The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 05, 1935, Image 1

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    f i
ac&HEat contralto soloist, concert
•gmmwLi. anti former star of the cele
brated New York stage success “Keep
<amffSnr * jb now entertaining
■n&k&y at Jessie’s Tavern, outstand
ng night club of the Northside. Miss
Lee has been a leading theatrical
headliner in both the United States
and Canada.
Colored Law Student
I&ters Maryland
Ttwlri i uort-. Ojt. 5.—There was no
mandimmmtmt either among white stud
ents mar officials of the law school of
tte T!-adversity of Maryland, on Tues
day, Sept. 24, when Donald Gaines
Murray, 22 year old colored student,
registered for the school term. Mur
ray’s- appearance received little or no j
notice from other students and Dean l
I>. Bsager Howell declined to make !
mbs comment on Murray's enrollment :
otter than to say that pending the !
tenirai of the highest court in the
state Ike would be on an equal foot
ing with other students.
’ He said Murray would receive the j
•aarrre consideration from the teachers
when classes started Sept. 26 as any
white srndent.
'Contrary to predictions made by
the white officials of the university,
that ate enrollment of the Negro
student would cause heavy cancella
' -turns on the part of white students, ]
it was announced that enrollment in
tte law school this year is ten per
cent ateve last year, and that there
als» an increase in the student
hmis m3 the university at College
Bart* Maryland.
Thit Maryland Court of Appeals
i* t» cwastder in October the appeal
at tte university from the decision
tte Baltimore city court ordering
tte txasrarsity to admit Murray to
tte law school. Murray, a graduate
Anterrst college, applied to study
h» forf spring, and was denied ad
raiftii in to the law school. He sought
f mandamus charging that
did not provide equal but
■educational facilities be
did not provide professonal
mb£ graduate training for colored
t His attorneys were Thur
Marshall of this city and
H. Houston of Washington,
the National Association
Advancement of Colored Peo
Ethiopia May Be Aided
By Japanese In War
With Italians
Tokyo, Oct. 5.—(ANP)—What has
been interpreted as further indication
of the friendly relationship between
Ethiopia and Japan occurred here last
week when Daba Birrou, Ethiopian
visitor to this country and reported
to be the president of the Ethiopian
Military’ Academy, was tendered a
welcoming dinner and the two hun
dred Japanese who attended the af
fair adopted a set of resolutions sanc
tioning the Ethiopian cause.
The affair was sponsored by the
Black Dragon Society, and kindred
organizations, who three days prior
to the dinner gave Birrou an ovation
upon his arrival in this country. The
members of the organization carried
banners reading “Down with Italy”
and “Rescue Ethiopia” and similar
expressions were made in the wel
coming addresses.
Birrou told the gathering that
Ethiopia was determined to main
tain her independence and thanked
the Japanese for their sympathy.
Standing beneath a huge painting of
the Emperor'of Ethiopia that adorn
ed the wall of the banquet hall, the
Ethiopian messenger cited the back
ground of the impending conflict, fol
lowing in the footstep of his ruler by
declaring that Ethiopia would not be
the aggressor but would fight to
death to protect herself against any
invasion on the part of Mussolini’s
Guide To Cover War
The Omaha Guide will give a first
hand, accurate newspaper account of
the East African war. Through spe
cial correspondents, stories will be
brought to the public, unbiased and
accurate, in each issue of the paper.
If you do not subscribe for the
paper, please order it at once as vou
will not want to miss a single one of
these stories.
Adowa Bombed As City Sleeps; Hundreds Are
Reported Dead and Wounded; Two Million
Men Mobilized To Repulse Italian Aggression
All Europe In War Fervor As Announcements
Reach Countries of Warfare in East Af
rica; France Fears German Attack
Addis Ababa, Oct. 5—(IP)—More than 4000 persons were kiT
ed in Thursday’s fighting between Italian and Ethiopian troops ne^r
Adowa, which was surprised by an air bombing early Thursday
morning. The troops which were sent into Ethiopian territory by the
commander of the Italian group are reported to have been greatly
demoralised by the guerillas machine gun fire which mowed down'
more than 1000 men in a single regiment.
