The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 28, 1935, EMANCIPATION ANNIVERSARY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5
CITY R Y. P. U. C The city B. Y. P. U. will hold its regular fifth Sunday meeting at Bethel Baptist church, in South Oma ha, on 29th & T Street, Sunday, September 29. Ail Unions are asked to have their numbers ready, either readings or musicals. We are looking for your Union at Bethel. Wm. Cooper, President Katherine Wheate, Gorr. Sec’y. MORNING STAR Rev. F. B. Banks, Pastor Sunday School met with Superin tendent in charge. At 11 o’clock ser mon was held “The wonderfulness of Jesus" 9th chapter Isiaih. The Junior B. Y. P. U. is hasing great success under little Agnes Morris. Willing Workers club met at Mrs. Williams, president. An individual birthday dinner will be given October 1, at 2875 Ohio, 25c per plate. Mrs. G. W. Stromile PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. T. Carter, Pastor. Morning Service, 10:45 a. m. Evening Service, 7:45 p. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Supt. Deacon Lee, B. Y. P. U. 6 p. m. Rev. J. D. Campbell, Pres. Mission, Thursday, 2 p. m., Pres., Sster M. E. Hill. The Tabernacle Baptist church sponsored an outing Monday ev ening called, “See America First’.’ An enjoyable time was had by all who attended. CLUBS Girl Reserve News A small group of High School Re- | serves enjoyed breakfast at Hummel Park last Saturday morning. They were accompanied by Miss Evelyn 1 Evans and Mesdames S. C. Hanger * and Milton Wilson. FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Friendship club enjoyed being with the Fairplay club. Bridge Tour nament, Saturday night, September 21. The club met at the home of Mrs. Tresia Anderson, 2857 Maple. Florence Morris, President, THE HAPPY HOLLOW BRIDGE CLUB The Qub is back in full fling for the season, haring been vacationing dumg the warmer month of the sum mer. We have newly elected a staff of officers, which includes as presi dent, Mr. James Dortch: and Mr. Hays as vice-president. Mrs. Mary is serving her second term as secre tary. Mrs. Claude McFalls is treas urer. We have added to our membership, three, including Mr. Burton Walker, of Macon, Ga. Our host and hostess j last week were Mr. and Mrs. Robert ! Banks. Prizes were awarded to Mr. Banks and Mrs. Baily. Mr. James Dortch, President. Mary Banks. Reporter. QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! The Quack Club met at the “YT\ Friday, September 20, with 26 mem bers present. We were indeed glad to see some of the girls out that were not at the last meeting. The club was opened by singing “Break Down Barriers.” Prayer by Miss Gretchen Selectman. The president then pro ceeded with the business part of the meeting, namely, the appointing of chairmen of various committees. The girls appointed were Bernice Mar shall, finance chairman; Faith Pat terson, membership chairman. Jose phine Bell, social chairman; Vir ginia Dixon, sick chairman, and Lucy Mae Stamps, program chair man. Following the democratic principles of the C. M. C. A. which the club has adopted, a nominating committee was elected. This com mittee consists of five girls to select the nominees for next year’s offices. The five girls are: Helen McWhort er, Lucy Mae Stamps, Mildred Ous ley, Essie Porter and Julia Williams. So much for business, and now for plans for a sociable time. A Harvest Moon Weiner Roast was planned for Sept. 27, at Hummel Park, for mem bers only. Lillian Pettiford, Essie Porter, and Josephine Bell will pre pare the menu. A large* truck will convey the girls to the park. All aboard for a good time. We are sorry one of our members, Juerdie Clavter. is or the sick list. We hope she will improve and be able to be with us soon. Mildred Samuels, Reporter. Compliments of CLIMAX TAILORS Albert Sessum 2420 No. 24th St. Suits Made to Order Hats Cleaned and Blocked ( waning. Pressing and Repairing Low Pricee Phone Prices to Suit WE The Times 3137 Mrs. Elmira Hall Succumbs Mrs. Elmira Hall. 42 passed to her reward. September 21, at her home 2420 Charles street. Mrs. Hall was bom in Newport. Arkansas. She leaves to mourn her passing a hus band. George Hall, eight children, Percy, Ianiha, David, Charles, Mar tha Jean, Susie, Delores and Addie, one sister, Addie Dorsey of Omaha, a brother, Charles Bryant of Chicago, Elijah Bryant, Gary, Ind., a cousin, Stephen Bridges of Omaha, two grandchildren, and a host of friends. I Mrs. Hail's funeral was held from Clair Chapel, M. E. Church, Wednes day afternoon, September 25th. Rev. Conwell officiated. Leaves For School SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Sstella Anderson, 1111 S. 8th street, was given a surprise birth day party, Monday night, Sept. 23rd., by her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ward, 1230 S. 12. A very pleasant evening wwas spent, j After the lunch the party went joy-riding. Joe Lynch Bound Over to District Court Joe Lynch, 2916 N. 28, son of Mr. Mervin Lynch, one time prominent tailor, was arrested and bound over to d is tret court on a complaint filed by his former employer at the Or pheum Cleaners, of stealing suits left in storage. A warrant has been sent out for Guilford King, who was also employ ed at the Orpheum Cleaners about this time. King’s whereabouts is not definitely known. Both Guilford and Joe are inv maculate and snappy dressers, and often set the ‘vogue’ for ‘what the well dressed man will wear this sea son'. The trial will be held in fall court.. " 1 I* I Budget Fabric Section I Launches the iVcir Season With a Of Autumn Silks A purchase made before the last advance in silk prices, makes possible one of the most unusual offer ings of the season on NTH U $>ifhs oi Tested ifuaiity Firefly Nubbed Canton 1 Plain Canton Crepes Flat Crepes j; Satins Novelties | Many of these are new weaves . . . KILPATRICK S and all are exceptionally lovely! In Value Section new f&U colors. Third Floor I WOMEN’S NEW PUMPS SUEDE—PATENT KID LEATHERS Brown — Black Size;! 