The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 21, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page FIVE, Image 5

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To our regret the revival conduct
ed by Dr. M. B. Bilbrew' of Dallas,
Texas closed out Sunday night with
an overflowing crowd. Rev. Bilbrew
spoke from Luke 19:10. Other sub
jects wrere Elijah and King Ahab,
Camping in a Shaky place. Four new
members were added to the congre
gation and $119.67. May God bless
him for his services.
Wm. Cooper
22nd and Seward
Bertha Patterson, Reporter
An electrifying sermon was preach
ed Sunday by Rev. M. B. Bilbrew, of
Dallas, Texas,
A captivated crowd was present
each and every night of the meeting
,the outstanding purpose of which
was to save sinners, reclaim back
sliders, and edify Christians.
Many narratives w-ere related in
explanation of the 9th chapter, 51st
verso of St. Luke. There were four
new additions to the church.
Paradise Baptist Church will have
an echo meeting Sunday evening,
September 22, at 8 o’clock p. m.
Reports of the National Baptist
Convention which was held in New
York, will be made by Rev. J. T.
Carter, and Mrs. M. E. Hill.
An excellent program will be ren
dered. The program will be made up
of members of various churches of
the city. Everyone is cordially in
vited to attend.
25th and Hamilton St.
Rev. W. A. oJhnson of Los An
geles will speak at both services.
The following subjects have been
announced :
11:00 a. m. — “Inseparable
Love- ’ ’
8:00 p. m. — ‘‘The Wonderful
The public is cordiall yinvited
to attend these services.
- I
(Continled from Page 1)
Restrictions, are alsb set up by
law against Jewish doctors serv
ing Germans. Posters in Munich
warn women not to let Jewish
doctors treat them. German law
yers who defend Jews will be
barred from practice.
In direct contrast to the Ger
man regulations in one frbm Rus
sia, where all prejudice based on
race has been outlawned. Here
after. in Russie, there is to be no
d’scriminafl'on in the schools
whatever. For a time, the children
of the enem vclasses of the regime
were restricted* The bars have
now been lifted. Tn Moscow albne.!
74 new large schools were built
last year.
Davis. Adams and Adams.
310 Karbaeh Blk.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska:
Willie Galloway, Deceased.
All persons interested in said es- •
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in said Court al
leging that said deceased died leav
ing no last will and praying for ad
ministration upon his estate, and that
p hearing will be had on said petition
before said Court on the 14th day of
October, 1935, and that if they fail
to appear at said Court on the said
14th day of October, 1935, at 9 o’clock
A. M.. to contest said petition, the
Couret may grant the same and grant
administration of said estate to
Charles C. Galloway, or some other
suitable person and proceed settle
ment thereof.
Begins Sept. 21st Bryce Crawford, |
Ends Oct. 5th County Judge
Ray L, Williams—'24th and Lake St.}
Room 200, Tuchman Buildng.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska:
TATE OF Irene Charmon Johnson,
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that a petition
has been filed in said Court alleging
that said deceased died leaving no last
will and praying for administration
upon his estate, and that a hearing
will be had on said peition before
said court on the 5th day of October,
1935, and that if they fail to appear
at said Court on the said 5th day
of October, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M.,
to contest said petition, the Court
may grant the same and grant ad
ministration of said estate to W. L.
Myers, or some other suitable person
and proceed to a settlement thereof.
Begins 9-14-35 Bryce Crawford
Ends 9-28-35 County Judge
Louisiana Negroes Say
They Will Miss Long
Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 21—(By
Don Davis for ANP)—A pall of
gloom bears down upon Negro citi
zens as a result of the assassination
of United States Senator Huey P.
Long. Some Negroes in the state op
| en!y disliked Senator Long, but the
larv"' majority regard him as a bene
Why? Readers in the liberal east
and west might reasonably ask the
question. A visit to any of the small
i or large centers of Louisiana would
supply the answer.
Two weeks ago I visited several
! towns where old and young persons
quizzed me about the voting situa
tion in their cities. They wanted to
know if colored citizens of other cen
ters planned to go to the polls as
they hoped to do. They furtively re
trieved their poll tax receipts from
places of concealipent with happy
smiles and I could with the cynical
eyes of a newspaperman observe that
these people cherished the receipts
and Long who made it possible for
them to have.
That was the setting of the stage
two weeks ago, but now it’s different.
