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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1935)
■REVEALING’ , ~ i/Dur ■ PAST, PRESENT fm PEJIWIE.** &/ ABe&' WALLACE- — Nwty*- mentjW- cm* , Amcruzan ©taoc - ■ ■■■——-_ It. L. S.—I am in love with my wife and I want to know if she cares for me! Ans:—Your wife thinks of you as the best friend she has in the world, but she isn't in love with you—She’ll never care enough about you to LIVE WITH YOU AGAIN. I. It. T.—I want to know why my son doesn’t continue on a job when he gets one? Ans:—Because every time he gets one He loses it—Your son appears to gamble too much and in any kind of respectable business they won’t tolerate it —Your son wil lhave to learn to be a GENTLEMAN if he ex pects to hold down a decent job. M. J.—I would like for you to tell me if I will get the money from the two sources which I have in mind? Ans:—At your ^husband's death you were due some money from the insurance policies which were made out to you— You won’t have any trouble cashing in these policies— However, you won’t be able to secure the money that was left to your husband by HIS AUNT. A. B. J.—Should I believe this man that says he is in love with me? Would it be wise to marry him? Ans:—You can believe this man who claims to be so much in love with you for he even thinks enough of you to DIVORCE HIS WIFE and mar ry you. Since your husband is a HABITUAL DRINKER, you can find more peace and con tentment with this other man. C. M. M.—I want to know why my boy friend don’t get me my coat and dresses as he said he would? Ans:—Your boy friend in' tended to get your coat and dresses OUT OF THE PAWN SHOP but recently he heard that you had been going up to a certain press shop. Now that he thinks you are untrue to him, he won’t help you out. E. M. T.—Tell me which of my boy friends love me. I can not distinguish which one it is. Ans:—Neither of them are in lore with you—If you had a true lover, you could easily tell by the way he acted around you whether or not he was in lore with you. E. J.—I have been keeping company with a man and all of a sudden he stopped coming to see me. What is the trouble? Ans:—The whole thing in a nut shell is that this man wras in love with enother girl while he was going with you and now he is MARRIED to her. M. A. B.—Have the people whom I visited last year any money ? Ans:—Yes. They have a con siderable amount of money, but they have it willed to their rel atives—You won’t get any thing from these people. W. B.—I would like for you to tell me some way to make some money next year. Ans-—The first thing for you to do is to go ahead and buy a truck as you are planning to do, for that will do you more good than an automobile. Dur ■ - - J.: - - . . 1- M ing the year of 1936 it is my impression that you’ll make your living running a TRUCK FARM. H. M. T.—How will I be treated this winter! Ana:—Before you took this job out of town, your employer told you how you would have to act as Tong as you lived in her home—Abide by her rules and do what she tells you and she’ll treat you VERY GOOD, and with RESPECT. HERNDON’S^ ADDRESS (Continued From Page 1) the overwhelming majority of the people of the Black Belt. No matter how hard they may work, they are always in debt and always tied down to slav ery. But the South is becoming a different South from what it has been. Negro and white workers are organizing togeth er, and it is because of this that I have been condemned to 18 to 20 years on the barbarous Georgia chain gang. The ruling class oppressors know what this movement means for them; they know that once black and white organize together, this will mean the end of their ty rannical rule. That is why they have decided to do me to my death. That is why there are wholesale lynchings, burnings at the stake, that is why there are Scottsboro wises. Before the Civil War the Supreme Court of another day Dred Scott decision, making handed down the infamous slave-catching the law of the land and declaring that a Ne gro has no rights that a white man is bound to respect. Now they have handed down anoth er Dred Scott decision. We can no longer have illusions about the rights of the Negroes, writ ten into the constitution. The Negroes have no rights—no right to vote, to sit on juries, to think and act as free men. These rights will become a reality only when we band to gether to put them into effect. Within a few days I must surrender to the ruling class of Georgia to serve 18 to 20 years on the chain