METROPOLITAN SPIRITUAL CHURCH Sunday was a great day at Metro politan. Our hearts rejoced when our pastor spoke to us on “Ye must be borned again.” The delegation which attended the National Con gress, reported a wonderful session. Among he appointments made by the Bishop, were: our pastor, Rev. R. W. Johnson, National evangelist and presiding elder of the Northwestern district; Mrs. J. B. Crumbiey, State Mother; Mrs. Ollie Forrest, District Mother; Mrs. A. G. Arnold, Asst. District Mother and Miss Catherine Redd, State President of the Spiritu al Union. All members are asked to be present Sunday morning as a very interesting program will be presented. Rev. R. W. Johnson, Pastor. Georgia Peoples, Reporter. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. P. J. Price, Pastor. Rev. Price was at church Sunday for the first time since he was in an automobile accident. We were glad to have him back with us. Rev. Roman, of Mason City, Iowa, preach ———*————'■" -. — - _ Attorney Rav L. Williams, Room I 200 Tuehman Bldg. 24 at Lake. PROBATE NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF Margaret Tucker DECEASED. Notice is Hereby Given: That the creditors of the said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, be fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 25th day of November 1935, and on the 25th day of January 1936, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. TTiree months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 25th day of October, 1935. Begins Oct. 5, 35 Bryce Crawford Ends Oct. 19, 35 County Judge a j Davis, Adams and Adams, 310 Karbach Blk. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: I N TRE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF: Willie Galloway, Deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti- | tion has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died leav ing no last will and praying for ad ministration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition |»efore said Court on the 14th day of October,* 1935, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 14th day of October, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M.. to contest said petition, the Couret may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Charles C. Galloway, or some other suitable person and proceed settle ment thereof. Begins Sept. 21st Bryce Crawford,! Ends Oct. 5th County Judge GOLD MEDAL HMRLEM OIL CAPSULES Fine for Weak Kidneys and Bladder Irritation STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 35 cent box of these famous capsules will put healthy activity into yoHr kidneys and bladder—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diuretic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL iaarlem Oil Capsules—safe and harm leas—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits i bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty passage that ofttimes smarts and bums. GIFT OFFER OF DIONNE QUINTUPLETS BOWL \ A N>. O uNCE.' LENT was made today X 1. of a special Hit offer which should interest everybody in the world except j those few people «sv'ho may never have heard of the Dionne Quintuplets. The article offered is the Dionne Quintuplets car today Bow L, a cereal bowl created in honor of the five famous babies. It is six inches in diameter and made of lifetime chromium. is smartly modern in de* i-flu-e0** is embossed inside with a de lightful sculpture of the* Quints,” whose mmes are engraved on the rim. As a chiia s cereal bowl it is ideal, and also makes an attractive bon-bon dish or olive and celery dish. This charming and useful gift will be seat to any reac er who sends two Quaker's or Mother s Oats trademarks, plus ten cents to help cover special postage and handling charges, to The Quaker Oat* Company, P. 0. Sox L, Chicago. ! ed at 11 a~ m. Mrs. Roman sang three solos which were very inspir ing. Services at 3 p. m., were under the auspices of the mission circle. A large number of people attended. The 8 p.m., servces. Rev. E. Wilhoit, act ing pastor, preached an interesting sermon. Text found in • 2nd Corin thians, subject, “Thanks Be to God for His Unspeakable Gifts.” The Reverend DeWitt Talmadge Alcorn, formerly of Memphis, Tenn., piominent educator, newspaper cor respondent, civic leader who was strongly supported for the post as minister to Liberia spoke at the Zion Baptist church Sunday night. He is now stationed as pastor of the Colored Methodist Episcopal church at Leavenworth, Kans., and was a delegate to the conference meeting in Omaha last week. Benevolence for Christian Widows Xo. 25 will have their annual ser mon at Paradise Baptist church on I Sunday, October 6, at 3 p. m. Ser mon by Rev. J. T. Carter. A special invitation is extended to the Chris- ! tian widows of this city. The public j is cordially invited. Mrs. A. D. Turner, Pres. Mrs. W. B. Robinson, Secy. Mrs. M. E. Hill, Treas. Mrs. E. Burley, Reporter. Port Gibson Minister Dies Rev. G. T. Trevillion of Port Gib son. Miss., died Aug. 20, 1935, at the j home of his daughter. Mrs. C. B. Fitzhugh, Jackson, Miss. Rev. Tre villion