The donor of these receipts is no more
His body lies in a grave, stilled by
an assassin’s bullet The setting of
the stage is changed and those people
see no role to be played by them in
it, for the Senator Long directed the
stage in the first described act. It is
r. question that time alone can an
swer whether any of the director’s
heirs inherited his fairness toward
this group.
The fact that he came from a cen
ter where the worst of race hatred
is supposed to prevail and possessed
all of the fairness that is said to be
long to the Latins of South Louisi
ana fascinated the Negro. Long nev
er in all of his stormy political car
eer made the Negro an issue . . . The
voice of the Negro was raised against
him on several occasions, when he
referred to them as “niggers”, but he
like Will Rogers, good-naturedly ask- j
cd their pardon. This is more than
any other politician would do, his
boosters would say.
The “learned class” resented this
act, but their numbers were small.
The dead senator was associated with
Negroes in his early boyhood and
mentioned his pleasant days with
them in his autobiography.
All of the race were not for Long.
There were those who asumed an
imaginary role in the state’s affairs
and from what they had heard and
learned of democracy, deplored his
methods of conversation. Long op
posed the anti-lynch bill, they said.
In his legislative maneuvers he made
no special effort to aid the Negro.
He had a much larger number of
ardent supporters in our ranks, how
ever. They were well fortified with
material to defend the “Kingfish”.
Zt required more votes than Long’s
to defeat the anti-lynch bill, they
would say. Long enacted no legis
lation directly in the Negro’s favor,
but neither did he direct any against
him. When a “Long” bill was passed
for the common good of the poor
man. the Negro faced no maneuver
ing to exclude him from receiving
the benefits of the bill- He campaign
ed against Dudley Leblanc, “Latin”’
gubernatorial candidate against Gov
ernor Allen. Leblanc ran on this plat
form, “The white mar. shall always
have the first chance at any job in
the state.”
I o reinforce this respect former
Congressman DePriest okayed Long
and assured the race that they were
sure to receive some bnefits from
Long’s legislative acts.
Wouldn’t the Negro get his great
est political chanee since the carpet
bag days in the coming election. It
was and is a criminal act to these
people to oppose Long. They see no
good in their poll tax receipts now.
Had the “Kingfish” lived, ample pro
tection at the polls was assured all>
but will his successors do this?
Long’s enemies were prepared to
make the Negro an issue in the comb
ing election and it will take a “Long
type” of person to stand his ground
in face of this unfair attack. It would
have meant little to the dead solon
for he had recently warned the en
tire Democratic party that they would
need more than the Negro issue to
win the south next year. What did
he mean by this? The anti-Long Ne
gro may also ponder the question.
Did Long’s assailant approve of his
plans to give the Negro the ballot?
In view of the fact that several
Negroes were beaten at the polls in
Oppelousas, one may conjecture that
some couldn’t stand to see Ethiopia’s
children vote and sent Long to his
Those readers who enjoy freedom
of the polls can discern from this
cause of the sadness among Louisi
ana Negroes. They saw in this “Dic
tator” a gleam of hope and were will
ing to smile at the minor, jocular in
sults he poked at them. They were
satisfied with the aids granted from
unbiased legislation, enacted by the
boy who found his way from a log
| cabin to the Senate.
By Fay M. Jackson
(For AXP)
Demand For Set “Types” Bane
of Negro Film Producers; Do
Not Look Beyond Custom
Decried Roles
Hollywood, Sept. 21.—They’ve
declared war on the dreadfuj
bugaboo of the Hollywood actine
To the non-theatrical mind it
woudn’t s e e m a bugaboo at all.
It’s only a word. The word is
But to the actors of the screen
colony that one little word is a
horrid curse, for it means that a
villian ma ynever be a hero and
a hero never a villian. And since
every villain hopes some day to
attain heroism and each hero
dreams of the day when he may
play a villainous role, “typing”
is an awful thing.
In the singular lexicon of t h e
screen, it means the acceptance
by producers and public of a cer
tain artist in roles of a single
type, and no others—This is a
splendid circumstance while the
actor is riding the crest of the
wave in roles of that particular
t.vPe» but it becomes disastrous
when the wheels of popularity
turn from pictures of that kind.
In such an event the victim of
“typing’ is apt to find himself
adrift on a treacherous river
without a paddle.
’ Uncle” and ‘ Mammy”
That, in a word, i sthe position
of the eNgro actor in Hollywood
motion pictures.
Battle-scarred Clarence Muse
knows the dangers of “typing”
even better than his younger
•i “
co-players and makes attempts
to avoid the pitfalls with the
wariness of a veteran.
