The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 02, 1935, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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By Gaines T. Bradford
We present the final install
ment of the memorandum start
ed last week proving that Fas
cist Italy cannot justify her
claim that she is “civilizing’’
Ethiopia when conditions in
her own country are almost
unbearable. At the time of this
writing we are informed that
more than two thousand Ethi'
opian warriors were killed in
combat with the Fascist murd
erers. We hope that Guide read
ers have studied the points out*
lined carefully in order that
they might understand tlie'vic
iousnss of a fascist regime.
This rapid and summary re
view of thirteen years of fas"
cism in Italy would not be com
plete if we failed to mention
the profound and growing dis
content is more and more re
vealing itself in open hostility
on the part of the masses of
people to the fascist regime,
and we ask the delegates to the
League of Nations to take into
account this state of discon
tent, since it is the essential
element explaining the need for
a mad and criminal war which
is leading the Italian people to |
the verge of catastrophe and
which may throw the entire
wrorld into a bloody conflagra
tion. |
The incidents we are about
to mention ,although they can"
not give a complete idea of the
situation now existing in Italy,
are nevertheless enough to
show how unpopular the gov
ernment and this war are, and
how fake is Mussolini’s state
ment that, even if he tried to
hold them back “the 200,000
guns which are in Eritrea would
go off of themselves."
The “carabinieri" (militia)
were forced to search for those
called to the colors in Julian
Venitia: this search almost
took on the character of a ser
ies of arrests. It was forbidden
to sing hymns in the Slavish
languages in the churches.
At Poschiera, soldiers leav
ing for Africa protested. Their
officers beat the soldiers to
force them to march: result: one
soldier was killed with blows
from a club and a captain was
thrown into a ravine for ven
Newspapers publish decrees
forbidding discussion of the
war against Ethiopia.
At Sulmona, 300 militiamen
refused to leave for Africa and
were arrested. .
A rebellion broke out at Tri" (
cassia: five were killed and a '
large number wounded. At As- 1
coli, Piceno and at Naples, the ^
soldiers revolted. <
At Olgiate, relief was refus- 1
ed to families of those called 1
to the colors. 1
(Continued Next Week) c
—- -V
Mrs. Swanigan Speaks
Up for Her Defense
To Guide Readers
\) the Editor of the Omaha
[fly Dear Editor.
For some time past now, I
tave been trying to bring my.
elf to ■write you this letter,
nit as time went on, I have
Hit it off from time to time
mtil now I am real sorry I
haven’t written sooner. For the
>ast seven years I have from
fine to time had little mean,
nasty things said about my
haracter. Things that have
urt in a way, I have felt were
ust born of jealousy or some
liing, but I have let it run
dong, until the people who
tarted it have succeeded to
he extent that they have made
I eople believe I am a person
I > be shunned or loathed. I had
bought that my everyday walk
through life would prove to
the intelligent class what I
really am, but I think most
jeople forget intelligence where
rossip is concerned. Now I am
ust about fed up on the whole
ness ,and I think the time has
ome to put a stop to the whis'
| erings. From now on, the first
olored person in Lincoln that
ust so much as let me know
l.e or she is saying or has said
something about my character,
1 am going to give them a
chance to prove what they said
in court, and let all of Lincoln
and the world know what they
(Continued on Page 6)
W. Ellis Stewart, chairman
)£ the committee of manage
nent of the Wabash Avenue Y.
VI. C. A., secretary of the Su*
)reme Liberty Life Insurance
Company and secretary of the
National Negro Insurance As
lociation, has been elected to
he National Y. M. C. A. coun
;il and a delegate to the inter
mtional convention which con
rened this week in Niagara
'’alls, N. Y., after the national
ouncil convention.
'J -
Voluntary Reduction
Effective Beginning
January 1,1936
51,440 homes in Omaha—
every residential electric eus'
tomer,—will obtain a saving in
their electric bills when the
latest voluntary rate reduction
goes into effect January 1.
