The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 05, 1935, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Mrs. L. L. McVay, who has spent ;
the most of her vacation in Denver,
Colorado, with her people, returned
home and reported a very fine trip.
Mrs. McVay made several picnic
trips to the moutains. She also had
the pleasure of attending the Rocky
Mountain A. M. E. Conference while
there. Mr. McVay went out and
spent two or three days with his
wife. Every one have their hobbies,
gathering rocks was Mr. McVay’s.
a strict watch had to be kept on him
to keep him from over the
cars. He claims he saw the most
beautiful rocks he has seen any
place. He is making a collection of
rocks for a rock garden he hopes to
have in another year.
Mr. McVay took some extra copies
of the Omaha Guides along to give
to his friends. They were well
pleased to see how much the paper
has improved.
Harvest Home Dinner
A Harvest Home Dinner wiil be
given for the benefit of the Colored
Old Folks Honve, October 25, at tha
Masonic Hall, 26th and Blondo, Mrs.
Curtis Kirtley, chairman, assisted by
Mrs. Alice Smith.
Reservations are fast flowing in,
so make yours now! Tickets are 25c.
Kindly call WE 6376 for reserva
The following have already made
their reservations: Mrs. Herbert Wig
gins, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Sar
ah Carter, Mrs. Anna {Johnson, Mrs.
Effie Jones, Mrs. Arthur Neely, Mrs.
Gertrude Ashby and Miss Bernice
Omaha’s Most
Popular Girls
Miss Lorraine Fletcher won the
title of “Omaha’s Most Popular Girl”
at the carnival given by the Mason
at the carnival given by the Mason
diamond ling on her finger is not
an engagement ring, as some have
wanted to believe, but the award for
winning first prize in this contest.
Miss Fletcher turned in a total of
thirty dollars.
Miss Celestine Smith was award
ed second prize of a wrist watch for
turning in the second largest amount
of money.
The other contestants were, Sarah
Murdock, Ruth Williams, Amelia
Thomas and Alice Hunter.
Each contestant twas chosen for
her merits, personality predominat
The contest was closed with a big
The contest was closed with a big
A jet of steam is reieased from
the bow of a British navy’s airplane
carrier to serve as a windvane and
show aviators when the wind
direction is right for taking off from i
the craft’s deck. 1
- - i
Decorative designs can be inlaid
in a new kind of carpet made with a
binder that holds the warp and weft
threads together when it is cut, two
pieces being bound together by
cementing tape on their backs.
The Canton-Hainan airplane route
has been extended to Nanchang, 1
province capital of Kwansi. 1
Celebrates Anniversary
Wife of Mr. William Davis. The
popular young couple celebrated their
fifth wedding anniversary last Sun
day night, at their home. Many of
their frends were present to znjake
the occason enjoyable.
* “ •
Omaha home are really “going
modern”. This is particularly true of
automatic hot water service. A few
years ago an automatic gas hot wat
er heater was a rarity—today it is
estimated that sixty percent of the
homes in metropolitan Omaha are
equipped with automatic gas hot
water service.
Tremendous sales increases in the
sale of automatic water heaters in
dicate this trend.
“Sales volume on automatic gas
water heaters in Omaha has doubled
over last year,” states W. J. Barber,
Assistant to the General Manager of
the Metropolitan Utilities District.
A number of factors are respons
ible for this gratifying increase in
automatic gas hot water installations.
Plumbers have been very active in
their efforts to acquaint their cus
tomers with the merits of “instant
hot water”, and a great volume of
installations has come through this
Lower prices and attractive in
stallment terms have been another
important factor. Special effort has
been made by the Metropolitan Utili
ties District sales and advertising
departments, in cooperation with reg
istered plumbers, to acquaint the pub
' lie -with the distinct advantages of
automatic gas water heating. Gener
al improvement is also partially re
sponsible, along with a nationwide
movement toward household modern
ization. .
Omahans were quick to recognize
the comforts and convenienct of auto
matic gas hot water service. Sales
of heaters this Fall and Winter are
estimated to be more than double
1934 figures for the same seasons.
Harlem Has
Most Densely
Populated Block
New York, Oct. 5—(ANP)—When
it comes to population congestion,
Harlem leads all other sections of
New York. A survey recently com
pleted by relief workers reveals that
the most densly populated block in
the city is Harlem, between 7th and j
8th avenues and 142nd and 143rd
streets. It has 3,871 inhabitants.
