The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 21, 1935, CITY EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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The Clever Set Club met at the
home of Mrs. Leona Alen, 1823 N.
23rd on September 12.
The Ladies Friendship Club met at
the home of Mrs. Watts, 2004 No.
27th st. Mrs. Florence Morris won
first prize, Mrs. Enna Busch, second.
Mrs F. Morris, President
r .. —
The Quacks first meeting of the
new year was held Friday the 13th.
Over half the members were present
and we hope all the girls will be
present at our next meeting, Friday
the 20th. The president, Miss Estelle
Robertson, gave the club some very
nice new ideas brought back, by her,
from conference. Plans for a joint
meeting, between the Trojans and
the Quacks, to be held September 25,
wero discused. Lydia Rogers and
Mildred Samuels were elected to help
in arranging details. Amanda Wil
liams and Bernice Marshall were
elected to assist in regards to the
Fall Opening. So we are already on
our start towards a more successful
year. All members please come out
to aid in our going over the top.
The lovely new “Y” secretary was
introduced to all the girls who had
not had the opportunity to meet her,
and we want to say that we think
she is very, very nice.
Mildred Samuels,
The Savoy club held its weekly j
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
Dean Bell, 2629 Blonro, September |
13. The evening was spent playing
bridge, whist and dancing. Luncheon
was served. Visitors were as follows:
Mr. Murray, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Mur
ray, Miss Jones, and Mr. Hall.
Russell Cook, President
Gertrude Johnson, Reporter
Sister A. V. B. Truxon, pastor of
the Second Baptist church of Nor
folk, Nebraska, has been filling the
pulpit for the past two Sundays in
the absence of the pastor, Rev. F. S.
Goodlett. Rev. Goodlett is the moder
ator of the New Era Association of
Nebraska, and has been to New York
attending the National Baptist con
vention. The sermons delivered by
Rev. Sister Truxon were well taken
by all who heard her. The text: “An
enemy hath done this”, was a master
piece, preparedness, cluture and ex
perience were all well represented.
She is also a general field mission
ary. We pray for her successes.
Rev. J. J. Black returned to the
pulpit last Sunday, after having spent
a months vacation. He delivered a
wonderful sermon from the 16th
chapter 1-2 verses.
The men’s club of the church had
a wonderful trip to Japan Thursday.
Cars left the church at 9 o’clock and
rrived in Japan at 10 o’clock. About
60 people attended.
Mrs. Jaunita Aritson, 2816 Hamil
ton, fell down the steps Wednesday,
September 18, and injured her infant
daughter, whom she was carrying.
The baby was taken to the Lord List
er hospital for treatment and return
ed home.
Mrs. Estelle Morrow left Wednes
day, September 18, at 11:45 for San
Diego, California, to bring her sis
ter, Miss Ruth Lawson home. Miss
Lawson had a stroke while attend
ing the fair at San Diego.
Winifred Green, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. iWllie Green, is back
home after spending two weeks in the
hospital. She is improving nicely^
Mrs. Tobby Rober, 2417 Blon
db, accompanied b yMrs. Nancy
Green, motored to Leavenworth,
Kansas, to visit relatives and
friends. They reported having
spent a pleasant visit o fabout 10
days. mu
Miss Constance Dent, 1014 So.
11 street, has been confined to
her home the past month. Miss
Dent is a student at Central high.
She is also the neice of Mrs. N.
Patton. Her many friends and
asosciates wish her a speedy re
Mr- and Mrs. W. E. Carter,
2622 Corby and Mrs. Anna Hang
er, 2310 No. 26 motored to South
ern Mexico, Maribn, Mo, and
other points. They reported hav
ing had a, very pleasant trip.
Clinton ,6614 S. 27 street, have
the art now of trying to raise and
sell nine white baby pet mice. If
any one desires to have white
mice for pets, please see these
two young pet trainers.
Miss Lillian Mosely, who was
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rosie
'Womack, at 2117 Jefferson
street, left September 1, for her
home in Paris, Texas. During her
stay of eight months, she gained
many friends.
Miss Mosely is missed very
greatly by her friends and rela
tives. A farewell party was given
in her honor by Lorretta Riddles,
Charles Stuart and John Smith.
Poythres Wins
Midwest Golf
Chicago, Sept. 12—(ANP)—Janies
Poythrees won the Midwestern Ama
teur Golf Championship here Monday
when he defeated T. Eddins, in the
finals, to the tune of 3-2i
Tho tournament, which was the
first to be staged was held at Sun- i
set Hills Country Club, Sunday and
Monday with golfers from stveral
midwestem citien competing. Three
flights were held and the winners
fought it out in the finals. The play
ers, as a whole, were equally match
ed and the brand of golf demonstrat
ed was acclaimed by the members
in the gallery who followed the two
days of play. Players appearing in
the unals were: James Poythrees, T.
