The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 28, 1935, EMANCIPATION ANNIVERSARY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    ‘Mayor’ Loses Head
Cut Off by Antagonist
Philadelphia, —(ANP)—While
his neighbors looked on, Eddie
Gibson, a member of the “Socie
ty for tine Development of Our
Own”, used a razor to cut off
the head of Henry Grant, 50, self
styled “mayor” of a squatter’s
iettlement on a dump here during
an altercation last week
Gibson told polide who arrested
him that Grant, because of his
height and weight, often “picked
on” other members of the society
especially when be had been drink
ing. The “mayor” was known as
a tyrant “ruler.”
During the fatal altercation ,ac
eording to witnesses, Grant, who
went to Gibson’s house and called
Gibson outside, attacked Gibson
with a pick-handle. Aiming the
handle at Gibson, Grant missed
him and struck another man. A
second blow hit Gibson on the
hip, according to the story.
The two men then seized each
other in mortal combat. Gibson
took a razor from his pocket and
severed the “mayor’s” head from
fiis body.
Gibson was arrested and held
without bail to await the action of
the grand jury.
Communists Demand
Equality For Negroes
In A. F. of L. |
f -*
NEW YORK—(CNA)—In an ap
peal issued by the Communist Par
ty of America to the delegates of the
forth^omng 55th Convention of the
American Federaion of Lal/or, dis
crimination against Negro workers
in A. F. of L: Unions was roundly
In part the appeal declared:
“Green (President of the A. F. of
L.) and the A, F. of L. Council de
clare that they cannnot stop Inter
nationals from excluding Negroes as
the unions are autonomous, and thus
refuse to organize Negro workers,
but autonomy does not stop him from
splitting unions”.
The statement also contained a de
mand that discrimination against Ne
gro workers be stopped. The propos
al read as follows:
“Equal rights and abolition of all
discrimination against Negro and
foreign born workers in employment,
wages and relief.”
The rank and file A. F. of L. mem
bers were urged by the appeal to put
through a legislative program which
included, “Declaring illegal and pro
viding penalties for any and all dis- j
crimination against Negro workers
and providing the death penalty for
lynchers and anti-Negro terrorists.”j
Tht 55th annual convention of the
A. F. of L. will be held in October
at Atlantic City, N. J.
Keep Young and Beautiful—If
You Want To Be Loved
With the advent of September
the minds and steps of the Moth
er as well as o fthe child turns*
“Schoolward’' happy days are
here again for both. The child is
happy because of the anticipated
joy and pleasure of again seeing
other children. The mother is hap
py for the child because of the
protection and advantages the
schools offer; Happy for herself,
because of the few hours of quiet
ness at home. So often we hear
mother exclaim, “Oh! I’ll be so
glad when school starts so I car
get these children out of the
house and have a little peace!”
Mother when you purchased
the necessary dresses, hats shoes
and etc., for your child prepara
tory to the opening of school you
naturally have in mind a mental
I picture of just how your child
would look so dressed. Were you
pleased with the result? Were
your efforts gratifyinge How
did you arrange your little girl’s
hair? Was ‘it a problem to you?
When you found it impossible to
arrange a suitable hair dress did
you do for your child what you
do for yourself under like con
ditions? Namely, did you send
your child to the hairdresser of
your choice! Many o fwou did,
we know that If you did not it is
not too late. You do not want to
help your child develop an in
feriority complex. The present
school system of Omaha is taking
care of this nicely and needs no
help from you.
Your little girl or big girl for
that matter does not want to go
to school with kinks or with:
small braids over her head. The!
girl in front of her has her hair ;:
bobbed, waved or arranged in a
mass of curls. You can not af- '
ford to force your child to look <
conspicious by appearing differ- ;
ent. In your shop this month we
are featuring styles from the
kindergarten, through the grade
school, high school and colleges.
Mothers bring your children in
and let us help you to help them.
By courtesy of the Christine
Althouse Beauty School.
■Mi»H!Hir m
Make Today Tour Lucky
Day Just send your name and address and
get marvelous magic Lucky Love and Money
"goiden-charm” pocket piece, and big new
aaenta' proposition Write Keystone Lab.,
iVt-'pC. 5-K-9 Memphis, Tenn.
. ___ . . .. .. ....
£ A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors
and gave me the youthful vital
ity of a person of twenty years
says Lieut. Clifford of New
York. MATE is giving to
thousands of run-down, nerv
ous and weak elderly men and
women new energy and vital
ity and the thrill of youth and
love again.
ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply.
Money returned if not satisfied
FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free
with each order received within ten days. Write at once for
your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story.
408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY
S-C-F. Ex. S.
)By R. M. Hofer(
It’s easier to make a flowery
statement than to answer simple
questions. The people of the world
are getting pretty sick and tired
of statements. They wrant an
This summer I have met many
business men in different parts
of the cour*rv I have asked ques
tions and tried to get answers. I
have talked with wa ters in hotel
dining rooms, with clerks in groc
ery stores, with mechanics in gar
ages, with attendants at oil fill
ing stations, with proprietors of
small stores and, recently at that
cosmopolitan meeting place, the
Mark Hopkins hotel in San Fran
cisco, I heard opinions expressed
by prominent business men who
drift in from all parts of the
After the smoke of partisan
politics has been blown away, sen
timent expressed by thoughtful
persons is remarkably uniform on
the following three points:
1* There is no sympathy for
European war preparations and
very definite opposition to this
nation participating in another
European conflict in any manner.
