Closes Success! ul Revival Meeting Rev. W. C. Conwell, and members of Clair M. E. Church closed one of the most success" ful revivals in the history of the church. Rev. C. C. Reynolds of Carthage, Missouri, evangel ist, who for ten nights poured out his heart an dsoul’s con tent to God, and lifted the Christian people to a higher state of mind concerning God, and what is expected of a hu man being as a Christian. The services were well at" tended each night. The meeting has meant much spiritually to the people who attended. Two members were united with the church. The congregation regret very much to lose Miss Mary Helen Wilkes, who has gone to Kan sas City to live with her moth er. We lose a faithful worker in Miss Wilkes ,who has been our pianist for several years. We hope she will be just as useful in her new home church. Visitors are always welcome to Clair Chapel. Mrs. B. V. Smith ,Reporter. Rev. Bilbrew Returns Extra!—Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, of Dallas, Texas, will arrve in Omaha this week-end, to a i swer the call of the Salem Bap t:st Church in person. Salem has planned a big program for the public, Sunday, November 3, and invites all to attend. Wm. Cooper, Reporter Mrs. Haitie Pettis. Ctcra METROPOLITIAN PASTOR S AID Monday evening was the reg ular meeting night of the aid. We are asking all those having the age-guessing envelopes to please return them as soon as possible. Visitors are welcome to our club any time. Sister Willie Varners, Pres. Jane Reed, Reporter. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor The contest and states rally sponsored by the Sunday School October 27th ,was a great suc cess. Bessie Lee Taylor won the cash prixe for having the Jargejft amount. Oklahomalns led in the states. Miss Helen Hytche was captain. Numbers were rendered by the Junior chorus. Rev. J. C. Crowder, pastor of St. Luke, and his congregation assisted in the rally. Eight vis iting ministers were present. Mrs. I. M. Faulkner Oliver, superintendent, extends an in vitation to all visitors a hearty welcome to the Sunday School. Chicago Visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. B. I^iighton, of Chicago, spent a few days in the city, visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Leland, also Mrs. Marie IT. Stuart. They were enroute to Salkla, Colorado, on a busi" ness trip. Mr. Knighton, is business manager of the, Ne gro Commercial Appeal, offic ial organ of the Negro Nation* al Chamber of Commerce, also Sales Manager for Watkins Refrigerators Sales, distributors of Westinghouse Refrigerators and Electrical Appliances. Life belts for bathers invent* ed in England contain calcium carbide to which water can be admitted to form acetylene gas to keep a wearer afloat. V LINCOLN NEWS Miss Nora Louder of Cody, Wyoming, has purchased the Wiley’s Cafe ,and is remodel ing it, when finished, Lincoln will have one of the finest cafes in the west. Miss Louder has been a beautician for the past twelve years in Cody, be fore selling out and coming to Lincoln. |We wish for Miss Louder the very best of suc cess. Lincoln has a new club, namely ‘The Work Men Club’, under the management of Mr. Roy Stolkes and Mr. Sims. It is located across the street from the Burlington depot. This club fill a much needed busi ness in our city. It is beautiful ly decorated, has plenty of nice rooms for sleeping quarters, a spacious reading room, in fact, everything for the comfort of the men of our city. This club will be run within the law, it will be run so, that every class of men will feel welcome and at home, Christians and all. They have planned a big smok er and free feed feast next Fri day evening and they would like to see every man in Lin coln look their club over. There will be speaking from some of the business men also from Captain George Valentine, of the police force. Come out and feel proud of this new business in our city. The railroad boys may make this their headquart ers. Miss Loretto Swanigan’s brother, who is at a local hos pital, is very ill at this writing. Miss Swanigan had as her guest this weekend, Mr. Thomas Pannell and his sister, Miss Josephine Pannell of Kansas City, Mo. Miss Swanigan enter tertained at a dinner Sunday for the visitors and a card party that evening. Miss Pan nell and her brother left Tues day fo rhome, driving by way of Nebraska City, where they spent an hour with Miss Swan igan *8 mother, Mrs. Martin. Mother Davis, one of the old est residents of our city is very sick, and we pray for her speedy recovery. WEDDING ANNOUNCED On Wednesday, October 30, Mrs. Eva Levison gave a recep tion to announce the marriage of her daughter ,annie Lou, to Mr. Alvin Goodwin. The couple were wed at Des MFoines, Iowa, July 2uth. They were attended by Miss Jean King and Bob Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin are both graduates of Technical High school, Mr. Goodwin hav ing attended Langston college for a year. The reception was held at the home of the Levison’s 2728 Bur dette, where their many friends gathered to congratulate them and wish them much happiness and success on the matrimonial sea. THE AUTUMN LEAF CLUB The club met Monday night, at Pleasant Green church, with the president, Mrs. Estella Watters, presiding. The club had a nice program which was enjoyed by evryone. The club held a penny rally. The choir sang fo rthc club. The meeting adjourned wit hremarks from the pastor. Mrs. Estella Watters, Pres. Mrs. Ida Auston, Sec. Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor. ADMIRAL BYRD AND BIRTHDAY CAKE ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD Conqueror of both poles and he hearts of all between, was ar from home when his forty eventh birthday rolled around ’riday, October 25. So he cel' brated the day with the 250 omeless boys of Boys Town, Jebraska, as his hosts. Boys Town, which used to be ailed Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Iome, is some ten miles west f Omaha. Last February the ’ederal government chartered post office there and now it s known from coast to coast s Boys Town, Nebraska. Since he founding of the home eigh een years ago, more than ,800 homeless boys of all races olors and creeds, have been aved for society and useful ives for themselves there. The 250 boys now at Boys ’own ,were gathered in the ymnasium when Admiral fyrd, natty in a new uniform, ntered on the arm of Father lanagan. Cheers swelled to he rafters as wildly waving rms signaled hearty greetings, ’he boys’ band, assembled on he stage, struck up a lifting nartial air. Bryd’s eyes welled with tears s the boys’ choir concluded their part of the program by singing their “Happy Birth day’’ song. He rose to his eet: “Coilnt on me to visit Joys Town whenever I’m in he vicinity/’ he said. Then for he next twenty minutes he eld his enthralled listeners pellbound as he took them on hurried trip on the wings of is words, to the bottom of the /orld. His final words were: “God peed on the splendid careers know you will all make for ourselves when you leave ’ather Flanagan’s Home.” Then the boys presented Ad niral Byrd with his birthday ake. And what a cake it was! 'hree tires high, its glacial rosting was topped with a andy-stick “south pole,’’ with tiny airplane resting beside t. Stuck in the top of the cake, oo, was a wire shaft bearing bravely aloft a red pennant with the numerals “47’’ stamp ed on it—in honor of the birth day Byrd was celebrating. B(yrd’s visit to Boys Town was one of the very few out side engagements he accepted on the lecture tour of the eoun try he is now making. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Irene Charmon Johnson de ceased : Notice is Hereby Given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Ne braska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 23rd day of December, 1935, and on the 24th day of February, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination,, adjust ment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 23rd day of November, 1935. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Nov. 9-16-23. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Willie Galloway deceased: Notice is Hereby Given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Ne braska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 23rd day of December, 1935, and on the 24th day of February, 1936, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination,, adjust ment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 23rd day of November, 1935. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Nov. 9-16-23. JAY’S MARKET 2314 No. 24th Street JA 7234 We aim to please. We carry a complete line of Groceries. 1 TU LULA TEA ROOM Home Cooking and Barecue. All Kinds Home Made Pies. 2422 Burdette St. WE 0689 Free Delivery C. H. IIALL EXPRESS PHONE JA 8585 RES WE-1051 WE MOVE WITH CARE Office: 1405 N 24th St. Omaha WHITES SERVICE STATION Standard Oil Products We repair tires WHITE & NEWTON 24th and Grace St. JA. 895' All Work Guaranteed For Dependable Service White Eagle Oil Station 24th & Willis E. Carter, Mgr. Courtesy Our Motto. ■ Maple Street Grocer: Open Sundays Closed Saturday Complete line of groceries and meats 2701 MAPLE STREET THE MODERN ART CLUB The elub met last Friday night at the home of Mrs. La vida Butler ,on 28th and Wirt street. All members were pres' ent with the exception of two. We were glad to welcome our new members in the person of Viola McFall and Clara Dacus into the elub. The next meeting, Monday, October 28th was at the home of Mrs. M. Hooper, 2408 Maple street. All members are re quested to be present to com plete our preparation for our Hallowe'en party. Christine Althouse, Reporter. RETURNS FROM MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Avery Wash ington, 1714 N. 28th street, re turned home a few days ago from a motor tour of the south. Among the principle stops were Little Rock, Arkansas, Mem ouri, and Wyeene, Arkansas, phis, Tennessee, St. Louis, Miss where Mr. Washington visited his mother and sister, Mrs. Callcy Kashington, Miss Helen Washington. Mr. Washington and sister retured home with him, and will be here indefin itely. They stated having had a wonderful trip. Notice to Non-Resident De fenedent, in The District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. TO: ELLA MAE PENMAN, whose place of residence and upon whom