The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 28, 1935, EMANCIPATION ANNIVERSARY EDITION, Image 1

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Ey Gaines T. Bradford
The terrific beating that Joe Louis
dealt to the erstwhile heavyweight
champion Max Baer Tuesday night,
was taken with great pride by the
members of Louis’ race as well as
millions of other fight fans who have
long waited for a two fisted fighter
who could deliver. In spite of the fact
that Edwin C. Hill, news commentat
or of the National Broadcasting
Company only stated that Louis was
the idol of his race that boy is the
idol of every honest-to-goodness
fight fan who loves fighting and not
prejudice. To that horde of millions
Joe Louis stands out as king. His
ability as a fighter stands out and
that is what they are seeking.
The South ^nd Germany
When several southern gentlemen
of the south representing the South
ern Amateur Athletic Union met at
New Orleans last week they found
nerve to reprimand Germany for her
prejudice against the Jewish popula
tion of the country. Certainly Ger
many shouldn’t discriminate against
the Jews, a race who helped make |
the German Empire what it is today
but the southern gentlemen should
be the last to make little of it wThen
their hands are dripping with the
blood of Negroes they have lynched
and burned at the stake. They are )
asking that America stay out of the
1936! Olympics at Berlin. If*is true '
that this would hurt the attendance
and the interest that would be mani- ,
fest in the affair but in the end
America would suffer from the loss j
of prestige in track and field sports. j
With her brilliant Negro athletes
who would dominate the field against
the foreigners America will take her i
share of medals and first places
among the nations of the universe.
None of the Negro athletes represent
the South where the men are asking j
for our withdrawal.
v Paul Robeson
Paul Robson, one of the greatest
stars of the English stage has been
signed to play the lead in the play
“Show Boat” which will be produced
at the Universal Studios this fall.
The ability and will to win placed
Robeson in the position he is in to
day. When at Rutgers where he made
All-American on Walter Camp’s
mythical eleven he did not give up
when he found that he was a target
of ridicule because of his race but he
put forth more effort. He was a
scrub on the team until one day the
first team was lined up against him.
He was big and clumsy and while he
was sprawled on the ground after a
play a varsity backfield man delib
erately stepped on his hand and tore
off the flesh. Becoming enraged Ro
beson single handed tore the varsity
line to shreds and tackled his man.
“You’re on the varsity, Robeson”,
said the coach to save his first team
any further punishment. To this day
Robeson has maintained his same de
gree of self reliance and it has taken
him to the top of the amusement
* I
- ■
Prominent Garage Man
Killed In Fatal
Auto Accident /
Lehi, Ark., Sept. 28, (ANP)—
En route to Coffeville, Missis
sippi, to attend the funeral of
his brother-in-law, Simon E:
Perry, wealthy garage owner of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, was killed and
Mrs. Buddie Jones, also of Tulsa,
was seriously injured in a three
car collision near here last wreek.
The car was driven by Mr. Jones
and when in attempting to avoid
striking an on-coming cai
crashed into another car whiel
was trying to pass both cars. Th<
crash resulted in the eomplet
demolition of the three cars.
Noted Artist Leaves
London for States
In Early October
- i
Paul Robeson, International
screen stage and radio favorite
was signed this week to play the
leading role in “Show Boat’’ for!
Carl Laemmle, Jr., of Universal,
The famous star whose screen
portrayal of “Emperor Jones’’
won for him wide praise has |
agreed to leave England immed- i
iately to begin work on the pro-:
duction. He was reached by long 1
distance phone when it was rum- j
ored that he might accept the
Robeson who has played in sev
eral English productions is one
of the foremost actors on the
English stage. He played the part
of the Moor in Shakespeare’s im
mortal “Othello”. The play creat
ed a sensation in England and
R-obeson has been established *as
a favorite there every since.
“Show’ Boat” a play glorified
by the late Florenz Ziegfield at
his theatre near Times Square in
New’ York ,had Jules Bledso an
other great Negro artist as its
leading character. The new’est
edition of the play wrill have sev
eral new’ song hits written es
pecially for Robeson’s deep bar
itone voice.
Robeson will remain in America
Until the latter part of December.
He must be back in London to
open with his company at the Al
bert Hall in January. Production
of the picture will begin as early
as possible. Preliminary w’ork at
the studios has already begun.
.Another “Scottsboro”
Case Uncovered In
Arkansas Courts
Supreme Court Saves Men
Charged With Attack On
Woman; Charges False
N.A.A.C.P. Aid Enlisted
Little Rock, Ark.. Sept. 28,
'(ANP)—Only an appeal to the
Arkansas Supreme court saved
the railroading of two youths
to death this week, when At
torneys John A. Hibbler and
Joh" R. Thompson, prominent
lawyers here filed a supplement
al brief with the court in the
case of Jim X. Caruthers and
Bubbles Clayton. Both had been
convicted of the charge of rape
in the circuit court at Blythe
ville, Ark.
Little or nothing was known of
the charge outside of Blytheville
1 me til after the boys had been
■ convicted. Although conviction
J was procured in the usual lynch
(Continued on Page 4)
“I knew my Joe would win”, Mrs. Louis stated to newspapermen as she
left the Yankee Stadium Tuesday night after the fight. She is 19.