Meanwhile in Addis Ababa the Ethiopian king has ordered gen
eral mobilization and five million men are expected to answer the
call to arms. It is considered a sacred duty to go to war and the
tribes for the greater part have expressed joy over the declaration
of war. The Italian bombing planes have preceded the ground at*
tack. The first object is Adowa, the spot where the Italians suffered
a crushing defeat at the hands of the Ethiopians in 1896. To the many
warriors of the black Empire who recall the defeat, it is a diing to
give them more hope and confidence in this struggle with the Ital
ians. - " L~ ,* ’«k . - » r Wt-MT
Mussolini, the mad dictator of Ita
has announced that he will order ten
million men out to challenge the
world if the League of Nations ord
er sanctions against Italy. There are
several nations now ready for the
announcement from the League of
| Nations so that they may apply what
I ever pressure necessary to curb Ita
I ly in her conquest of Ethiopia.
Over a primitive telegraph system
: word was flashed throughout Ethi
I opia that war had begun. The war
! dors began filing out of camps at 1
| a- m- Those not in uniform were re
j ported to be joining with the King’s
j army and ready to go to the front.
I The Italian troops according to a
j dispatch from Paris are now 20 miles
j from Adowa. their first objective of
] attack. The bombing planes have al
| ready struck the village leaving a toll
j of hundreds dead. Women, children,
| and aged are among those killed in
the attack.
The League of Nations called a
special meeting for Saturday at
which time their course will be de
; cided although it is hardly expected
; that military sanctions will be call
1 ed immediately. France has ordered
* out her bombing planes and land
troops near the German border where
; she expects a simultaneous attack
from Hitler. There was an assurance
given Thursday morning that there
would be no such attack but the
French remain prepared.
Duce broke a Promise to the
League when he stated that he would
notify the World when he was ready
to start his campaign in East Africa.
The attack early Thursday morning
was only known to the world through
the press correspondents there who
sent messages out that Italy had
started a march into Ethiopian terri
Suez Canal Open
The British will not dose the
Suez Canal as had been previously
announced unless England is given
military support by other powers of
the League as to close the canal
means war with Italy.
Troubled Europe today looked to
ward the United States where 24
hours earlier President Roosevelt had
declared that America is neutral and
does not want any part of anybody’s
war. The war fever is limited to
Europe and East Afr’ca alone. In
Bulgaria the nation was placed un
der martial law today because trou
ble was expected at the accession of
the new king.
Causes of War
Mussolini asked an increase in the
birthrate of Jtaly and offered prizes
to young mothers and other induce
ments which brought about rapid in
crease. Last year the Dictator said
to his subjects that Italy’s future li
ed in East Africa. There was no room
for expansion in Europe and Italy’s
only hope was to wage war with a
weaker power, and gain land for ex
Attorney John Adams
Resigns Legislature
Attorney John Adams. Republican
State Legislator of the 9th district,
resigned the post on Sept. 19, to ac
cept a poet with he Federal Re-Em
ployment Bureau wth offices in the
Douglas county court house.
The resignation was necessary for
two reasons, first, because of Mr. Ad
am’s removal of his residence from
the ninth district and secondly be
cause of the Federal appointment.
The state constitution holds that ei
ther cause was sufficient for resig
naton. Six other members of the Leg
islature had to resign for similar
Attorney Adams will however be
eligible for re-election from the new
ly formed district five which will be
composed of the present nine and ten.
NAACP Is Not Sincere
Says Congressman
Arthur Mitchell
Chicago, Oct 5, (ANP)—Demo
crat Arthur W. Mitchell of Illinois,
Iona Negro congressman, left Chi- !
cago Friday for a conference in
Washington before sailing to the
Virgin Islands on or about October !
10. But before he departed, the
rugged successor to Oscar Dt Priest,
has his say on communism at How
ard university, the N. A. A. C. P.,
and opponents of his bill for an in
dustrial commission on Negro af
Representatve Mitchell was espe
cially forceful as he reiterated his
statements on the “viciousness” of
the N. A. A. C. P.., originally deliv
ered recently at a speech made in
Norfolk, Va., late in August.
N. A. A. C. P. “Insincere”
“Although I was a member of
that organization for many years
I and was for considerable time the
only member in Alabama and sent
subscriptions to the Crisis anony
mously to white friends, I can say
only that the N. A. A. C. P. today is
not seeking to aid the race hut in
tends only to feather the nests of its
officials at the expense of the black
public,” Mitchell declared. “It is
not honest in its efforts and has de
teriorated into a bunch of commun
The congressman then stated ef
forts of the association to put
through anti-lynching legislation
were insincere and threats to de
feat non-supporting national legis
lators in their elections were
“silly and foolish.” Mitchell said
he had yet to be approached by
Walter White or any other N. A. A.
C. P. official to support the measure,
although White spent considerable
time at the nation’s capital where
Mitchell was easily acccessible. He
asserts further the association has
fought him purely because he re
fused to be ruled or dictated to.
