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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1935)
Newest Spiphtp Notes On.. ^cience NEK NOTES O PSCIBNCE .... More leather is being Uset in Palestine at present thar ever before. A motor boat invented by * Georgia resident is propelled by torpedo shaped rotors fitted with spiral fins on either side Mexico has prohibited the importation of two headed matches and matches contain ing white phosphorus. Eight different metals have been found in coffee beans, drawn from the soil in which the trees were grown. First aid outfits for use in accidents have been installed on sign board posts along some English highways. Having spring steel ends that curve inward, a new book rack expands when additional books are placed in it. A German railway is experi' menting with streamlined cov ers for its older locomotives to increase their speed. Antelopes hold the speed rec ord for animals, sometimes run nnig at a rate of 60 miles an hour for short distances. British naval cadets are taught how to moor ships at ft training station with a battle ship model mounted on wheels. Automatic, food and water dispensers for bird cages have been invented that operate for several days without attention. Canners in Hawaii will pack about 10,000,000 cases of pine apples and 2,500,000 cases of pineapple juices this year. A cup shaped rubber guard has been invented to be slipped on paint brushes to prevent paint running down ou the handles. Consisting of a single semi circular wig, a tailless gliding plane has been flown success fully by its Russian inventor. % Sponge rubber inner tubes have been invented for the tires of military and police au tomobiles to rnuke them bullet proof. jf -- > . - A French inventor’s camera takes pine pictures on a plate or film only three and a half by four and three fourths inches. To prevent theft of bicycles a tamper proof lock that can be permanently built into their frames to damp the steering posts has been invented. Flash Kidneys of Acids and Poisons Stop Getting Up Nights When kidneys are clogged they become weak—the bladder is irri tated—often passage is scanty and smarts and bums—sleep is restless and nightly visits to the bathroom are frequent. The right harmless and inexpensive way to stop this trouble and restore healthy action to kidneys and bladder is to get from any drug gist a 35-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed—you won’t be disap pointed — but be sure and got GOLD MFIDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules—the original and genuine —right from Haarlem in Holland —a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic. Remember also that oth er symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble are backache, leg cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms and nervousness. FREE COURSE IN HAIR CUTLURE Including Diploma ’ Mail, W’rite CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 5315 Chicago, 111. i What Milady Wears Clothes Make the Woman! Pretty girls always choose pink.—Mrs. Ceola Davis, very attractive in pink taffeta, net trimmed, unusual gold and sil ver Cleopatra sandals,—Ada Lee Walker ,pink taffeta, with a fitted jacket—Hester Brown, pink crepe, pink taffeta ruffles —. Alwnys in something new, and just a little bit different, —Lorene Lewis, black tunic frock, trimmed with taffeta and flowers—A new hair dress! Mrs. Elizabeth Ogelesby wears the peasant style hairdress, very becomingly—Not a day over sixteen;—Mrs. If. Hid. diex, very youthful in a green boucle suit, brown accessories, —Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott in one of the new airplane hats, —Mrs. Mable Brooks in a gor* geous black tunic frock with crepe de chine ballon sleeves— Miss Mary Alice Willis, a rust colored dress ,with the new Raglin sleeves—Pretty as a picture! Miss Sarah Murdock, orange chiffon velvet, with matching muff—Miss Geral dine Rose, wine colored velvet —Page Miss Glory! Miss Anna Mae Windburn, lovely in a black cocktail length gown, with a cossack turban—Miss Ruth Griffin ,arrayed in blue satin, low back, gold slippers, —Miss OharlcMte Hicks, very becoming in a Northern Seal coat, black patent pumps—one of the ruffest in town! Miss Mable Longmires black and white checkered coat, with the huge lapels Mrs. Ella Thomas Anderson ,alluring in a black Sunday night dress, with very odd black and silver sandals. “Pull out your old grey bon net witli all the frills upon it, and you’ll be the grandest lady in the fashion parade.” German naturalists are study ing the flying habits of bats by releasing animals bearing tags from Berlin, their places of capture being noted. New Kind Insurance Policy Sent Free Buy no insurance