Starting as Uncle Tom in
“Hearts in Dixie.” Muse has
achieved as much versatility in
hLs screen portrayals as h i.s
physique will allow
Stepin Feehit will always re
main the shiftless, inarticulate
lazy bones not because he lacks
energy but chiefly because Step
has really the Step you see on the
screen. He is typed for life. Add,
of course, the insatiable desire of
a white public for just the Ne
gro character Feehit portrays
and you come nearer the answer
than Mr. Perry’s disdain for
speedy diction.
There are no textbooks on
typing, ’ no rit there any broad
signboard that marks the danger
ous trail.
Prchibit Versatility
Etta Moten resorted to the
trial and error method during
her brief sojourn in einematters.
A mere suggestion to the produc
er of “Flying Down To Rio’’ got
her the part of a South American
entertainer when the script
called fo ra “Hot Mama” of the
Beale street tvpe.
Everybody remembers her ver
sion o f“ Forgotten Man” which
was the birth o fa new Negro
woman element in pictures. Either
mammies or ‘bad gals' w~ere the
fare when Moten symbolized the
younger matron whose troubles
are much the same regardless of
race or creed.
By degrees Theresa Harris was
able to prove that she could play
dramatic roles and, in a series of
major productions, prepared the
way for “Imitation.’’
Beavers Surmount
Louise Beavers, who is young
er than anybody believes, (she’s
still in her twenties) trod dang
erous ground when she accepted
‘Delilah. ’ But the tremendous
success with which the picture
met during its showing, relieves
the star of any limitations she
might have imposed upon her
self by playing mammy roles
when she still has years of great
accomplishment and studio activ
it vahead of her. Beavers is first,'
last and always a comic, though
the scren has yet to discover her
as such
Blossoming out as a versatile
young woman wit han adeptness
ta cpmedy. romance and villainy
is Nina Mae McKinney. In her
screen career she combines them
It might be pointed out that.
instead of being classified as
actors, Negroes are, for the most
part typed according to color,
age, size and disfigurement,
modes of speech, etc. Few are
accepted for screen roles, as such.
One cannot expect producers
t o deliberately avoid placing
their Negro players in potential
jeopardy of being typed, for
reasons well known to all of us.
Caution and astuteness of the
players themselves, such as we
have seen displayed in mild de
grees by a few colored players
will erase the ugly word from
Negro stardom.
Samuel Goldwyn received a
letter this week which baffled
him- Written by a youthful col
ored boy, it asked.
“Please tell me, sir, when your
picture starring Joe Louis, the
fighter, will be shown in De
Director Sidney Franklin
finally pointe dout that the
sports writers have labeled the
new heavyweight menace “The
Dark Angel” and one l'ittle col
ored boy got the thing a little
mixed up apparently, thinking
of the film starring Freddie
March, Merle Oberon, and ’Bart
A flash from Warner Brothers
states that Paul Robeson will be
cast in the role of “De Lawd” in
film version of Mare Donnelley’s
celebrated stage play, Green
Pastures.’’ The author will direct
and adapt the screen version of
the play. Production is sched
uled to start October 1.
Etta Moten is mentioned as a
possible performer in the role of
Jezebel. • '* * * ;
So—neither A1 Jolson nor
Mickey Mouse got the coveted
role—but your topical typist^
thanks the twenty million read
ers who protested (?) A1 Jol
son ’s cast in the role of De Lawd.
We’ll find something else for Al.
George Melford, directing
‘‘East of Java’ ’starring Charles
Bickford, at Universal City this
week, rearranged his schedule so
that Clarence Muse, noted Negro
singer, song writer and actor,
having an important role in the
production, appeared with Louise
Beavers and others at the Nation
al Negro Achievement Day at the
Exposition at San Diego.
picture news has a definite value,
not alone the type in which we
naturally are inclined, that
which features colored players,
but also news written from the
viewpoint of the colored theater
goer which describes pictures
Fay Jackson, our Hollywood
correspondent, has been accorded
recognition by every major stu
dio during the past few weeks.
Hue to arrangementvS made by
AXP from this time on she will
have entree of a character no
other colored correspondent has
ever enjoyed.
We suggest that every publish
er think in terms of featuring
this general movie news and
using it as a fulcrum to acquire
more moving picture theater ad
vertising copy. We believe this
to be a possibility. Our readers
can be trained to gather their
impressions of future pictures to
be shown from our own papers
rather than the dailies if we fol
io wthrough effectively.