2. There is general resentment
against political attempts to un
dermine constitutional safeguards
of persons and property in the
United States.
3. From all sides come pro
tects against the alarming in
crease in public debt and tax bills
—genuine fear is expressed as to
what a “soak the rich” tax pro
gram will do to American business
and family savings.
It’s a healthy sign when politic
al and economic questions are|
brought so close to the average
American that he can see his place
in the picture—from the clerk in
i grocery store to the head-waiter
n a leading hotel and the presi-1
lent of a great corporation. Their i
meketbooks and constitutional
Only $29.75
This Beautiful,
Brand New
Sewing Machine
15th and Harney
AT 4361
P3 Yltl **■%/ • - - .rar Ij ‘-dxx - - - ^n:W ?___^181 ^ ** ^ Fistl8t
1 <T^ST"\ ( ^oo"S/5S t j Cuckoo") AuSi Sei\simJ
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t --■» \ xov* \ \keeP the j
’ • / fru. 0^p ^ W2uSE T'CM " \
i _ A ! ^
, fteaWATioNAi Cartoon Co W.y. ^7__ _.— --L- —--_T---^-&£25C^~-&
Raising tfamily- ,*„c Hawkins Population Is Going to Suffer An Awful Sfock Now!___,_, -f i&ST
r-— - -1— ----- • .-in-- r~_-rSTH /— -—-v __ '-—r-^ l
H^Hiowe5e \ i pur ihem I
3E£<^aS~t «ECUO» too TWREG-fEJA _ Sf*FE^ _
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VET3 S^MptE £M I u»«->_ voo 6tvE 7''
xue\ weuP Hca t-cs
N'Sevf) 1 e*«rvMxs<^^ r
i /^>y^vP3 ujW-sr i
I you v^ePT
L-7 he r l ’S
Bishop Washington
Is Honored
Monday, Sept. 16. A committee
representing The Nebraska Intter
denocinational Holiness Association,
which is made up of churches all
nver the state, met for the purpose
of selecting speakers for the 1936
camp meeting to be held in Lincoln.
After a consderable discussion of the
l ading pulpiteers of the east, west,:
and south, Rev. Burckhardt took the
floor and assumed the privilige of of- i
l'ering to this convention a Negro'
speaker in the person of Bishop
Washington and at the close of Rev. i
Burckhardt’s talk.
Bishop Washington was unani- j
mously chosen as one of the speak
ers. This will mark a new' epoch in I
the history of this association which
has never before inits history had a j
paid Negro speaker on the program. |
Making Others Suffer j
Sometimes we hear the petulant
statement “It's nobody's business
what I do to myself”, and “He harms
nobody but himself.” But such is'im
A wife suffers when her husband's
wrong doings bring their inevitable
penalties. The husband of a derelict
cannot escape, when she sins and suf
fers. Sorrow, grief shame, humilia
tion, come to parents when their chil
dren are wayward and bring trouble
upon themselves. And let it be re
membered also, that many a child
suffers because of mistakes and sins
of parents.
Yes, it is a fact, an inescapable
fact, that “Suffering follows sin,’*
and it is true, undeniably true, that
the suffering is never confined to
the individual who is guilty of trans
gressions. Because of their relation
to such derelicts, many are made to
suffer innocently. These are things
to which most serious consideration
jphould be given, especially at times
tdien there is inclination to go wrong.
Congratulations on your 70th
Emancipation Anniversary
Sheriff Lancaster County
Compliments of
Furniture Co.
Furniture for less
Compliments of
Vita Sealed Potato
Chip Co.
1238 0 Street B7920
Compliments of
Newberg & Bookstrom
Plumbing and Heating
Guaranteed work
Free estimates
1338 M Street B6489
Compliments of
for all makes of washing mach
ines, radios an dgas stoves.
245 55. 11th B5081
Compliments of
Walter Anderson
Chief of Police, Lincoln, Neb.
Compliments of
Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings
The Salvation of The State is Watchfulness
in The Citizen
Compliments of
Ice Cream—Dairy Products
220 S. 20th St. B6747
“Selected Fuels”
Copeland Fuel Co.
Oren S. Cooeland
B2524 1120 N. 14th St.
Compliments of
Lincoln Laundry Co,
Quick Competent Service
2208 0 Street B5111
0 i
Compliments of
Ask your grocer for PURITAN
BREAD & R OLLS, delivered
fresh daily.
Wilke’s Honey Krushed "Wheat
Bread relieves constipation, try
it and he convinced.
236 N. 9th St. Lincoln ,Neb.
Fresh Daily
For sale at your grocer
Compliments of
Graham Brothers
A Lincoln Institution
Pasteurized Dairy Products
Butter, Cottage Cheese ,Milk,
Cream, Coca Malt,
Orange Juice.
Visitors Always Welcome
3801 Randolph F-2174
Boyden Pharmacy
Home Madt Ice Cream
Home Made Ice Cream
Drugs Sundries
Stuart Bldg. B7037
Lincoln, Neb.
Auto Glass, window glass,
paints, varnishes and wallpaper
We give “S & H” Green stamps
2055 0 Street B3622
i, .. .. ™ ; , .
Advertise in he Guide—It Pays