The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 14, 1935, Image 1
- /* 1 J /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE L1NE\ »* VOLUME IX OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE ---xn, w9br> MRS. GREENFIELD ENTERTAINS * MRS. H. R. GREENFIELD Mrs. H. R. Greenfield, 1005 No. 49th street, has fully re covered from her severe illness. Mrs. Greenfield royally entertain ed the expected groom from Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. J. C. Carter, in her beautiful Dundee home at a dinner party. Mr. Carter who has been the house guest of Mrs. Martha Smith, will return to Omaha soon for an indefinite stay. PROMINENT DALLAS DENTIST IS IN SEARCH FOR ESTRANGED WIFE —ENDS LIFE JUMPING OFF BRIDGE — ST. LOUIS.—Eight days after he leaped to his death from the munici pal bridge into the Mississippi river, the body of Dr. Everett A. Ewing, 29, prominent dentist of Dallas, Texas, was recovered at 7 o’clock Monday morning, September 9, at the foot of Davis street. Dr. Ewing was the son of W. E. Ewing, president of the People’s Undertaking company and the Peo plo’s Mutual Life Insurance compa ny of Dallas. His grandfather, the Rev. A. S. Jackson, has been pas tor of the New Hope Baptist church in Dallas for 30 years. The young dentist as the nephew of the Rev. 1 Maynard Jackson, also of Dallas. The body was pulled from the river by Chauncey Davis, 5821 Wa- ! ter street and Joseph Grass, white, 725 E. Davis street. When found Dr. Ewing was wearing a dark gray suit, white shirt with green stripes, a gray checkered tie with red dots, brown leather belt, blue socks and black oxford shoes. At first the body was thought to be that of a white man and was tak en by Peetz undertakers, white, ac companied by Patrolman Leonard Weisser, white, to City hospital No. 1 where he was pronounced dead by Dr. Erwin Crecelius of the hospital staff. Later the body was taken to the city morgue. Identified by Dr. Townsend Dr. Arthur M. Townsend, physi cian at 823 N. 'Jefferson avenue, life long friend of Dr. Ewing, identified the body at the morgue. The trade name in his coat showed that the suit had been purchased at Sanger Brothers, Dallas. Dr. Ewing, according to friends, here, had been despondent for some time because of domestic difficulties. A young woman who asked that her name be withheld said she was with the dentist on several occasions be fore he took his life and that he ap peared to be in low spirits and talk ed of ending his life. “He and I were old sweethearts”, the woman said, “and at one time we were engaged to be married. “Whenever he came to St. Louis, he always looked me up and the day before he died I knew from his actions and manner that he was lab oring under a great strain and that he was quite unhappy. I am shocked that he would do such a thing. We were in school together in Texas”, she said. Before he left Texas, it was learn ed from friends, Dr^ Ewing was high ly nervous and high strung, especial ly during the last two months. Since "he left home a month ago, friends had worried about his mental state. Broke With Father Unconfirmed reports state that Dr. Ewing broke with his father. Dr. Ewing was enroute by bus to New York but when he reached St. Louis he cancelled his plans. The bill fold that was taken off his person contained a receipt from the Grey hound Management company, Cleve (Continued on page five) CHAS. ALSTON ENTER TAINED AT RECEPTION A lovely recepton was given in honor of Mq Charles Alston, Tues day night at the Woodson Center. Many friends were present to wit ness this'lovely occasion, with tokens and encouraging remarks. A program was rendered, with Mrs. Gertrude James, as mistressof ceremonies ,at which time, Mr. Alston, a pupil of Miss Flickinger, sang three beauti ful numbers, one with German in terpretation, He was accompanied by Miss Addie Foxall at the piano. Mr. Alston is a graduate of the South High school, where he is on the Na tional Honor Society. He also won first place in the Nebraska State Mu sic contest, and the Omaha contest. He leaves the city Thursday morn ing for Des Moines, Iowa to enter Drake University, where he received a scholarship. Mr. Alston lives at 26 27 Jefferson street. Great Britian To Uphold League BANK IN LARGEST ALL-NEGRO TOWN RE-OPENED; FINANCED BY WEATHY OIL OPERATOR—CLOSED TWO YEARS Elected Mayor Of Bronzeville — W. T. Brown ,prominent Morti cian, was elected mayor of Bronzeville (south dde of Chi cogo) at the Savoy Baalroom, Saturday night, September 7. ! Brown’s plurality was 9,000 votes, 'over candidates, Dr. Hawkins, Dr. Hutchins, and Dr. Gray. Mayor Brown is now the representative of over 80,000 Chicago Negroes. This election featured a cabaret dance with music furnished by Earl Hines, Nat Cole, at the Savoy Ballroom 47th So. Park way- After the elect-ion a host of workers and friends of the Mayor’s was entertained at his home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Euclide Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. B. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jefferson, Mr- and Mrs. Stewart Hedgepath, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pliek, Mr. and Mrs. Simms, and others. It is expected that within the month the mayor will install his cabinet from the above mentioned names. Boley, Okla., Sept. 12—(By Roscoe Dunjee for ANP)—On Monday, September 9, 1935 at 10 A. M., the Farmers State Bank of Boley, Okla homa, will open its doors to the pub lic. The re-opening of this bank will give added impetus to the business activity of the rapidly growing city of Boley, the largest exclusive Negro city in the country. The old Framers and Merchants bank was closed some two years ago at the death of its President and or ganizer, Mr. D. J. Turner, who was killed in an attempted bank robbery. The State Banking Commissioner Mr. Howard C. Johnson has designat ed the new Farmers State as the bank through which the final divi dend of the old Farmers and Merch rnt~ State Bank will be paid