Boy Injured In
Auto Accident
Hiram Washington. 13, son of Mrs.
Millie Washington, 2404 N. 25 street
is in the University hospital, with a
broken foot, as the result of an auto
accident Hiram was struck down by
the Hayden’s Market truck Saturday
evening- about 5:30 at 25th and Er
skine. He is the grandson of Mrs. C.
H. Abrams, and a nephew of Miss
Booker Abrams, 2621 Erskine.
Cab Calloway and His Cotton
Club orchestra has definitely
been signed for an extended tour
Ion the west coast with Panchon
and Marco, starting October 18th
—Duke Ellington makes his an
nual appearance at the three
leading colored theaters in the
east, namely, The Apollo, New
\ ork; Fay Js, Philadelphia, and
the Howard theater, Washington,
beginning October 4th—The en
tire population of the building
turned out to witness the broad
cast of Ina Ray Hutton and Her
Melodears at Station WPEN the
other night.
Honors go to Cora La Redd, of
The Cotton Club Revue, for ere the n e w dance craze,
‘Truckin ”■—While laying off
on a Sunday in Detroit, Cab
Calloway hit the revivalist trail
with a “Go Down Moses” and
a “Ili De Ho” under the altar of
the Detroit Baptist Tabernacle—
Since the Mklls office booked
Wingy Mannone into the Hick
ory House on West 52nd street,
that establishment has been do
ing Land-Office ’’ business—
Miils Artists has just signed the
most ‘ I p-and-Coming’ dance
band this side o fthe Mississippi,
nameh, The Hudson-De Lange
orchestra n o w playing at Road- j
side Rest on Long Island—Ne
gotiations are being made now to
put this swell swing band on a
commercial for radio
Lucky Millinder's recording of
‘•Harlem Heat” with the Mills
Blue Lythm band has been voted
one of the hottest records this
season—Lucky can be seen at the
Stanley theater, Utica, and the
Haven theater, Glean, this week
after which engagement he goes
out on an extended tour of one
nighters “I’ll plant you now
and dig you later, Gate” is Har
lemese for “Take It Easy, I’ll
See You Later”—Ted Black and
h i s orchestra, Purveyors of
Sweet Music, go into the Para
dise Showboat, Troy, New York,
the 21st of September, for a
four months engagement—They
will be featured nightly over
station AYGY—Incidentally the
management of the Showboat has
engaged Cab Calloway to reopen
their famous night club on Sep
tember 20th.
Richard Mills, son of Irving
Mills, aspiring to radio fame, in
sets on being acepted on his
own merits rather than through
the influence of his father’s posi
tion in the musical world—Luise
Rainer, the new screen sensation,
names Duke Ellington as her fa
vorite orchestra—Theatre goers j
of l inicinnati will be given an op
portunity to Hi De Ho wit his
Hi De Highness when Cab opens
the Shubert theater there on j
August 30th—Darrell W. Calker,
noted arranger for many of the !
leading radio bands, has been
engaged t o personally supervise
a 20-dav rehersal period for the
Ina Ray Hutton band during
which time they will prepare
their entirely new vaudeville and
dance arrangements for the fall
season—The Harlowesque Beauty
has several months of theater
bookings ahead and proimses her
thousands of fans innovations
The N. A. A. C. P. is going to
give away a General Electric refrige
rator at a large gift carnival, Octo
ber 14. Watch for further details.
Help your glands by
using DR. HOLLO
v ial gland medicines for
y men and women. Yo;
have tried the rest,
now try the best. The
Doctor’s own prescription. Don’t be
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Feel young at 70. Price $1.00; double
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4304 S- Parkway, Dept. A, Chicago
T. Carey, of Csyey’s Naborhood GGrocery says that
is selling more chickens than he has ever sold in the his
tor yof his business. He gives tow reasons'- first, the price
of emat has erached such a stupendously high level until
it cannot be advantageousl ypurchased by the economical
housewife; she therefore has resorted to poultry which
can be obtained for around 20c lb.; second the quality of
oultrpy this year is running- better than any previous year.
new and revolutionary for the
coming season—While playing
in Chicago, Cab Calloway called
Ion Rubinoff at the Chicago thea
ter—Cab took one look at Rubin
off’s fiddle and ehirpped, “boy,
if I had a fiddle like that, I’d put
it in a corner an say ‘play’ ”—
In Right
orders of the
hcmrv load in
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