Eddins, Dr. R. P. Garrett, Dr. Wen
del P. Greene, Dr. B. Anthony and
S. M. Bailey.
*■■■■■■■■■ » I I «il « I in.. • ....
\ A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors
I and gave me the youthful vital
ity of a person of twenty years
says Lieut. Clifford of New
York. MATE is giving to
thousands of run-down, nerv
ous and weak elderly men and
women new energy and vital
ity and the thrill of youth and
love again.
I ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply.
Money returned if not satisfied- ij
FREE—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free "■
with each order received within ten days. Write at once for \j
your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story.
408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY -I
S-C-F. Ex. S. ^
Consistently improving business conditions were seen by j
members of the board of directors of the Chicago and Great
Western Railroad, who were in Omaha last Tuesday.
Patrick IT. Joyce, president of the road, said: “I am con
vinced that business is going to get better—it’s bound to
do so.”
Besides Joyce, other road directors who were in Omaha
were: Arthur W. Cutten; Bernard E- Sunny, chairman-of the
board; John W. O'Leary and M. W. Griggs.
J. E. Davidson, president of the Nebraska Power Company
and a director of the railroad, was in charge of arrangements
for the directors’ stay here.
At a luncheon at the Fontenelle at noon, Joyce praised
Davidson highly for his service to the railroad.
Honored On Birthday
A surprise stag birthday party was
given in honor of Mr. EdwrarS W.
Killingworth, Saturday night at 22
32 Willis Ave. Mr. Killingworth re
ceived many useful gifts. Among
those present were Attorney John
Adams, Jr., Dr. Wm. Peebles, Mr.
Gleo Mortimer, Mr. Jess Hardin, Mr.
Cunningham Wilson, Mr. C. C. Gal
loway, Editor of the Omaha Guide,
Mr. Johnny Horton, ,Jr., Editor of the
Chronicle, Mr. Henry Black, Mr. Toby
James, Mr. Robert Green, Mr. John
Woods, Mr R. C. Price, Mr. Melvin
Small, Mr. C. Johnson, and many
others. Ethel Bi-own was hostess.
Twenty-Fifth Infant
ry Band Piays at
San Diego Fair
San Diego, Calif., Sept. 21—
(A.N.P.)-—One of the main fea
tures of the Pacific Exposition
here this week was a series of pro
grams rendered by the band of
the Twenty-fifth Infantry Reg
ment of the United States Army,
which is located at Fort Huaehuca.!
The band, which is classified as
one of the leading military bands
of the country arrived here Tues
day ,under the command of War
rant Officer Wade II. Hammond,
and composed of forty-one pieces.
Martial airs thrilled the thousands
who attended the fair during the
three day engagement of the band
and well balanced programs fea
turing soloists on various instru
ments was rendered.
The Twenty-fifth Infantry is
one of Uncle Sam’s crack combat
units. Composed mainly of men
who have served more than two
enlistments and under the com
isauojj) uipp j9U0|03 J° pnura
John) Frankl'n, this outfit has
not won its spurs on the battle
fields but in peace-time efficiency.
Under the recent act of congress,
the regiment is being increased
in numbers and recruiting sta
tions have been for weeks receiv
ing enlistments, according to re
ports given out by representatives
of the regiment who accompanied
the band. Recruits of high charact
er are being welcome.
Following the engagement here,
the hand entraned for Fort
Huachua to resume encampment.
Warrant Officer Wade H. Ham
mond and his men, however, left
with the assurance of the citizenry
here as visitors that whenever
Uncle Sam would permit them the
band would be welcomed in these
Notice, Subscribers: If yon don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m..
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Popular Michigan
Visitor Feted
In Omaha
Mrs. Wilhelmina Burton, of Ypsi
lanti. Michigan, was presented by her
brother-in-law and sister, Dr. ard
Mrs. C. F. Singleton, rt a dancing
Party at the Masonic Hall on last
Thursday evening. The gala affair
was well attended by the elite of
nM. Mis. B. E. Squires, a recent
resident of Omaha, who corn^s to :he
' ty to join her husband, the Execu
tive Secretary of the Omaha Urban
League, shared honorcs. Mrs. Burton
wore a beautiful pink crepe gown
with a V shape neckline and low
back, trimmed in rhinestones. A gor
geous corsage of gardenias complet
ed her costume. Mrs. Squires war
grwned in a beautiful rah r~ f
w: h an op n back to the waistline.
Soft colored lights added much tc
be"utv of the evening attire
‘ore than 150 guests swayed to tin
tunes of a unit cf Ted Adams or
* * *
Mesdarres Dillard Crawford an
Milton Johnson entertained with a
formal dancing party for Mrs. W1'
helminr. Eurton, of Ypsilanti, Michi
syr, at the beautiful home of Mrs
Johnson, 22 and Miami Streets or
last Friday evening.