policy until you see the new contract sent for 10 days FREE inspection by Na tional Benefit Protective Associa tion, 205 Hall Building, Kansas City, Mo. It pays $300,00 on nat ural or accidental death; costs only 50c a month. Age limit 2 to 50, Persons 51 to 65 ami entire families also covered at amazing ly low rate's. SEND NO MONEY! Simply send name and ago of all persons to be' covered together with beneficiary’s name and rela tionship. When certificate arrives for FREE inspection you will be more thnn pleased. No obligations —FREE offer limited—write to i day. _ Call OMAHA POULTRY MARKET 1124 N. 24th St., WE. 1100 FRESH EGGS, FRESH DRESSED POULTRY While You Wait. I-! - '•.v-.'fTfi ft* \ Free Yourself of evil •‘-t.. conditions. Master every undertaking, Money, Con trol Husband, Wife, Sweetheart. This book is free, get I your copy at once if you want re , suits. Daggett Pub. Co., 3430 i Rhodes, Chicago. 111. Help Kidneys _ If poorly functioning Kidney* and A Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Nervousness. Rheumatic • Faina. Stiffness. Burning. Smarting, Itching, or Acidity trythe guaranteed nootuie Prescription Cystex(Siss-tex> - Must fi* you up or money Cy&tex Lack. Only W at drugguta. Make Today lour Lucky your name and address aad get marvelous magic Lucky Lots and Money "golden-charm" pocket piece, and big n*» Meats’ proposition Writs Keystone Lab., Dept 6-R-9 Mnmphle, Tsnn. CHATTERBOX By Ruth Williams) I noticed M.A.W. brought R. B. to the bridge party Wednes' day nite, where was J. M.f— “Oh where did you get that hat. Tell me pretty maid.’’ Nuff sed.—Say M. K. it isn’t exactly nice to go to a party with one boy, and motion with your eyes to another boy to go out in the kitchen so you can make love ,even though he is the host,—J. Me. isn’t the same old gondolier he used to be,— the depression couldn’t be over when two well known figures were seen smoking Bull Dur ham, and becoming quite ex perts at rolling their own,— 8ay boys, those ‘Country Cous ins’ are rod hot mamas,—J. II,, I’m beginning to believe you are a chump,—E. T. are you still ‘that way’ about Herbie W.,—seen. Charlie Delespine and T. W. rehearsing, ‘one big love scene’ at the Ritz,—is that brotherly love you display towards I. If., W. L.t—Say E<1. Riggs what is that strang pow' t>r you have over women?—El liot, I’m ashamed of you!— that was a very attractive girl you were with Sunday Sug. P. —Lorrane Fletcher will be home soon.—there's a blessed event upon the Burdette hill. I believe the address is 2858. Signing off! If there’s any harm done, ‘souse plez. How To Get Rid Of GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger vVhen you can change your gray, faded, or streaked hair to its natural youthful soft color in less than half an hour— And do it at home without fear of harm to the hair—why go on looking years older thar you should look. Rap—I—|Dol is the real, origin al hair colorer—18 shades to choose from it is so supremely good that the best beauty shops in all the large cities in the world feature it. Rap—I—.Dol will not wash off or fade nor affect mar cell or V'rmruient. waves. Go to any Beaton Drug Store today and choose the shade you need—you’ll be a happy woman if you do—for a long time to come. GET MONEY—LOV 1 guarantee (o help you »lJ" ^ life No ca»a bevoud hop*. S*°P Ins ! Write me today. Information lKt.t.1 M W LLIAMS, 901 Bergen Ar«J JERSEY CITY, N J. Dept. 0. G. IA Hairdressing FACE POWDER We want everybody to try SWEET GEORGIA BROWN HAIR DRESSING and Face POWDER. So don’t |waitl Be sure to get your FREE Samples. |Just send name, address and 3c stamp for mailing costs. SAMl’LFS and BEAU TY BOOK will be sent you right away We will also send you our Big Money 'Making* proposition. Don't miaj this big offer. Write today. Says "Send me agents' offer and FREE Samples.' VALMOR PRODUCTS CO., 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Dept. 61fi Chicago, 111, FREE - FREE A Beautiful free gift to any reader of this paper. Just send us your name and address to day. HARRY ANDREWS 49 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. A chain operated tool has been invented with which a man using a ]00_pound pull can exert a force of a ton to I open or shut freight car doors. GOLD MED AL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES 1 Fin* for Weak Kidneys and Blad der Irritation. STOP (LETTING UP NIGHTS One 36 cent box of these fam j ous capsules will put healthy ac ; tivity into your kidneys and blad i der—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diu retic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules— safe and harmless—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits the bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty passage that oft times smarts and bums. •A **H! Yon can now depend on our inew B. P. ^Periodic Relief Compound (Doobl* »* ♦ $3tren*th;, powerful. Act* Quickly. <Mt«n In relieves herd suppressed lrre*ularltie*, dis . <.ur**in* Ion*; overdue abnormal delay*. AJ (iencmily relieved very quickly. \S SEND NO MONE’. wbe.iPdellvered or f I you can safely *end money, savin* rmvll P. • O. collection char*—• u . .. GUARANTEED It »rit*»—If m*®*l period for 2 monUm A- .crt.d d Ahf id » ssi-^a tor mSSmSSO Fv.rZr'^ * “*rrl,d * SJYDER PRODUCE Ct., l,Ul»t£lfe££* ^Koiiouir if j ■ A Full She Specially poeed photo FREE with every can ol t Sweat Georgia Brown Hair Drawing Everybody want* a picture of ttala great fighter eo ••clean-up" Big Money by giving away.a beau tlfid Autographed Photo (9" a 12') of JOE LOUIS absolutely FREE with each can of Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Droning. Don’t wait! Write today for Free Samples, Sample Case Offer and Special JOE Louis FREE Picture Offer Hurryl Do It now I VALMOR PRODUCTS CO._ S249 Cottage Crave An. Dept. S41 Chicago, IB. Jtwt aend 10c coin or etampa to cover ahippinf costa. No obligation At tractive Agenta offer Is llao included. Write (golden Brown Chain. Ca Dept NP64 Memphis, Tenn. WHITEN SKIN ivhile you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads. Tonight at bedtime spread Nadinola Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in any ordinary bleach. TRY Get Nadinola today at any toi 1 n 1 let counter or by mail postpaid, vr our 50c. If not delighted, money nicir cheerfully refunded. * NADI NOLA, Box N-17, Paris, Tenn. | cNcutinsAaftlaichingGeam ■ That's what crateful thousands of users all over the world say about WT Black and White Ointment and Skin [ -v ' Soap. V Use this famous V, combination treatment \i to fade out dark patches and mole dis colorations; to smooth out bumps and drive away blemishes; to dry up itchy,ccscmic irritations! at White Ointment contains more than 3 times as much ns 25c size. Large bar Black and White Skin Soap only 25c. 51,440 homes in Omaha—every one of our residential electric customers—will enjoy a saving in their electric bills when our latest voluntary rate reduction goes into effect January 1. THE TOTAL SAVING WILL BE $500,000 A YEAR! Then our so-called “top” residential rate will be only 4%c a kilowatt-hour—one of the lowest top rates in the United States! Our lowest residential rate is 114c a kilowatt hour. Some of our customers will save enough monthly—EVERY MONTH—to cover the cost of several weeks’ washing . . . of several weeks’ use of a vacuum cleaner ... of electric cooking for three or four days ... of running a refrigerator for a week or more. Almost Two Months’ Electricity Free To illustrate the savings: The customer who now pays an average of $3 a month will save approximately $5 per year. The customer now paying $1.80 a month will save an average of $3 per year. Either of these savings is almost equal to two months of free electricity. This total savings to the homes of Omaha will be $230,000 a year. Other savings will go to certain commercial and indus trial customers and to Council Bluffs and rural customers. Two and a Half Million Dollars Saved in Five Years The magnitude of this rate reduction can be seen when one realizes that over a period of only five years our customers will have saved more than two and one-half million dollars in their electric bills. We are making this reduction in electric rates in face of steadily mounting taxes and other expenses because of the increased use of electricity by our customers. Also, we are confident that our customers will take advan tage of this reduced rate in making even greater use of elec tric service in banishing drudgery and in making their homes more comfortable, happier and more contented places in which to live. Electricity Is Cheap Electricity is cheap in Omaha, but with our new rates, elec tricity will be cheaper than ever before! NEBRASKA POWER CO. Bv ELECTRICITY 1$ CHEAPEN THAN EVER BEFORE! Here's Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It's Easyi Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Tim or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in' coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t wait Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. D«7' 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, UL mtmm | L- • S VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 637 | 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, III. I I I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I I Free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right away. I I I I Stime_—..-I I I I Address______......._..... I I I I City____State_J