The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 09, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Woman’s World
Chatting With
Arden H. Duane
If you have all the trouble
that I have with silk stockings
I am sure a few high points
you'll want to know about.
Runs! Oh what misery and
worry they cause! A saleslady
has just given me a few hints
to prevent runs. They can be
caused by our garter straps.
If they lose their elasticity it
will cause too great a pull on
the hose. Shoes worn with run
over heels cause runs. And if
you are not careful about get
ting the seam absolutely
straight from the sole of the
foot up the back of the leg. The
uneven pull will cause the
threads to break. And how men
hate to see crooked seams! And
another, buy stockings wide
enough for the width of the
And now. Bright tones make
the legs look fatter. Neutral
shades make the fat legs look
thinner. This hint works back’
wards, too.
This saleslady said, “Men
really don’t know how to buy
hosiery.” They buy them too
light and too pinkish.”
“"What clever gadgets!’’ I ex
claimed as I went rummaging
through the household depart'
ment of a large department
A bean snapper. I think
that’s what it’s called. This
gadget cuts off the strings and
slices the beans all at one time.
It is said that this amusing de'
vice will do all this to one
pound of string beans in ten
And then, the pea sheller.
Just fasten the gadget to the
table, feed the peas in, turn the
handle, presto, shelled peas!
Just like that. Quick as that.
They arc the most time sav
ing tricks yet and incidentally
they will keep the natural
moisture of vegetables from
staining the fingers. Both are
very reasonably priced.
Ah, how I enjoyed that pie!
Such apple pie 1 have never
tasted. Apple pie, a perennial
favorite with men, will just en
dear you all to their hearts
forever and a day .Try this rec
ipo then write and tell me hon
estly where and when you have
tasted better apple pie.
Four to six tart and juicy
apples; three fourths cup sug'
ar; one teaspoon cinnamon or
nutmeg (as desired); one table
spoon fine byandy; one tea
spoon lemon juice; one table
spoon butter. Line a pan with
pic paste and fill with thinly
sliced apples. Add the sugar,
lemon juice, spice and brandy,
top crust, cutting a few slits
Dot with butter. Cover with a
to allow the steam to escape.
Bake ten minutes in a hot oven
and reduce heat slightly and
bake for thirty minutes more.
For your dough, sift the flour
and salt and baking powder.
Cut the shortening in .adding
ice water gradually, until y0n
Have a dough that will eon\ej
Flash Kidneys of
Acids and Poisons
Stop Getting Up Nights
When kidneys are clogged they
become weak—the bladder is irri
tated—often passage is scanty
and smarts and bums—sleep is
restless and nightly visits to the
bathroom are frequent. The right
harmless and inexpensive way to
stop this trouble and restore
healthy action to kidneys and
bladder is to get from any drug
g'st a 35-cen.t box of Gold Medal
aarlem Oil Capsules and take
as directed—you won’t be disap
pointed— but be sure and get
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap
sules—the original and genuine
—right from Haarlem in Holland
—a grand kidney stimulant and
diuretic. Remember also that oth
er symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble are backache, leg
cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms
and nervousness.
CCC Examination
Announced Soon
Robert Fechner, Director of the
Emergency Conservation Work,
today explained that all enrolleea
of the Civilian Conservation
Corps would be eligible to partici
pate in the first examination to
be held by the U. S. Civil Service
Commission for junior supervis
ory positions in the Civilian Con
servation Corps camps.
The ruling to include part of
the supervisory positions of the
Civilian Conservation Corps un
der Civil Service was annnounced
by President Roosevelt on Sep
teeber 26. In an executive order
issued on that date the President
stated that positions of junior as
sisants to technicians in the ad
minisraion of the Civilian Con
servation Corps should be in
cluded in the competitive, classi
fied U. 6. Civil Service. It fur
ther provided that the initial ex
amination to be held by Civil Ser
vice Commission for each CCC
camp should be limited to en
rollees of the Civilian Conserva
tion Corps.
Tho President has previously
stated his desire to have enrollees
who demonstrate their competence
promoted to supervisory positions.
In a recent order he asked that
26 per cent of the vacancies in
supervisory positions be filled by
enrollees. Theso instructions were
modified by the order of Septem
ber 26.
Plans for the initial examina
tion under the new ruling are be
ing formulated by tho Civil Ser
vice Commission.
from the bowl easily. Chill be*
fore using. Oh'lling makes pie
Ipaste richer and flakier.
What fun ! A kitchen rnid!
Twenty guests stormed her kit
chen after a first night affair.
