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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1935)
BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores Electric Company Cuts Rates "Some of our customers will save enough money monthly— f EVERY MONTH—to cover the cost of several week’s washing— j of several weeks’ use of a vacuum cleaner—of electric cooking for three of four days—of running a refrigerator for a week or more. “To illustrate the savings: The customer who now pays an aver age of $3 a month will save ap proximately $5 per year. The cus tomer now paying $1.80 a month will save an average of $3 per year. Either of these savings is almost equal to two months of free electricity. “This total savings to the homes of Onyiha wil be $230,000 r. year. Other savings will go to certain commercial and industrial customers and to Council Bluffs and rural customers. “The magnitude of this rate re duction can be seen when one realizes that over a period of only five years our customers will have saved more than two and one-half million dollars in their electric bills. “Wt> ure making this reduc tion in electric rates in face of steadily mounting taxes and oth er expenses because of the in creased use of electricity by our customers. Also, we are confi dent that our customers will take advantage of this reduced rate in making even greater use of elec tric service in banishing drudgery and in making their homes more comfortable, happier and more contented places in which to live.” In addition to the cut in rates for Omaha homes, nyany commer cial and industrial customers will receive reductions in their rates. These reductions are naturally busd upon increase in their con sumption or improvement in their loud factor. Mr. Davidson brought out that the cost of electricity can be re duced in three ways. These three ways are: Ky a greater increase in population, by decrease in ex penses and by increased use. Oma ha’s population has not increased, expenses have increased instead of decreased, so the only way the peoplo could have received a re duction in their electric bills was naturally by increased use. "Jt is with a great deal of pleasure that we make this re duction, and we hope that cheaper electricity will be of even greater service than it has been in the past to our many thousands of customers.” Straighten Your Hair At Home Our newest product turns the most stubborn kinky hair into soft lustrous straight hair. Applied at home in a few seconds. Costs but a few cents. Write for free offer. CHEMCO PRODUCTS, 115 Har borview Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. FREE YOURSELF of evil con ditions. Master every undertak ing, Money, Control Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. THIS BOOK IS FREE. Get your copy at once if you want results. Dagget Pub. Co., 3430 Rhodes, Chicago 111. •„ A Baby For You? If you are denied the blessing of a baby of your own and yearn for a baby’s arms and a baby’s smile, do not give Up hope. Just write in confidence to Mrs. Mil dred Owens, Dept. M512, Hanan Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and she will tell you about a simple home method that helped her after be ing denied for 15 years. Many oth ers say this has helped bless' their lives. Write now and try for this wonderful happiness. MANHOOD LOST Help your glands by using DR. HOL LOWAY’S VIGOR TREATMENT. Spe- i cial gland medi-1 cines for men and women. You have ' tried the rest, now try the best. The Doctor’s own prescription. Don’t be satisfied until you have tried VIGOR. Feel young at 70. Price $1.00; postage extm. HOLLOWAY MEDICAL CO. 4304 S Parkway, Dept. A, Chicago Tax Exemption Group Gaines ers ami taxpayers in Nebraska, ened its position by adding sev eral prominent and represent taive men and women to its board of directors and Advis ory Board. Outstanding among these is Win. H. Dorranee, prominent funeral director of Omaha, who has been neglected to the Presidency of the Fed • ration. Mr. Dorranee is well known throughout the Middle West for his high ideals and | business ability. When <|iies tioned recently why he became affiliated with the Federation of Home and Farm Owners, Mr. Dorranee said, “I became very iniii'li interested in the Feder* I at ion’s program for two prin cipal reasons justice and hu manity. The Federation’s pro' ! posed $500 tax exemption amendment is the only practic al, equitable and humane sol ution to a vicious problem now confronting thousands of home and farm owners in our State.’’ Mr. Dorrance continued by say ing, “I cannot reconcile any of my ideas of justice with the present system of taxation that actually takes a man’s home or farm from him because he is suffering economic and finan cial reverses for which lie is in no wise responsible. We feel that the people of Nebraska will vote this $5000 tax exemp tion law into our statutes by an overwhelming majority in the next election.’’ Petitions to secure the 100,' [ 000 necessary signatures to place the proposed amendment on the ballot for a vote by the people are now being circulated in practically every part of the state. The Federation urg es every home owner to care j fully follow the proper proced' ure in signing the petitions as! any violation of the instrueJ tions will disqualify any name that does not conform to the legal requiremeyts. For any in formation regarding the Fed' j eration’s program, those inter ested may obtain same at the headquarters of the Federation in the Omaha National Bank Building. Radio programs are now be ing broadcast by the Federation j over KOIL and KFAB. The Federation has just com' pleted arrangements for public meetings throughout different communities in Omaha .An nouncement of these w£fl be made in subsequent radio pro grams and in the weekly and daily newspapers: Meeting out in the state are also being ar ranged and will get under way shortly. The Federation invites home owners to inquire re garding its activities by calling personally at its headquarters in the Omaha National Bank Building. Samples of Saw! Georgia Brown Hair Drosaing and Face Powder Re ft Joe Louie Booeter. _ Wear thl* elawy Button of the "Broom Bomber." Send Jc Stamp for Sampled, FREE Button and Speelal Agent* Offer. HUTTyl Write today before all button* «re gone. — VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. “ SMS Cottaga Crave Ave. Dept. Mg Cltkage, IN. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies' and Childrens’ Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Northside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding Between Merchantsand Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations Mrs. Swanagan Writes think they know about me. It is scandalous the way some people who have such large skeletons In their own losets, to run down the char t *tcr of a person who have ived in Lincoln, as I have, for ighteen years, and during hat time, I have gone so far s any of them, have lived an pen life, have always been etive in church work, com nunity work, and have done nore for my fellowmen than |l iy two people together and |) 'cause I am not I he thing they Would have me be ,they have k "t out with their poison ton" K k*s to destroy my character. Eighteen years have I lived in this city, year by year, I have climbed higher and high er, during those eighteen years I] haven’t been arrested, brok en up any homes, nor have Ij [conducted myself Otherwise 1lmn a lady at any time. Society,—I don’t give a darn about being a society lady, in the first place we don’t have such thing in Lincoln, and sec" ondly, I will at nil times be just Loretta Swanigan. If to become society I must think myself better than my feTlovv man, then 1 don't want to be one of them. If by being so ciety, I mustn’t go to you when you are in trouble, visit you, make you feel welcome in my home and all the other little Hi in gs 1 love to do, then I’ll 1 oil you I don’t want to be one. I like to feel that I am as good ns anybody in this city, and no better than any one else. I write this because I have suffered too long from these insulting remarks made by J oople, and I am giving fair earning that the next one that t> much as says a word about hy character, I am going to ring him or her into court, nd it isn’t going to be healthy. 1 Dear Lord, in the battle that poes on through life, I ask but a, field that is fair.” Signed, Mrs. Loretta Swanigan. Mrs. Swanigan is well known in Omaha where she is a fre luent visitor at the Jack Scott md Macey home, and is well iked by all who have met her. JESSIE’S ORIENTAL TAVERN. The Place Where Good Fellows Meet—Hear MISS BERNICE GIVENS AND HER POPULAR SONGS 2525 Erskine St. WE-5758 HOUSTON’S CASH MARKET 2114 N. 24th St. JA-3543. Every Day is Bargain Day Here CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King: Yuen Cafe 2010Vi N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Open from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. JOHNSON DRUG CO. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N. 24th St. BEER ON TAP AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 24th, Street. RED HOTS AND SHORT ORDERS TRY OUR DOUBLE DECK CLUB SANDWICH STATEMENT OF PUBLI CATION Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., re quired by the Act of Congress of March 3, 1933, of The Omaha Guide Publishing Co., Inc., pub lished weekly at Omaha, Nebras ka, for October 1935. State of Nebraska County of Douglas, Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county a foresaid, personally appeared Boyd V. Galloway, who, having been duly sworn according to law, de poses and says that he is the Editor of The Omaha Guide, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and brief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the re verse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addres ses of the flublisher, editor, man aging editor, and business man agers are: Publisher, Omaha Guide Pub lishing Co., Inc., 2418-20 Grant Street. Editor, Boyd V. Galloway, 2418-20 Grant St. Managing Editor, Boyd V. Gal loway, 2418-20 Grant St. Business Managers, H. J. Ford and C. C. Galloway, 2418-20 Grant Street. 2. That the owner is: Omaha Guide Publishing Co., Inc., 2418-20 Grant Street. 11. J. Ford, President, 2418-20 Grant Street. Fluena Cooper, Vice President, 2418-20 Grant Street. Boyd V. Galloway, Secy-Treas., 2418-20 Grant Street. 