was the oldest living minster of the Christian church south, being ' 86 years old. He served an active pastorial life of 50 years. Forty years j of service was with one church. Eighteeen years ago he retired from [ the active ministry. His devoted wife j passed to her reward five years ago. after 54 years of happy married life. I To this union, there were 14 children bom, seven of whom are still living. Rev. N. R. Trevillion, Anthony Tre villion and Mrs. Geneva Mems of Port Gibson, Miss., Monroe Trevil lion. Mrs. Carrie B. Fitzhugh of Jackson, Miss., Melton Trevillion and Mrs. Marie Ball Hawkins of Cleve land, Ohio and Mrs. R. J. Dotson, the wife of Rev. J. H. Dotson of Musko gee. Okla., formerly of this city. 1 Twenty grandchildren and twenty-! five great grandchildren now survive. Funeral services were held from the church pas to red by the deceased for 40 years; Pine Grove Christian church, Port Gibson, Miss. The fun-i oral service was the largest ever held in the county. Rev. T. J. Franklin, officiated at the funeral. Fond remembrance shall ever live in the hearts of those with whom the late Rev. Trevillion served dur ing his 50 years of active pastorial life. Unknown Soldier Continued From Page 1 them. This is the first time the j words of this anthem have been i printed in a book. “Saint Peter) Relates . . . “was written about five years ago. and after several I friends of Mr. Johnson Bad read the manuscript, the requests for copies became so insistent that the poem was privately printed to the extent of ornly 200 copies. From that limited printing the demand for wider circulation has grown, and is being met by tEe volume which will appear Octo ber 7. “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing/’ which is being published as a poem for the first time, was writ ten by Mr. Johnson years ago in Jacksonville, Fla., in order to celebrate Lincoln’s birthday. His brother. Rosamond Johnson, wrote• the music and the anthem was sung by aschool children’s chorus of five hundred voices The enthem was written only for that occasoin, and Mr. Johnson states that he and his brother left Jacksonville and forgot all about! the song when the holiday celebra j tion was over. School children persisted in singing it, however, an dsome of them became school teachers and, in turn, passed the song on to their pupils. The song has grown, until now it is sung on nearl yevery important occa sion where cplored people srather. The words have been translated into Japanese, and the song is now sung widely in Japan. The ne wbook, “Saint Peter Relates” is 64 pages and will sell for $2.00. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. THE TOWNSEND OLD AGE PENSION PLAN FRIENDS: The Townsend Plan,the entire amount of the pension al about which you have heard solotted to him, but also that portion much, has become the daily topic of of his own income which completes conversation amongst millions of the total of $200 per month. Americans. This is more than an There are ten* million three hun old age pension proposal, as the dred thousand people of the age of Iownsend Plan is truly a recovery plan whereby we may all get back to normal and decent standards of living. The malady afflicting the country today is an almost total loss of buy ing power on the part of the general public. It is peculiar in that this is the frst time in the history of our development as a nation that we did not have new lands, new mines, new forests, and other raw resources to absorb the idle workers, thus assur ing a comparatively speedy recovery following our business slumps. Today there are no good farm lands unappropriated. The output of the mines is already greater than we can absorb. There is no use to find and open more. Without new* domestic and foreign markets our lumbering operations cannot pro ceed. The supply on hand of the finished product is more than we need with our present buying power. Over-production on the part of those who turn out the finished product, because they find no ability on the part of the public to buy; un der-consumption by the people for exactly the same reason—lack of ability to buy. As a sequence, gen eral business stagnation, enforced idleness; nearly half the population leading a hand-to-mouth existence, unable to produce, unable to subsist without the aid of charity and con stantly becoming a greater burden on our government and on the shoulders of those upon whom the load of charity falls. Our natural resources are as great as ever; there are as many willing hands to do the work; the facilities for turning out the finished products are the best that civilized man has yet produced; there is as much money in existence. Why the stagnation — where is the missing link in the chain of distribution? The answer is obvous. MONEY DOES NOT CIRCULATE. It stag nates in bank vaults and treasuries. The general public that creates all markets do not have access to it, and no market for their goods. Banks cannot loan to people who have no security nor to factories that have no market for their gods. Banks lose money. They have no income from