There I found glamour, lure,
romance and appetites. At mv
first kitchen raid. There we
found an assortment of bread,
sliced bologna, sardines, liver
wurst ,and boiled ham. Dill
pickles, cheese spreads, a sp'cy
jam, chocolate cake and coffee.
We served ourselves, we ate
plenty. A jolly good time until
the wee hours. Right in the kit
There is nothing more stimu*
luting! And kitchen raids need
not he expensive. There are
countless good things to eat at
moderate cost.
"Tlrnwn Tloraber.” s. tul J, Hump (or Sampler
FKF.E Button and Hperlal Aurnta Ofler. Hurry I
Write today betore all buttons are gone. _
I24S CottogaGrave Avo. Dtat.Mf Chicago, IE,
FREE YOURSELF of ovil con
ditions. Master every undertak
ing, Money, Control Husband,
Wife, Sweetheart. THIS BOOK
IS FREE. Get your copy at once
if you want results. Dagget Pub.
Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago 111.
A Baby For You?
If you are denied the blessing
of a baby of your own and yearn
for a baby’s arras and a baby’s
smile, do not give up hope. Just
write in confidence to Mrs. Mil
dred Owens, Dept. N512, Hanan
Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo., and she
will tell you about a simple home
method that helped her after be
ing denied for 15 years. Many oth
ers say this has helped, bless their
lives. Write now and try for this
wonderful happiness.
Heywood Broun
Filed Sui‘ Against
AmsteArdam News
New York, Nov. 9.—Mrs. Sadie
Warren Davis, publisher and
owner of the ‘Amsterdam, News’
whose editorial staff has been
“locked out,” got herself into
more serious trouble last week
when Heywood Broun, noted col
umnist and president of the
American Newspaper Guild, filed
suit against her for $250,000, al
leging a libellous statement in the
October 19th issue of the paper.
The suit was served on Mrs.
Davis as she was leaving court on
October 22nd, after Magistrate
Overton Harris had dismissed a
“disorderly conduct” charge she
had brought against nine Negro
and white pickets.
Other parties to the suit include
Aiken Pope, counsel to the Am
sterdam News; Mrs. Odessa
Morse, president of the company;
Romeo Dougherty, general man
Calls Guild Racketeer.
The action is based upon state
ments appearing in the scab
edited paper, which call the
American Newspaper Guild a
“racketeering, outlaw, dues pay
ing organization, attempting to
destroy business.”
ine New lora Newspaper
Guild, branch of the American
Newspaper Guild, is putting up a
spirited fight for the replacement
of the 17 editorial employees on
tho ‘Amsterdam News,’ who had
been fired and locked out by Mrs.
Davis for membership in the
Guild. Broun’s action grew out of
Mrs. Davis’ publishing a state
ment alleged to be the “truth”
abotut why she fired her entire
editorial staff.
Owner Loses Out
On Tuesday, Mrs. Davis, in an
effort to break up peaceful mass
picketing in front of the ‘Amster
dam News’ offices at 2293 Sev
enth Avenue, charged in court
that the nine arrested pickets
were "disorderly,” After the col
1 lapse of her case, her attorney
| “withdrew prosecution, if the
pickets would not sue Mrs. Davis
for false arrest.”
| The efforts of the fired em
ployees to regain their jobs are in
heir third week.
As a result of cooperation from
all Harlem, the paper has lost ap
proximately 47 per cent of its cir
culation, and almost all of its lo
cal advertisers. A citizens com-1
mittee of prominent Harlemites is
supporting the editorial saff.
Ildth mi i K Iln.Mlv -Writ* K*r*to»it »
for out nyt proposition U» th»* f 1 «'*•*
ih« flMd K*jr»ton# . ***-pt 00. Mem
phis. TVltH
Straighten Your Hair
At Home
•*#■■*** ' ' *
Our newest product turns the
most stubborn kinky hair into soft
lustrous straight hail*. Applied a'
home in a few seconds. Costs but
a few cents. Write for free offer.
borview Ave., Bridgeport, Conn.
Free Yourself of evil
conditions. Master every
undertaking, Money, Con
trol Husband, Wife,
Sweetheart. This book is free, get
your copy at once if you want re
sults. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430
Rhodes, Chicago, HL
We want everybody
DRESSING and Face POWDER. So don’t
[wait I Ba aura to get your FREE Samptee.
[last send name, address and #e stamp
for mailing aoata. SAMPLES and BEAU
fTY BOOK mill be scnt*yoa right away.
|We will also Bend you oar Biff Money.
Making arena' proposition. Don’t mlse
IMa big offer. Write today. Say: "Send
me agents* offer and FREE Samples.'
5249 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Dept. 616 Chicago, 111.
neip your gianas
by using DR. HOL
cial gland medi- j
cines for men and
women. You have
tried the rest, now try the best.