gang, because I was born with a black skin, because I was a worker, and above all because I had the courage to challenge the ruling class. The Negro people, oppressed and enslaved, will not remain silent and indifferent to such outrages. The Negro people have shown their willingness to die in defense of their rights. They will unite with the white workers, will show the ruling class that they will fight not only until Angelo Herndon is free, but until the very jails and chain gangs and the whole system of oppression and rob' bery are done away with. This question is of such importance that it transcends any political differences we may have among us. In my case the ruling class has tried to trample und erfoot those rights guaranteed to all civilized human beings. I am convinced that we will be able to meet this challenge of the ruling class. We Built Country We love this country. Why not? We have built it, we have made it what it is. The blood and bones of our forefathers are mingled in its soil. We have produced everything, and we are entitled to what rightfully belongs to us. The fact that I am a Com" munist infuriated the ruling class of Georgia. They would rather see their Negro citizens acting the Uncle Tom, begging on their knees for crumbs and mercy. But let me say this: Be fore I would get down on my knees and ask them for mercy, Iwould let myself be put to death. I would die fighting for my principles, rather than sit idly by while they trample my people underfoot. The tortures and horrors of the chain gangs of the South rival those of the Spanish In" quisition. Even to see them is to find it hard to believe. They have built little boxes like tele phone booths, in which the prisoner can be locked. Then the door is shut upon him, a rope is tied about his neck, and he is strung up with his toes just touching the ground. | Steam is turned on. A few years ago Arthur Maillefert, a young white boy, traveling in search of a job, was arrested for vagrancy in Florida and put on the chain gang. The overseers cut the bottom out of the barrel, put the barrel over him and made it impossible for him to raise his arms. If a man were to sit down from weari ness in such a contraption, his neck would be broken. That is what happened to young Mail lefert. Not The First Case This is not the first case where a Negro worker was in volved .Many cases happened where Negro workers are fram ed and murdered, are charged with high misdemeanor and sentenced to the electric chair. The trial takes only about 15 to 20 minutes. These things you hear nothing about. It would have been the same thing with me. They would have called me to trial, sentenc ed me to death. Nothing would have been heard about it. But thanks to the organized strug gle led by the International Labor Defense, which rallied masses irrespective of color, creed or political opinion, in my defense, not only has my life been saved, but the strug gle against the Georgia insur rection law has taken on tre mendous proportions. And here am I, charged with attempting to overthrow the constituted authority of the State of Georgia. Now I am faced with the chain gang. Under such a charge, I would not live out a year on the chain gang. There are many ways they might get rid of me. They might shoot me in the back and then say that I had tried to escape. But I know that if tlie pressure of tlie masses is • < ** New discovery, a harmless, vegetable preparation has broi&ht r*llet*to hundreds of sufferers* from high blood pressure. and kindred ailments— hardened arteries, stroke, kidney and bladder QLflammation. •> • . Guaranteed Relief. Utona Is sold on a money back guarantee. Write for free literature, describ ing your oondltlon. Check These Symptoms. Headaches. dtsslness, fainting spells, heart pains, cramps, npmbueas In ' “pins and needms sensations— and others. *+ Send No Money. Delays are dangerous, leading to stroke and heart failure. Write,today. National Utona Company 000 Insurance Exchange Bldg. 4 Detroit, Mich. Ft siedam Pitah Wrftt COULD NOT DO HER HOUSEWORK VV7HEN every* ^ vv thing you at B tempt is a burden ” —when you are II nervous and irri * table—at your wit's end—try " this medicme. It may be just what you need for extra energy; Mrs. unartes i*. t.aomus ot Trenton, New Jersey, says, “After doing just a little work I had to lie down. My mother-in-law* recom mended the Vegetable Compound. I can see a wonderful change now.” [great enough, if we are on the job every day and every night, I they will