loans. Thus the vicious round of stagnation is made complete. Buying power must be restored to the general public before this dead lock can be broken. Throwing out gigantic sooopfuls of money from the national treasury into spots where destitution seems most in tense is but to temporize with the emergency. A system of circulating money must be set up. Dependable ; legal machinery must be devised that will keep the money circulating after it is set going. This is a true and natural functor of government that has never been called into be ing. It will have to be done or, like iormer civilizatons, we shall perish. THE TOWNSEND PLAN OF OLD AGE REVOLVING PEN SIONS calls upon the national gov ernment to assume this function: ! the function of starting and main taining the circulation of a large amount of actual money throughout the entire nation fairly distributed as to populatioa benefiting all classes alike. It demands the pas sage of a national law that will per mit every CITIZEN, male or fe male. who has attained the age of sixty years or over and who is not an habitual criminal, to apply for and to receive a pension not to ex ceed $200 per month until death, up on the conditions that he take oath to spend for commodities or services the entire amount of the pension within the confines of the United States during the current month in which it ia received, and shall re frain from all remuneration or pro ductive labor or ©occupation. It provides that persons having an independent net income of $2,400 Per year, or more, are not eligible to receive the pension. In cases where persons otherwise eligible have a net income from other sources of less than $2,400 per year, they shall be given sufficient from the pension fund to raise their in come to $2,400 per year. How Would We Pay The Cost? Simultaneously it demands a law establishing a Federal transaction tax. Leading economists and statis ticians state that the annual tran sactions in this country will sweep up to the 1929 figure of twelve hun dred billion dollars a year. Two per cent of that amount will give us the needed income to pay for the pensions. It is, in the new bill sup plemented through the imposition of a two per cent tax on all inheri-! tances and gifts in excess of $500 and a one-tenth per cent increase in present income tax levies. And who would object to paying these equitably imposed taxes as a guar antee for leisure and happiness in old age as well as opportunity and work for the youth of our land’ The Plan stipulates, furthermore, ( that the recipient must spend, dur ing the month it is received, for commodities and services, not only j sixty and beyond, eight million of whom, at least, might be expected to apply for the pension. Many, eligible as to age, would not apply because of the demand for their continued services in posts of im t pcrtance. Many of the millions are not citizens. If eight million of those of the required age should ap | ply, it would require the circula tion of one billion six hundred mil lion dollars into the channels of trade monthly. This would immedi ately start a tremendous volume of buying. We have skimped and done without for four years. Retailers would soon be sold out. Wholesalers would be called upon to restock then shelves. They in turn would call up on the manufacturers for a new out put. All machinery of production would be started at high speed. Workers would be called to man the machines and to distribute the i gocds. Jobs would again become plentiful, made so by an intense ! prosperity and the elimination of the sixty-year-olds from the job seeking field. Wages would be high; ! t h e standard of living advanced to the approximate level of the pay received by the retiring elders. No argument against the amount ‘ demanded for the pension can be ad | vanced that will stand analysis. These elderly people have been j instrumental in producing practical | ly all the tangible wealth in evidence ! today. They are entitled to the use | of a portion of it sufficient to main tain them in corrvfortable circum stances for the remainder of their lives. USE OF THE MONEY is all that they would ask. all that they could have. Passing through their hands, it would supply their needs and return at once to the localities from whence it was collected. This steady flow of money would assure business stability, eliminate fear as a factor against the launching of now works and enterprses, and give ; assurance of ample opportunity to youth. Cost and the necessity for raising prices to meet the pension roll would be practically eliminated by the wiping out of the expense of or ganized charity and much of the ex pense of criminality. Riches un dreamed of would accrue to the Na tion through UTILIZING THE WISDOM AND EXPERIENCE OF THE ELDERS and their helpful ) activities in art, science, and sl3r Heater This is your grand opportunity to have AUTOMATIC HOT W ATER. You pay the equiva lent of a monthly rental on an AUTOMATIC Gas Water Heat er. This BUYS the water heater! 6c a Day BUYS an AUTOMATIC GAS WATER HEATER YOUR DEALER IS ALSO OFFERING THESE ATTRACTIVE TERMS