The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 21, 1935, CITY EDITION, Image 1

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Woman Fatally Wounded By Man Who Commits Suicide
By Gaines T. Bradford
The Negro population of the Unit
ed States who so joyously receved an
nouncements that a new Congress
man of color would represent the
first Congressional district of Illinois
should feel ashamed this week. The
narrow minded Alabama planter who
was once Booker T. Washington’s
bootblack takes a rap at the National
Assocation for the Advancement of
Colored People at a meeting in Nor
folk, Virginia last week where he told
a group that everything the associa
tion does is vicious.
The myopic Congressman who slid
in by the skin of his teeth under the
New Deal label is not returning to
Congress in the next election. Even
the whites who voted for him will
not continue their support as; they
as well as the Negro population have
been more than embarrassed by the
continuous ravings of the Congress
The writer had the misfortune of
seeing the elated gentleman on the
morning following his election and
for the first time saw a man who
tells a writer what to say about him
self. He has spent fully fifty percent
of his time lambasting the record of
Oscar DePriest and nothing to aid
the advancement of the group.
From the day of his election, we
were doubtful of that man. When
ever reactionary southern newspap
ers endorse a Negro who has lived
in Chicago for a seat in Congress, it
is sufficient evidence that that Ne
gro is dangerous to the race.
Of course the NAACP is not with
out faults and it can stand many im
provements which cannot be denied,
but until something better turns up
or certain improvements made to
bring the association up to the mark
let us support it:
Friend or Enemy?
^ ery little can be said with accur
acy as to what the Negro would have
reaped under the rule of “Kingfish”
Huey Long, in his little Kingdom by
the Gulf. There are those who could
see a new day in Louisiana, the best
since reconstruction and then there
are those who could see by taking
away the individual rights of the
public an era of ruin.
Whatever the future might have
held is lost and the prediction as to
what might have been cannot be ac
curate but the results of what was
done during the regime of Huey is
left as a monument to his political
genius. Illiteracy waned, better roads
and free bridges were constructed,
new school buildings erected and he
paid the poll tax of the underprivi
leged without discrimination. Share
the-wealth sounded fantastic but so
did freedom of slaves in 2855. Any
way, whose wealth could we share.
Another “Bird”
From Wilmington. North Carolina,
comes the Black Hawk, rival aviator
of the Black Eagle, Col. Hubert Jul
ian. The Black Hawk declares that
he will wing his way to Ethiopia and
fight for the King against an (Italian
invasion. Just where the Black Crow,
the last of the big birds, will come
from is unknown but likely there will
be one. Omaha residents are fortu
nate in that this is not on the path
where the public is preyed on by
such racketeers.
Italian Merchants
In New ~i ork the Negro population
has openly announced a boycott
against Italian merchants because of
the apparent attack against Ethiopia
by Italy. Although this will hardly
deter the determined Mussolini from
his course but it will probably send
a few more dollars into the Negro
merchant coffers and help for racial
advancement. It's about as good an
excuse to get from under the yoke
ol these merchants and help your own
race. The Italians living in America
have contributed largely to the Ital
ian government to finance this war.
Think it over.
Mussolini Rejects League Plan
Troubled East Africa is no
nearer a solution of the Italian
Ethiopian controversy and actual
warfare may break out within the
next five days. The British fleet
is prepared and standing by in
Mediterranean waters for an un
expected attack from the Italian
submarines. The British sea planes
are patrolling the region in and
near Malta after two submarines
had been seen going through the
Suez Canal.
A proposal to Mussolini that
Ethiopia would cede part of her
territory in exchange for a corrid
or giving them access to the sea.
This proposal however is expect
ed to be rejected by the Dictator
as he has already expressed him
self as being no “desert collect
or . The territory offered is a
desert of stone and salt
In foreign circles it is believed
that Mussolini does not want war
with England because he is not
prepared for such a campaign but
he is determined to have at least!
one invasion in Ethiopian terri
tory for one pitched battle in
order to get some recompense for
the expense of transporting the
thousands of men into the region.