3 to 9 BOYS AND CIRLS Leather Soles School Oxfords Sizes 8 to 2 GIRL S’ SCHOOL School Oxfords Sizer 3 to 8 Ethiopia Plans To Cut Off Water Supply Will Divert Streams and Rivers in East Africa _ 1 Paris.—(CNA)—Plans to cut off the water supply of Italian military forces have been com pleted by Ethiopia, according to a report from Addis Ababa, re ceived this week. The plans will be put into op eration “when the war starts”, the report declared. They include diverting streams and rivers in East Africa upon which Italian army will depend for water sup plies. | Sam Feldman Grocery QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES 2019 N. 24th WE 4515 i OPEN SUNDAYS TuLula Tea Room Home C ooking and Barbecue. All Kinds of Home Made Pies. 2422 Burdette St. WE 0689 Free Delivery The Black & White Cafe Where prices ase always less. Get the l*est home cooked meals. Home Made Pies a Specialty. 2210 N. 24th St. Compliments of James M. Fitzgerald Judge District Court Paraffin Base Oil ,10c Qt. Kerosene 10c Gal. MID CITY SERVICE STATION Sinclair Oils and Gas General Auto Repairing AT. 8996 2102 N. 24th St. J Produced under the SEALTEST SYSTEM of LABORATORY PROTECTION The Sealtest System .—Supervising the quality of our Ice a great, National Scien tific System of more than 100 Con trolled Laboratories. HARING S Fresh Ice Cream Tested and approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau Compliments of E. M. Jacobberger COUNTY COMMISSIONER STATE’S 32ND ANNIVERSARY SALE GREATER FURNITURE VALUES EASIEST TERMS IN OMAHA WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING WHICH KEANS GREATER SAVINGS FOR YOU STATE FURNITURE CO. ■_14th & Dodge Omaha_ ____ I CARD OF THANKS I We wish to thank the neighbors and friends. Rev. Bryant % of St. John’s A. M. E Church, and the Ladies’ Friendship Club | for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death I s>f Mrs. Sara Yusum and for the beautiful floral offerings. I Darlene and Bonnie Mae. great grand-daughters. I Mrs. Minnie Burns. Daughter. | Nina Early, Daughter. f Margaret Harrold, Grand daughter. | Mrs. Bessie Early, Sister. p Eavid Kaplan Poultry Market is now under new man agement. We are now in a position to give you the best selection of live and dressed poultry and strictly fresh eggs. Wholesale and Retail. Our Motto, Quality, Prices and Service METROPOLITAN PRODUCE CO. 1616 No. 24th Street WE .4737 CHICKENS MOST ECONOMIC T. Carey, of Carey ’s Naborhood Grocery says that he is selling more chickens than he has ever sold in the his tory of his business. He gives two reasons: First, the price of meat has reached such a stupendously high level until it cannot be advantageously purchased by the economical housewife; she therefore has resorted to poultry which can be obtained for around 20c lb.; second the quality of Poultry this year is running better than any previous year. Davis, Adams and Adams, 310 Karbach Blk. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: I N TRE MATTER OF THE ES j TATE OF: Willie Galloway, Deceased. L All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died leav ing no last will and praying for ad ministration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 14th day of J October, 1935, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 14th day of October, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Couret may grant the same aid grant I administration of said estate to Charles C. Galloway, or some other suitable person and proceed settle ment thereof. Begins Sept. 21st Bryce Crawford, Ends Oct. 5th County Judge Ray L. Williams—24th and Lake St., Room 200, Tuehman Buildng. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF Irene Charmon Johnson, j Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving- no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said peition before said court on the 5th day of October, 1935, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 5th day of October, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant ad ministration of said estate to W, L. Myers, or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. Begins 9-14-35 Bryce Crawford Ends 9-28-35 County Judge GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES Fine for Weak Kidneys and Bladder Irritation STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 35 cent box of these famous capsules will put healthy activity into your kidneys and