* * *
Mrs. Wilhelmina Burton and Mrs.
Mell Squires were guests of honor at
a three course luncheon on. Saturday
at the home of Miss Lucy Mac
Stamps. The table decorations con
sisted of a huge rose over a mirror.
V rose was placed before each guest
and a corsage for the honored guests.
Covers were laid for ten.
* * *
Mesdames Edgar Lee and Jessica
W right >iorK>red Mrs. Wilhjelmina
Burton Sunday evening with a
bridge supper. The guests were serv
ed. on small tables throughout the
living and dining room. A profusion
of roses decorated each table. Prizes
, were won by Mrs. Ollie Robinson and
Mrs. E. Turner. Mrs. Burton was
presented with a beautiful guest
* * *
Mrs. W. Burton and Mrs. M.
Squires were guests at the regular
monthly luncheon of the staff of the
Urban League-Community Center,
Sept. 7. Encouraging and inspiration
al remarks were given to the staff
j bv the visitors.
* * *
Mrs. D. Murphy honored Mrs. Bui'
ton at supper on Wednesday evening
in her private dining room of Mur
phy's Chicken Hut.
* * *
En Tuesday, Sept. 17th, Mesdames
Jewell and Robinson will be hostess
es at a bridge party for Mrs. Burton,
at the home of Mrs. Robinson, 2701
, North 25th Street.
The Ace of Clubs will be hostess
to a bridge breakfast at the home of
Mrs. C. Macey. At 2 p. m., Mrs. Bur
ton will be the guest of Mrs. C.
Kirtley at lunch. Mrs. A. L. Hawk
jns will be hostess at a breakfast
Friday morning honoring Mrs. W.
, Burton.
Mrs. Burton will leave for Chicago
Saturday, where she will be met by
Dr. and Mrs. Postles and Mr. Burton
to spend the week-end in Gary and
Chicago, Illinois before returning to
! Mrs. Lucy Smith and Mrs. Eugene
Lewis of Troy, Mo., mother and sis
ter of Mr. H. E. Smith of 1929 No.
25th street, arrived Sunday morning
to give Mr. Smith a birthday sur
prise. They will remain over the
Mrs. Fred McDaniels returned last
week from a months trip to Coffey
ville, Kansas, where she visited her
lather. She bad as her house guest
while there. Mrs. Raympn Sadler of
Omaha. They also visited Tulsa and
Kansas City.
r r;rcs and Mr. Fred Mc
Daniels left Monday night for Nu
York to attend the Louis-Baer fight.
Enroute they will spend time visit
ing at Detroit, Buffalo, Philadelphia,
Washington and Atlantic City. On
their return they will visit Boston
Cleveland, Canada, Chicago and Min
. .Freddie Ubanks, formerly of
maha, now of St. Louis, Mo., was
a th t city for a few days visiting
his daughter, Miss Cozetta Ubanks,
and friends. Mr. Ubanks is now a
Prosperous business man in St. Louis,
He intends to return to Oma’'a agair
around Christmas for another visit.
Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott entertained
‘or her son, Alfred, Jr., with a birth
lay party on Sunday, September 15.
Vbout 20 guests were present to par
take of the lovely repast which was
served. This was Alfred’s 6th birth
day. Happy birthday, sonny, may you
have many more of them.
Miss Fern Kelly, 3514 N. 34th, has
been vei^y s’Jck for several weeks
and is still in bed. Dr. Alford Peter
son is the attending physician,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Donadson, 2812
Charles street, returned Sunday, Sep
tember 15, after having spent a very
I pleasant vacation in St. Joseph, Mo.,
visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Be
sheavs and other relatives and
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Betts wishes to
thank all of their friends for their
hospitality to their daughter and son,
Mrs. G. Kindricks and Leroy, while
in the city and to those who enter
tained so beautifully* Mr. and Mrs.
Prestige, Mrs. F. Christl, Mrs. A.
Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs.
Palnar, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ross, Mrs.
A. Woodridge, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Wake
field and Mrs. Fisher.
Mrs. William Taylor, 2308 N. 27
Ave., and Mrs. Ruben Moore, and
daughter, Mercedes, returned to the
city, September 12th, from a two
months vacation in Oakland, San
Francisco, San Diego and Los Ange
les, California. While in San Diego,
they visited the fair. In Oakland,
they were the house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Moore, the son and
daughter-in-law of Mrs. R. Moore. In
Los Angeles, they wrere the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Taylor. They re
ported having spent an enjoyable
The N. A. A. C. P. is going to
give away a General Electric refrige
rator at a large gift carnival. Octo
ber 14. Watch for further details.