Eight blocks in Harlem have an j
excess of 3,000 residents, or a total;
population exceeding that of Dan-,
bury, Conn., which covers 2,432 acres.
There are approximately 40 acres in
eight Harlem blocks.
However, congestion isn’t what it j
used to be. There are slightly more
than 700 people to an acre in Har
lem’s most thickly populated block,
but 45 years ago there were several
blocks in the old Eleventh ward from
800 to 1,000 inhabitants. Even as
late as 25 years ago, there were cer
tain areas east of the Bowery with
between 800 and 900 people to the
N. A. A. C. P. Unfair
(Continled from Page 1)
Defends His Bill.
In a discussion of hi." bill to create
an industrial commission on Negro
affairs now pending before the
House, Mitchell stated he had sent
copies of the proposed legislation
before presentation to white and
Negro leaders in all parts of the
country and had received laudatory
replies. Among Chicagoans con
tacted were Wendell Green, noted
criminal lawyer, who he said did
qot Ike the measure, and Robert S.
Abbott, edtor of the Defender, who
refused to answer either of two
The congressman feels reasonably
confident the measure will pass.
To Virgin Isles.
When he sails for the Virgin
Islands before Oct. 10, it will be at
his own expense although he will be
caring for government business,
Mitchell asserted. He declares this
arrangement will put him under no
obligations. The exact nature of his
mission to the island possessions he
would not divulge for publication.
Mr. Clifton Vann of Kansas, and
Miss Vera Griffith, also of Kansas
City, were united in marriage at the
home of Mrs. N. Turner, 1529 Ave
nue A, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Rev. M.
K. Curry, pastor of Zdon Baptist
Church, performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Van left Tuesday for
Kansas City where they will make
their home. Mr. Vann is a cousin of
Mr. Thomas Vann, 2403 N. 22.
^ ■ ——— ■*
ai.i-s. i>ess iiru ugton BurKe
Principal of the Holmes Avenue
Elementary School in Los An
geles. Mrs. Burke, who is active
in civic life and in the Delta Sig
ma Theta Sorority, has the dis
tinction not only of being the
first colored school teacher in
j Los Angeles, but the first colored
principal of which the city could
boast as well.
Addis Ababa, Oct. 5— (ANP) —
Princess Tsahai, voung daughter of
Emperor Haile Selassie, broke with
the tradition of the imperial house,
when, with her father’s consent, she
became a volunt er worker for the
first field ambulance unit of the Eth
iopian army which already has 1,139,
000 warriors cr 11 percent of the
population, mobilized.
Attended by only a single guard,
the princess drives in her car to the
headquarters of the Ethiopian Wo
men’s Work association where she
joins 31 women of the court after
donning a white smock over her rove
of flowered silk. Three native nuns
from the Roman Catholic Mission are
instructing the women,. Using copies
of bandage rolling machines made
by a native artisan from a model
brought here by air from London,
the workers soon learn quickly and
all, Princess 7 salmi included, add
their work to her pile.
The Princess, who speaks English
fluently, visited leading haspitals on
her visit to London some years ago.
It is her regret that she was not able
to foi'ecast the impending clash and
thus take advantage of learning more
about the care of the wounded. She
realizes Ethiopia is without the fa
cilities possessed by other natons for
the care of their soldiers, and is aid
ing because so nyach remains to he
done to help warriors should fight
ing start.
N. A. A. C. P. To Give
Away Big Prizes
On October 11th, the N. A. A.
C. P. is holding an amatuer night at
the Dreamland Hall. Several ex
pensive household articles will be
given away at this time, to those
holding the lucky number. The price
of these chances are only 10c. Any
person or persons wishing to enter
this program, get in touch with Mr.
Budd/ DeLoach, or Mr. Squires, at
the Community Center, or any mem
ber of the N. A. A. C. P. board, or
call The Omaha Guide, WE. 1750.
We want to see what we tiave in lo
cal talent! v
On October 14th there will be a
big dance at the Dreamlvnd Hall,
at which time, the grand prize, a
General Electric refrigerator will
be given away. Admission to the
dance is only 55c. Music will be
furnished by the S.ynco Hi-Hatters
Come out, you may have the lucky
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cloud and
daughter, Miss Mable Richardson,
are entertaining as their house guest
Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Kansas City,
Kansas. Mrs. Hunt arrived Monday
morning. The visitor attended some
cf the sessions of the C. M. E. con
vention at Cleve’s Temple church.