3. That the known bondhold ers, mortgagees, and other secur ity holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se curities are: Duplex Press Co., Battle Creek, Michigan. Frank Stuart, 8015 Manderson St., Omaha. Mr. George Woodard, Congress Hotel, Omaha. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and se curity holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also in cases where the stockholders o r security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any oth er fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant’s full know ledge and belief as to the circum stances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this af fiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest, direct or indirect, in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. Boyd V. Galloway. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of October, 1935. (SEAL) Lucy Mae Stamps. My commission expires Dec. 3, 1935. RABE’S BUFFET Carl Rabes, Prop. Refreshments and Lunch 2425 N. 24th Street, 24th and Lake Phone JA- 9195 Omaha AMERICAN MEMORIAE CO. Twentieth & Cuminus St. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS PHONE ATlantic 4927 All Work Guaranteed _“We have served your friends’*—Ask them DRINK THE CHOICEST PRODUCT OF THE BREWERS’ ART STEPPED UP AND PEPPED UP TO WARM YOU UP I A' I j ,\\XX1 Herman’s Market J 24TH and LAKE STS. WE 5444 5 OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLT J WE DELIVER TOOK OFF 17 LBS. OF UGLY FAT HEEDED DOCTOR’S ADVICE Mrs. Robert Hickey, Roseville, Calif., writes: "My doctor prescribed Kruechen Salts for me—he said they wouldn’t hurt me in the least. I’ve lost 17 lbs. in 6 weeks. Kruschen is worth its weight in gold." Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to gosslpers who said there was no safe way to reduce. She wisely fol her doctor's advice. Why don’t Get a Jar of Kruschen to-day (lasts * weeks and costs but a trifle), limply take half teaspoonful in cup »f hot water every morning All Iruggists. I n r 50c Golden Brown Algerian MaJ« ling. al*o sample* Hall Dressing Ointment Face l’oivder and Beauty Book all FREE I Juat tend 10c coin oi atamps 10 cover shipping coats. No obligation. At* tractive Agents offer la also Included Write N P Golden Brown t hem. < " Memphis Tenn NP 65 Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Crcomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take.a chance with anything less than Creomul sion, which goes right to the seat of thei trouble to aid nature, to soothe and heal the inflamed mem bra- •'s as the germ-laden phlegm is sened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Crcomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) 1 Dept. NP-3 -■> I made my skin shades lighter! — - And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis solves dark pigment — for Nadinola is double-acting. That's why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get Nadinola today at any toi t let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money D|C|( cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA, Box N-19, Paris, Tenn. cNadirwlafflead/nf Cream TIRED, WORN OUT, NO AMBITION ) W many women are just dragging them selves around, all tired out with peri odic weakness and pain? They should Know that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tab lets relieve peri UUR [MH1S auu UIS* comfort. Small size only 25 cents' •Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville, Illinois, says, “I had no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tab lets helped my periods and built me up.” Try them next month. wSSSmmm CHAMPION CIGAR STORE DIRECT WIRE ON ALL SPORT EVENTS JA. 4777 Ladies Welcome 2047 No. 24 Whiten SkinThis (tiphten\3 Clearti; f taotiful Skin/ Special Whitening Soapfree Fast Easy way To quickly whiten, lighten and clear skin of pimples, freckles and other ordinary summer time blemishes, just do this one simple easy thing. Get 26c Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Oint ment at any good drug" store. To night spread a little of this de lighful pure creamy ointment over your skin. See for yourself the wonderful results it gives. In sist on the genuine. Ask only for Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment A free trial of D|R. FRED Palmer’s products awaits you. Just send your name, address and 3c for postage charges today to DR. FRED Palmer’s Laboratories, Dept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia. A valuable and useful WEEK-END-KIT will be sent to you without further charge. ALWAYS DEPENDABLE Both Our Service and Printing. We Equipped To Print Anything From Stamps to News papers. We Call For and Delver. OMAHA GUIDE PUB. CO. 2418 Grant Street WE 1750 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ; 4 Cannolene Cannolene ] Hair Grower Bleach Cream (Double Strength) * (Double Strength) 50c 50c And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we will give a Free Start to intelligent, energetic men or women who are ambitious (0 make money and build up a business pi their own selling beauty products oi the belter kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality Une and you win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co., Dept. 20-A, Atlanta, Gat N-N-F. Ex. S.