While Jury Deliberates
Man’s Guilt, Mob
Takes Action
Oxford, Miss., Sept. 28—)ANiP)
,—Another Negro has been lynch
ed in Mississippi and again what
I ever investigation is made will
i mean naught.
Elwood Higginbotham was the
i victim and the lynching occured
Tuesday night as the jury delib
erated his flfte on a charge of
murdering a white man. The
procedure was as usual: a group
of forty or fifty unmasked white
• men “over-powered’ the sheriff
| and his THREE deputies, remov
; ed the prisoner from the jail,
! strung him up to a tree and later
the sheriff and his deputies cut
him down and returned the body
to the jail.
When Higginbothem was ar
rested several week ago charged
with the murder he was rushed
to Jackson to the “lynch proof
jail” for safe keeping and was
returned here for trial Wednes
day morning. The trial started
and ended quickly with the only
defense offered for the defendant
being he had previously confes
sed to the crime because he was
afraid he would be lynched and
(Continued on Page 4)
Pruitt Loses To Patton
‘Good Scrap Anyway’
“Oh, well, it wras a good scrap any
way”, was Glenn Pruitt’s comment
on the Louis-Baer fight. The bet
staged between Mr. O. W. Patton and
Glenn Pruitt, -was won by the form
er. Consequently Mr. Pruitt was
forced to sit in that position com
monly called, a knot, and ride lux
urously up North Twenty-fourth
Street in a twro wheeled contraption
known by the title of wheelbarrow.
The parade, which was staged from
24th and Grant to 24th and Charles,
and back, was one of the causes for
the hilarious fun making on 24th
Street Tuesday night.
All 24th Street, Omaha, in fact, the
whole country was in a mood for joy
making and celebrating when Ameri
ca’s new idol kayoed the big Baer.
W. C. Handy’s Daughter
Files .Suit .For
Divorce Action
Chicago, Sept. 28, (ANP)—Re
ports that Mrs. Elizabeth White,
daughter of W. C. Handy, had
filed suit for divorce from her
husband, Morris White, guitarist
in Cab Calloway’s orchestra,
were confirmed here this week
by Miss Lucile Love, popular fan
dancer, who says that she was
named correspondent in the bill
filed by Mrs. White.
Joe Louis Hailed As
Greatest Fighter
Of All Times
New York, Sept. 28 I'WP)—Max
Baer, the Jewish boy of Livermore,
California, who was once king of the
heavies and until Tuesday night a
leading contender was beaten into in
sensibility by the Brown Bomber Joe
Louis of Detroit at Yankee Stadium
after 3 rounds and 2 minutes and 50
seconds of the fourth.
The savage attack that Louis
launched in the opening round proved
! to be the downfall of Baer. He just
couldn't take those terrific blows to
the face and midsection. Baer was
down in the third round twice. The
bell saved him from a third round
knockout after he had been knocked
cold 5 seconds before the bell sound
| His friend. Jack Dempsey, once
1 heavyweight champion of the world,
was in his comer and tried to en
courage his friend to go in there and
fight, but it was to no avail. Every
! time he tried it he was mercilessly
! punched by the Detroit lad. This
I knockout was the first for Baer and
, this marks his last fight. He is fin
ished and plans to enter the ranching
| business in Arizona.
1 There were 92,000 persons in the
stadium who paid a total of $932,944
to see the massacre. The payment for
broadcasting privileges and the mo
tion picture rights carried the figure
well over the million dollar mark.
This wras the sixth largest gate in the
history of the game.
Joe w'as married a few' hours be
fore the fight and he maintained the
same poker face at the ceremony
which was performed up in Harlem by
the bride’s brother. The Bomber then
went to the stadium to keep his ap
pointment with Baer. When this was
finished, in eleven minutes he return
ed to Harlem with his bride. Louis
said Thursday that he and his bride
would sail for &urope next week. He
plans to take Mike Jacobs, promot
er, along and face all comers in a
world tour which would include South
American countries as well as Eu
Ail critics of the game hail Louis
as the perfect fighting machine. Even
Jack Dempsey admitted that he was
the best that he had seen. The news
papermen from all parts of the couxw
try w'ho were in attendance were
lavish in their praise of Louis.
There was a grand time in Harlem
after the fight. The celebrants stay
ed out until dawn making whoopee
and despite the fact that more than
150.000 participated there were no in
Joe’s mother did not attend the
fight. She listened to a broadcast and
! she was elated at the result. The next
bout will be with Max Schmeling of
Germany and then the fight for the
crown with grad dock.
Haitians Dislike
N. A. A. C. P. Methods
New' York, Sept. 28.—A letter
from Haiti protesting against
the resolution passed by the Na
tional Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored people
which deprecated the lack of
freedom of speech in Haiti is
published in the October Crisis.
The letter, written by M. Dorin
ville, declares the N. A. A. C. P.
has been “misled ’ by agitators
who have no standing in their
own country. It admits that sev
eral persons have been impris
oned, but says the action was for
the “good of the state.” It de
clares most Haitians are “sorry”
for Jacques Roumain, young
writer jailed for his political be
jN.A.A.C.P. Will Give Away an Electric Refrigerator Oct. 14th