on Sep tember 9th. « This bank will undoubtedly be one of the safest institutions of its kind in the country. Deposits will be in sured under the FDIC. Coupled with this the bank is financed by Forest Anderson, who needs no introduction to the people of Oklahoma. Mr. An derson is without doubt one of the wealthiest and most successful Ne groes in the country, having vast farm and oil holdings. While the for tunes of the country’s financial lead ers have been depleted and in a large number of instances wiped away dur ing which we are emerging, Mr. An derson’s fortune has grown. Under his (Continued from Page 5) -- g One Hurt In Auto Plunge Three Omahans barely escaped serious injury Sunday afternoon, September 8, when a car, driven by Alfred J. Elliott, plunged in to a ditch, just south of Papilion, Nebraska. Miss Isabel Powell and Mr. Al fred Elliott, who was riding in the front seat, was uninjured. Wayne Harris was in the rear seat, hurt his arm, which at first was believed to be fractured. Mr. Elliott had gone out to Camp Brwester after Miss Powell, taking Wayne Harris along with him, and from camp they were to go just south of Papillion to visit some people. They were about three miles south of Papillion when the accident occured. Sev eral cars stopped and tried to pull Elliott's car out of the ditch, but could not. Mr. Elliott and Miss Powell walked to a farm house and called *Camp Brewster and notified the camp Matron that Miss Powell would be late. Mr. Elliott then went to another farm house where he hired a tractor to pull his car out of the mud. Miss Powell said she did not mind as long as she was with Mr. Elliott. ITALIAN-ETHIOPIAN SITUATION TAKES ON GRAVE ASPECT—INTER __NATIONAL CONFLICT FEARED Free Classes At Northside “Y” Classes will be resumed at the North Side “Y” in Sewing, Op portunity School, Shorthand and Typing, Personality and Knitting the week of September 16th. All persons interested call WE 1639 for further information. All Girl Reserve Club activities will begin on Tuesday, Septem ber 17. Dr. Dogan Visits California Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 12— (ANP)—Dr. M. W. Dogan, president of Wiley College, Marshall, Texas, who is visiting this city, told gradu ates, former students and friends of the institution here last week that the prospecs for a gala year are brighter this year than any previous year during his forty years as presi dent of the Texas college. New Service Carey’a Naborhood Grocery has purchased a New Ford V-8 and announces that they are now able to g*ive instant delivery service. DELTA SIGMA THETA CONVENTION The 13th annual convention of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority meeting in Los Anielies last week took! California by storm, their artist’s recital, radio broadcast, open meeting and forum luncheons attended by the public, created a profound impression. Officers eledeted for the ensuing year are pictured abo\e. Reading from left to right, they are: Miss Marion L. Palmer, Norfolk, Va., treasurer; Miss Fay M* Jackson, Los Angeles, Journalist; Miss Mary k°u La\is, Shie\eport, La., National Vice-President and Miss Edna M. Kinchion, Belton, Texas, Secretary. In the center of the front row dressed in white is Mrs. Jeanette Triplette Jones, retiring president. “’Great Britain will throw its whole weight behind the League of Nations covenant, in its entirety,” was the declaration of Sir Samuel Hoare, British foreign minister to the League assembly Wednesday at Geneva, according to the Associated Press. The delegates of the smaller na tions greeted the speech with en thusiasm and said it was the great est speech ever delivered before the League by a British statesman.! The English foreign minister warned the world that if the League failed to enforce the peaceful set tlement of the Italian-Ethiopian dis j pute, the “main bridge’ ’binding Eng land to the continent will have col jlapsed. The speech was a friendly warning to »Italy that England would be strong in urging opppQsition to any unprovoked war against Ethiopia. Tecle Hawariate, the small Ethi | opian delegate, spoke in French. He declared the Ethiopians would wel come help for the country develop ment providing that help was dis interested. French delegates pointed out that Premier Laval would be forced to ad here to England’s policy if the League is to be saved from collapse. ! From Rome comes the news that Italy is worried over the concentra tion of armed Senussies (a North Af rican Moslem sect) on the border of Libya, an Italian possession. Newspapermen claim Senussites are hired fighting tribes who fled across the border into Egypt follow ing the denomination of Libya by Italian troops. But Rome wants to know who is furnishing these tribesmen with guns and ammunition. Joe Lewis Trains For Max Baer HEAVYWEIGHT GETS IN TRIM BULLETIN NEW YORK—Max Baer is gaining rapidly as the betting favorite to stop Joe Louis in their fight here at Yankee sta dium, Sept. 24. When the bout was first set Jack Doyle, betting commis sioner, put the odds at 3 to 1 on Louis. But the best heard around now is 9 to 5 and Baer money is not scarce. The guess is that by fight time, Louis will be about 6 to 5. There are a lot of people who would bet that Baer knocks out Louis but they want 8 to I odds. By Russell J. Cowans POMPTON LAKES, N. J<—That Joe Louis's fistic qualifications are not confined to hs tremendous punch ing, but that he also is a very celever boxer, was demonstrated to the more than two thousand fans who crowded into Dr. Bier’s Health Training Camp here Sunday afternoon to watch the Brown Bomber in action. Salvatore Ruggirella was the new spar mate who came to camp Mon day to work with Louis. Dean, Glov er and Larry Johnson were given their discharge papers. Roy Williams who fights Lou Scozza on the Louis Baer card, and Tiger Flowers, are still in camj>. Limits Efforts to Boxing Instead of resorting to bludgeon (Continued on page five) Detroit Heavy Weight Gets in Trim for Max Baer