not dare to carry through their usual practice and do me to my death. The composition of the con ference, the various people who have spoken from this plat form ,assures me that you will continue this fight for the freedom of the Negro people, for the freedom of all oppress ed peoples, and then it will not be long before we can smash the chain gangs and the whole system Oifl which they are 'a part. What is my interest in all this? My only desire is that the Negro people become equals in every walk of life; that all workers have the right to en' joy the things they have pro duced ,to control their own destinies, instead of being rob bed and trampled underfoot by a few worthless parasites. Asks Fighting- Alliance And therefore I ask you to extend the fighting alliance of workers, black and white, na tive and foreign born. Today we have a mighty de’ fense organization, the Inter national Labor Defense, which through its work has kept the Seottsboro boys alive, and has everywhere rallied the masses iu defense of labor's rights, in defense of the trade union movement. Only five days remain before I must go on the chain gang. The time is short. Nowr more than ever, must we develop the united campaign of mass protest whjch will bring the voice of millions into the State of Georgia: “The slave insur rection law must be wiped out.” You, and all the other justice loving people of America, must be the ones to smash the insur rection law, to free me, to free the Seottsboro boys, to put an. end, at last, to the barbarous regime of the South. Continue that fight; it is a fight for your freedom as well as for mine. H*« m«UT and lov* aaacie. Sand rana nama and addreaa and racaiva th« oiratia aaaif.1- fraa. Juat arrita Kayacana 1 -u_ i ,*>. Mamphia. Tanja. Dept. l-R-7. MEN’S SUITS ZORIC CLEANED 68C CASH AND CARRY EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1020 I Radio sets worn inside their helmete have been supplied to some English policemen to en LEG SORES If you have stubborn, torturing trichophyton tinea leg sores, don't suffer any longer, without trying ULGO. As a user “I would not take $1,000 for what Ulgo did for me. It completely healed my leg sore of years’ standing.” SEND NO MONEY—just name and address. Use all. If satisfied, send 50c; if not., your report can cels charge and you owe nothing. Write to Ulgo Cm, 125 Wirthman Bldg., Dept. 92, Kansas City, Mo. able them to receive orders form headquarters. Beautiful women, handsome t men, hair ezperts all osar the world, have gone crazy 1 about the new Korean Halr dreeelng bepause K Is a tem pi* oil, a dressing, a grower t bb« B BirBi|iii«n«r »u ua - - P'J . | J J Sand nuna and address ■ *1 to raoalva tha world's blc last scents' proposition, and also receive free sample Roroan, a parse packet* of LaJao raoa Porlw, Larky Mojo Numbered Inosass, and , pac* Beauty Book. Key stone tab,, 1 pL -, Memphis, Tana. Dept. 8-R-ll (joNB are those agonizing hours—at home—alone! No more anxious moments at the telephone, waiting for invitations that never come. No longer does she ask: “What’s wrong with me and men?” For now that she has restored to her hair its youthful lustre and loveliness, Lois has found love, happiness, and romance with a capital “R". « What is Lois’ beauty secret? Just this—an occasional application of Godefroy's Larieuse Hair Color ing. That’s how she regained hes glamorous charm—beauty that turns men’s thoughts to romance. That’s why her hair is so soft, silky, and always sparkles. rv - Simply, quickly—and at home— you, too, can color your hair to a lovely, even shade of jet black, dark, medium or light brown, or blonde, with Godefroy’s Larieuse. No waiting. No disappointments. Soft, gleaming hair—hair that keeps you looking younger than your years — in just a few minutes. This famous preparation has been used and approved by stage and screen stars, celebrities and people 'of wealth, position and prestige, for more than 42 years. Satisfac tion guaranteed or your money back. a Don’trisk unhappiness—don’t wait .—get a. full size bottlfc of Godefroy’s Larieuse from your dealer TODAY; // your * GODEFROYS dialer earn’I • upply you itud$1.2S. R coloring IMPROVED * GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 3306 OLIVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. PL N NO t To attend each session of the Omaha Guide’s Food Show and home Planning Exhibit. Opens Mon., Nov. 25 Daily sessions the entire week. Thousands of valuable prizes, Omaha’s leading merchants will participate.