personal service of Summons cannot be had, de fendent. You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of August, 1933, Wil liam A. Penman, as plaintiff, filed his petition against you in the District Court of Douglas Couny, Nebraska, Docket No. 296, Page 340, the object and prayer of which petition is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of desertion. You are hereby required to an swer said petition on or before the 23rd day of November 1936, or said petition will be taken as true. WILLIAM A PENMAN, PLAINfTIFF Ray Ijawrence Williams, His Attorney. THREE-ROOM Kitchenette for rent. Furnished. Strictly mod em. Call WE. 2366. An electric vibrator has been specially designed to shake scale loose from automobile radiators without injury to the core or seams. When Low In Spirit CaU WE 2222, or stop at 18th and Dodge, Free deliv ery to any part of the city on orders of $2. or more, un til 12 p. m. Just give us a ring, WE 2222, your Liquor Store. Lowest in prices and highest in quality. Remem I her the phone number, WE 2222. PINEBOARD LIQUOR STORE, 18th and Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska. A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest . cold or bronchial Irritation, you can fet relief now with Creomulsion. erlous trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul sion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your . druggist Is authorized to guarantee . Creomulsion and to refund your money If you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get^Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE 5656 2414 Grant St. HARRIS & SON Grocery Now Located at 1410 N. 24 Street We wish to thank our patrons for their patronage and hope to continue to serve you. Phone—JA. 4118 USE WE 3043 eat at the MIGET CAFE 24th and Blondo For HOME-COOKED Meals Pies Made With Fresh Fruit Chef Cook, Mrs. Raybons Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery f LINOTYPE COMPOSITION Of Any Description. Stereotyping. Lowest Prices. Call WEbster 1750 for esti tnathe on your job. OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING CO. CLASSIFIED ADS Agents Wanted AGENTS—$10 daily selling Ne gro Dolls, Pictures. Write Na tional Co., 163 W. 126th St., New York. AGENTS, DEALERS*—$10 daily selling Negro Dolls, Negro Pic tures, Big Christmas demand. Write National Co., 163 W. 126th St., New York. MAKE $10 daily selling Negro dolls, pictures. National Co., 166 W. 126th St, New York City. AGENTS — Sell Emperor Haiie Selassie Picture, (Sample 26c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254 W. 135tih St, New York. Rooms For Rent FRONT ROOM and Kitchenette, Garage. AT. 7366. MODERN furnished room* for rent, 2511 Corby, WE. 0360. FURNISHED — two-room apart ment. 2004 N. 27th St., WE. 3738. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 2865 Ohio Street. WE. 6421. FURNISHER) roomB reasonable for reliable people. 1810 No. 26th St FOR RENT—Modem, furnished room. Call JA. 6428. FURNISHED rooms for rent. WE. 2582. FOR RENT—3 furnished roams. 2010 Lake Street Apartments For Rent LOVE’S new kitchenettes, for rent. 2201 Grant. WE. 5553. FURNISHED apartment and gar age for rent. 1434 N. 22. PIk AT. 7356. Rooms Wanted ABOUT 3 or 4 unfurnished roorrvs. Not more than 3 blocks from car line south of Lake Street. Call WE. 3053. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cumings St, Phone JA. 0696. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS YOUR OWN — LAKE SHOE SERVICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake Street. FRANK STUTO, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 242014 Cuming Street. MISCELLANEOUS CHINCHILLA coat, size 2—75c, Camel Hair coat, size 7 or 8, $1.00. Both good as new! 1841 N. 23 Street. WANTED—Woman clerk, man salesman. Either cust invest $300 on interest. Good salary. 2416 Lake Street. Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St. Cuming Hotel. WILL TRADE 1930 Sedan fo* Property or down payment on property. 2007 Clark Street. MR. DEALER HERE’S YOUR " CHANCE TO MAKE A COUPLE THOUSAND DOLLARS ' ■ # . 'v -- FOR SALE C. F. Read estate must be closed at once. The following described property is for sale, either seperately or in a lump sum. Make your offer. Lots 1 and 2 in block 15, Orchard Hill addition, at 4006 and 4008 Decatur street. Two small, four-room houses. The south thirty feet of lots six and seven in block three in Pat rick’s addition, at 2117 N. 27 street. Imts five and six in block one. in Paddock Place, vacant property, at the northeast corner of 15th and Burdette. Lot sixteen, and the south seventeen feet of block one, in Arm strong's addition, at 913, 915 and 917 N. 25 street, which are three one-story houses of three rooms each, and one two-story house, of six rooms. This property is not new, but all rentable property at a fair rent al value. We will sell it at a price that will move it. Thomas and Thomas, attorneys for the estate. Phone AT. 1680 before 5 p. m., and after 5 p. m., call WE. 1750, located at 1016 Oma ha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. —MM—— COAL $6.25 (You Deliver It) CAREY BROTHERS TWO PHONES 27th & Grant WE 6089 ^^^^^^^^^^221^^4tl^AT 407(S