The flag of victory could then be
displayed in Rome.
The gigantic loan made by Mus
solini is intended to finance the
long campaign should the British
uphold the league and close the
Suez Canal. The actual outbreak
of war now largely depends on
the patience of the leading powers
in the eLague of Nations. The last
plan offered Italy will probably
bring about actual hostilities be
tween the nations supporting the
league and Italy If Italy should
|accept the challenge of England
and other powers of the league
she will be alone in her conquest
Germany has already shown her
hand of neutrality in the affair.
Japan the other militant nation
will not support the Italians
against Ethiopia.
The Italian representatives at
the League hearing at Geneva
seem more interested in making
demands of territorial grants from
England an dFrance than in en
gaging in an East African eam
The charges of Emperor Haile
Selassie are dail ybeing prepared
for life on the eserts where they
plan to meet the Italians in com
bat. They are storing away food
supplies. Enough for 15 months
of fighting have already been
stored at strategic points. They
can lidve on much less food than
the Italians and each man is cap
able of carrying a week’s rations
on his persons.
The Italians are watching with 1
alarm the attitude of the Egypt-!
ians who are reported to be mass
ing in warlike formations near
the Italian coloxudes. The breach j
between Italy and Great Brttian
is growing daily.
A jealous fit caused by fear
that he was going to lose the
affections of the woman he loved
led Chris Cochran ,age 3 to fat
ally wound his fiancee Mrs. Mag
gie Montgomery 39, and turn the
death weapon on himself and
commit suicide, at her home Thurs
day morning at 10:30 a. m.
Chris, well known in Omaha, is
said to have been madly in love
with Mrs. Montgomery and thaf
he had recently become afraid
that she was not in love with him.
He went to her home Thursday
morning and while they were
there alone the tragedy happened.
The first person to reach the
scene was a Mrs. Trimble who
stated to officers that she went
to the house to visit and that when
no one answered her repeated
rings at the bell she peeped in
the window and there on the floor
in the kitchen she saw Mrs. Mont
gomery suffering from the three
Virginia University
May Be Forced To
Accept Student
Richmond, Va., Sept. 21.—
Miss Alice Carlotta Jackson,
daughter of a colored druggist in
this city, has received a notice
from Dean J. C. Metcalf of the
department of graduate studies
at the University of Virginia,
that her application for admis
sion to the graduate school has
been referred to the Board of
^ .sitors, the governing body of
the university, for final decision.
Miss Jackson is a graduate of
Virginia I nion university and
has studied at Smith college in
Northhampton. Mass. She wishes
to pursue advance studies in
French No provision is made by
the state of Virginia for gradu
ate work in any suject for col
ored students.
It is expected that the uni
versity board of visitors will
deny Miss Jackson admission on
grounds of 44public policy,” or
some similar reason. It is ex
pected then that she will request
assistance fro mthe Richmond
assistance from the Richmond
Daily papers in Virginia, al
most without exception, have
called the Jackson case at the
University of Virginia a “blow
at amicable race relations.” They
do not deny that the Negro is en
titled legally to have the state
provide proiess.onal and gradu
ate training, but they claim the
Negro out not to “force” the
state by bringing embarrassing
legal suits.
I bullet wounds, that had been in
flicted by her already dead sweet
Cochran was found lying on the
floor in the living room and a 38
Colt army model revolver wa&
foun near his body. He was dead
on arrival of officers who were
summoned by Mrs. Trimble. Mrs.
Montgomery was rushed to the
Lord Lister hospital where an
emergency operation was per
formed by Police Surgeon Dr. Guy
Goodrich but she had lost too
much blood and the wounds were
in vital spots. She died at 11:03.
