Planning Exhtbit.
Opens Mon., Nov. 25
Daily sessions the entire week.
Thousands of valuable prizes,
Omaha’s leading merchants will