The Doctor’s own prescription.
Don’t be satisfied until you have
tried VIGOR. Feel young at 70.
Price $1.00; postage extra.
4304 S Parkway, Dept. A, Chicago
Editor Omaha Guide:—An
gelo Herndon, young Negro
sentenced to 18 to 20 years on
the Georgia chain gang has
just been refused a re hearing
before the U. S. Supreme court.
This puts his fate squarely
up to Engene Talmadgc, Gover
nor of Georgia.
The enclosed pamphlet tells
you the story. Now you, and
thousands of others, should
You can help by:
1. Signing the enclosed pet
ition ,if you have not already
done so, getting others to sign
it and returning it to us at
2. Writing a letter to Gov
ernor Eugene Talmadge, Atlan
ta, urging him to free Hern
don ; sending a copy of your
letter and any answer you may
get, to us. if possible.
3. Making a contribution to
our fund so that the campaign
for Herndon’s freedom can go
forward and so that we can
enlist new support through
sending the pamphlet to hun
dreds of thousands.
Your immediate support is
essential. Join this campaign
today. Send for more petitions
to help mobilize 2,000,000 oth
ers in the fight for Herndon's
freedom and constitutional
Very sincerely yours,
Mary Fox.
Nb i
| Kjsr^nttt to htlp jron t*t • •*» » -
tic Vo «« hrotJ 5"’Pi » ,
: Writ* mt todjy. _ lafb^ytloo t K ■
{. W LLLAMS, 901 Bars* Ai
Dept. O. G.
New Kind Insurance
Policy Sent Free
Buy no insurance policy until
you see the new contract sent for
10 days FREE inspection by Na
tional Benefit Protective Associa
tion, 205 Hall Building, Kansas
City, Mo. It pays $300,00 on nat
ural or accidental death; costs
only 50c a month. Age limit 2 to
50. Persons 51 to 05 and entire
families also covered at amazing
ly low rates. SEND NO MONEY!
Simply send name and age of all
persons to be covered together
with beneficiary’s name and rela
tionship. When certificate arrives
for FREE inspection you will be
more than pleased. No obligations
—FREE offer limited—write to
When Poisons Clog
and Irritate Bladder
Go to your druggist today and
get this safe, swift and harmless
diuretio and stim/ulent—ask for
Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsuls
and start at once to flush kidneys
of waste matter saturated with
acids and poisons.
That’s the way to bring about
healthy kidney activity and stop
that bladder irritation which often
causes scanty passage with
smarting and burning as well as
restless nights.
Remember, the kdneys often
need flushing as well as the
bowels, and some symptoms of
kidney weakness are: Getting up
once or twice during the night—
puffy eyes—cramps in leg—back
ache and moist palms. But be
sure and get GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsuls—the origin
al and genuine—right from Haar
lem in Holland—the price is small
(35 cents), the good results will
furnish your expectations.
(Continued From Page 1)
selves to that side of the ques
tion. i
Fascism has no right to
speak of barbarism on the part
of others.
In the name of humanity and
civilization, we deny that right
of these enslavers of their own ,
countrymen to set themselves
up as “civilizers" of other peo'
pie in order to mask a war of
conquest and rapine. We deny
them the right of imposing fur
ther sacrificies on the Italian
people, in order to satisfy their
thirst for glory, blood and
The Italian people does not
want war, the Italian does not
wish to be made the accomplice
of an inhuman aggression
which will unleash a world con
The Italy of the Italian peo'
pic does not wish to take upon
tself the responsibility for new
How To Get Rid Of
Look Years Younger
When you can change your
gray, faded, or streaked hair to
its natural youthful soft color in
less than half an hour—
And do it at home without fear
of harm to the hair—why go on
looking years older than you
should look.
Rap—I—|Dol is the real, origin
al hair colorer—18 shades to
choose from it is so supremely
good that the best beauty shops
in all the large cities in the world
feature it. Rap—I—Dol will not
wash off or fade nor affect mar
cell or permanent waves.
Go to any Beaton Drug Store
today and choose the shade you
need—you’ll be a happy woman if
you do—for a long time to come.
I n A Full Sire Specially posod photo
' FREE with every can al
% Sweat Georgia Brown Hair Drawing
Everybody wants a picture of this great fighter, so
•■clean up" Big Money by giving away a beautiful
Autographed Photo (9" * 12") of JOE LOUIS
absolutely FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia J
Brown Hair Dressing. Don’t wait! Write today for
Free Samples Sample Case Offer and Special JOB :
LOUIS FREfe Picture Oder. Hurry! Do It now I
S249 Cettage Grave Ava. Dept. Ml Chicago, Hh
Jfnet send 10a cola or
etampe to cover shipping
casta. No obligation. At
tractive Agents offer la
also included. Write
ttaMow grown Chorea Cre
Dept. NP04
Memphis, Tenn.