She had been struck three times,
onee in the left chest, once in the
right chest and once In the right
arm. Cochran fired a bullet be
low* his heart, causing death in
stantly. * f
Cochran lived at 2010 W. 28th
Street. Mrs. Montgomery lived at
1627 N 22nd Street. Both have
lived in Omaha for several years.
Her body was turned over to
Lewis Funeral Home and Jordan
to the Jones Undertaking Com
pany. Funeral services w ere held
for Mrs. Montgomery Tuesday
and for Cochran Wednesday af
ternoon. Both leave several re
latives tao morun their passing.
One Hundred Club Asks
Community Interest
Are you willing to invest in the
future? The 100 club will work for
colored teachers in the Public
schools. Will 100 people to some
body’s payroll by concentrated ef
fort. Join now! Meets every Monday
night at the Mid-Center Community
I)r. Logan W. Horton of New
Osleans. member of Flint-Good
ridge Hospital staff who will
spend a year in Europe, studying
eye in the Royal London Opthal
mie Hospital, the University of
Vienna and the Clinics of Paris.
He makes the trip on a Rosenwald
Grant. - - ' i
Germany’s Prejudice
Against Jews Apes
Southern Hatred
New York, Sept. 21 (A. N. P)
—Dispatches from Germany dur
in gthe last week indicated that
Jews are being subjected to dis
criminations similar to thbse
practiced against Negroes in the
southern states of the United
A decree just issued by Bern-'
hart Rust, Nazi minister of cul
ture, orders that after 1936 “ com
pleted racial segregation of Ger
man pupils in all schools must be
But, whereas an yperson with a
drop hf Negro blood is consider
ed a Negro in the southern states.
Germans who have one-quarter
of Jewish blood will not be barred
from the Nazi schools. The rule
will be strictly enforced against
whole Jews and half Jews.
(Continued on page five)
Ethiopia's Two Leading Women
Here are the two first ladies of Ethiopia, Empress Quizero Alenen,
right, and her daughter, Princess Tsahi.
——- -
New York, N. Y., Sept. 21—(WP)
—Joe Louis, the Brown Bomber from
Detroit will weigh around 198 pounds
when he climbs in the ring to fight
Max A. Baer, Livermore Larruper on
Tuesday night and will be in the best
physical condition of his short but
meteoric career.
Jack Dempsey the Manassa Maul
er, who was once king of the heavy
weights, will assist Baer in his cor
ner on the night' of the fight. Al
though there is little that Dempsey
can do except pick Baer up, he has
oome to the assistance of his friend
Dempsey believes that Baer cannot
stand the punishment the Detroit
F evastator will dish out and it is only
through formality that he is going to
sit in as Baer’s second. He probably
will save the Larruper from being
knocked out should Louis beat him
down without dealing a lethal blow.
Baer will weigh around 211 pounds
when he climbs in the arena and will
be in good physical condition al
though he has looked miserable in
his workouts there are many who
claim that he will make a good fight
although few expect him to win. His
home town Livermore, California has
Jset the entire town’s savings on the
bout. The sum totals around $3,000.
Meanwhile up in Harlem there are
all kinds of odds that Louis wins by
a knockout. The wise guys are laying
odds on the rounds in which Baer
will take the count.
The odds continue at 3 to 2 in favor
of Louis. The Jewish money in the
Bronx is not going with Baer as
strong as it is "with the Brown Bomb
,er. Baer was never a good Jew. The
bad. boy of the Night Clubs claims
that for the self denial that he has
made during this training period will
be taken out of Louis who he plans
to finish in five rounds or less.
The fight will be broadcast over a
nationwide hookup and should begin
at 8 p. in. Omaha time.
Arrested as Robbery
Suspect Omaha Boy
Admits Guift
A traveling house robber who re
cently robbed a house in Sioux City,
Iowa, was arrested by Officer Trapp
1 as the man was apprehended in a
Pawn Shop Thursday morning. The
officer arrested the suspect who later
admitted several house lootings in
Omaha and other vicinities.