Mrs. Bertha Johnson, who has
been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Hazel Hanks, 1101 N. 23, left for
home September 22, accompanied by
her husband, Mr. d- M. Johnson.
Enroute they will make stops in
parts of Oklahoma to visit Mr.
Johnson’s mother, and then return
home to Minneapolis, Minn.
A daughter was bom to Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Cottage, 2713 Hamilton.
Both mother and daughter are doing
Mrs. A. Watson and Mrs. Eliza
beth Sample, a sister of Mrs. Wat
son’s, returned from Burnwick, Mis
souri, where they were the guests
of their aunt, Mrs. Rose Morrow.
Mrs. Sample leaves for her home
Friday in Daneville, Illinois.
Miss Ethel E. Brown had as a din
ner guest Sunday afternoon, Mr.
James B. Baker and Mr. Edward Kil
lingsworth. Mr. Baker is a gradu
ate of Creighton university. Mr.
Baktr left Monday evening for
Moharry M. D. College, in Nashville,
Tennessee, where he will join Mr.
William Henry Harrison, of Musko
gee, Okla., a brother of Miss Brown
who is also, attending the same col
Mr. Fred McDaniels and Mr. Cecil
Riggs returned Saturday from New
York City, where they attended the
Louis-Baer fight. The boys say the
fight was the swellest event they
j nave ever attended. They visited Mr.
Rigg’s cousins, the Marvin and Hal
lard Flemings in Detroit. While
.here they saw Mr. Bob Robinson,
former Omahan. They also spent
some time at Niagra Falls, Cleve
land, Philadelphia and Washington.
They saw Mr. and Mrs. Ricks, an
u.her former Omahan, in Washing
ton. They found Washington a very
interesting city with scores of col
ored women working in the mint. *
Mrs. William Cooper, 2608 Blondo,
returned to the city after having
spent the summer in I^stroit and
.her p.irts of the east. She reports
an especially lovely time was had
with her sister in Muskogee, Mich.
Mrs. Fred A. Hughes, of San Fran
csco, California, spent a few days in
On'iiha, as the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
I. A. Hughes and Mrs. Arthur Raf
ferty. She left Tuesday for Kansas
and Baltimore, wrhere she will at- j
tend the convention.
* ■ !
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Washington. J
1714 N. 28th St., will motor to Lit
tle Rock, Ark., and other points
South. They will visit his mother and
other i*elatives in Little Rock. They
will return about October 15.
Mrs. Sara Taylor, 2721 Caldwell,
was seriously hurt Saturday, Sept.
28 by falling down the stairs at the
State Furniture Company. She was
taken to the Medical Arts building
where she was administered first aid
treatment. She suffered severe in
ternal injuries. She is resting fairly
at home.
Mrs. P. S. Stevall, 2415 N. 22nd
St., has returned home after seven
weeks vacationing with her daught
ers, Mrs. James Lapsley of Maywood,
111., and Mrs. Gertrude Murphy,
Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Stevall Was
given a lovely reception at the St.
John A. M. E. church and the Phyl
lis Wheatly home in Cleveland. She
attended a musical in the Rosenwald
Gardens in Chicago. Mrs. StevalTs
family and friends are very glad to
have her at home again.
_ .... raul
Mrs. Ruth Sykes Webster, one
of Los Angeles’ native daugh
ters and a school teacher in the
Angel City. A charter member
of Pi Chapter of Delta. Miss
Webster is known by her sisters
in Los Angeles as “The First
Soror.” She has been given
great credit together with Soror
Pauline Slater, for the rceent
successful boule there.
5301 S. 30th St.
Class and Club fall season began
at Woodson Center the week of
September 16th. The warm days of
September continued to call folks to
the out of doors, and mp.ny activi
ties continue on the playground. Ten
nis and. Horseshoe clubs are quite
active with matches each day.
Fall Classes, include for Adults:—
Dressmaking, canning, catering,
'homemaking, budgeting, choral,
parent’s Forum, Literacy Classes,
Negro History and Current Labor
Problems, Business English, short
hand and typewriting.