bladder—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diuretic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL laarlem Oil Capsules—safe and harm, less—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits t bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty passage that ofttunes smarts and burns. MAN H OO D LO SS Help your glands by using DR. HOLLO WAY’S VIGOR TREATMENT. Spec 1 ial gland medicines for r men and women. You ' have tried the rest, now try the best. The Doctors own prescription. Don t be satisfied until you have tried VIGOR. j Feel young at 70. Price $1.00; double ; strength $4.00. If C. O. D. postage pxtra HOLLOWAY MEDICAL COMPANY 4304 S- Parkway. Dept. A, Chicago EAT AT THE MIGET CAFE 24th and Blondo FOR HOME-COOKED MEALS Pies Made With Fresh Fruit Chef Cook, Mrs. Raybons j PatMf Colic AttMhif Fatal In Right f Sid*, arising functional disorders oftbs Liver, Gallbladder, indigcaaor., heavy toad in j rpcr T*ui| b*wd wits thi*S»fvMom*Tr*at- | I If kr *0X1 for FREE 1 _ Mta qxbck. aoufOTMK eo. -r r vx ? aucatbpi « .™..• ■-*— ■ “™ I New discovery, a harmless vegetable preparatloa I has brought relief to hundreds of ruflerers from high blood preaaure, and kindred aliments— hardened arteries, stroke, kidney and bladder tn ft Am mu ti n n Guaranteed Relief. TTtona la sold on a money back guarantee Write for free literature, describ ing your condition. Check These Symptoms. Headaches, dixzineas, tainting spells, heart pains, cramps, numbness tn arms and legs, “pins and needles sensations— Get this / aad otli*™. FREE EftOIC* Send No Money. Delays are r-1 dangerous, leading to stroxe and |- heart failure. Write today. National (Jtona Company M* Insurance Exchange Bldg. Detroit. Mich. L I Pi actons Please Write CLASSIFIED ADS AGENTS WANTED—Make $10 daily selling Negro Dolls, Pictures. Nation al Company, 163 W. 126th St.. N. Y. | RE*NJ~2 raom kitchenetteT Reasonable Price. Call We. 2365. ___ (7-5-2) FOR RENT—2 room furnished aparfc ment with use of kitchen. We. 4162 |__(7-5-2) FOR RENT Furnished Apartments, Reasonable. W Ebster 2243. __ FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. ReaZ enable rent Quiet home. Near car WE. 2134. ^ o?,oISHED 1100111 in mo^errThome. ~ol2 N. 22 street WE2573. For Rent, furnished rooms second floor, south exposure in a qaiet neighborhood near car line. Work ing woman preferred. HA. 1662; Modem furnj^cTre^ for~^T 2511 Corby, WE. 0360. j • " . " ■ _* . j FC1R REXT~Front apartment and Garage, nice home, 2226 Ohio. j Furnished rooms for rent WeT 2582 Modern rooms, veery neat. 2520 Patrick Avenue. I MODERN, neatly furnished rooms, no cooking, quiet home. 2230 Wil lis, AT- 1995. - _______________ j FOR RENT—Unfurnished, three de sirable rooms, with bath. Conven iently located to school and car line. Reasonable. 2804 Miami 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, with bath, near car and school. 2804 Miami! FOR RENT—6 room house, all mod ern, furnished or unfurnished. Rent cheap to a careful party. Call WE 5553. APARTMENT for rent. Couple or 2 or three men. 2230 Ohio St. FOR RENT—3 unfurnished rooms. 2010 Lake St. For Rent—Furnished rooms. 2420 North 24th Street. tf WILL TRADE 1930 Sedan for Prop erty or down payment on property. 2007 Clark St Furnished room for rent, HA. 6009. Furnished rooms reasonable for re liable people. 1810 No. 25th St. For Rent, furnished room, WE. 3454. FOR RENT — Modern, furnished room. Call JA-6428. LOST! Collar From Lady's Spring Coat. Tan, Fur Trimmed. Finder Please Call JA 7867 Reward Furnished rooms for rent, 2865 Ohio Street. WE. 6421. One 3 room apt. for rent. WE. 4044 or 1417 N. 24th Street. ANTED—Woman clerk, man sales man. Either must invest $300 or interest. Good salarv. 2416 Lake St. FURNuSHED Rooms for rent. Good neighborhood. Call HA 0773. SHOE REP AIK SH0PS TOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St Frank Stuto, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 2420*4 Cuming Street. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—All modern 6 room home, 1610 N. 27 St., to be sold at once. Make your offer. Call WE 6270. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. E. and J. E Bennett, 2215 Cum mings St. Phone Ja- 0696. Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St. Cuming Hotel. AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile Se lassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negro Dolls, Flappers, African League 254 W. 135th St., New York. |Whitsn SkloYfiiS gj jSeaotifui Skin) I To quickly whit»n, lighten and clear 1 skin of pimples, freckles and other or dinary summer time blemishes, just do this one simple easy thing. Get 25c Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin Whitener Ointment at any good drug store. Tonight syread a little of this delightful pure creamy ointment over your skin. See for your self the wonderful results it gives. In sist on the genuine. Ask only for Special whitening Soap tree Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment A free trial of DR. FRED Palmer's p roducts awaits you. Just send your name, address and 3c for postage charges today to Dr. FRED Palmer’s Lab oratories. Dept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia, A valuable and useful WEEK-BND EIT will be sent to you without further charge.