Mr. Louis New, 9<6 N. 2a, was
’ailed to Kansas City, Kansas,
Saturday afternoon, September
; 14, at the death of his brother,
Rev. Will New, 2507 N. 6 street.
K. C., Kansas. The Rev. died
September 12
Mrs. Marie New’s father has
been very ill but is somewhat im
proved at the present writing.
Mrs. New’vS father is in Hopkins
ville, Kv.
! *
106 So. 14th St.
Closed on Sundays
Home Cooked Meals—Reason
able Prices
Open from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m.
IV. L. Parsley, Propr.
Phone Web. 0567 2851 Grant
Omaha. Nebr.
FOR RENT—2 room kitchenette.
Reasonable Price. Call We. 2365.
__ (7-5-2)
FOR RENT—2 room furnished apart
ment with use of kitchen. We. 4162.
_ (7-5-2) |
Furnished Rooms for rent. We. 2303.
Furnished Apartments, Reasonable.
WEbster 2213.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Reas
onable rent. Quiet home. Near car
WE. 2134.
FURNISHED Room in modern home.
2512 N. 22 street. WE2573.
For Rent, furnished rooms second
floor, south exposure in a quiet
neighborhood near car line. Work
ing woman preferred. HA. 1662.
Modern furnished rooms for rent,
2511 Corby, WE, 0360.
! FOR RENT—Three room, furnished
| apartment with private bath. In
good neighborhood. Call HA 0773.
I All modern 6 room house at 1610 N.
‘ 27th St. Must be sold at once.
WE. 6270.
FOR RENT—Front apartment and
Garage, nice home, 2226 Ohio.
[ Furnished rooms for rent. We. 2582.
Modern rooms, veery neat. 2520
Patrick Avenue.
MODERN, neatly furnished rooms,
no cooking, quiet home, 2230 Wil
lis, AT- 1995.
FOR RENT—Unfurnished, three de
sirable rooms, with bath. Conven
iently located to school and car
line. Reasonable. 2804 Miami.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms, with bath,
near car and school. 2804 Miami.
FOR RENT—6 room house, all mod
ern, furnished or unfurnished. Rent
cheap to a careful party. Call
WE 5553.
APARTMENT for rent. Couple or 2
or three men. 2230 Ohio St.
EAT MILK-FED springers until bac
on comes down! 20c lb., dressed,
drawn and delivered at Carey’s
Naborhood Grocery. WE 6089.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p.
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Bargains In Shoes
Children’s Shoes for 90c up.
Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes $1.98 up.
We appreciate relief ord*rs a3
well as cash
Crounse Bootery
1514 No. 24th Street
p * l « J*/ -'4,*' IA
IVe want everybody
■DRESSING and Fare POWDER. So don’t
wait! Be sure to get your FREE Samples,
jlust send name, address and 3c stamp
for mailing costs SAMPLES and BEAU
TY BOOK wii! br sent you right away
jWe will also se.m you our Big Money
Mating age’is’ proposition. Don't misj
fhis big offer. Write today Say: “Send
pie agents’ offei and FREE Samples.'
5249 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, 111.
Don’t Miss These Bargains
1707 N. 24th Street
24th and Rlondo
Pies Made With Fresh Fruit
Chef Cook, Mrs. Raybons
A rrood Shampoo keeps the hair
stnirht and the s^alp in good
We Shampoo and Press
Your Hair for .75c
Hair G-ov or .25c and 50c
1717 No. 25th St. Webster 2243
For Rent-Furnished
rooms. 2420 North 24th
Street. tf
WILL TRADE 1930 Sedan for Prop
erty or down payment on property.
2007 Clark St.
Furnished room for rent, HA. 6009.
Furnished rooms reasonable for re
liable people. 1810 No. 25th St.
For Rent—25237~N724th7^3~r7om
apartment, $12.50. Key at 2517 N
24th, St. WE. 1600.
For Rent, furnished room, WE. 3454.
FOR RENT— Modern, furbished
room. Call JA-6428.
LOST! Collar From Lady’s Spring
Coat. Tan, Fur Trimmed. Finder
Flease Call JA 7867 Reward
Furnished rooms for rent, 2865 Ohio
Street. WE. 6421.
One 3 room apt. for rent. WE 4044
or 1417 N. 24th Street.
FURNISHED Apartment 2104 N 29
Ave. 2 room, $3.50 per week. 4
room, $4.00 per week. Bills paid.
JA 0986.
fCE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St
Frank Stuto, Shoe Repairing while
you wait, 2420H Cuming Street.
FOR SALE—All modern 6 room
home, 1610 N. 27 St„ to be sold at
once. Make your offer. Call WE
A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cum
mings St- Phone Ja. 0696.
Reservations for tourists, guests.
Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St.
Cuming Hotel.
AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile Se
lassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negro
Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254
W. 135th St., New York.