Dramatics, Handmcraft, home art,
physical education, woodwork, and
A’kdancing for groups of all ages.
Grade and high school boys and
girls, clubs for young people and
adults, and little children.
New clubs or classes may be formed
at anytime upon the request of 10
or more folks interested.
Music Study Classes will be conduct
ed for small groups interested at a
nominal fee to each member of the
The Girl’s Work Committee it
sponsoring an all girls party Mon
day, October 7th, 4 to 7 p. m. Girls
of ail groups of the House and
ethers interested are invited to at
tend. Mrs. L. C. Crawford, chair
man of the Committee will present
the new members of the commit
tee and the new club sponsors, to
gether with the leaders of other
girls activities cf the House.
Mr. Herbert McCaw, Recreational
Director of playground activities
announces that the Tennis Tour
ney will be completed with the fin
als at the “Brickyard” this week.
Remaining matches will be played
between the winners of the junior
and senior boys divisons. Two
courts in action, have attracted
those interested in the sport, and
with good weather this week, there
will be thrills for all attending.
The Hillside Harvest Festival,
which was originally scheduled for
Sunday, October 6th, has been post
poned urttil the following Sunday,
October 13 th.
'Slonr*p»-<j SO feet lone and fr
feet in diameter have been designed
:o muffle the noise of motorships
ised on inland waterways.
Negro Congress Plan
ned for Chicago
CHICAGO, ILL., (CNA)—Definite
plans for supporting the National
Negro Congress are being laid here.
A sponsoring committee compos
ed of representatives of the Urban
League, the N. A. A. C. P., trade un
ions, and other organizations has un
dertaken to popularize the forthcom
ing Congress and to raise funds for
expenses of holding the Congress.
The National Negro Congress is
being organized by (John P. Davis,
secretary of the Joint Committee for
National Recovery, with the assist
ance of a National initiating Com
mittee set up at Conference on the
“Negro under the New Deal” held at
Howard University last May.
Mr. Davis declared that the Con
gress “was much needed as a means
of forming a program of action for
Negro rights acceptable to all exist
ing Negro organizations.”
A sponsoring committee has also
been set up at Detroit and Cleveland.
A. Phillip Randolph, president oi
th( Erothe;hood cf Sleeping Car Por
ters, A. Clayton Fowcll, retired po
tor of Abyssinia Baptist Church in
Harlem, Elmer Carter, editor of Op
portunity and other prominent lead
ers have endorsed the Congress.
Representatives of the Brother
hood of Sleeping Car rollers mot
with the representatives of the
Pullmm Company, Monday, 10:0C
a. m., September 16th, in the Pull
mar. Building, Chicago, Illinois, for
the purpose of negotiating an agree
ment concerning rates of pay and
rules governing working conditions.
The members of the Brotherhood
Agreement Committee were: A.
Philip Randolph. National President,
of New York; M. P. Webster, Chair
man of the General Executive Board,
of Chicago; Bennie Smith, Second
Vice-President, of Detroit; E. J.
Bradley, Third Vice-President, of St.
Louis; C. L. Dellums, Fourth Vice
President, of San FHancisco, Cali
fornia; and two operating Pullman
porters in the service, T. T. Patter
son and Clarence Kendrick, of New7
The Pullman Company’s repre
sentatives were: H. R. Lary, Act
ing Supervisor of Industrial Rela
tions. B. H. Woman, Assistant to
’.he General Manager, and P. T.
P.yan, Assistant General Manager.
The conferences were adjourned
Wednesday, at the request of the
Company, in order that they may
study the agreement submitted to
them by the Brotherhood to de
termine the cost.
Tha conference will he resumed
October second.
According to Mr. Randolph, much
progress was made in developing
an understanding betw’een the Com
pany and the Brotherhood through
the contact and discussion. The con
ferences w'ere historic form the point
of view of the Negro workers, he
Election Commissioner Anton Tusa
refuses to accept Andy Jensen, form
er Democratic nominee for co-asses
sor petition and filing fee for City
Commissioner. The primary will be
held April 7, 1936. D. M. Murphy,
attorney for Mr. Jensen will institute
a friendly suit against Election Com
mission to determine whether April
7 or April 14 will be Primary Day
an account of Legislature changing
Commission Race from the 7th to
14th. Suit will be brought whether
Legislation has the right to charter
enactment or not.