■g . -**
while you
Now—almost over
night—you can make
your skin many
shades lighter—free
from freckles, pim
ples, blackheads,
• uiuvvuvo.
Tonight at bedtime spread Nadinola
Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms.
While you sleep it gently dissolves dark
pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double
acting. It gives results you have never
found in any ordinary bleach.
■rpY Get Nadinola today at any toi
let counter or by mail postpaid,
AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money
DICK cheerfully refunded. NADI
NOLA, Box N-17, Paris, Tenn.
eNadinola ‘BkacJungCraun
massacres. This is the desire of
the Italian people.
Here is what someone has
written us from Italy: “Mus
solini wishes to suppress slav
jry. He would do far better to
jrant liberty to the Italian
people. The barbarians are here
it home!”
We wish the delegates to this
issembly of the League of Na'
;ions to know this. It is their
ask to stop this criminal ad
venture from being completed;
[t is their tusk to keep the Ital
an people from becoming en‘
neshed in a war that they do
aot want, and from being re
sponsible for the shame of a
jarnage without parallel in
Help Kidneys
• If poorly functioning Kidney* and
Bladder make you suffer from Getting
Up Night*. Nervousness. Rheumatio
• Pains. Stiffness, Burning, Smarting.
Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed
Doctor's PrescriptionCystex(Siss-tex)
—Must fix you up or money
CyStOX back. OnUWf at druggists.
Make Today Tour Lucky
Day Just send your nami aad ad drees and
get marvelous magic Lucky Love and Monay
"golden-charm" pocket piece, and big new
Afinta' oroDosttlon Write Keyetone Lab.,
Dept. 6-R-9 Memphis, Tenn.
Fine for Weak Kidneys and Blad
der Irritation.
One 35 cent box of these fam
ous capsules will put healthy ac
tivity into your kidneys and blad
der—flush out harmful waste
poisons and acid and prove to you
that at last you have a grand diu
retic and stimulant that will
swiftly cause these troubles to
But be sure and get GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—
safe and harmless—the original
and genuine—right from Haarlem
in Holland. Millions have kidney
and bladder trouble and never
suspect it—some symptoms be
sides visits the bathroom at night
are backache, moist palms, puffy
eyes and scanty passage that oft
times smarts and burns.
Including Diploma ' Mail, Write
Box 5315 Chicago, 111.
M <***21 7 % £twmi§fi
Bp#* J a V I k !
T h a t’s what
grateful thousands
of users all over
the world say about
Black and White
Ointment and Skin
Use this famous
combination treatment
to fade out dark
patches and mole dis
colorations; to smooth
out bumps and drive
away blemishes; to dry
up itchy, ecsemic
White Ointment
contains more
than 3 times as
much as 25c size.
Largo bar Black
and White Skin
Soap only 25c.
CJused to be so lonely, so blue. Secret
ly I longed for dates, dances, parties
— for a life filled with romance—the
love of a certain man. Rut happiness,
It seemed, wasn't meant for me.
One day a friend put me wise. “Other
girls are more popular than you,** she
said, “because their hair is soft and
radiant, while yours is dull, streaky
and lifeless." No charm of face or figure
can make up for that handicap. Try
their beauty secret —use Godefroy's
I tried this remarkable preparation
and the results were simply amazing
It made my hair young again, spark
ling with loveliness that won the man
1 wantod for ray very own. Tonight, ho
called me his “one and only."
You can't fool the man you want.
Gray, streaked, faded and ofl-color
hair docs make a difference. But don’t
worry about It. Let Godefroy’s Larleu-c
unlock the door to romance and lead
you to happiness, as it did me.
Larteuse Is as easy to use as an ordi
nary shampoo. Nofuss; no bother. Just
apply at home. Takes only 15 minutes.
Color comes evenly: jet black, black
dark, medium or light brown —or
blonde. Will not rub of or wash ofl
and will last and last. Get a full-size
bottle from your dealer on money-back
guarantee. Get It TODAY.
dealer earn'/
•apply y»a
lead $1.25,
Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy!
Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy
to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money
Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET
GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener,
Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any
experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to
$40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day.
Send No Money!
Just fill in coupon and mail it
today for FREE SAMPLES of
Hair Dressing, Face Powder and
Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't
wait. Mail the COUPON NOW!
Valmor Products Co. D«7'
5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, UL
- I
5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. III. I
I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I
Free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I
Name_ I
Address .............._..._......_..... 1