Insists Johnson Is Red.
Launching into the subject of
Howard university, Mitchell de
clares he has made a careful study
of communism at the Washington
school and has evidence to support
his contention that President Morde
cai Johnson is himself an ardent
Red and condones Marxian doctrines
taught in his class rooms.
“A house cleaning, is most urgent
ly n e e d e d,” the representative
stated. It is not communism itself
' but the effect of such political theor
: ists on the minds of congressmen
when the suject of annual ap
propriations is brought up, Mitchell
(Continued on Page 4)
Haitian Representative
Asks League To Be
Fair in Decision
—Geneva, Oct. 5—(ANP)—Gen.
Alfred Nemours of Haiti, league
representative here, begged the
league of nations not to discrim
inate against the Abyssinians be
cause they were black, but to
grant them justice. Nemours re
minded the assemblage he spoke
as a representative of a colored
; nation.
America’s Unknown
Soldier May Be
Colored Man
New York. Oct. 5—That Amer
ica’s unknown soldier may be a
Negro, is the suggestion contain- j
ed in a new poem, “Saint Peter|
Relates An Incident of the Res
urrection Day”, by James Weld
on Johnson, which will be pub
lished October 7 by the Viking j
Press. The title poem is one of;
a selected number of Mr. John-j
son’s best known poems included j
in the book. Among the other j
poems are “Fifty Years”, which
the late Brander Methews called
one of the greatest commemora
tive poem ever written, and the j
"words to “Lift Ev’ry Voice and
Sing”, the well known. Negro an
(Continued on page five)
Judge Orders Singer
To Refrain From
Italian Tune
/ _
New York City, Oct. 5—(ANP—
George Williams “wandering guitar
ist and singer” crooned his way out
of jail here this week when he was
haled into court charged with vag
rancy, but declaring that he “could
pot sing the ‘Isle of Capri’ anymore
because J have found that it is in
Italy and I must be loyal to Ethiop
Williams had been arrested when
1 he was caught singing in front of a
Harlem tavern. When he was haled
into court he had his guitar suspend
ed across his shoulders and in com
pliance with a request from the judge
■ rendered several selections that led
to his liberation. The judge told him
of the Italian origin of the song he
I sang and elicted his declaration that
from now on he would have to change
his routine.
This is a portrait of an officer
of the Royal Ethiopian army at
tired in his full dress uniform. On
the battlefield be wears more prac
tical garb.
Nine Defendants Face
Third Trials On
Rape Charges
Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 5—
(AXP)—A special session of the
Jackson county grand jury is ex
pected to be called in three weeks
to reinvestigate the Scottsboro
cases and probably reindict the
nine defendants, Lieut. Gov.
Thomas T. Knight, Jr., special
prosecutor in the case, stated.
If reindicted, the nine youth*
who have been in jail since their
arrest at Paint Rock following
their alleged rape of two white
girl hoboes on a freight train
March 25, 1931, will be given an
early trial in Morgan county un
der a change of venue to be
Action in the case has been de
layed since the U. S. Supreme
court in April set aside death
sentences imposed on Haywood
Patterson and Clarence Norris,
two of the nine defendants, be
cause their constitutional rights
had been violated due to the sys
tematic exclusion of Negroes
from Alabama juries. Since then
the state legislature has enacted
a statute permitting the dumping
and refilling of jury boxes osten
sibly to remedy this condition.
It is understood new rolls of
eligile jurors are being made in
| eluding names of Negroes. Since
the Supreme court reversal sever
al have been called for service in
verious counties but in none of
the cases did thev serve, the ma
joritv asking to be excused for
, various reasons. It is not known
definitely, whether or not those
previously called or the ones ex
; pecting to be named for Scotts
; boro service have or will be in
timidated by whites of the area.
N.A.A.C.P. To Hold
Amatuer Niffht
To Give Prizes
These smaller gifts will be givea
at the amateur night, October 11,
electric lamps, toasters, etc.
A refrigerator will be given at the
dance Monday, October 14, the tick
ets you buy are admission to the
amateur night and gift carnival and
have chances for prizes both nights.
Admission to the dance Monday night
is 55c.
The N. A. A. C. P. is grateful to
Hayden Bros., Union Outfitting, Ne
braska Power Co., Conservative Sav
ing and Loan, The Grant Street
Pharmacy, Tuxedo Billiard Parlor,
and the Omaha Guide, for their co
operation for the success of this ven
* ~