Announcement of this big
voluntary rate reduction was
made during this week by J. E.
Davidson, president of the Ne
bniska Power Company, in a
talk before the City Council.
“The voluntary reduction in
Omaha follows our policy 0f
furnishing electricity to our
customers at the lowest possible
rates consistent with a high
standard of service,” said Mr.
“Electricity lias always been
cheap in Omaha, but now elec
tric service for all uses in the
home will be cheaper than ever
Mr. Davidson explained the
rate reduction in the following
manner: “Our so'calied ‘top’
rate is now 5'4c a kilowatt
hour. This will be cut to 4%c
a kilowatt hour, giving to this
city one of the lowest electric
rates in America. This reduc
tion will leave in effect our
very low 3c rate for the next
block and 114c rate for the re
(Continued on page eight)
Herndon Speaks
Before He Joins
The Chain Gang
Below is published the major
portion of a speech delivered
by Angelo Herndon on October
19, five days before he was to
surrender to the Georgia chain
gang. The speech was made at
a conference in New York, call
ed by the Joint Committe to
Aid the Herndon Defense.
Every person who heard the
speech was swept away by the
fire of the young Negro lead
er and here, and when he fin
ished, the entire audience rose
to take a solemn pledge that
they would not rest until he
was freed.
By Angelo Herndon
This monstrous frame-up of
myself is not something that
has been directed against an in
dividual, but is symbolic of a
people, the oppression that all
workers are faced with.
I wonder if those of you who
have bever been South, who
have not had a chance to see
what the conditions are like,
have an idea what the worker
has to go through. I worked for
a number of years organizing
black and white workers in the
various states in the South. We
know that Negroes constitute
»IT* i C 1*1« ♦ « ! b Ilia *3 Mil
New President of Tuskegee Institute
Who was inaugurated president of Tuskegee Institute Monday
afternoon at special exercises held at the famous Alabama
school. X>r. Patterson succeeds ]>r. Robert Russa Moton, now
president emeritus.
Bankes Honored
At Reception
On Sunday evening ,October
27th, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bid
diex, 2218 N. 27th Avenue, en
tertained at a reception at the
Y.W.C-A. to honor their son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Fredric D. Banks, who
were recently married at St.
Philip's Episcopal church.
Nearly one hundred and fifty
guests attended the reception.
The room was decorated with
potted palms and vases of white
roses, which were very skill
fully arranged. The huge wed
ding cake was placed on one
end of a large table which
was covered with a beautiful
lace cloth .In the center of the
table an aisle was formed by
two rows of tall white candles,
between which a small bridal
procession of dolls stood. A
large bowl of punch, at the oth
er end of the table, and several
dishes of candies completed
the table adornments.
Two candelabras, each hold
ing seven white tapers, and a
number of potted palms form
ed a background for the re
ceiving line, which was compos
ed of Mrs. II. Biddiex, Mr. and
Mrs. Fredric D. Banks, Mrs.
Josephine Bell and Att’y H. J.
Mrs. Banks was beautifully
gowned in eggshell chiffon vel
vet with a corsage of pink
roses. Her mother, Mrs Bid
3iex, wore dahlia chiffon vel
vet ,and Mrs Bell wore black !
ind red crepe
Mrs. E. R. West presided i
)ver the wedding cake, and '
The Omaha Guide is pleased
to announce to the friends and
subscribers of the Guide in
Council Bluffs, our new news
representative, Mrs. H. M.
Funcher, 2528 Fourth Ave. We
are also pleased to recommend
to you our advertisement repre
sentative, Mrs. George Mina,
2522 Sixth Ave. If you have a
room to rent ,or anything to
sell or advertise, see Mrs. Mina.
-<a -
Armless Traveler
known as the “Mayor of 58th
Street” in Chicago where he
operates a news stand and lend
ing library, who will attend
the Missouri State Teachers’
convention in St. Louis, next
week in furtherance of his
program to distribute Negro
literature ,and later a similar
gathering in Texas. Mr. Blount
although armless has traveled
alone all over the nation.