The alleged prowler is an Omaha
boy, Jack Hedley who lives in the
vicinity of 28th and Douglas streets,
He asked to plead guilty in the
State of Nebraska rather than Iowa.
His piea is up for consideration by
i the county attorney.
Colored Sewing Teach
er At LothroD School
j v-as rumored by a little girl at
I tending Lothrop school, that she had
a colored teacher in tie second B.
The parents of the girl, called -the
! Omaha Guide, and asked them to
I verify the statement. After about ten
calls o the Board of Education, we
finally got in touch with Mrs. Rhin
ner, vocational worker, and she in
formed m that there was a colored
sewing teacher, Mrs Paul, who
taught classes in different vocational
C! oVl AA1CT *1 w/1 4-"Wart '\?r Yl'1’’ A
.. f . :|f:
Huey Long Was No
Friend To Negro;
Mitchell Claims
Had No Regard For Intelligent
Negroes Congressman States
In Press Interview
Chicago. Sept. 21—(ANP)—Huey
Long is dead, just like John Henry,
and. as usual in the case of a spec
tacular public character, the question
arises as to what was his true atti
tude toward Negro citizens of the
Republic. Many persons aver that
he was friendly toward Negroes and
included them in his “share-our
wealth” plans. He himself told inter
viewers that Negroes would receive
the minimum under his program.
There was much talk of the organi
zation of “Share-the-Wealth" clubs
among Negroes.
Nevertheless, the Kingfish never
got around to considering Negroes
until resentment was shown against
his use of contemptuous terms in re
ferring to them. There is a question
as to whether his organization plans
were not laid with an eye keen to the
value of the Negro vote in 1936.
Some say he loved his Negroes, but
there is room to believe that what
e\ er love he had was for a certain
type of servile, fawning Negro and
that the love the senator may have
had wras similar to that he would
have for animal pets.
Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell,
Illinois Democrat, talked informally
to the Associated Negro Press of
Senator Long, Thursday evening.
“He was the greatest dictator the
world has ever known”, asserted Mr.
Mitchell. “He wTas irrepressible in ac
tion and speech. He kept all the other
members of the senate in fear of
him except Senator Borah. He often
sought advice from Mr. Bo-ah. But
he made many of the others hate
him. There was much bitterness
among members of both the House ,
and the Senate against Long.
“Senator Long use foj^an
intelligent Negse/l Hi* Is the only
member of the Senate w*ho never
spoke to me or recognized me in any
way. Several times his attitude to
ward me was rude. I can recall occa
sions when l would be discussing a
matter with another senator and Long
would walk up, place himself between
me and the man I was talking to,
and deprive me of the chance to fin
ish my discussion until he was
through. He never spoke to me, look
ed at me, or gave any indication of
my presence. -
(Continued on Page 8)
The N. A. A. C. P. is going to
give away a General Electric refrige
rator at a large gift carnival, Octo
ber 14. Watch for further details!
Emerson Laundry
Adds Zoric System
For Dry Cleaning
has been nit rod need to the public
by the Emerson Laundry located
at 24th and Erskine streets. The
system using a Zorie process
claims to be absolutely odorless
! and harmless to the finest clothes.
It has been installed in the plant
for several weeks but no public
l announcement was made until it
had been found to be perfect.
A new process of dry cleaning
The laundry recommends their
new system to all who desire a
better cleaning job at no extra
cost. The plant has also added
several other pieces of modern
machiner yto give your clothes a
! satisfactory job. Give the Em
erson a call when it’s dry clean
ing that you need.
FFree Picture of Joe
Louis At Laundry
Edholm and Sherman Laundry,
dry cleaners, have on hand a
number of photos of Joe Louis.
The pictures are your favorite
pose of the great young fighter.
IYou mav have one, the Guide is
* x
informed, by calling at the Ed
holm & Sherman Laundry and
Cleaner, 2401 N- 24th street. These
photos are suitable for framing.
Get your before the supply is