The Savoy Club met with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Bell, September 2S, ad
2630 Blondo. The evening was
spent playing bridge and dancing. A
delightful luncheon was sem»ad by
the hostess. Eight visitors’. -«rere
Gertrude Johnson, Reporter.
The Metropolitan Busy Bet* Clubs,
met at the residence of Mrs Ana
Kellogg, Monday, September 22n*L
Business was transacted, and the
rest of the evening was spent is
quilting. A lovriy luncheon rm»
Mrs. Ruth Payton, Pro anient.
Mrs. Anna Kellogg, Reporter.
The meeting was held at the home
of Mr. Miles Crocker, 2519 Ohm
street. One new member. Hr. fid
Walker, was voted into the dkdb.
After the meeting, the ck* MC
a stag party at the H. and M_ Buffed.
W. Johnson, Prw»*deofc.
R. Bryant, Reporter.
Tb~ Club met at t.h» home off lit*.
Katherine Weds 2TT MdereD.
Three tables cf ’>;:d~e • as playniL
and prizes awarded. A dsfkrioo*
luncheon was served by t va %-iostes*.
Florence Morris, F resaefewL
M. B., Reporter.
The Cleverset dub met xt the*
home of Mrs. Flossie Mayberry, 27ti>
and Ohio. A business mealing; wax
held. A delicious lumheoai was
served by the hostess;
Leona Alien, President
M. Burns, Reporter.
Ladies Monday Afternoon Sewuqs
The club met and organized xt 1k'
home of Mrs. Helen Tate, on S’ytrwh
her 23rd. Mrs. Tate was chases; presi
dent. The afternoon was spewt wear
ing. A delicious luncheon was- werwed.
On October 1st, the club met art the
home of Mrs. Marie Grey. 8BOL
ami. After business was tram acted,
a tasty repast was served. Next
meeting will be at the home off Mrm
Zeda Eden.
Mrs. Margaret Hayes, Reporter..
Keep young and beautiful—if yon
want to be loved!
A scalp treatment for dandruff
and falling hair. Now that summer
is definitely over, and “the fall dT
the year”, is here, the wise woman*
will take a retrospective view of her
physical charms. How about, yoer
hair, the crowning point of a wennan’e.
The sun, wind and hot weather are
very pleasant, but leave drastic af
fects on the hair. They Meweh itx
pigments, dry up natural udhw i*wuw
the hair dull, drab and coarse. Nww
is the time for a scientific- newly
treatrpept. The treatment we arw
stressng is given with tbr An—r
Electric steamer. it exeneases iimt
scalp, produces active i iM/idwtian.
I provided nourishment, softens 'tha
hair and loosens surface depmttm.
There are five steps that we fal
low in giving these scalp tnewctaneafcn
for dandruff and falling hzxr_ They
are: brushing, saturating 'wi'tfe
oil; massaging and steanuwc; hit
water on the head, and drymg. etc.
In our next weeks article we wifi
take up the first one or two «f Abeae
By courtesy of Christine AJthouna
Beauty Salon.
Western Union
Editor Qmaha Guide:
This is to inform you anti the many
friends of Omaha that I have gladly
received Reverend J. L. Glove:*- taw*
to the A. M. E. church. I have -trans
ferred hin> to Oklahoma. He is •
splendid young man and I wisli ium
Bishop W. D. Johnson
Notice, Subscribers: If yoo
get your paper by Saturday, * p
call Webster 1750. No redorfian
subscription unless request m *mm
plied with.
M) where in the world can a garden be more attractive
than in lovely California. The above shows part of the re
ceiving line when the George Garners entertained more than
500 in their studio gardens at Pasadena recently. The event
was given in honor of Mrs. Jeanette Triplett Jones, retiring
president of Delta Sigma Theta, Mesdames Helen Glover and
Hazel Anthony also of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson
of San Diego.
In the first row seated from left to right are Sorors Aurora
Salter Hoskins, Mary Jane Clark Strong, Hazel Whittaker,
hostess; Jeanette Trepplett Jones, Hazel Anthony, Pauline
hostess; Jeanetta Tripplett Jones, Hazel Anthony, Pauline
Slater, Ruth Sykes Wabster, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Bertha Turn
er and Etta Moten.