A New Jnrsey inventor has
inserted a watch in the handle
of an automobile ignition key
to serve as a clock when left
in a car’s lock.
Misses Helen Singleton and
Ruthgale Griffin served the
punch. Mrs. Ruth McGraven
and Mrs. Norma Jackson assist
ed at the door. Mrs. Minnie
Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Millard
F. Singleton, III., Mr. H .A.
Grayson, Jr., and Mr. Harold
Biddiex graciously assisted
| with the reception, especially
with the gift display.
The guests were favored with
vocal selections given by Messrs
Jesse Ilutten and Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Banks were the
recipients of many beautiful
and useful gifts. They are at
home at 2118 N. 25th street.
Australia is expected to mine
gold valued at ten million
pounds this year, a new high
record, about one third more
than last year.
More than 350,000 acres of
land in Mexico have been plac
ed under irrigation as the re'
suit of a government program
launched in 1920.
Zf m< m I - ■ ■■
Many Prominent Per
sons Are Listed
As Members
Thousands of home and farm
owners throughout the State
are responding to the appeal of
the Federation of Home and
Farm Owners to support its
proposed $5,000 tax exception
amendment. The 100,000 signa
tures required t» place the
proposed $5,000 tax exemption
amendment on the ballot seems
ative men and women to its
the present widespread support
of home and farm owners.
Membership of the Federation
is likewise steadily increasing.
The officers of the Federation
feel confident that by the time
the proposed amendment is
voted on by the people of Ne
braska, The Federation of
Home and Farm Owners will
represent one of the strongest
The Federation has strength
organizations of property own
Omaha Is Expected To Do Her
Part In the Mobilization
For Needs This Year
With Omaha’s 13th annual
Community Chest campaign
less than two weeks away, an
army of more than 4,000 Chest
solicitors already has been mob
olized and is waiting the signal
from division leaders to ad
vance toward this year’s $555,
300 goal.
“Be a good neighbor’’ is the
slogan of the approaching Com"
munity Chest drive, November
12 to 21.
W. Dale Clark, president, and
J. L. 1 laugh, general campaign
chairman, both anticipate a
hearty response to the appeal
for help for the 28 welfare
agencies supported by the
Mr. Ilaugh states that mis
understanding of the national
government’^ relief policy is
one of the obstacles that must
be overcome if the drive is to
be a success. He says, accord
ing to officials in Washington,
the number on relief will be
gradually reduced and discon"
tinued by June 1936.
“Thus the Community Chest
becomes a greater civic duty
this year", the general chair
added zeal to help those less
we will meet the situation with
edded zeal to help those less
Initial gifts and other divi
sions will begin their actual
work before the general drive
November 12.
The speakers’ bureau headed
ty W. L. Pierpoint has con"
tacted more than 150 Omaha
"dubs and organizations. While
members of the speakers’ bu
reau don’t actually solicit
funds, their work is of import
ance to the campaign, Chest
officials say.
Mrs. Howard Rushton, wo
man’s division chairman, asserts
he has more than 2000 women
enrolled and ready for the gen
eral drive. The women's div"
5sion is the largest single sector
iof the Chest campaign and one
that generally reaches its
The business division under
Chairman Ford Bates is more
(thoroughly organized than ever
before. When the campaign
epens, this group will have 350
iworkers. Chest leaders are con
fident of success.
Division chairman for the
Irive are Mrs. Howard Rush"
ton, women; De E. Bradshaw,
nitial gifts; Alvin E. Johnson,
ndustrial; Ford Bates, busi
ness ; Glen B. Eastbum, nation
al firms; W. L. Pierpoint,
speakers’ bureau; Phil (W.
Moore, South Omaha, and
Frank Fogarty, publicity.
|Don’t Forget Omaha Guide’s FoodShow Starts Nov. 25th